Summer is coming, but the Establishment is not yet on holiday. They are preparing to meet in Hamburg on July 7 and 8 for the next G20 Summit. And so are we. (…/diem25g20-constructive-disobedience-r…/)
The Establishment is working hard to exclude us – activists and protesters calling for a different Europe – from their event in Hamburg. Not only will the city be occupied by paramilitary forces and predator drones circling 5km overhead, but protesters are literally receiving death threats from Hamburg’s senator of the interior (the same official who previously said the upcoming summit would be “a festival of democracy”).
On June 9, Hamburg authorities passed a general ordinance banning all assemblies in an area of 38km2 around the G20 summit. So planned rallies cannot take place, and the previously-approved anti-G20 camp, offering shelter for 10.000 activists in Hamburg’s Central Park, is now rendered illegal. These actions constitute the de facto suspension of the German Constitutional Right to freedom of assembly.
To add insult to injury, the only event that is not affected by this ‘safety radius’ is a demonstration organised… by the Senate of Hamburg!
We at DiEM25 have protested these measures in an Open Letter to the Hamburg Senate. But we believe it is not enough simply to protest, to say “No”, to criticise or disobey. To confront the Establishment head-on, and bring about the Progressive Europe that is desperately needed, we must practice what we call “Constructive Disobedience”. That means accompanying peaceful disobedience with counter-proposals, fully outlining alternative policies to those with which we disagree.
It is in this context that, on the evening of July 7, DiEM25 invites all progressives, all our fellow activists, everyone who is ready to join us at the biggest auditorium in Hamburg for an evening of “Constructive Disobedience”. With Renata Avila, Aral Balkan, Srećko Horvat, Angela Richter, Thomas Seibert, Aleksandra Savanović, Yanis Varoufakis (via video), Elisa Stowe, Sören Altstaedt, Vedran Horvat and many others.
And as a special highlight, our July 7 event will also feature an appearance by Julian Assange.
(For a detailed map of where the events will take place, and the various ‘security zones’ set up by Hamburg authorities for the G20 Summit, click here :…)
Join us! :…/diem25g20-constructive-disobedience-r…/
Carpe G20,
Sören Altstaedt, DSC Hamburg
Srećko Horvat, DiEM25 CC miletic&epa=SEARCH_BOX