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Prikazani su postovi s oznakom USAID. Prikaži sve postove

četvrtak, 15. listopada 2020.

Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity (MEASURE-BiH) Total Funding: $8.9 million Duration: September 2014 – September 2019 Implementing Partner: IMPAQ International, LLC The Challenge USAID is committed to key principles and practices that foster a results-oriented culture within the Agency, and makes every effort to ensure strong oversight of its assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Rigorous monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is a major focus of USAID reforms to improve transparency, accountability and learning as a part of the Agency’s USAID/Forward effort. Instilling these values into USAID interventions in BiH requires a dedicated team of M&E experts. Local researchers and organizations, however, lack the capacity to fill this role. They, too, need to learn and integrate such values and functions to conduct independent analysis of economic and political challenges and policies in BiH. Our Program The USAID Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity in BiH (MEASURE-BiH) has two primary objectives. Building USAID capacity to evaluate the impact of development interventions in BiH is the proximal purpose of this activity. MEASURE-BiH will strengthen USAID/BiH’s results-oriented culture, using M&E to inform current program management and the longer-term strategic direction of our programs in BiH. Development projects in BiH, however, will not go on indefinitely. The skills to evaluate development interventions lend themselves to be transferred into skills to evaluate the impact of public policy, proposed legislation, and organic solutions to the challenges facing the country. Therefore, MEASURE-BiH will also develop capacity to conduct independent, high-quality evaluations and other studies for local organizations, government institutions, USAID and other donors in BiH. The local capacity to conduct objective analysis will be strengthened in order to achieve a culture of results-based and data-driven public policy decision making. Implementation and Expected Results Through the following activities, MEASURE-BiH will address inefficiencies in resource management to enable USAID/BiH to make decisions based on cutting-edge evidence, and will also develop local M&E capacity: Strengthen USAID performance management and project/activity M&E by improving its ability to identify, collect and analyze performance data and information; Conduct evaluations, surveys, studies and sector assessments of our activities to help USAID deliver results on a meaningful scale; Develop a Geographic Information System to map where we work and what we do there; Provide M&E training and technical assistance for USAID/BiH staff and implementing partners; Develop a comprehensive Research Fellows Program in social science and program evaluation for independent local researchers, including both targeted training courses and learn-by-doing capacity building; and Provide demand-driven M&E capacity building of BiH government/public institutions. For more information, please visit  HOMEABOUT USM&E RESOURCESEVALUATIONSASSESMENTS, SURVEYS AND OTHER STUDIESM&E CAPACITY BUILDINGDATAThis web site is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of the page are the sole responsibility of the editor and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.”Copyright© 2016 - USAID/BiH - MEASURE-BiH • All rights reserved

petak, 9. listopada 2020.

David King (establisher of Foreign Investors Council - FIC) - biography Linkedin

David King

Chief of Party, USAID Financial Reform Agenda Project, Bosnia & Herzegovina



  • Chief of Party

    FInancial Markets International - USAID FINRA Project

     - Present 

    3 years 1 month

    Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

  • Cardno International Development

    Cardno International Development

    10 years 11 months

    • Chief of Party, USAID EMPOWER Private Sector Project

       - 2 years 1 month

      Pristina, Kosovo

    • Director Economic Growth

       - 8 years 10 months

      Arlington VA and Sarajevo, BiH

  • Chief of Party

    Cardno International Development - USAID-Sida FIRMA Project

     - 2 years 3 months

  • Managing Consultant


     - 1 year 11 months

    Economic development consulting

  • Managing Consultant

    PwC Consulting

     - 2 years

    Serbia, Montenegro, Bethesda MD

  • Chief of Party; Director Central Europe

    The Recovery Group

     - 5 years

četvrtak, 10. siječnja 2019.

ACIPS activities May-Dec 2013 (USAID, British Embassy, NED)

ACIPS activities
  • Anes Makul <>
    Jan 8, 2014 at 10:44 AM
    Dear members,

    First of all, I wish you a happy new year and all the best for the future. I would like to inform you briefly about ACIPS activities in the period since I took over the position of the President of ACIPS in May 2013.
    During, this period ACIPS has implemented two projects with regard to the population census in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first project was a political, economic and social analysis of questionnaires for the population census. The British Embassy financed this project which ended in June 2013.
    The second project on the population census was implemented in the period from July until the end of October. The National Endowment financed this project for Democracy. As part of this project a handbook was created that explains the purposes that the data from the census can be used.
    ACIPS also organized in August a presentation of the USAID Civil Society Sustainability Index 2012 for Bosnia and Herzegovina and in October a panel discussion for USAID CSO Sustainability Index for 2013.
    ACIPS has also organized and co-organized three public discussions on constitutional changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina in October, November and December 2013.
    There is a plan to organize a public discussion on the protection of personal data, since data from one of our members were violated, but to also organize public discussions on other relevant issues. I would like to encourage you to propose topics that you would like to discuss in public.
    With regard to the magazine New Perspectives the Steering Board has decided to change the format of the magazine to electronic format, which is indexed. We are currently working on fundraising for this project and we will create a new website for this purpose.
    The Steering Board of ACIPS and I would like to encourage you to approach us if you have any ideas for a project. From our side, we will forward you calls for proposals for different projects to include your ideas, but also to create the opportunity for you to work with ACIPS.

    If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me.


    Anes Makul
    President / Predsjednik

    acips slika
    Zmaja od Bosne 8
    Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

ponedjeljak, 2. travnja 2018.

DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE GRANT AGREEMENT USAID and MHRR (2015) / Sporazum o donaciji između USAID-a i MLJPI (2015.)

Bosanskohercegovačkoj javnosti manje je poznato da je Ministarstvo za ljudska prava BiH krajem 2015. godine potpisalo sa Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, putem USAID-a Sporazum o donaciji u vrijednosti od milijun i 750 hiljada dolara sa ciljem poboljšanja kapaciteta Agencije za ravnopravnost spolova BiH za rješavanje pitanja rodno zasnovanog nasilja, kao i unapređenja kapaciteta istraživača u oblasti društvenih nauka za provedbu javnih politika i istraživanja u oblasti društvenih nauka, posebno na polju ljudskih prava, zasnovanih na načelima rigoroznosti, nezavisnosti i interdisciplinarnosti. 

750.000 dolara Sporazumom je namijenjeno za jačanje kapacieta Agencije za ravnopravnost spolova, a milijun za unapređenje kapaciteta israživača u oblasti društvenih nauka.

Sporazumom je predviđena realizacija akivnosti radi provedbe dva gore navedena cilja do septembra ove godine. 
 The public in Bosnia and Herzegovina is less familiar with the fact that at the end of 2015, the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees and the U.S. represented by the USAID signed the Grant Agreement worth one million and 750 thousand US dollars aimed to improve  the Agency for Gender Equality’s ability to address gender-based violence and to improve the capacity of local social science researchers to conduct rigorous, independent, and cutting-edge public policy and social science research, especially in the field of human rights.

The Grant Agreement foresees the allocation of 750 thousand dollars for the improvement of capacities of the Agency for Gender Equality and a million for the improvement of capacities of local researches in the field of social sciences.

The planned deadline for the accomplishment of the activities under this Grant Agreement is September this year.(Draft Grant Agreement below).

subota, 7. siječnja 2017.


090904 am

FSA6532: 08.09.2004 07:32

SARAJEVO, September 8 (FENA) – The first session of the FBiH House of Peoples, after the summer break, is scheduled for Tuesday, September 14.

The proposed daily agenda should include the amendments to the FBiH Constitution (CVI and CVII), by which the competencies of the Federation ombudsmen will be transferred to the BiH ombudsmen for human rights.

However, the House of Representatives on Tuesday has delayed the consideration of these amendments so that the House of Peoples will not be considering them before the House of Representatives, was announced Wednesday by the FBiH Parliament.

(Fena) zl

FSA6552: 08.09.2004 11:11

SARAJEVO, September 8 (FENA) – A BiH delegation, which is headed by BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic, on Wednesday held talks with the Russian Federation’s Prime Minister Mihail Fradkov, was announced by the Council of Ministers.

Terzic once again expressed sincere condolences to the people of the Russian Federation on the terrorist attack and its consequences, and expressed BiH’s full commitment to combating terrorism.

Representatives of the two countries reached a general agreement on the manner for resolving mutual debts and claims with clearly defined deadlines to be fulfilled by the relevant institutions of BiH and the Russian Federation.

Prime Minister Fradkov supported BiH efforts for full European and Euro-Atlantic integration and commended the past reformatory processes.

Terzic expressed gratitude to the Russian Federation on its engagement in the stabilization and recovery of BiH.

It was stressed that the Russian Federation, as a Dayton Accords signatory and a participating state of the Piece Implementation Council, is the source of great support for BiH efforts to swiftly become economically self-sustaining. 

During talks, which have resulted in opening a new chapter in relations between the two countries, it was ascertained that BiH and the Russian Federation will now be able to deepen cooperation in the sectors of economy, culture, science and education.

Terzic and Fradkov have signed the Agreement on Trade-Economic Cooperation, the Agreement for establishing a joint commission for economic cooperation, and the Agreement on Road Traffic.

Further, BiH and Russian officials signed the Agreement on cooperation between the law enforcement agencies, which was signed by BiH Deputy Minister of Security Dragan Mektic.

BiH delegation is also planned to meet with Russian Prime Minister Sergej Lavrov.

(Fena) fk

FSA6533: 08.09.2004 07:40

SARAJEVO, September 8 (FENA) – BiH Presidency on Wednesday has considered the Request by the BiH Commission for Preservation of National Monuments regarding the creating of necessary conditions for protecting the discovered fragments of the Aladza mosque in Foca. 

“Regarding the fragments of the Aladza mosque and all other national monuments, it is our position that this is the national treasure of not only one people, but all peoples, and that the Entity governments, as well as the State Government, need to insure the necessary funds in their budgets for the next year”, told the press BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic.

BiH Presidency will schedule a working-consultative meeting with the Entity prime ministers, BiH Council of Ministers Chair and members of the Commission, and provide support for successful working of the Commission on preservation of national monuments.

(Fena) fk 

FSA6537: 08.09.2004 08:08

SARAJEVO, September 8 (FENA) – BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic and Presidency member Dragan Covic on Wednesday received a delegation of Municipality Domaljevac-Samac, who informed them about the problems in this municipality.

They underlined the problem of border crossing Samac, and requested support in development of local infrastructure.

BiH Presidency members supported the working of municipal authorities and their efforts to overcome the current problems in this municipality.


BiH Presidency member Borislav Paravac on Wednesday received the Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to BiH, Urs Breiter, and the subject of the meeting was the visit of BiH Presidency members to Switzerland in October this year, was announced by BiH Presidency.

The visit will be a good opportunity for deepening of bilateral relations between BiH and the Swiss Confederation.

Paravac declared that it is necessary to encourage the Swiss businesspersons into exporting technology and capital in BiH. In this context, he said that a presentation of BiH’s economic potentials would be organized in Zurich for the Swiss businesspersons.

(Fena) fk

FSA6548: 08.09.2004 09:21

SARAJEVO, September 8 (FENA) – BiH House of Representatives on Wednesday adopted the Bill on Missing Persons in BiH.

This law defines the principles for improving the seeking process, definition of a missing person, the manner of managing the central registry, realizing social and other rights of members of the missing persons’ families, as well as other issues regarding the searching after missing persons from BiH and in BiH.

With the aim of improving the process of seeking missing persons and efficient identifying of remains of missing persons, the law envisions establishing of the Missing Persons Institute, as an independent institution for searching after missing persons in and from BiH.

Further, the House of Representatives also adopted the Bill on Defining and the Manner of Settling the Internal Debt in BiH, and the Bill on the BiH Customs Policy and the Bill on the State Border Service in first reading.

Representatives also adopted the BiH Election Commission’s Report on financing the Municipal Elections, as well as the Resolution on introducing a moratorium to all laws and decisions aimed at enacting new privileges for officials in executive and legislative authority, which was proposed by representative Zlatko Lagumdzija.

BiH House of Representatives confirmed the appointment of Milorad Zivanovic as a member of the Council of the Communications Regulatory Agency.

(Fena) fk   

FSA6535: 08.09.2004 07:59

SARAJEVO, September 8 (FENA) – BiH Presidency on Wednesday appointed Brigadier Robert Susac as the BiH liaison officer with the Central Command of the United States in Tampa-Florida, and Colonel Sinisa Ostojic as his deputy, while Colonel Amir Corbo was appointed as the BiH liaison officer with the Coalition Forces Command in Qatar. 

The Presidency also issued the Decision on accepting the Framework Agreement between BiH and the European Community on the General Principles for Participation in the EC Programme, as well as the Decision on the Programme of cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture between the Russian Federation Government and BiH Council of Ministers.

BiH Presidency appointed Rado Dostanic, the Chief Inspector in the BiH State Border Service, as the Acting Director of the Border Service.

The Tri-Presidency also adopted the Report on implementation of the Budget for the first six months of this year.

Further, the Presidency accepted the invitation for participating in a roundtable titled “The future of South-east Europe, BiH, Republic Croatia and Serbia-Montenegro and the perspectives of European Integration” at a conference that will take place in Zagreb September 25 and 26, in organization of the Citizens’ Board for Human Rights. The participants will be addressed by BiH Presidency Chair Sulejman Tihic.

(Fena) fk

FSA6553: 08.09.2004 11:26

SARAJEVO, September 8 (FENA) – The U.S. Government, through U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), on Thursday will  hand certificates to representatives of business associations in the sectors of wood-processing, tourism and agriculture, was announced by USAID. 

USAID-funded initiative “Mobilizing the voice of business in BiH” included cooperating with business associations representing companies from the sectors of wood processing, tourism and agriculture, aimed at boosting their infrastructural capacities, professionalism and sustainability.

This two-year project, worth US$ 1.2 million, also included a component of small grants for supporting the implementation of new principles and programmes by BiH business associations and chambers of commerce. 

The Project “Mobilizing the voice of business” was implemented by the Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), an independent, non-profitable affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

(Fena) fk



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