Blog containing a database of articles, reports, blogger's notes and photos of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Balkans region. The compilation and material was created by Aleksandra Miletić-Šantić, a lawyer, social scientist, human rights activist, journalist and interpreter.
Prikazani su postovi s oznakom Pretis. Prikaži sve postove
Prikazani su postovi s oznakom Pretis. Prikaži sve postove
petak, 16. listopada 2020.
Caina-Longbranch Defence Systems (about the company from the website: - Pretis
The #CainaLongbranchDefenceSystemsGroup of companies was established in 1985 and is in its 35th year of International Firearms, Ordnance and IMO / explosives production, sub-contracting, distribution and International shipping logistic experience.
Their company in Bosnia i Herzegovina was formed in 2006. The company in Sarajevo also serves as the European daughter company and for other complimentary factories throughout Eastern Europe. A second company is being formed in Europe for Western European/NATO distribution
Caina-Longbranch Defence Systems expanded to the United States in 2007 to further support the US Government business since 1994.
Both North American companies are individually CCR and ORCA registered for U.S. Government military contracting and also certified under the Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement by the U.S./Canada Joint Certification Office for Militarily Critical Technical Data.
The office in Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Caina-Longbranch Defence Systems & Engineering Industries (BH) d.o.o.
Igmanska bb, Zgrada Unis Pretis
Prvi Sprat, Suite #3
71320 Vogosca (Sarajevo)
Bosna i Hercegovina
Telephone: 1-613-253-0955
Facsimile: 1-613-253-3492
Although all sections listed are active and are at least partially populated this website has been evolving as of late 2010 when it was finally launched for the first time for our group of companies. Due to the range and complexity of our equipment line, if you do not see what you are looking for or need further information please contact us with additional specific requests until we are able to fully populate the website. For live links and more information please go to the Ordnance & Equipment side bar and click on the live links
Some of our Western, Eastern, and International Standard Ordnance & Equipment line that we produce, co-produce, program manage (including OEM components and parts) or distribute include:
Firearms / small arms / infantry weapons & related equipment
Small arms ammunition, metallic links, primers, and components
Machine Guns, cannons and their hydraulically buffered .50cal/12.7 mounts for helicopters (defensive), vehicles, patrol boats, and infantry ground mounts (sustained fire) along with optics and optic mounts. We Specialize in Legacy .50 Browning GAU-18/XM-218 aircraft machine guns, spare barrels and upgrades, & mounts, including for Rotary Wing Defensive Armament as a Forte. We also produce a wide array of .50cal - 12.7x99mm ammunition to support these guns with M-9, M-2 and M-15A2 metallic links
Grenades, grenade launchers, and hand grenades
Mortars and mortar ammunition with standard and advanced fuzes
Artillery & tank guns and artillery & tank ammunition with standard and advanced fuzes
Rocket launchers, rockets & rocket propelled grenades
Guided anti-tank/anti-armor missiles & launchers
Recoilless rifles & recoilless rifle ammunition
Explosives; primarily military but including some commercial industrial including TNT, RDX, HMX, PETN, DNT combinations, ANFO explosives, detonators, and some related equipment
Anti-tank mines, and some demolition charges
Hand held parachute illuminating flares
Aircraft bombs, bomb casings and fuzes
Light B-7 armoured 19,500 lb. GVW 4,500lb payload 350 BHP turbo high sulphur tolerant diesel or gasoline Reconnaissance - Fast Attack RFA-10 vehicles with 141" wheelbase & cannon armament currently being hydraulically buffered and integrated
Original Casspir MPV 4 x 4 armoured mine-protected 14 person troop transport vehicles, overhauled & optional upgrades and reconfigurations including recovery vehicles, manual or automatic & C-130 transportable
We are currently looking at three air conditioning options for heavy AFVs (Armoured Fighting Vehicles) to fill an urgent operational requirement
Specific full coverage level IIIA body armour & rifle strike plates for helicopter gunners, vehicle commanders & gunners in four weights
We are also involved in a number of military and commercial aviation projects including specialized overhaul, program management, and systems integration.
We provide both new production and also in stock and refurbished equipment parts, components and spare parts including on an OEM basis to other manufacturers.
De-militarization of ordnance & ammunition in our manufacturing & production range including smallarms ammunition from 5.56 mm to 14.5 x 114 mm, cannon ammunition, rifle grenades, hand grenades, anti-tank mines, rocket propelled grenades, mortar, tank and artillery ammunition, aviation ordnance, and some larger un-guided rockets within our area of expertise. Whatever we can competently put together in the manufacturing process we can also take apart. Smallarms ammunition can be de-militarized at our facilities or on the customers site depending on the specific proposal.
Our Company is also involved in design and development of firearms, ammunition and military ordnance; providing production and logistics management and consulting in the field of military ordnance; refurbishing and enhancing firearms and military ordnance.
We also offer strategic/logistic planning and implementation in conjunction with the equipment that we provide within our areas of expertise.
Since the inception of our group of companies we are also involved in counter-trade; exchanging surplus / obsolete ordnance and equipment , including some aircraft and some vehicles, for new ordnance and equipment. As defence budgets change this can be a significant boost to many new acquisitions.
petak, 30. prosinca 2016.
Poruke "Pretisa" - Avaz, 03/08/2012
"Prisjetimo se samo skandala s narudžbom oružja za Pakistan. SDA - SBiH vlast uradila je sve da zataška aferu i zaštiti svoje lopove."
Poruke "Pretisa"
Autor Sead NUMANOVIĆ 2012-08-03 06:01:00
Potencijali vojne industrije i znanje i iskustvo njenih ljudi mogu izvući BiH iz duboke krize
"Pretis" Vogošća, "Pobjeda" Goražde, BNT Novi Travnik, "Zrak" Sarajevo, "Igman" Konjic, "Binas" Bugojno... samo su neki od nekadašnjih giganata vojne industrije Bosne i Hercegovine. Većina ovih firmi danas je u smrtnom hropcu, radnici godinama nisu primali plaće, oni koji imaju uvjete za penziju ne mogu je ostvariti jer im dosadašnje vlasti nisu uplaćivale doprinose.
Nekada ponos BiH, danas su mjesta užasne agonije.
Odgovornost za ovakvo stanje u najvećem je dijelu na SDA i Stranci za BiH. Oni su godinama uništavali nekadašnju kičmu bh. industrije.
Radnici "Pretisa" s pravom su uprli prstom u takvu pogubnu politiku. Ove dvije stranke godinama su na čelo Federalne direkcije za namjensku industriju postavljali kompromitirane i nesposobne kadrove čiji je jedini zadatak bio da dodatno devastiraju vojnu industriju BiH i u stranačke kase donesu novi reket.
Ova direkcija nikada nije organizirala fabrike i odvela ih na ijedan bitan međunarodni sajam, a kamoli da je donijela vrijedne poslove.
Prisjetimo se samo skandala s narudžbom oružja za Pakistan. SDA - SBiH vlast uradila je sve da zataška aferu i zaštiti svoje lopove.
Nova vlast, koja je još u nastanku, mora se odlučno obračunati s mafijom i u ovom segmentu. Jer, potencijali vojne industrije i znanje njenih ljudi mogli bi BiH više nego uspješno izvući iz krize.
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