Prikazani su postovi s oznakom Gulen. Prikaži sve postove
Prikazani su postovi s oznakom Gulen. Prikaži sve postove

nedjelja, 13. veljače 2022.

Konaković u Istanbulu: Pokazali ste kako se brani vlast (N1, 4.08.2016.)


Premijer Kantona Sarajevo Elmedin Konaković je u pratnji delegacije posjetio gradonačelnika Istanbula Kadira Topbasa te mu tom prilikom izrazio saučešće zbog žrtava tokom pružanja otpora pokušaju državnog udara FETO-a.

Konaković i Topbas su posjetili mjesto sa fotografijama i imenima poginulih tokom pokušaja državnog udara gdje su pritom položili cvijeće.

Konaković je tokom posjete istakao kako je sa zabrinutošću pratio dešavanja u noći pokušaja puča.

“Ovdje se nalazimo kako bismo odali počast braći koju smo izgubili, a koja je svojim postupcima cijelom svijetu pokazala kako se srčano brani Vlada i vlast izabrana demokratskim putem. Također, ovdje se nalazimo kako bismo poslali jasnu i snažnu poruku u ime svih građana Kantona Sarajevo i BiH. Sa zabrinutošću smo pratili dešavanja tokom ovog izdajničkog pokušaja u Turskoj. Zabrinutost se već narednog dana pretvorila u veoma snažan ponos. Osjećao sam se veoma ponosno zato što su lideri i narod Turske još jednom pokazali cijelom svijetu svoju snagu. Još jednom vam želimo čestitati na stavu u vezi s lekcijom iz demokratije koju ste dali cijelom svijetu”, kazao je Konaković.

Topbas se tokom susreta zahvalio premijeru Kantona Sarajevo na upriličenoj posjeti kao i cijelom narodu BiH.

“Događaj koji se desi u bilo kojoj zemlji utječe na cijeli svijet. Da su ovi izdajnici uspjeli u svome naumu, u svijetu su se mogli pojaviti mnogi problemi i nedaće. Dobro je da je naš narod odmah odgovorio na poziv predsjednika Turske i snagom vjere i iskrenih srca izašli na ulice. Cijelom svijetu su poručili da se protiv volje naroda i građana ništa ne može uraditi. Naš narod je umio stati pred tenkove i avione. Platili smo cijenu, ali ovi izdajnici nisu uspjeli ostvariti svoje ciljeve”, kazao je Topbas.

Na kraju je istakao kako se, nakon posljednjih događaja u Turskoj, više nigdje u svijetu pučisti neće usuditi da zanemare snagu i volju naroda.


nedjelja, 4. listopada 2020.

US Global Invest LLC acquires Bosnia's Bosna Sema Educational Institutions (SEE News, Business Intelligence for Southeast Europe, 11 November 2016)

Author: Maja Garaca 

SARAJEVO (Bosnia and Herzegovina), November 11 (SeeNews) - Investment fund US Global Invest LLC is taking over all ownership rights in Bosnia's Bosna Sema Educational Institutions, Bosna Sema has announced.

The representatives of the US Global Invest LLC and Bosna Sema had successfully completed negotiations regarding the transfer of all ownership rights to the US fund, Bosna Sema said in a press release late on Thursday.

Financial details were not disclosed.

The US fund has also initiated the process for obtaining accreditation in the US and plans to establish double degree arrangements with some prominent academic institutions in the US.

"We are impressed with what we saw in the campus, and we are now very confident that we as foreign investors we made a good decision. We know that investing in this project is important and beneficial for Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens, but also for the company I represent as the advisor", professor Samuel Henry, advisor for educational affairs in US Global Invest LLC, is quoted as saying in the release.

Bosna Sema Educational Institutions are privately owned institutions covering the area of upbringing and education, based in Sarajevo. It was established in 1998, with the aim to assist and support the educational system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosna Sema owns 14 educational institutions including the International Burch University.

New ownership engagement will not affect the flow of education processes at schools and at Burch University, Bosna Sema added in the press release.

Earlier this year, local media reported that Bosna Sema will gift its entire assets, worth some 120 million marka ($66.8 million/61.4 million euro), to the Islamic Community in Bosnia, however it was later reported that the transaction will not take place.

US Global Investment LLC is an investment company established in 1999.

(1 euro=1.95583 marka)

subota, 19. rujna 2020.

Advokat Ademović: Da, počeo je lov na "gulenovce"!/ Lawyer Ademovic: Yes, the hunt for the gulenists has started! (Radio Sarajevo, 03. 12. 2019)

#Gulen #gulenist #SEMA #Bihać #Keskin The lawyer from Sarajevo, Nedim Ademovic, confirms for that the arrest of Fatih Keskin, the principal of the Una-Sana College from Bihać (a Turkish national), has marked the beginning of the "Gulenist hunt" in Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to, Keskin has been moved to the Immigration Centre in Lukavica./ Sarajevski advokat Nedim Ademović potvrdio je za da se nakon današnjeg hapšenja direktora "Una Sana" koledža iz Bihaća, Fatiha Keskina, inače turskog državljanina, može reći da je započeo lov na "gulenovce" u Bosni i Hercegovini. Kako saznaje, Keskin je u međuvremenu smješten u Imigracioni centar u Lukavici.

Sarajevski advokat Nedim Ademović potvrdio je za da se nakon današnjeg hapšenja direktora "Una Sana" koledža iz Bihaća, Fatiha Keskina, inače turskog državljanina, može reći da je započeo lov na "gulenovce" u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Piše: F. V.

Ranije upozoravali 

To je situacija na koju su on i njegova kolegica Senka Nožica upozorili bh. javnost još u julu ove godine.

"Da, ovo je ta situacija. Zato što su bh. vlasti svjesne kakva je sudska praksa koja u principu u dosadašnjim slučajevima potvrdila zabranu oduzimanja prava takozvanim "gulenovcima" u BiH  zbog toga što su protivne Evropskoj konvenciji. Da li je ovo način da se zaobilazi sudska vlast, da se udovolji zahtjevima vlasti Republike Turske, mi to ne znamo. Ali postoji bojazan od takvog scenarija, pošto je poznato da BiH, nažalost, nije pravna država", rekao je Ademović za naš portal. 

Kao saznaje, Keskin je u međuvremenu smejšten u Imigracioni centar u Lukavici. 

Inače, "Dnevni avaz" je nedavno pisao kako je vlast u Ankari, zvanično, putem Ministarstva pravde BiH, do sada zatražila izručenje četiri državljana Turske koje ta zemlja traži zbog sumnje da su članovi „naoružane terorističke grupe FETO“, a „čiji je osnivač Fethullah Gulen“. 

Prema podacima „Avaza“, riječ je o državljanima Turske koji su od 2016. godine nalaze u BiH, a to su Humejra Gokčen, Ozer Ozsaraj, Sedat Tozluk i Etem Erdomuš. 

"Po našim informacijama, po spisku do kojeg smo mi došli, tamo nije bilo ime gospodina Keskina", rekao je Ademović. 

Prema neslužbenim informacijama, očekuje se da bi Keskin mogao ubrzano biti deportiran u Tursku. 

Oduzeta sloboda 

Advokati nemaju informacija da je protiv Keskina vođen bilo kakav postupak, niti je obaviješten da postoji bilo kakav zahtjev bilo koga, zbog bilo čega.

"Jednostavno, nakon što se javio na poziv, oduzeta mu je sloboda i odveden je, za sada u nepoznatom pravcu", tvrde naši sagovrnici bliski Keskinu. 

Šta ova situacija znači za pravosuđe naše zemlje? 

"Da li je ovo prvi slučaj de facto otmice turskog državljanina za zahtjevu vlasti u Republici Turskoj? Da li će se BiH pridružiti državama koje je Evropski sud za ljudska prava osudio zbog faktičke otmice stranih državljana i deportacije bez mogućnosti vođenja sudskog postupka", pitaju se ugledni bh. pravici.  

Inače, u zadnjih nekoliko godina, a posebno poslije posljednje posjete turskog predsjednika Recepa Tayyipa Erdogana Bosni i Hercegovini, Republika Turska je tražila izručenje određenog broja turskih državljana zbog navodnog učestvovanja u puču 2016. godini i pripadništvu Gulenovom pokretu. 

Međutim, bh. sudovi su u svim slučajevima zabranili izručenje ili uskraćivanje prava turskim državljanima. 

"Porodica direktora Keskina, učenici, nastavnici i roditelji djece zabrinuti su zbog ovih dešavanja i očekuju brzu reakciju i objašnjenje zašto je g. Keskin lišen slobode, gdje je sprovoden i gdje se nalazi? Unsko-sanski koledž djeluje preko dvadeset godina i uvjerljivo je najusjpešnija obrazovna institucija u Kantonu čiji su učenici na brojnim međunarodnim i državnim takmičenjima proslavili Bosnu u Hercegovinu i afirmirali njen naučni i stvaralački potencijal", kažu sagovornici portala

ponedjeljak, 17. kolovoza 2020.

New York Times’ Exposé: Imam Gulen’s Charter Schools (SIBEL EDMONDS | JUNE 7, 2011)

Is the Media Catching Up with the Turkish Imam’s US Operations?
gulenFor the last two years I have been pounding on Imam Fethullah Gulen’s web of organizations and his charter schools empire in the US. For years I have been marveling about the consistent media blackout on the Turkish Imam Fethullah Gulen’s past and present nefarious activities and highly suspicious partnerships with various US government agencies and elected officials. And of course for almost two years I have been writing and discussing Gulen with you over here at Boiling Frogs Post. Now the New York Times appears to be catching up; at least with a fraction of this notorious Imam’s multi billion dollar network of organizations and businesses. Yesterday, the Times ran a fairly detailed and long exposé on Gulen’s dubious and highly secretive penetration of US school systems via his rapidly growing charter school operations; let’s start with the attention grabbing intro:
TDM Contracting was only a month old when it won its first job, an $8.2 million contract to build the Harmony School of Innovation, a publicly financed charter school that opened last fall in San Antonio. It was one of six big charter school contracts TDM and another upstart company have shared since January 2009, a total of $50 million in construction business. Other companies scrambling for work in a poor economy wondered: How had they qualified for such big jobs so fast?
The secret lay in the meteoric rise and financial clout of the Cosmos Foundation, a charter school operator founded a decade ago by a group of professors and businessmen from Turkey. Operating under the name Harmony Schools, Cosmos has moved quickly to become the largest charter school operator in Texas, with 33 schools receiving more than $100 million a year in taxpayer funds.
Some of the schools’ operators and founders, and many of their suppliers, are followers of Fethullah Gulen, a charismatic Turkish preacher of a moderate brand of Islam whose devotees have built a worldwide religious, social and nationalistic movement in his name. Gulen followers have been involved in starting similar schools around the country — there are about 120 in all, mostly in urban centers in 25 states, one of the largest collections of charter schools in America.
And this is what the paper says it is attempting to examine:
But an examination by The New York Times of the Harmony Schools in Texas casts light on a different area: the way they spend public money. And it raises questions about whether, ultimately, the schools are using taxpayer dollars to benefit the Gulen movement — by giving business to Gulen followers, or through financial arrangements with local foundations that promote Gulen teachings and Turkish culture.
I suggest you visit the site and read the entire article. It is definitely worth reading. You may also want to read a few select pieces from BFP on Gulen:
And here are some appetite inducing excerpts from the Times’ article [All Emphasis Mine]:
Records show that virtually all recent construction and renovation work has been done by Turkish-owned contractors. Several established local companies said they had lost out even after bidding several hundred thousand dollars lower.
In April, however, the agency notified Harmony of an unreleased preliminary audit questioning more than $540,000 in inadequately documented expenses, the vast majority involving federal grant money. Neither the agency nor Harmony would disclose details of the findings.
Today the United States has more Gulen-inspired schools than any country but Turkey, according to a presentation by Joshua Hendrick, a professor at Loyola University Maryland whose 2009 dissertation explored the movement. In Texas, Harmony now educates more than 16,000 children. Eight schools have opened in the last year alone.
Last year, local contractors questioned the fairness of bidding on two Harmony renovation jobs in the Austin area. On one job, in the suburb of Pflugerville, the low bidder, at $1.17 million, was a well-known Texas company, Harvey-Cleary. The job went to Atlas Texas Construction and Trading, even though its bid was several hundred thousand dollars higher. Atlas, with offices in Texas and Turkey, shows up on a list of Gulen-affiliated companies in a 2006 cable from the American Consul General in Istanbul, Deborah K. Jones, that was released by WikiLeaks.
Dr. Tarim, who came from Turkey and studied aquatic ecology at Texas A&M, objects to common references to the schools as Turkish. Still, even if they are American charter schools first and foremost, the schools do have an undeniable Turkish flavor.
Harmony advertises that its teachers “are recruited from around the world,” but most of its foreign teachers are Turkish men, and all but a handful of the 33 principals are men from Turkey. In addition to the standard foreign languages, the schools offer instruction in Turkish. They encourage students and teachers, even parents, to join subsidized trips to Turkey.
Here comes an emphasis on Gulenists’ denial and secrecy game:
“I’m not a follower of anybody,” Dr. Tarim said in an interview. Records show, however, that when applying to the State of Texas to form Harmony schools, he was a consultant to Virginia International University in Fairfax, one of the private universities that lawyers for Mr. Gulen say were originally inspired by his teachings.
At a forum on the schools last December in Houston, Dr. Hendrick, the Maryland professor, argued that such denials had only deepened the ambiguity and helped fuel suspicion. “Why do leaders deny affiliation when affiliation is clear?” he asked.
And this one on thousands of Turkish teachers imported here:
American consular employees reviewing visas have questioned the credentials of some teachers as they sought to enter the country. “Most applicants had no prior teaching experience, and the schools were listed as related to” Mr. Gulen, a consular employee wrote in a 2009 cable. It did not say which schools had hired the teachers. Some with dubious credentials were denied visas.
In February, a Chicago charter school union affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers complained to the federal Department of Labor, alleging that the Chicago Math and Science Academy and Concept Schools, a group that operates 25 schools in the Midwest, had abused the visa system by “routinely assigning these teachers duties or class load that seemingly do not take into account the laws governing H1-B visa holders.”
The Labor Department had already been investigating at least one Concept school.
Here is one example out of many methods they use to pocket elected officials:
One group, the Raindrop Foundation, helped pay for State Senator Leticia Van de Putte’s travel to Istanbul last year, according to a recent campaign report. In January, she co-sponsored a Senate resolution commending Mr. Gulen for “his ongoing and inspirational contributions to promoting global peace and understanding.”
In an interview, Ms. Van de Putte described the trip as a working visit.

Just copying and pasting from the American Conservative interview material you included in one of your past stories on the topic:
“GIRALDI: You also have information on al-Qaeda, specifically al-Qaeda in Central Asia and Bosnia. You were privy to conversations that suggested the CIA was supporting al-Qaeda in central Asia and the Balkans, training people to get money, get weapons, and this contact continued until 9/11…
EDMONDS: I don’t know if it was CIA. There were certain forces in the U.S. government who worked with the Turkish paramilitary groups, including Abdullah Çatli’s group, Fethullah Gülen.
GIRALDI: Well, that could be either Joint Special Operations Command or CIA.
EDMONDS: Maybe in a lot of cases when they said State Department, they meant CIA?
GIRALDI: When they said State Department, they probably meant CIA.
EDMONDS: Okay. So these conversations, between 1997 and 2001, had to do with a Central Asia operation that involved bin Laden. Not once did anybody use the word “al-Qaeda.” It was always “mujahideen,” always “bin Laden” and, in fact, not “bin Laden” but “bin Ladens” plural. There were several bin Ladens who were going on private jets to Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. The Turkish ambassador in Azerbaijan worked with them.
There were bin Ladens, with the help of Pakistanis or Saudis, under our management. Marc Grossman was leading it, 100 percent, bringing people from East Turkestan into Kyrgyzstan, from Kyrgyzstan to Azerbaijan, from Azerbaijan some of them were being channeled to Chechnya, some of them were being channeled to Bosnia. From Turkey, they were putting all these bin Ladens on NATO planes. People and weapons went one way, drugs came back.
GIRALDI: Was the U.S. government aware of this circular deal?
EDMONDS: 100 percent. A lot of the drugs were going to Belgium on NATO planes. After that, they went to the UK, and a lot came to the U.S. via military planes to distribution centers in Chicago and Paterson, New Jersey. Turkish diplomats who would never be searched were coming with suitcases of heroin.”)

Turkey: Has Gülen Movement Replaced Deep State? (Justin Vela Dec 29, 2011)