Prikazani su postovi s oznakom Pravosuđe/ Judiciary. Prikaži sve postove
Prikazani su postovi s oznakom Pravosuđe/ Judiciary. Prikaži sve postove

utorak, 6. listopada 2020.

Statement by EU Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, following the HJPC conclusions of 26 October 2017 on the dismissal of judges and prosecutors (27/10/2017)

Statement by EU Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, following the HJPC conclusions of 26 October 2017 on the dismissal of judges and prosecutors

The European Union takes note of the conclusions adopted by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) on 26 October 2017 in connection to the information submitted by the Centre for Investigating War and War Crime and Search for Missing Persons from Republika Srpska.

Certain of the conclusions adopted by the HJPC raise concerns and could directly affect the independence of judges and prosecutors as well as the respect of the fundamental rights.

Fair trial is prerequisite for public trust in the judicial system. The presumption of innocence is at the core of the fundamental rights protected by the European Union.

No public official, including judges and prosecutors, should be dismissed without a proper independent investigation and disciplinary procedures first being applied. The appropriate sanction should only be decided after such procedures have been conducted and the allegations against the officials found to be grounded in the law. Circumventing such procedures will limit the independence and impartiality of the judiciary and is not in line with EU standards.

As recently proposed by the EU experts, there is a need to improve the criteria for appointment and dismissal of officials, in line with EU standards.

And any such improvements need to take full account of the need to maintain the independence of judiciary as well as the respect of fundamental rights.

The blog author: The statement is the reaction to
 the conclusions adopted by the BaH High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council HJPC in relation to the Information filed by Republika Srpska Center for Investigation of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons. The information included the names of 9 judges and 6 prosecutors reported on the grounds of discrimination of Serbs in the war crime proceedings, as well as the documentation about their war past making them biased or discreditable for performing independent judicial or prosecutorial function.

After discussing this Information a multi-ethnic HJPC as a body in charge of appointment of judges and prosecutors in BaH decided to undertake several urgent steps including the submission of the Information and documentation to the Office of Disciplinary Prosecutor and BaH Prosecutor's Office, requesting urgent proceedings. One of the most important conclusions is related to the initiation of the procedure of amendments of the Law on HJPC to introduce an exceptional, extraordinary measure for dismissal of a judge or prosecutor without a prior disciplinary procedure. The HJPC is to prepare the contents of this provision in line with the legal standards and requirements of the European Convention on Human Rights that will be submitted as a proposal to the relevant national institutions.

Petnaest sudija i tužilaca prijavljeno za diskriminaciju Srba/ Fifteen judges and prosecutors reported for the discrimination against Serbs (Nezavisne Novine and Glas Srpske 25.10.2017)

BANJALUKA - Devet sudija Suda BiH i šest tužilaca Tužilaštva BiH prijavljeno je za diskriminaciju Srba u procesima za ratne zločine, a u informaciji Republičkog centra za istraživanje rata, ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica navedeno je da su oni i u ratu obavljali razne funkcije u vojnim sudovima.

U informaciji su navedene sudije Suda BiH - Davorin Jukić, Šaban Maksumić, Mirsad Strika, Mira Smajlović, Hilmo Vučinić, Radžib Bagić, Mirza Jusufović, Halil Lagumdžija i Džemila Begović, piše "Glas Srpske".

"Za pristrasnost i diskriminaciju Srba u procesima ratnih zločina prijavljeni su i tužioci Tužilaštva BiH - Dževad Muratbegović, Ibro Bulić, Remzija Smailagić, Seid Marušić, Miroslav Marković i Sena Uzunović", navedeno je u informaciji.

Većina imena sa liste prijavljenih i ranije je dovođena u vezu sa nečovječnim postupanjem u ratu i podrškom zločinima, o čemu su svjedočili srpski logoraši i zarobljenici.

Ova informacija naći će se danas pred članovima Visokog sudskog i tužilačkog savjeta.

Banjaluka, 25/10/ (Glas Srpske) Devet sudija Suda BiH i šest tužilaca Tužilaštva BiH prijavljeno je za diskriminaciju Srba u procesima za ratne zločine, a u informaciji Republičkog centra za istraživanje rata, ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica navedeno je da su oni i u ratu obavljali razne funkcije u vojnim sudovima. U informaciji su navedene sudije Suda BiH - Davorin Jukić, Šaban Maksumić, Mirsad Strika, Mira Smajlović, Hilmo Vučinić, Radžib Bagić, Mirza Jusufović, Halil Lagumdžija i Džemila Begović.
Za pristrasnost i diskriminaciju Srba u procesima ratnih zločina prijavljeni su i tužioci Tužilaštva BiH - Dževad Muratbegović, Ibro Bulić, Remzija Smailagić, Seid Marušić, Miroslav Marković i Sena Uzunović, navedeno je u informaciji/Nine judges of the Court of BiH and six prosecutors of the Prosecutor's Office BiH reported for the discrimination of Serbs in the war crime proceedings in the Information of the RS Center for Investigation of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons (submitted to the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council). The Information stated additionally that during the 1992-95 war, they performed various functions at the military courts. The Information includes the names of the following judges: Davorin Jukic, Saban Maksumic, Mirsad Strika, Mira Smajlovic, Hilmo Vucinic, Radzib Bagic, Mirza Jusufovic, Halil Lagumdzija and Dzemila Begovic.
In addition, the following prosecutors were reported for bias and discrimination against Serbs in the war crimes proceedings: Dzevad Muratbegovic, Ibro Bulic, Remzija Smailagic, Seid Marusic, Miroslav Markovic and Sena Uzunovic.
More on the RS Center for Investigation of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons on:

The information initially published at the site of the RS Center for investigation of War, War Crimes and Serach for Missing Persons (removed)

Zaključci VSTV-a BiH povodom „Informacije Centra za istraživanje rata i ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica Republike Srpske“ 26.10.2017.;jsessionid=ad8093956e5df6fc370f7e504ab0380e25d2eba7bf84766c126d2ffbcd5edbd9.e34TbxyRbNiRb40Pbx4LaxqObxr0

Zaključci VSTV-a BiH povodom „Informacije Centra za istraživanje rata i ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica Republike Srpske“


Tokom sjednice Visokog sudskog i tužilačkog vijeća Bosne i Hercegovine (VSTV BiH/Vijeće), koja se održava 25. i 26. oktobra 2017. godine, VSTV BiH je povodom 3. tačke Dnevnog reda sjednice pod nazivom „Informacija Centra za istraživanje rata i ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica Republike Srpske“, usvojilo sljedeće zaključke: 

1. Vijeće je usvojilo zaključak da se „Informacija Centra za istraživanje rata i ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica Republike Srpske“, zajedno sa prilozima, dostavi na nadležno postupanje Uredu disciplinskog tužioca VSTV-a BiH te od njega zahtjeva prioritetno postupanje po istoj.

2. Vijeće je usvojilo zaključak da se „Informacija Centra za istraživanje rata i ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica Republike Srpske“, zajedno sa prilozima, dostavi Tužilaštvu BiH na nadležno postupanje.

3. Vijeće je usvojilo zaključak da se od tužilaštava u BiH zatraže sljedeći podaci:

  • da li se protiv bilo kojeg sudije ili tužioca navedenog u „Informaciji Centra za istraživanje rata i ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica Republike Srpske“ ili bilo kojeg          drugog sudije ili tužioca u BiH, vodi istraga, odnosno krivični postupak; 
  • zatražiti podatke o licima optuženim za ratne zločine, njihovoj nacionalnosti i pravnim kvalifikacijama koje su im stavljene na teret, sa posebnim osvrtom na zločin protiv čovječnosti.

4. Vijeće je usvojilo zaključak da se od sudova u BiH koji su nadležni za postupanje u predmetima ratnih zločina zatraže podaci o nacionalnosti lica pravosnažno oslobođenih i osuđenih za ratne zločine, pravnoj kvalifikaciji za koje su osuđeni, te visinama kazne.

5. Vijeće je usvojilo zaključak: 

a) VSTV će zatražiti od Ministarstva pravde BiH, Savjeta ministara BiH i Parlamentarne skupštine BiH da, po hitnoj proceduri, izvrše dopunu člana 44. Zakona o VSTV-u BiH u smislu uvođenja izuzetne mogućnosti za razrješenje sudije ili tužioca bez provedenog disciplinskog postupka.

b) Stalna komisija za legislativu VSTV-a BiH, uz podršku Odjela za pravna pitanja VSTV-a BiH, će pripremiti sadržaj odredbe koji će biti dostavljen kao prijedlog Ministarstvu pravde BiH, Savjetu ministara BiH i Parlamentarnoj skupštini BiH, a koji će zadovoljiti sve neophodne pravne standarde i zahtjeve Evropske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava.


utorak, 18. kolovoza 2020.

DENIED JUSTICE: Individuals Lost in a Legal Maze 23 February 2000 (ICG)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Thousands of people try to find their way daily through an immensely complicated labyrinth established by the three separate and very often conflicting legal systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Evidence presented in this report, the third in the ICG legal project series, proves that unexplained time delays, dubious application of law and blatant ethnic discrimination contribute greatly to the ad hoc nature of Bosnian justice. This report scrutinises six individual cases of ethnic and political discrimination. Recommendations are presented to counteract the violations committed by judges and prosecutors in these cases and to ensure that such violations are prevented in the future, through the strengthening of the concept of rule of law and of judicial and prosecutorial independence. Data on the cases contained herein was provided by ICG partner organisations based throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. All are Bosnian NGOs providing, inter alia, free legal aid to Bosnian citizens. Sarajevo, 23 February 2000

utorak, 16. travnja 2019.

INTERNATIONAL FORUM Dialogue of courts - a tool for the harmonisation of judicial practice (concept paper, agenda and participants) Sarajevo, June, 2016

Harmonisation of judicial practice is an emerging issue which importance is being recognised at different levels throughout Europe. The uneven application of national legal norms and standards of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) results in a lack of legal certainty and thus the unpredictability of the outcome of a dispute.

In separate countries, the problem was recognised as an obstacle to an efficient functioning of the judiciary (see, for example, Opinion on Legal Certainty and the Independence of the Judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina, CDL-AD(2012)014-e).

While the issue of incompatible legal norms within one legal order is clearly a seen as a problem which potentially leads to human rights violations, and numerous ECtHR judgments point out the necessity to bring legal acts in conformity with each other, and with the ECHR, little has been said as regards judicial practice.

The problem is even more sensitive since it involves the issue of judicial independence, when any attempt to “harmonise” the application of laws by a judge can be seen as an inappropriate interference with his or her actions.

Many countries use certain mechanisms in order to bring to coherence judicial practice at a national level. These vary from region to region; their form often depends on local legal traditions, and may include advisory opinions issued by high courts, distribution of case law through modern databases, special roles given to legal departments of higher courts. The effectiveness of those mechanisms also varies. The Council of Europe has contributed to the search for better models through its co-operation programmes. In the framework of projects implemented by the Human Rights National Implementation Division of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, working models have been suggested in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. In 2016, it has become the topic of the Annual HELP Conference held in Strasbourg. Discussions have begun in Georgia and Ukraine. Interest in the topic was expressed by the judiciary of other countries.

Judicial dialogue is a key tool for the harmonisation of judicial practice. A dialogue between the ECtHR and national courts is ongoing through the application of European human rights standards in domestic trials. This will be reinforced once Protocol 16 to the ECHR enters into force, and a mechanism of advisory opinions will give this dialogue a new dimension. Similar dialogue between courts at a national level and between high courts of the countries of one region can contribute to a more coherent judicial practice. 


The International Forum will aim to review practices of harmonisation of judicial practice applied in different countries, and to see how successful models can be emulated in different jurisdictions. The Forum will be a platform for sharing experience and best practices, searching for optimal models and looking for elements of harmonisation that can be equally applied in any jurisdiction.
The following key problems will be at the centre of the discussion:
  1. National approaches on harmonisation of judicial practice: effective models and their applicability in different legal orders
  2. Harmonisation of national judicial practice and the case law of the ECtHR: the role of dissemination and systematisation of data.
  3. A special independent “harmonisation body” at a national level: a feasible model or utopia?
  4. The Council of Europe’s contribution to the harmonisation of judicial practice.

In addition, the Forum will serve as a starting point for the creation of an informal network of co-operation between the highest judicial instances of the participating countries for the promotion of best practices with regard to the harmonisation of national practices with the case law of the ECtHR.


Participants of the Forum will be representatives of the judiciary from the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Georgia, representatives of the Secretariat of the Council of Europe and the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights.

Venue and language

The Forum will be organised by the Council of Europe in co-operation with the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The working languages will be English and Bosnian/ Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian with simultaneous interpretation provided.

srijeda, 30. siječnja 2019.

IFIMES „BiH: Šta se dešava u pravosudnom sistemu Brčko Distrikta BiH?“ (21-03-2017)

ponedjeljak, 21. siječnja 2019.

Članovi komisije za polaganje pravosudnog ispita na nivou BiH (2017-2019.)

Bosna i Hercegovina MINISTARSTVO PRAVDE Eocua u Xep1eaoouua MUHNCTAPCTBO TIPABTE Broj: 0l -34-10-l177 4ll4 Sarajevo, 16.1.2017. godine Na osnovu dlana 6. Zakona o polaganju pravosudnog ispita u Bosni i Hercegovini ("SluZbeni glasnik BiH", br. 33104, 56108 i 62ll l), ministar pravde Bosne i Hercegovine donosi RJESENJE O IMENOVANJU KOMISIJE ZA POLAGANJE PRAVOSUDNOG ISPITA NA NIVOU BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE I U Komisiju za polaganje pravosudnog ispita na nivou Bosne i Hercegovine (u daljnjem tekstu: Komisijal imenuju se: l. BARISA iOlaf, za predsjednika Komisije 2. BOzuANA KRISTO, za zamjenika predsjednika Komisije 3. MILANA POPADIC, za zamjenika predsjednika Komisije 4. EDIN MUMINOVIC, za ispitivada 5. JOSIP MUSELIMOVIC, za ispitivada 6. JADRANKA LOKMIC MISIRAaA, za ispitivada 7. AMELA HUSKIC, za ispitivada 8. DRAGOMIR VUKOJE, za ispitivada 9. ZDRAVKO RAJIC, za ispitivada 10. BEKIR GAVRANKAPETANOVIC, za ispitivada 11. BOGDANKA JoVICIC-DABIC, za ispitivada 12. RADNEKO BLAGOJEVIC, za ispitivada 13. AMIRA SADOVIC, za ispitivada 14. MATO TADIC, za ispjtivada 15. ZDENKO ETEROVIC, za ispitivada 16. NEDELJKO BURSAC, za ispitivada 17. NEDZIDA SALIHoVIC, za ispitivada 18. VALERIJA GALIC, za ispitivada 19. ANTO NIKOLIC, za ispitivada 20. MIRSAD CEMAN, za ispitivada 21. JADRANKA BRENJO, za ispitivada II Clanovi Komisije iz tadke I ovog Rje5enja su ispitivadi za predmete KRIVIdNO PRAVO: I . Josip Muselimovii 2. Jadranka Lokmii Misirada 3. Amela Huski6 4. Dragomir Vukoje 5. Zdravko Raji6 Sarajevo, Trg BiH br.I, Tel.: +387 33 223-501 ; fax: + 387 33 223-504 5 GRADANSKO PRAVO (materijalno i procesno) i PORODIdNO PRAVO: 1. Bekir Gavrankapetanovii 2. Bogdanka Jovidii-Dabi6 3. Radenko Blagojevi6 4. Amira Sadovi6 PRIVREDNO PRAVO: 1. Mato Tadii 2. Zde*o Eterovi6 3. Nedeljko Bursad 4. NedZida Salihovii UPRAYNO I RADNO PRAVO: 1 . Valerija Ga.lii 2. Anto Nikoli6 3. Mirsad ieman 4. Jadranka Brenjo USTAVNI SISTEM I ORGANIZACIJA PRAVOSUEA: 1. Bari5a iolak 2. Borjana Kri5to 3. Milana Popadi6 4. Edin Muminovi6 III Za sekretara Komisije imenuje se Renata Kapetanovii. IV Za zapisnidara Komisije imenuju se: I - Denana Sehovi6 2- Marko Bari6 3. Biljana PjeSdi6 V ilanovima, sekretaru i zapisnidarima Komisije pripada naknada za rad t Komisiji koju odreduje ministar pravde posebnim rjeSenjem. VI Mandat Komisije traje dvije godine. VII Ovo Rje5enje stupa na snagu danom dono5enja i objavljuje se na Intemet stranici Ministarstva pravde BiH. oo i\ J i+ :)

Članovi komisije za polaganje pravosudnog ispita na nivou BiH (2014-2016.)

RJEŠENJE O IMENOVANJU POVJERENSTVA ZA POLAGANJE PRAVOSUDNOG ISPITA NA NIVOU BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE1 I U Komisiju za polaganje pravosudnog ispita na nivou Bosne i Hercegovine (u daljnjem tekstu: Komisija) imenuju se: 1. BARIŠA ČOLAK, za predsjednika Komisije 2. BORJANA KRIŠTO, za zamjenika predsjednika Komisije 3. MILANA POPADIĆ, za zamjenika predsjednika Komisije 4. EDIN MUMINOVIĆ, za ispitivača 5. JOSIP MUSELIMOVIĆ, za ispitivača 6. JADRANKA LOKMIĆ MISIRAČA, za ispitivača 7. AMELA HUSKIĆ, za ispitivača 8. DRAGOMIR VUKOJE, za ispitivača 9. ZDRAVKO RAJIĆ, za ispitivača 10.BEKIR GAVRANKAPETANOVIĆ, za ispitivača 11.BOGDANKA JOVIČIĆ-DABIĆ, za ispitivača 12.RADNEKO BLAGOJEVIĆ, za ispitivača 13.AMIRA SADOVIĆ, za ispitivača 14. MATO TADIĆ, za ispjtivača 15.ZDENKO ETEROVIĆ, za ispitivača 16. NEDELJKO BURSAĆ, za ispitivača 17. NEDŽIDA SALIHOVIĆ, za ispitivača 18.VALERIJA GALIĆ, za ispitivača 19.ANTO NIKOLIĆ, za ispitivača 20. MIRSAD ĆEMAN, za ispitivača 21. JADRANKA BRENJO, za ispitivača II Članovi Komisije iz tačke I ovog Rješenja su ispitivači za predmete: KRIVIČNO PRAVO: 1. Josip Muselimović 2. Jadranka Lokmić Misirača 3. Amela Huskić 4. Dragomir Vukoje 5. Zdravko Rajić GRAĐANSKO PRAVO (materijalno i procesno) i PORODIČNO PRAVO: 1. Bekir Gavrankapetanović 2. Bogdanka Jovičić-Dabić 3. Radenko Blagojević 4. Amira Sadović PRIVREDNO PRAVO: 1. Mato Tadić 2. Zdenko Eterović 3. Nedeljko Bursać 4. Nedžida Salihović 1 objavljuje ovaj tekst u dobroj vjeri, smatrajući ga u trenutku objavljivanja ispravnom verzijom rješenja. Ali, autori i ne jamče da je objavljena verzija teksta propisa pravno valjana, trenutno važeća ili pravodobno dopunjena i mijenjana, stoga ne odgovara za štetne posljedica koje mogu nastupiti usljed preuzimanja i korištenja ovog neslužbenog teksta rješenja. Priprema: 2 UPRAVNO I RADNO PRAVO: 1. Valerija Galić 2. Anto Nikolić 3. Mirsad Ćeman 4. Jadranka Brenjo USTAVNI SISTEM I ORGANIZACIJA PRAVOSUĐA: 1. Bariša Čolak 2. Borjana Krišto 3. Milana Popadić 4. Edin Muminović III Za sekretara Komisije imenuje se Renata Kapetanović. IV Za zapisničara Komisije imenuju se: 1. Đenana Šehović 2. Marko Barić 3. Biljana Pješčić V Članovima, sekretaru i zapisničarima Komisije pripada naknada za rad u Komisiji koju određuje ministar pravde posebnim rješenjem. VI Mandat Komisije traje dvije godine. VII Ovo Rješenje stupa na snagu danom donošenja i objavljuje se na Inernet stranici Ministarstva pravde BiH.

nedjelja, 30. prosinca 2018.

(2002) Decision by Wolfgang Petritsch High Representative enacting the Law on Legal Assistnce and Official Cooperation in Criminal Matters

DECISION Enacting the Law on Legal Assistance and Official Co-operation in Criminal Matters between the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and the District of Brcko, which is hereby attached as an integral part of this Decision. The said Law shall enter into force as a law of Bosnia and Herzegovina as provided for in Article 10 thereof on an interim basis, until such time as the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopts this Law in due form, without amendment and with no conditions attached. (...)

subota, 29. prosinca 2018.




(UN JSAP) THEMATIC REPORT V - ENFORCEMENT: Execution of court judgements in civil cases (2000)


(UN JSAP) THEMATIC REPORT V - ENFORCEMENT: Execution of court judgements in civil cases (2000)


(UN JSAP) TEMATSKI IZVJEŠTAJ VI - SVJEDOČENJE SUDSKIH VJEŠTAKA: Upotreba i zloupotreba vještačenja (2000)