Prikazani su postovi s oznakom Ustroj Bosne i Herzegovine/ Establishment of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Prikaži sve postove
Prikazani su postovi s oznakom Ustroj Bosne i Herzegovine/ Establishment of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Prikaži sve postove

srijeda, 13. srpnja 2022.

Interview: Morton Abramowitz On The 'End Of Bosnia' (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 13 August, 2011)

Interview: Morton Abramowitz On The 'End Of Bosnia'  (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 13 August, 2011)


Morton Abramowitz is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation and former president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He has served as ambassador to Turkey and Thailand and as assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research. The author of many books, he recently co-wrote an article in "The National Interest" titled "The Death of the Bosnian State." RFE/RL's Balkan Service director Gordana Knezevic asked him what he meant by this.

RFE/RL: The recent article you co-authored in "The National Interest" is kind of alarming. Do you think Bosnia-Herzegovina can really fall apart?

Morton Abramowitz:
To be frank, the title was put out by the editor; it was not our title. It's a rather alarming title. We had a much more subdued one.

On the other hand, I think there is a serious situation. The ethnic rivalry is hardening and it's like a frozen conflict in a sense. Leaving it that way is very dangerous, or potentially very dangerous. So we wanted to point out that one, this is a very uncertain and unsatisfactory situation and it had to be dealt with, and not a can to be kicked down the road. For example, the European Union approach to this seems to be that we will, over time, by providing aid assistance, make some progress in reducing tensions. This will culminate in some sort of better and more satisfactory relationship between the parties.

Clearly, I don't think it can work. There has to be a much more vigorous effort to deal with the situation. The center of the problem in my view -- a lot of people disagree with this -- both in Kosovo and in Bosnia is Serb domestic politics. And until that problem is resolved, I'm not optimistic we will see much progress made. That was the gist of the piece.

There was a relationship also between Kosovo and Bosnia in that as long as the Kosovo problem remained unresolved, the problem of north Kosovo, the problem of Bosnia, was likely to remain unresolved. And if for some reason north Kosovo was somehow partitioned, that would open a new channel for the exit of Republika Srpska (the Bosnian Serb entity) from Bosnia. It's a problem mainly of Serb domestic politics.

Now, the EU basically seeks to find some way to continue both in Bosnia and Kosovo ways that will indicate some progress in the Kosovo negotiations or through a new EU mission in Bosnia. This will lead to a situation that will enable Serbia to get the ability to win accession [to the EU] and permit [Serbian President Boris] Tadic to win [reelection] in Belgrade because they see him as the major source of progress on these Balkan issues. I think that's a very, very difficult row to hoe with very uncertain results.

RFE/RL: This is an amazing analysis.

 Abramowitz: The problem is one of how you produce constructive change in two very difficult situations in which there is a potential for sliding backward and even for some violence. We've seen a little violence occur in Kosovo and that should be a wake-up call to the West and Kosovo, to realize progress is simply not going to be made by the parties getting together in Brussels and producing advances in useful but small issues.

The issue is more fundamental than that and it's the issue of north Kosovo. It's easier to proceed in hopes that over time, attitudes will change and there will be a little more forthcoming relationships between the Serbs and the Kosovars, but I don't believe that is a productive way for resolving this problem. I feel you have to attack the main problem, which is the future of north Kosovo. I may be too pessimistic, but I don't believe this problem in Kosovo can be resolved without some resolution of the north Kosovo situation and that problem lies in Belgrade.

A European Future

RFE/RL: Do you have any explanation for why the European Union isn't applying pressure on Belgrade?

The European Union largely doesn't believe in pressure. The European Union basically believes in trying to find ways that are so-called constructive and enlist the parties in cooperation and over time produce a significant change in the situation. They also believe the promise of European accession will encourage the parties to compromise and find ways to get along better and produce an effective Bosnian government, etc. I would hope that to be the case, but I'm very skeptical.

RFE/RL: I'd like to ask you about the international community's Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Bosnia. It's seen by many as an obstacle to Bosnia's European future, but at the same time, it's an obstacle to the disintegration of Bosnia. At the very least, the office can declare null and void any unilateral proclamation of independence as it would be against the terms of the Dayton peace agreement.

That's been a view of many in the United States. The U.S. has always been the principal champion of the continuation of the OHR position.

The fact is the OHR is a skeleton of what it once was. Its ability to fashion its will is very difficult. Look at the way the OHR was undermined by the EU in its dealings on the proposed referendum in Serbia. They undermined OHR, gave them a kick in the ass. So I have always felt OHR was a useful institution, but right now, in the way it's operating, I don't think those powers are very effective.

RFE/RL: Do you think that Bosnia should join NATO and do you think it would provide some sense of security to all ethnic groups?

I think it would be useful if Bosnia could join NATO, as I believe it useful if the Greeks would stop preventing Macedonia from joining NATO. I think it would be a step forward, but I'm not quite sure that all parties in Bosnia would agree to it and I don't think it resolves the fundamental issue of how to reduce the ethnic abrasions and move forward. There are some people who are more optimistic about the impact of that; I'm not. But I'm obviously not opposed to it.

Healing Ethnic Divisions

RFE/RL: The fact that Bosnian Serbs, Bosnian Croats, and Bosnian Muslims are cooperating and standing shoulder-to-shoulder in NATO missions in Afghanistan and Iraq is sending us a clear message within the right framework and in a truly professional environment...

It doesn't deal with Bosnia's domestic politics. Maybe it will encourage change, I would hope that might be the case, but I'm not optimistic. Bosnian politicians are wedded to different things that are often inconsistent with what many people would want. I think there are a lot of people in Bosnia and in all quarters who want to see much more focus on the economy, much more growth, much more robust activity, but that doesn't seem to happen.


 Rather we have [President Milorad] Dodik in [Republika] Srpska and other politicians there who always go back to ethnic issues. And the ethnic parties tend to vote in an ethnic way. The Bosniaks vote for Bosniaks, Serbs vote for Serbs, and it doesn't break this down.

Now, how this is to be done I frankly don't know. I think the biggest problem is Republika Srpska and to change the climate that has been produced by Mr. Dodik and all his statements.

RFE/RL: The division of the country along ethnic lines was actually legitimized by the Dayton agreement...

Yes, of course, that's what they did; it consolidated the status quo and did nothing more. It did not provide adequately for the growth of a different country.

RFE/RL: And Dayton is now seen as a holy script for some....

Well, it's a holy script because no one knows how to replace it. No one's going to get together and produce another Dayton agreement that integrates the country. If they wanted to do that, the parties themselves could, but they're not.

Unless the West were to impose a totally new agreement, which they're certainly not prepared to do, I don't know how a new Dayton conference will achieve anything. If it were possible to achieve something by a new Dayton conference, which would change the way the country operates, obviously I would support it, but I don't see that happening.

Look, over the past year there have been all sorts of meetings, high-level officials came back and forth. Nothing's changed.

Papering Over The Cracks

RFE/RL: I think what we're seeing now in Kosovo is the bad politics and hypocrisy of the international community exploding. When Kosovo simply decided to guard its own border, we had a new crisis.

For whatever reason, [Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim] Thaci got mad and he decided to move ahead. Whether he talked to the Americans or not, I don't know; there's a lot of back-and-forth on this issue. Kosovars rarely do anything without American approval; Americans are their best friends.

But nevertheless he went and did it and I believe the status quo has been somewhat changed. I don't know where the negotiations are now. They may well go back to Brussels and try to restore the status quo. Further talks may solve the customs problem, but I don't think it's going to contribute to any long-term solution in the north.

Now, they may hope that over time good things will occur because they're cooperating more, but I don't think they're going to cooperate more.


subota, 5. rujna 2020.

Vecernji List, 7 September, 2018: HDZ in favor of new constitution, re-establishment of BaH with 4 or more units and Sarajevo as a district

According to Vecernji List daily, Croat Democratic Union BaH (HDZ) and Croatian National Assembly (HNS) presented their joint election programme in Mostar on 5 September 2018. Programme dubbed "Development and Survival/Stay" includes 7 key points. One of the key points is the new Constitution of the state according to which Bosnia and Herzegovina will be comprised of 4 or more territorial units with Sarajevo as a district. HDZ and HNS (consisted of 7 parties) use the slogan "Unity" for these elections. Kako piše hrvatski Večernji list, u Mostaru je 5.9. predstavljen izborni program HDZ BiH i HNS. Program pod nazivom "Razvoj i o(p)stanak" čini 7 ključnih točaka. U svom izbornom programu HDZ se zalaže i za novi državni ustav i državu koju bi činile 4 ili više teritorijalne jedinice sa Sarajevom kao distriktom. HDZ i HNS koji čini 7 stranaka ulaze sa sloganom "Zajedništvo".

utorak, 29. listopada 2019.

Hrvati Bosne i Hercegovine — nositelji europskih vrijednosti? - zbornik radova (dvojeznička publikacija na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku), mart, 2017

Hrvati Bosne i Hercegovine — nositelji europskih vrijednosti? ZNANSTVENO-STRUČNI SKUP S MEĐUNARODNIM SUDJELOVANJEM
Zbornik radova
Neum, 16. i 17. ožujka 2017

 "Republika Hrvatska je podržala referendum o samostalnosti i nezavisnosti BiH. Prva je uputila veleposlanika u Sarajevo. Bosna i Hercegovina, kao i Republika Hrvatska, bila je žrtva Miloševićeve velikosrpske agresije. Gotovo sva vojna i humanitarna pomoć Bošnjacima i Hrvatima u Bosni i Hercegovini došla je iz Republike Hrvatske ili preko Republike Hrvatske. Republika Hrvatska je, uz Sjedinjene Američke Države, najzaslužnija za zaustavljanje nesretnog hrvatsko-bošnjačkog sukoba, a u skladu sa Splitskom deklaracijom i za oslobođenje preko 20 posto teritorija Bosne i Hercegovine. Tijekom rata Republika Hrvatska je primila gotovo milijun izbjeglica iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Republika Hrvatska je potpisala Washingtonski i Daytonski sporazum te bitno pridonijela zaustavljanju rata i uspostavi mira u Bosni i Hercegovini. " - Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, predsjednica Republike Hrvatske

subota, 22. srpnja 2017.

Safet Oručević 1995. godine tražio da policija Republike Hrvatske patrolira Mostarom

U pismu Hansu Koschnicku, administratoru Administracije Evropske unije u Mostaru, tadašnji gradonačelnik tadašnjeg Istočnog Mostara, Safet Oručević, u januaru 1995. predložio da se u Mostar pozove policija iz Republike Hrvatske da patrolira Mostarom umjesto policije tadašnjeg Zapadnog Mostara.

U istom pismu koje je objavljeno u br. 7 novina koje su izdavali Muslimani/Bošnjaci u Istočnom Mostaru pod nazivom: "Stari most", Oručević traži administrativno uređenje grada sa šest općina radi očuvanja multietničkog karaktera Mostara, nazivajući Mostar stolnim gradom Hrvata i glavnim gradom Bošnjaka Hercegovine.

Iako se Oručević stalno poziva na multietničnost, zanimljivo je da za njega u Mostaru postoje samo Hrvati i Bošnjaci. U skladu sa njegovim prijedlozima, funkciju gradonačelnika i guvernera Neretvanskog kantona mogu isključivo vršiti Bošnjaci i Hrvati.


subota, 25. ožujka 2017.

Bosanski lonac: Cijepanje BiH dovelo bi do palestinizacije Bošnjaka i instaliranje Bliskog istoka u samo srce Europe/ Bosnian Pot: Division of BiH would cause 'palestinization' of Bosniaks and installing Near East in a very heart of Europe (Express, 5/01/2017)

Dijelovi osvrta novinara Josipa Mlakića objavljenog u hrvatskog magazinu "Ekspres" na članak Timothyja Lessa objavljenog u prestižnom američkom magazinu "Foreign Affairs" (cijeli članak ispod teksta)

Najspornija teza iz teksta je ona o nužnosti prekrajanja granica na Balkanu tako da se stvore nacionalne države, odnosno velika Srbija, Hrvatska i Albanija, i to prvenstveno na račun Bosne i Hercegovine. Republika Srpska bi po tom scenariju bila pripojena Srbiji, a uspostavljeni "treći entitet", hrvatski, bio bi pripojen Republici Hrvatskoj. Drugi veliki gubitnik prema Lessovu scenariju bila bi Makedonija, čiji bi dijelovi, uz Kosovo, bili pripojeni Albaniji.
Nakon tog procesa ostala bi Bosna kao neovisna država koja bi bila bazirana na prostor Sarajeva i ostale dijelove. Moguće je da bi se Srebrenica i dijelovi RS-a s bošnjačkom većinom mogli pridružiti bosanskoj državi. Srbi i Bošnjaci bi trebali o tome raspravljati.
Lessova analiza se ne smije tek tako odbaciti, njena najveća snaga je u tome što polazi od neodrživosti trenutnog stanja u Bo
sni i Hercegovini, do kojeg je dovela pogrešna politika Zapada.
Očajničke karte jedne potrošene politike, kao što je kontaminiranje društva sumnjivim novcem iz nedemokratskih arapskih režima koji završava u džepovima nekolicine, dodatno kompliciraju problem budućnosti BiH... Političke elite u BiH, a pogotovo bošnjačka, moraju shvatiti jedno: dosadašnja politika unitarizma je jedna krajnost, a ideje o pripojenju nekih dijelova BiH Hrvatskoj, odnosno Srbiji, druga.
Odavno ponavljam kako je ključni problem BiH Izetbegovićev SDA, koji je cijelu zemlju pretvorio u taoce pohlepe svojih odabranih članova. Nedavno je na Federalnoj televiziji emitiran prilog iz Zvornika, gdje je bošnjačka sirotinja za 50 maraka prodala svoj glas na prošlim lokalnim izborima Dodikovu SNSD-u. Je li itko na trenutak u sarajevskoj centrali, ..., pomislio na ljudsko dostojanstvo tog svijeta?

Extracts of the analysis of the journalist Josip Mlakic published in the Croatian weekly "Express" of the article of Timothy Less published in the prestigious US magazine "Foreign Affairs" (a full original text of the article below)

The most disputable thesis of the (Less's) article is on the necessity of re-drawing the borders in the Balkans with the aim to establish nation-states, i.e. Greater Serbia, Croatia and Albania, predominantly at the expense of Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to this scenario, Republika Srpska would become a part of Serbia and a newly established Croatian "Third Entity" would be annexed to the Republic of Croatia. The second big loser, according to the Less's scenario would be Macedonia, the parts of which, along with Kosovo, would be annexed to Albania.
Following this process, Bosnia concentrated to the area of Sarajevo and the other parts would remain an independent state. It is also possible that Srebrenica and parts of Republika Srpska with a Bosniak majority could become parts of such Bosnian state. Serbs and Bosniaks should discuss these options.
Less's analysis should not be rejected just like that, as its greatest power derives from the unsustainability of the present situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a result of the wrong politics of the West.
Desperate cards of drawn out politics, such as contamination of society with suspicious money from undemocratic Arab regimes ending up in the pockets of only few, further complicate the issue of BiH future... Political elites in BiH, particularly Bosniak, must comprehend one thing: the current politics of unitarism is one extreme, and the idea of annexation of some parts of BiH to Croatia and Serbia - another.
I have been stressing out for a while that a key problem in BiH is Izetbegovic's SDA, which turned the entire country into the hostage of its chosen members' greed. Only recently the Federation TV broadcast about Zvornik, where during the last local elections, the Bosniak poor had sold their vote for 50 KM to Dodik's SNSD. Was anybody at Sarajevo HQ only for a moment ... thinking of human dignity of these people?  


utorak, 21. ožujka 2017.

Bosna bit će cijela od ČETIRI DIJELA/ Bosnia will be single comprised of FOUR PARTS

Uskoro nakon potpisivanja Rezolucije Muslimana Hercegovine, osniva se i Vijeće Muslimana. Insistiranje na unitarnoj Republici BiH Vijeća Muslimana, za razliku od stava SDA koji je spreman na kantonizaciju RBiH, kao i mogućnost stvaranja monetarne, carinske i ekonomske unije sa Hrvatskom ukazuje na to da ni kod samih Muslimana ne postoji zajednički stav u pogledu ustavno-pravnog uređenja RBiH.
Sastanku u Međugorju između  predstavnika HDZ-a i SDA održanom 27.08.1992. prisustvovala je delegacija SDA u sastavu: Ćamil Salahović, Ismet Hadžiosmanović i Muhamed Cero. Delegacija SDA imala je ovlaštenje predsjednika predsjedništa Alije Izetbegovića da u njegovo ime vodi razgovore, uradi radne materijale i iste mu ponudi u pitanjima realizacije međudržavnog Ugovora o prijateljstvu i saradnji između Republike Hrvatske i Republike Bosne i Hercegovine.
U zaključcima usvojenim na tom sastanku utvrđeno je da je neophodno nastaviti demokratski dijalog i izražena je zahvalnost Hrvatskoj za sve ono što je učinila u BiH. Međutim, ono što je najbitnije za ovaj sastanak jeste zapravo da su delegacije dogovorile da će BiH biti sastavljena od četiri kantona:
1) Mostarsko-travnički pod Hrvatima; 2) Sarajevsko-zenički pod Muslimanima; 3) Tuzlansko-dobojski pod Muslimanima i Hrvatima i 4) Banjalučko-bihaćki pod Muslimanima i Srbima. Također, dogovoreno je da se HVO uključi u oružane snage RBiH i zadrži autonomiju u komandiranju.
Po sačinjavanju zaključaka, delegacija SDA se vratila u Zagreb i predočila zaključke i prijedlog Aliji Izetbegoviću koji se složio sa prijedlogom i ocijenio ga kao dobru osnovu za dalje pregovore. Sa prijedlogom se složio i Haris Silajdžić, koji je u to vrijeme također bio u Zagrebu na Islamskoj konferenciji koja se održavala u hotelu Intercontinental, koji je predložio da se pokuša ubaciti još jedna konstitutivna jedinica na prostorima srednje Bosne.
Što se tiče hrvatske strane, predsjednik HZ H-B, Mate Boban je oštro kritikovao prijedlog, ali se sa njim složio predsjednik Republike Hrvatske Franjo Tuđman.
Na slikama:
Članak iz Nedeljne Dalmacije, 2.9.1992.
Ovlaštenje predsjednika Izetbegovića na memorandumu hotela Intercontinental, 24.8.1992.

Soon after the Resolution of Muslims of Herzegovina had been signed, the Council of Muslims was established. Insisting of the Council of Muslims on unitary Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (RBiH), unlike the position of SDA that was prepared to negotiate on "cantonisation" of the RBiH, as well as preparedness of the SDA to further negotiate the possibility of creation of the monetary, customs and economic union with Croatia, is a clear indication that the Muslims themselves were not united in their position on the constitutional and legal establishment of the RBiH.
The meeting between the representatives of the HDZ and SDA in Medjugorje, held on 27/08/1992 was attended by the SDA delegation consisted of: Ćamil Salahović, Ismet Hadžiosmanović i Muhamed Cero. The SDA delegation was authorised by the President of the RBiH Presidency, Alija Izetbegović, to hold negotiations on his behalf and prepare the working material on the issues of implementation of the bilateral Agreement on Friendship and Cooperation between Republic of Croatia (RC) and RBiH.
The conclusions adopted at this meeting expressed a necessity to continue a democratic dialogue and gratitude to Croatia for everything it did in BiH. However, the most important aspect of the meeting was the agreement between the delegations on the future composition of BiH of four cantons: 1) Mostar-Travnik under Croats; 2) Sarajevo-Zenica under Muslims; 3) Tuzla-Doboj under Muslims and Croats and 4) Banja Luka-Bihać under Muslims and Serbs. The inclusion of the HVO (Croat Defense Council) in the structure of the RBiH Armed Forces with the autonomy in command was also agreed.
Following the adoption of the conclusions, the SDA delegation returned to Zagreb to present them to Alija Izetbegović, who agreed in general to the proposals, assessing them as a good basis for the future negotiations, Haris Silajdžić, who was also in Zagreb at the Islam Conference held at the Hotel Intercontinental, also agreed to the proposals, proposing to attempt to create one additional constitutional unit in the area of the Central Bosnia.
As for the Croatian side, a President of the Croat Union Herzeg-Bosnia, Mate Boban, fiercely criticized the proposal, but the proposal was agreed by the President of the RC Franjo Tuđman.
Article from "The Nedeljna Dalmacija", 02/09/1992
Authorization of the President Izetbegovic at the memorandum of the Hotel Intercontinental, 24/08/1992.



srijeda, 15. veljače 2017.

Suveniri iz rata - Mostar, Republika Bosna i Hercegovina, Hrvatska zajednica/republika Herceg-Bosna (1992/93)/ War Souvenirs - Mostar, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian Union/Republic Herzeg-Bosnia (1992/93)

Paralelno sa postojanjem Socijalističke republike Bosne i Hercegovine, od novembra 1991. postoji i Hrvatska zajednica Herceg-Bosna. Sa osnivanjem se počelo skoro pet mjeseci prije održavanja referenduma za nezavisnost, kada je 12.11. 1991. proglašena Hrvatska zajednica "Bosanska Posavina" u Bosanskom Brodu, da bi 18.11. 1991. u Mostaru bila usvojena Odluka o uspostavi Hrvatske zajednice Herceg-Bosna (HZ H-B). Odluku je potpisao predsjednik HZ H-B mr. Mate Boban.
6. aprila 1992, dakle 2 dana prije proglašenja neposredne ratne opasnosti u BiH, već dobro naoružane i obučene, snage bosanskohercegovačkih Hrvata i dijela Muslimana (broj Muslimana u sastavu HVO-u je varirao od 20- 30%), su zvanično dobile svoju vojsku - Hrvatsko vijeće obrane (HVO). HVO je osnovan kao vojna komponenta HZ H-B i odmah po zvaničnom osnivanju je preuzeo zakonodavnu, izvršnu i vojnu vlast HZ H-B pod vrhovnim zapovjedništvom mr. Mate Bobana. Zapovjednik Glavnog stožera (štaba) Mostar je bio Petar Zelenika.
The Croat Union of Herzeg-Bosnia had been established in November 1991 within the legally functioning Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, almost five months before the Independence Referendum was held. The establishment of the Croat Union of Herzeg-Bosnia started with the proclamation of the Croat Union "Bosnian Posavina" in Bosanski Brod on November 12, 1991, which was followed by the adoption of the Decision on Establishment of Croat Union Herzeg-Bosnia (HZ H-B) on November 18, 1991 in Mostar. The Decision was signed by the President of the HZ H-B Mate Boban.
On April 6, 1992 - two days before the proclamation of the immediate war danger in Bosnia and Herzegovina, well armed and trained forces of BiH Croats and a part of Muslims (a number of Muslims in the HVO composition varied between 20 and 30%) had officially established their army - Croatian Defense Council (HVO). HVO was established as a military component of HZ H-B and immediately after the official establishment took over legislative, executive and military power of HZ H-B, under the supreme command of Mate Boban. The Commander in Chief of the Main HQ Mostar
was Petar Zelenika.

Slika: Autentičan dokument - odobrenje o kretanju tokom policijskog sata koji je potpisao zapovjednik Petar Zelenika.
Picture: Authentic document - permission on freedom of movement during the curfew signed by the commander Petar Zelenika.    

subota, 4. veljače 2017.

Prvi prijedlog EU za rješenje pitanja ustavnog uređenja tadašnje RBiH (mart, 1992.)/ The first EU proposal for constitutional set-up of a then RBiH (March, 1992)

Prvi prijedlog EU za rješenje pitanja ustavnog uređenja tadašnje Republike Bosne i Hercegovine (tzv. Cutillerov plan) sa mapom prostornog uređenja je razmatran na sastanku 18. marta 1992. u Sarajevu. Na sastanku su prisustvovali predstavnici EU, Alija Izetbegović, Mate Boban i Radovan Karadžić.
Prema Cutillerovom planu, BiH bi bila decentralizovana država koja bi se sastojala od 10 konstitutivnih jedinica - kantona zasnovanih na etničkom principu na osnovu rezultata popisa stanovništva iz 1991.
Ovaj plan nije potpisao Alija Izetbegović po nagovoru Rusmira Mahmutčehajića i Warrena Zimmermanna, tadašnjeg ambasadora SAD u SFRJ. Svoju odluku nikada nije obrazložio.
Prema ovom planu, od ukupno 110 općina, Muslimanima je trebalo pripasti 47 općina, što je uključivalo i najveće industrijske centre poput: Sarajeva, Mostara, Tuzle, Zenice, Doboja, Bihaća, Travnika, Brčkog i Prijedora.
Izvor: Dr. Ismet Hadžiosmanović "Bošnjačko-hrvatski politički obračun" str. 43-44.

The first EU proposal for constitutional set-up of a then Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the so-called Cutileiro Plan) with a map of territorial establishment was discussed at the meeting held on 18/03/1992 in Sarajevo. The meeting was attended by the EU representatives, Alija Izetbegovic, Mate Boban and Radovan Karadzic.
According to the Cutileiro Plan, BiH would be arranged as a decentralized stated composed of 10 constitutional units - cantons on ethnic principles in line with the results of the 1991 census.
This plan was not signed by A. Izetbegovic, whose decision was influenced by Rusmir Mahmutcehajic and Warren Zimmermann, a then US Ambassador in the

SFRY. Izetbegovic has never elaborated his decision.
According to this plan, out of a total of 110 municipalities, 47 municipalities would go to Muslims, including the largest industrial centres such as;  Sarajevo, Mostar, Tuzla, Zenica, Doboj, Bihac, Travnik, Brcko and Prijedor.
Source: Ismet Hadziosmanovic, PhD. "Political Clash between Bosniaks and Croats", p. 43-44.

subota, 28. siječnja 2017.

Opći izbori u BiH održani 18/11/1990/ General Elections in BiH held on 18/11/1990

Na općim izborima u BiH održanim 18.11.1990. birani su članovi Predsjedništva, poslanici vijeća općina i vijeća građana, te odbornici skupština općina/gradova i na njima su učestvovale sljedeće stranke:
1. HDZ BiH - Hrvatska demokratska zajednica BiH
2. SDA BiH - Stranka demokratske akcije BiH
3. SDS BiH - Socijalistička demokratska stranka BiH
4. SK BiH - Socijalistička demokratska partija BiH
5. SSO demokratski savez BiH
6. SRSJ - Savez reformskih snaga Jugoslavije za BiH
7. DSS - Demokratski socijalistički savez BiH
8. MBO - Muslimanska bošnjačka organizacija BiH
9. Pokret zelenih BiH.

Zanimljiv je podatak da je Fikret Abdić dobio najviše glasova na nivou države, a nije postao prvi predsjednik Predsjedništva RBiH. Nijaz Duraković se izjasnio kao Musliman, dok su se Zlatko Lagumdžija i Ejup Ganić izjasnili kao Jugosloveni.

U Predsjedništvo RBiH izabrani su: Alija Izetbegović, Fikret Abdić, Biljana Plavšić, Nikola Koljević, Franjo Boras, Stjepan Kljuić i Ejup Ganić. Prvi mandat predsjednika Predsjedništva je preuzeo Alija Izetbegović. Za predsjednika Parlamenta RBiH izabran je Momčilo Krajišnik (SDS), a dopredsjednika Mariofil Ljubić (HDZ). Za predsjednika Vlade RBiH imenovan je Jure Pelivan (HDZ), a za dopredsjednike Muhamed Čengić (SDA), Rusmir Mahmutćehajić (SDA) i Milan Simović (SDS).

Kao izvor korištena knjiga Bošnjačko - hrvatski politički obračun,/ Ismet Hadžiosmanović - Mostar: 2004. (lektor: Farah Tahirbegić; recenzenti: Davor Marjan i Jasmin Jaganjac).

Poznato obraćanje/ A famous address by: Alija Izetbegović, Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 11 - 12.

Poznato obraćanje Alije Izetbegovića koje mu zamjeraju brojni pripadnici bošnjakog naroda:
"Rekao bih nekoliko riječi o ovome što je rečeno - o specifičnoj situaciji u BiH u pogledu činjenice da je to država tri konstitutivna naroda. Da, BiH je država i srpskog naroda. Srpski narod u BiH nije nacionalna manjina. Predstavnici srpskog naroda, odnosno stranka koja pretendira da predstavlja srpski narod, plasiraju ideju o eventualnoj, jednoj vrsti specijalnog statusa, odnosno autonomije, političke autonomije unutar BiH, na područjima gdje živi srpski narod. SVE TAKVE OPCIJE SU MOGUĆE I ČINI MI SE DA NISU U KONTRADIKCIJI SA TEKSTOM OVOG PAPIRA koji ste vi podnijeli. Prema tome, držim da neće biti nikakvih problema da se nađe zadovoljavajuće rješenje."

A famous address by Alija Izetbegovic that is a subject of criticism today of many Bosniaks:
"I would say a couple of words about what has been said - on the specific situation in BiH in view of the fact that it is a state of three constituent peoples. Yes, BiH is also the state of Serb people. Serb people in BiH are not an ethnic minority. The representatives of Serb people, i.e. a party aspiring to represent Serb people, launched the idea about a possible, a kind of special status, i.e. autonomy, political autonomy within BiH, at the territory inhabited by Serb people. ALL SUCH OPTIONS ARE POSSIBLE AND IT SEEMS TO ME THAT THEY ARE NOT IN CONTRADICTION WITH THE TEXT OF THIS PAPER submitted by you. Accordingly, I deem that there will be no problems in finding a satisfactory solution."  

Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 11 - 12. Predsjedavajući/ Chairman - Lord Carrington

Dokument br. 00-12/91-083 preuzet iz knjige Bošnjačko - hrvatski politički obračun,/ Ismet Hadžiosmanović - Mostar: 2004. (lektor: Farah Tahirbegić; recenzenti: Davor Marjan i Jasmin Jaganjac). Document no. 0-12/91-083 from the book Political Clash Between Bosniaks and Croats/ Ismet Hadziosmanovic - Mostar: 2004.

Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 9 - 10.

U ovom panelu se raspravljalo o dijelu predloženog dokumenta koji se odnosio na ljudska prava. Predsjednik grupe za ljudska prava je izjavio da u BiH je specifična situacija, jer u njoj postoje TRI NARODA KOJI ČINE NARODE JEDNE REPUBLIKE. BiH NIJE SASTAVLJENA OD JEDNE NACIJE, VEĆ OD TRI NACIJE, UZ OSTALE.

This panel discussed a part of the proposed document re human rights. A president of the human rights group stated that there was a specific situation in BiH, as THERE WERE THREE NATIONS COMPRISING NATIONS OF ONE REPUBLIC. BiH IS NOT COMPRISED OF ONE NATION, BUT THREE NATIONS, ALONG WITH THE OTHERS.

Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 9 - 10. Predsjedavajući/ Chairman - Lord Carrington

Dokument br. 00-12/91-083 preuzet iz knjige Bošnjačko - hrvatski politički obračun,/ Ismet Hadžiosmanović - Mostar: 2004. (lektor: Farah Tahirbegić; recenzenti: Davor Marjan i Jasmin Jaganjac). Document no. 0-12/91-083 from the book Political Clash Between Bosniaks and Croats/ Ismet Hadziosmanovic - Mostar: 2004.

Obraćanja/Address by: Kiro Gligorov, Momir Bulatović, Milan Kučan, Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 9 - 10.

Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 9 - 10. Predsjedavajući/ Chairman - Lord Carrington

Dokument br. 00-12/91-083 preuzet iz knjige Bošnjačko - hrvatski politički obračun,/ Ismet Hadžiosmanović - Mostar: 2004. (lektor: Farah Tahirbegić; recenzenti: Davor Marjan i Jasmin Jaganjac).

Document no. 0-12/91-083 from the book Political Clash Between Bosniaks and Croats/ Ismet Hadziosmanovic - Mostar: 2004.

Obraćanje Franje Tuđmana/ Address by Franjo Tudjman, Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 7 - 8.

Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 7 - 8. Predsjedavajući/ Chairman - Lord Carrington

Dokument br. 00-12/91-083 preuzet iz knjige Bošnjačko - hrvatski politički obračun,/ Ismet Hadžiosmanović - Mostar: 2004. (lektor: Farah Tahirbegić; recenzenti: Davor Marjan i Jasmin Jaganjac).

Document no. 0-12/91-083 from the book Political Clash Between Bosniaks and Croats/ Ismet Hadziosmanovic - Mostar: 2004.

Obraćanje Slobodana Miloševića/ Address by Slobodan Milosevic - Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 5-6.

Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 5-6. Predsjedavajući/ Chairman - Lord Carrington

Dokument br. 00-12/91-083 preuzet iz knjige Bošnjačko - hrvatski politički obračun,/ Ismet Hadžiosmanović - Mostar: 2004. (lektor: Farah Tahirbegić; recenzenti: Davor Marjan i Jasmin Jaganjac).

Document no. 0-12/91-083 from the book Political Clash Between Bosniaks and Croats/ Ismet Hadziosmanovic - Mostar: 2004.

Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 3-4.

Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 3-4. Predsjedavajući/ Chairman - Lord Carrington

Dokument br. 00-12/91-083 preuzet iz knjige Bošnjačko - hrvatski politički obračun,/ Ismet Hadžiosmanović - Mostar: 2004. (lektor: Farah Tahirbegić; recenzenti: Davor Marjan i Jasmin Jaganjac).

Document no. 0-12/91-083 from the book Political Clash Between Bosniaks and Croats/ Ismet Hadziosmanovic - Mostar: 2004.

Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 1-2

Stenografske bilješke sa 2. sjednice Mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, održane u Hagu/ Stenographic Notes from the 2nd session of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, held in Den Hague (18/10/1991) , str./p. 1-2. Predsjedavajući/ Chairman - Lord Carrington

Dokument br. 00-12/91-083 preuzet iz knjige Bošnjačko - hrvatski politički obračun,/ Ismet Hadžiosmanović - Mostar: 2004. (lektor: Farah Tahirbegić; recenzenti: Davor Marjan i Jasmin Jaganjac).

Document no. 0-12/91-083 from the book Political Clash Between Bosniaks and Croats/ Ismet Hadziosmanovic - Mostar: 2004.

nedjelja, 22. siječnja 2017.

#NeverEndingStory #UvijekIstaPriča (DANAS, 30/06/2005) Mapa Evropske komisije iz 2005/ A map from the European Commission from 2005

Novinarski tim tjednika Danas (30/06/2005)

"Službeni predstavnici Europske komisije koji će umjesto OHR-a uskoro otvoriti Ured EU-a u Sarajevu, po svaku cijenu tražit će da se administrativno-politički preustroj BiH riješi uspostavom pet regija. Zamišljeni koncept novog regionalnog ustroja BiH, službeni Bruxelles spreman je provesti svim političkim i diplomatskim sredstvima, pa čak i svojevrsnim pritiscima koji će biti usmjereni protiv onih političkih struktura koje mu se budu protivile... Projekat pod radnim nazivom "BiH u Europu s pet regija" osmišljen je u Bruxellesu prije četiri godine."

A team of journalists of The Danas (30/06/2005)

"Official representatives of the European Commission replacing OHR soon by opening the EU Office in Sarajevo, are going to request by all means that the administrative and political setup of BiH is resolved through establishment of five separate regions. The projected concept of the new regional setup of BiH, the official Brussels is prepared to implement by all political and diplomatic means, even using the pressure aimed at those political structures opposing it... The Project under the working title :"BiH to Europe with Five Regions" was drafted in Brussels four years ago."