Blog containing a database of articles, reports, blogger's notes and photos of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Balkans region. The compilation and material was created by Aleksandra Miletić-Šantić, a lawyer, social scientist, human rights activist, journalist and interpreter.
utorak, 17. svibnja 2022.
Complementary 1325 Global Open Day Events in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia - report (RWL - June 7, 2010)
(the full report below as pdf)
In support of the UN-led Global Open Day for 1325 events, the Regional Women's Lobby decided to organize a set of complementary meetings in two of the countries where the Lobby is active: Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. As neither of these countries has a DPKO mission the UN team leading the Global Open Day initiative was not planning on promoting the event in these locations. RWL decided to use this space to organize its own meetings, complementary to the Global Open Day, with the UN RC and other stakeholders to brief them and discuss 1325 implementation issues. Both of these countries has a specific set of contextual factors influencing UNSCR 1325 implementation and this background will be discussed below. It should be mentioned that the RWL also planned to meet with the President of Croatia, however due to scheduling factors beyond their control the meeting was cancelled. As an alternative, the RWL members will meet with the President of Croatia and the UN RC in Croatia at the end of June after the RWL Regional 1325 +10 conference to brief them on the state of 1325 implementation in Croatia and the region.
Context: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a post-conflict country that endured years of bloody conflict in the 1990s in which rape was used a method of warfare and women were victims of shockingly brutal gender based violence. The conflict led to the militarization of these societies and women were pushed out of public spaces and lost many of the social and economic rights they had under the socialist regime. In terms of Protection Laws and Mechanisms, Bosnia has a good legal framework. There is a Law on Gender Equality; a legislated electoral quota; a Law on Domestic Violence; a NAP on Gender Equality; a NAP for Domestic Violence; and a NAP on implementation 1325 is in the process of being adopted by Parliament. Mechanisms for implementation of these laws include a government Agency for Gender Equality, Gender Centers at the "entity" level of Bosnia's structure and a municipal/regional gender focal point network. In terms of political participation of women there is 14% women in parliament and only 2-3 women in executive decision-making positions at any point in time. In the security sector there are 2% women in the military at higher ranks, 5% at lower ranks and 5% at enlisted level. In the police there are 8% women. Civil society is very active in Bosnia on monitoring and advocating for 1325, with the strong support of UNIFEM. For example, the NGO Zene zenama has been active in raising awareness of 1325. They have translated the resolution into the local language and dispersed it and united with national and international security sector organizations in a program entitled "Participation of the public in security: UNSCR 1325 in BiH". Examples of goals of the 1325 program are the creation of a women's police network at the national level and the establishment of cooperation between women's NGOs and EUFOR local observation teams on women's human rights and security. Civil society in Bosnia has also been involved in the NAP drafting process and will take on promotion of the NAP in local communities along with representatives of ministries, entities and cantons.
Context: Serbia
Serbia is a post-conflict society with a high degree of militarization. Serbia experienced the effects of the wars in the region first indirectly, and then directly with the NATO bombing in 1999. As in Bosnia, women in Serbia were also pushed out of public spaces and decision-making during the conflicts of the 1990s as public attitudes reinforced the view that women were not the decisive politicians or strong leaders needed during the wars and conflicts that Serbia was involved in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. Serbia, like Bosnia, also has an extensive legal framework related to gender equality. There is a Law on Gender Equality; a legislated electoral quota; an Anti-discrimination Law; a NAP on Gender Equality; and a NAP on implementation 1325 is currently being drafted by a working group of stakeholders. The gender mechanisms include a Department for Gender Equality within the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and a network of gender focal points at the regional level of government. Women's participation in parliament is about 21% and at the executive level 5 of 27 ministers are currently women. In the military 0.5% of officer are women and 5% of enlisted soldiers are women. The NGO Women in Black has been advocating for a women's perspective of security since the very beginning of the conflicts in the region in the 1990s and has been active in promoting peace and security issues from a feminist perspective and from an anti-nationalist and anti-militaristic perspective. Needless to say their consistent opposition to the regime was not without danger to themselves, especially in the charged atmosphere of the 1990s.
srijeda, 5. kolovoza 2020.
utorak, 21. srpnja 2020.
Terms of Reference for Gender Equality Mainstreaming Backstopper for the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina (7F-09103.01.35)
ponedjeljak, 23. prosinca 2019.
utorak, 22. listopada 2019.
Procjena provedbe Akcionog plana za implementaciju UNSCR 1325 „Žene, mir i sigurnost“ u Bosni i Hercegovini 2010-2013 avgust/kolovoz 2013. (autor: Agencija za ravnopravnost spolova BiH)
Bosni i Hercegovini 2010-2013
avgust/kolovoz 2013.
autor: Agencija za ravnopravnost spolova BiH, Ministarstvo za ljudska prava i izbjeblice
Izvještaj o provedbi Akcionog plana za implementaciju UN Rezolucije 1325 „Žene, mir i sigurnost“ u Bosni i Hercegovini za 2012. godinu 27.07.2011.-27.07.2012. godine (Agencija za ravnopravnost spolova BiH)
27.07.2011.-27.07.2012. godine
autor: Agencija za ravnopravnost spolova BiH, Ministarstvo za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH
četvrtak, 11. travnja 2019.
List of donations for Women ́s and Gender Projects (Source: UN Women)
FIGAP project, in the period of 2009 until 2014; joint financing between SIDA, ADA
and Swiss Technical assistance, 3 million euro
Sub regional UNDP gender programme which was consisted of two projects:
1. Implementation of legislation of gender equality – in the period from 2003- 2005 -
400 000 USD
2. Subregional gender project in the from 2005 until 2007 - 2 million USD
Joint project between UNDP and UNFP for suppression and prevention of gender
based violence in the period from 2009 until 2012, around one million USD
Adopting the strategy for protection the rights of women and children in three
municipalities in Herzegovina, funded by the European Commission. The project
lasted 12 months, implemenation started on 24.11.2006. - € 44,802.60
The campaign for the respect of human rights of children and women in Bosnia and
Herzegovina through the network of coordinators for the development and
implementation of campaigns, funded by the European Commission. The project
lasted 14 months, implementation started on 16.9.2006, € 57,446.06
Socio-economic empowerment of particularly vulnerable groups such as women
victims of war and landmine victims, under the direct and active participation of local
partner organizations dealing with marginalized groups in BiH. Project funded by the
European Commission, lasted 24 months, implementation started on 21.12.2006. - €
Trafficking and prostitution of women - financed by the Austrian Development
corporation, the project lasted from 01.12.2006 until 31.12.2008 - 378.984 EUR
Humanization of relations between the sexes - gender equality, the project funded by
the Local Initiative Program BiH. The project lasted a year, began implementation
started on 01.01.2007 - CAD $ 73,000
Integration of gender equality in schools, a project funded by the Local Initiative
Program BiH, lasted a year, implemenation started on 01.10.2006. The CAD $ 29.065
Gender equality and case law in BiH, a project funded by the Local Initiative Program
BiH, lasted a year, implementation started on 01.03.2007. - CAD $ 48,490.54
Empowerment of women through information technology (IT) project funded by the
Canada Fund, lasted five months, implementation started in September 2008 - CAD $
Capacity building of women's organizations in the rural area of Brcko District, a
project funded by the Canada Fund, lasted seven months, started in January 2009 -
13,740 KM
➢ Overview of Donor activities – Ministry of Finance and Treasury – within
information available on the website of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, it is not
specified how much was spent for gender projects instead the amount is for the whole
• Overview of donor activities 2010 - 2011
For the sub-sector of Human Rights, € 4.80 million was allocated in 2010, or 12% of
the total allocation for the Good Governance and Institution Building.
For the sub-sector of Human rights, € 1.48 million was allocated in 2011 or 5.63% of
the total allocations for this sector.
• Overview of donor activities 2011 - 2012
For the sub-sector of Human Rights in 2011, € 2.30 million was allocated or 6.68% of
the total allocation for the Good Governance and Institution Building.
For the sub-sector human rights, € 4.35 million was allocated in 2012 or 13.53% of the
total allocations for this sector.
petak, 8. veljače 2019.
petak, 1. veljače 2019.
petak, 18. siječnja 2019.
četvrtak, 17. siječnja 2019.
srijeda, 16. siječnja 2019.
First Annual Conference of Republic of Srpska WPON (invitation and agenda) - December 12, 2012
ProdDoc Establishment of Association of Women Police Officers in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina/ Osnivanje Udruženja žena-policijskih službenika u Institucijama Bosne i Hercegovine (2011) (English and local)
petak, 11. siječnja 2019.
Coordinating Structures Bosnia and Herzegovina (Trafficking in Human Beings)
Coordinating structures
For the purpose of more
successful fight against trafficking in human beings at the state level, the
Council of Ministers has in July 2003 issued the Decision on the Procedures
and the Way of Coordinating Activities on Anti-Trafficking in Human Beings and
Illegal Migration in BiH and the Establishment of the Function of the State
Coordinator for BiH. On the basis of this Decision, besides the function of
the State Coordinator, coordination structure in the form of the so-called
State Group was created comprised of representatives from several ministries.
With the aim of
ensuring more efficient implementation of the State Action Plan, that is
operation plans in the three year period (2005-2007), besides previously
established State Group and Subgroup for prevention of trafficking in
children, three additional thematic working groups were set up which work on
the implementation of activities defined in the three key segments:
prevention, protection and prosecution. All three working groups are
comprised of representatives of the state ministries and institutions,
nongovernmental and international organisations.
Besides regular monthly
State Group meetings, and bi-monthly meetings of the Subgroup, for the
purpose of monitoring trends relating to trafficking in human beings,
assessment of the situation and planning of particular measures for
implementation of the Operational Plan, regular meetings are held with
Liaison Officers from all police structures in Bosnia and Herzegovina (SIPA,
SBS, entity and cantonal ministries of interior, as well as Brcko District
Police). The meetings serve as information sharing platform on general human
trafficking trends but also specific cases and potential problems in the
implementation of the relevant legislation and cooperation with prosecutors
and aliens' inspectors, as well as for planning of joint activities.
Memorandum of
Cooperation signed between the State Coordinator and Head of the Strike
Force, has established responsibilities between these two institutions in the
process of data collection, exchange and use of information as well as models
of joint actions on prevention and suppression of human trafficking and
illegal migration. This cooperation covers activities relating to protection
of trafficking victims, development of a database on trafficking in human
beings as well as implementation of joint research projects and various forms
of professional development.
In order to ensure
better coordination of activities between the Office of the State
Coordinator, nongovernmental and international organisations, regular
quarterly meetings between these actors are held. Referral meetings are a
platform for exchange of information about implemented and planned
activities, coordination and harmonisation of these activities in order to
avoid duplication of activities and projects, and parallel spending of
- criminal
offences related to anti-trafficking and related crimes as well as
smuggling in persons (which have been entirely harmonised with provisions
of UN Convention against Translational Organised Crime and its Protocol to
prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons and Protocol against
the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air),
- movement
and stay of aliens,
- protection
and assistance of human trafficking victims,
- program
of witness protection, including victims of human trafficking who appear
as witnesses before the courts,
- control
and surveillance of state borders (which created adequate legislative
basis for efficient prevention of illegal migration, and consequently
prevention of human trafficking).
Project Proposal for UNIFEM, Bratislava Slovak Republic Participation of public in peace processes UN RESOLUTION SCR 1325 (Žene Ženama)
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