Blog containing a database of articles, reports, blogger's notes and photos of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Balkans region. The compilation and material was created by Aleksandra Miletić-Šantić, a lawyer, social scientist, human rights activist, journalist and interpreter.
Prikazani su postovi s oznakom Alt-right. Prikaži sve postove
Prikazani su postovi s oznakom Alt-right. Prikaži sve postove
četvrtak, 10. rujna 2020.
Bannon and Salvini at the top of the alt-right Internationale (Jutarnji List, 10 September, 2018)
The Croatian daily Jutarnji List publishes today the analysis of the alliance between Steve #Bannon and Matteo #Salvini, Federal Secretary of the #League, the most influential Italian party at the moment (according to the public opinion polls published in media, they are leading by 33%) and Vice President of the Italian Government. Bannon has been described by the article as the fired chief strategist of the US President #Trump and "co-founder of the criminal networking company for manipulation #Cambridge_Analytica", as well as the recent founder of the foundation Movement, with the seat in Brussels, advocating for the defense of Judeo-Christian culture from Islamization. Bannon considers that the Catholic church should have a leading role in the world and accepts to be considered "the Prince of Darkness". The first meeting of Salvini and Bannon was in March, attended by three more persons. One of them was Dr Thomas D. Williams, a correspondent of Breitbart from Rome, a former priest of Legionaries of Christ, and a fierce defender of the founder of that congregation, Marcial Maciel, a protégé of Saint Paul John II, and serial rapist of juveniles. Thomas D. Williams is currently married to Elisabeth Lev, daughter of the US Ambassador to Vatican from 2008 to 2009 Mary Ann Glendon. The most influential participant of the meeting was professor Giuseppe Valditara, co-author of the programme of the Northern League, co-signatory of Maroni's pact with Segni and participant of Fini's renegation from #Berlusconi. The third participant was Marcello Foa, one of League's candidates for the president of #RAI, which would become, under his chairmanship, the Breitbart version of #FOX. Bannon, who is counting on the support of Trump and #Putin, will also be joined by Michael Modrikamen from Belgium. His intention is to unite alt-right in Europe, and his biggest enemies are #Merkel and #Macron. It is expected that the Movement is also joined by Geert Wilders, Le Pen, Orbán and Strache.
U današnjem Jutarnjem objavljena analiza savezništva između Stevea Bannona, otjeranog Trumpovog glavnog stratega i suosnivača kriminalne mrežne kompanije za manipuliranje #Cambridge_analytica i Mattea Salvinija, federalnog tajnika Lige, trenutno vodeće talijanske stranke (prema anketama u medijima vode sa 33%) i potpredsjednika talijanske Vlade. Bannon je nedavno utemeljio Pokret sa sjedištem u Briselu koji se zalaže za obranu judeo-kršćanske kulture protiv islamizacije. Bannon smatra da Katoličkoj crkvi pripada vodeća uloga u svijetu i pristaje da ga se smatra Knezom Tmine./
nedjelja, 2. kolovoza 2020.
The European New Right — A Shi'a Response: A Radical Critique of Alexander Dugin, E. Michael Jones, and Alain de Benoist - Arash Najaf-Zadeh
The important insight which arises from our perspective is that as the various poles of the world (be it Russian Orthodoxy and the Third Rome, the emergent political Islam and of the Axis of Resistance, or the Middle Kingdom of Confucian China, or whatever else, such as a Pagan revival in Europe) – as these various poles emerge in opposition to the hegemonic ambitions of the dying zombie empire (or the Empire of Chaos, as my buddy the brilliant Postmodern Nomad Pepe Escobar has characterized it), the tendency is not going to be their ineluctable emergence as such (as assumed by Brother Alexander), but rather, their inability to emerge, and their repeated frustrations at their
repeated attempts at doing so; and more importantly, the obviation of the phenomenon which is the attenuation and dissipation of the very cores of all these poles, (including that of the Shi'a Citadel). In
other words, what is happening, in our estimation, is not a process of coagulation or crystallization and emanation and emergence of new poles against a unitary or dominant one, but a process of the
dissolution and disintegration of all of the existing poles, be they that of the dominant paradigm of liberal capitalism, that of Catholicism, of Russian Orthodoxy and the Third Rome, of Sunnite Islam, and not least and certainly including that of Shi'a Islam.
repeated attempts at doing so; and more importantly, the obviation of the phenomenon which is the attenuation and dissipation of the very cores of all these poles, (including that of the Shi'a Citadel). In
other words, what is happening, in our estimation, is not a process of coagulation or crystallization and emanation and emergence of new poles against a unitary or dominant one, but a process of the
dissolution and disintegration of all of the existing poles, be they that of the dominant paradigm of liberal capitalism, that of Catholicism, of Russian Orthodoxy and the Third Rome, of Sunnite Islam, and not least and certainly including that of Shi'a Islam.
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