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Prikazani su postovi s oznakom ACIPS. Prikaži sve postove

subota, 2. veljače 2019.

ACIPS podrzava uvrstavanje Brcko Distrikta u Ustav BiH (2009.)

[acips_alumni] ACIPS podrzava uvrstavanje Brcko Distrikta u Ustav BiH

    Mar 19, 2009 at 1:14 PM

    Saopćenje Političkog savjeta ACIPS-a

    ACIPS podržava uvrštavanje Brčko Distrikta u Ustav BiH

    Politički savjet ACIPS-a podržava amandman na Ustav BiH kojim se Brčko Distrikt uvrštava u ustavno-pravni poredak BiH. Poboljšani nacrt amandmana omogućava pristupDistrikta Ustavnom Sudu BiH i bitno je da taj pristup može biti ostvaren ne samo glasanjem 1/5 predatvnika konstitutivnih naroda u Skupštini Distirkta, već na isti način kao i u drugima slučajevima kako Ustav propisuje. 

    Uvrštavanje Brčkog u Ustav BiH je bitno i sa aspekta ubrzavanja procesa integracije BiH u EU jer pokazuje da je moguće postići kompromis oko
    ključnih pitanja u BiH a da taj kompromis ne slabi suverenitet BiH kao u slučaju reforme policije iz 2007. godine. 

    POLIS poziva političke stranke koje najavljuju protivljenje usvajanju ovog amandamana da ne ponavljanju scenarij iz aprila 2006.godine kada je rušenjem
    paketa ustavnih promjena BiH ušla u krizu koja još uvijek traje. Pune tri godine su prošle od kada građani BiH čekaju novi prijedlog Ustava od vlasti
    koja je dobrim dijelom u rukama onih koji su obećali da će napraviti bolji od odbijenog aprilskog paketa. Konačno, ukoliko protivnici uvrštavanja
    Brčkog u Ustav BiH imaju bolji prijedlog onda bi bilo pošteno prema građanima Brčkog i čitave BiH da sa njim izađu u javnost odmah. 

srijeda, 30. siječnja 2019.

Motion for Termination of ACIPS passed by Extraordinary Assembly (07-01-2016)

Motion for Termination of ACIPS passed by Extraordinary Assembly2
    Jan 7, 2016 at 11:44 AM
    Dear Alumni,

    Following the ACIPS extraordinary assembly held on the 22nd October 2015,
    to which all were invited to participate, either in person or via Skype,
    we the Steering Board, write to inform you that the resolution to
    terminate ACIPS was passed unanimously by those present (Arts. 42 and 21
    of the Statute).

    In accordance with Chapter XVI of the Statutes, ‘Termination of the Work
    and Status of the Assets,’ the extraordinary assembly then authorised the
    implementation of a liquidation plan to be conducted by the liquidators
    thereby appointed.

    After all legal obligations have been paid, the extraordinary assembly
    finally decided that any remaining funds of the association would be
    granted to a proposed new initiative currently under discussion for ERMA
    Alumni or failing its formation, an association of similar purpose and
    value such as the Global Campus Alumni, of which ACIPS is a member.

    We thank you for your understanding in the conclusion of this process,

    The Steering Board

    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "acips_alumni" group.
    To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
    To post to this group, send email to
    Visit this group at
    For more options, visit

četvrtak, 10. siječnja 2019.

ACIPS activities May-Dec 2013 (USAID, British Embassy, NED)

ACIPS activities
  • Anes Makul <>
    Jan 8, 2014 at 10:44 AM
    Dear members,

    First of all, I wish you a happy new year and all the best for the future. I would like to inform you briefly about ACIPS activities in the period since I took over the position of the President of ACIPS in May 2013.
    During, this period ACIPS has implemented two projects with regard to the population census in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first project was a political, economic and social analysis of questionnaires for the population census. The British Embassy financed this project which ended in June 2013.
    The second project on the population census was implemented in the period from July until the end of October. The National Endowment financed this project for Democracy. As part of this project a handbook was created that explains the purposes that the data from the census can be used.
    ACIPS also organized in August a presentation of the USAID Civil Society Sustainability Index 2012 for Bosnia and Herzegovina and in October a panel discussion for USAID CSO Sustainability Index for 2013.
    ACIPS has also organized and co-organized three public discussions on constitutional changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina in October, November and December 2013.
    There is a plan to organize a public discussion on the protection of personal data, since data from one of our members were violated, but to also organize public discussions on other relevant issues. I would like to encourage you to propose topics that you would like to discuss in public.
    With regard to the magazine New Perspectives the Steering Board has decided to change the format of the magazine to electronic format, which is indexed. We are currently working on fundraising for this project and we will create a new website for this purpose.
    The Steering Board of ACIPS and I would like to encourage you to approach us if you have any ideas for a project. From our side, we will forward you calls for proposals for different projects to include your ideas, but also to create the opportunity for you to work with ACIPS.

    If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me.


    Anes Makul
    President / Predsjednik

    acips slika
    Zmaja od Bosne 8
    Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

utorak, 8. siječnja 2019.

ACIPS - Program seminara u okviru projekta Inicijativa za izgradnju povjerenja prema EU (donator East East Program Fonda otvoreno društvo BiH) - juni, 2006.

Asocijacija Alumni Centra za interdisciplinarne postdiplomske studije (ACIPS) u narednom periodu implementira projekat pod nazivom  Inicijativa za izgradnju povjerenja prema EU, finansiran u okviru East East programa Fonda otvoreno društvo BiH. Svrha projekta je razmjena iskustava vezanih za eurointegracijske procese u Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj, te Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Suradnja između vladinog i nevladinog sektora sve tri države, u procesima evropskih integracija, u fokusu je ovog projekta, a cilj mu je okupiti predstavnike državnih institucija, kao i nevladinih organizacija iz BiH, Hrvatske i SCG koji se bave ovim aktualnim pitanjima i koji će razmijeniti svoja iskustva s ciljem unaprijeđenja regionalne suradnje na tom polju.

U okviru implementacije ovog projekta ACIPS će organizirati dvodnevni seminar  čije je održavanje planirano 02. i 03. juna, 2006. godine, a na kojem će o navedenim temama govoriti:

1. dan održavanja, 02. 06. 2006. godine, predstavnici vladinih institucija sve tri države: (početak u 10:30)
Ø      g. Osman Topčagić, direktor Direkcije za evropske integracije, BiH
Ø      gđa. Gordana Ilić-Gasmi, specijalna savjetnica u Kancelariji SCG za pridruživanje Evropskoj uniji
Ø      g. Gvozden Flego, bivši član pregovaračkog tima Hrvatske

2. dan održavanja, 03.06. 2006. godine, predstavnici nevladinog sektora sve tri države: (početak u 10:30)
Ø      g. Ivan Barbalić, predsjednik ACIPS-a
Ø      gđa. Milica Đilas, profesorica na Fakultetu političkih nauka u Beogradu/Pravni forum Beograd
Ø      g. Igor Vidačak, Institut za međunarodne odnose, Zagreb

Pozivamo Vas da prisustvujete ovom seminaru. Uz poziv prilažemo i program seminara na kojem se možete detaljnije informirati o temama izlaganja. Molimo Vas da potvrdite svoj dolazak. Mjesto održavanja seminara: prostorije ACIPS-a, ulica Zmaja od Bosne 8, Sarajevo (plava zgrada u okviru kompleksa bivše kasarne Maršal Tito)

Vanja Ibrahimbegović, Project Coordinator

Association Alumni of the Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies

ACIPS - cooperation with The Dayton Peace Accords Projects led by Donald Hays in cooperation with the Washington based think-tank Public International Law and Policy Group

FW: Radna grupa za ustavnu reformu
  • Ivan Barbalic <>,,,,
    May 18, 2005 at 10:37 AM
    Postovani clanovi ACIPSa,

    Na sastanku Upravnog odbora ACIPSa 4. majadonesena je odluka o nacelnoj suradnji sa The Dayton Peace Accords Project koji u saradnji sa think-tankom izWashingtona Public International Law and Policy Group u BiH void Donald Hays.

    Projekat se bavi pitanjem ustavnih promjenakroz process razgovora sa svim politickim strankamate na bazi istrazivanja koje ce sprovoditi Washinktonski think-tank ( u mogucoj saradnji sa ACIPS-om).

    svakom slucaju jos nije odlucen modalitet suradnje, no da bi se to postiglopotrebno je unutar ACIPSa napraviti radnu grupu koja bi razmatrala slicna pitanja(tako I pitanja vezana za ovaj projekat).

    Zato molim sve zainteresovane clanove da mi se jave ako imaju interesa da se na bilo koji nacin bave projektima vezanim za ovu tematiku.

    Ispod je pismo koje objasnjava prve korake moguce buduce suradnje.

    Molim vas zato da mi sto prije izrazite vas interes.

    Puno pozdrava,

    Ivan Barbalic

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Emir Kaknjasevic []
    Tuesday, May 17, 2005 11:20 PM
    Subject: Radna grupa za ustavnu reformu

    Postovani Ivane,
    Kao sto smo se danas dogovorili putem telefona, saljem mail sa nesto vise informacija o sastanku radne grupe za ustavnu reformu. Nase udruzenje, zajedno sa jos 3 organizacije iz SAD je dogovorilo sa 7 vodecih politickih partija da se uspostavi radna grupa koja bi razmatrala neka od ustavnih pitanja, te pokusala iznaci konsenzus kako bi se sadasnji ustav unaprijedio. Diskusija ce biti vezana za preporuke Venecijanske komisije od marta 2005. sa posebnim naglaskom na definiranju VNI, odnosu glavnih drzavnih funkcija i njihovoj rotaciji, odnosu između grupnih prava i prava pojedinca, tj. odnosu između nacionalnih i građanskih prava.
    Grupa će imati svoj prvi dvodnevni sastanak 24. i 25. maja u prostorijama naseg udruzenja, u Ulici Radiceva 2, 1. sprat. Vjerujemo da je i ACIPS zainteresiran da ucestvuje u ovakvim razgovorima. Stoga, pozivamo 2 ili 3 člana ACIPSA koji bi bili voljini da prisustvuju ovom sastanku, te da razmotrimo nasu daljnju saradnju. Ukoliko se slazete sa ovim prijedlogom, mozete potvrditi putem e-maila ili na moj broj telefona 061 636 070. Sastanku ce pored članova delegiranih od strane političkih stranaka pristustvovati i Amb. D. Hays (USIP), Prof. R.B. Hitchner (Tufts University) i P. Williams (PIL PG).
    Srdacan pozdrav,

ponedjeljak, 7. siječnja 2019.

ACIPS - newsletter no 3

Association Alumni of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies

ACIPS Newsletter

January – May 2005 |                                                                                                                              Issue 3

We kindly invite you to share your recommendations and ideas for upcoming new projects, round tables or publications. In addition, please do not hesitate to advise us on how to create better communication between members and how to administrate our activities more efficiently.
Subscribe to this newsletter
Send an email to

Project “Novi Pogledi” (New Perspectives)

Project “Novi Pogledi” (New Perspectives)

PROJECT “ Developing the Optimal Regional Incubating Policy for the Sarajevo Macro Region”
Supported by

Team Leader

If you have any questions about this project please email

PROJECT “ Crossroad”
Supported by
Implementing organizations:

Sanel Huskić

To find out more about CROSSROAD project please email

PROJECT “ICTY Internship Program”
Supported by

Open Society Institute NY

The Swiss Embassy 

Danijela Dugandžić

For all additional information please contact project coordinator at

PROJECT “Novi Pogledi” (New Perspectives)”
Supported by
Open Society Fund BiH

Ivan Barbalić
Emir Suljagić

PROJECT “Center for Policy Research”

Supported by

Open Society Fund
Japanese Government


Ivan Barbalić

Lejla Đurbuzović

Haris Abaspahić

Danijela Dugandžić

Sanel Huskić

Emir Suljagić

Dear ACIPS members and readers,

Welcome to the new issue of ACIPS Newsletter. We are pleased to update you on our ongoing activities, projects, and events.
We have developed a detailed summary of events, initiatives and activities of ACIPS from the past several months. Our goal is to keep you informed, updated, and involved in ACIPS’s activities and to maintain a close relationship with ACIPS’s supporters.
We hope you find the newsletter informative and its content useful.
Thank you for your continued interest in ACIPS!


Conference on European Integration-  Opportunity for development of BiH and promotion of the book “From Dayton to Brussels”,
April 1, 2005
 ACIPS/CIPS building

     The aim of this conference was to generate a public discussion about the current stage of the European Integration Process of BiH. The main questions raised were: “What are the necessary political measures that need to be adopted and implemented in order to obtain the PAF aid (to come to the status of an EU member candidate) and which measures can be immediately taken in order to enable local actors so that they can respond to complex policies and procedures included in this process?”
     The first book from the ACIPS Edition, “From Dayton to Brussels”, by Emir Hadžikadunić, ACIPS member, was promoted at the above mentioned conference.
      More than one hundred participants, representing governmental organizations, international organizations and embassies, media, as well as NGO’s and the business sector, actively participated in the discussions and showed a great interest in what our speakers had to say. Speakers were respected individuals and experts in various fields, among which were: Ms. Minna Järvenpää, Ms. Daria Duilović, Ms. Dunja Mijatović, Mr. Renzo Daviddi, Mr. Orhan Pašalić, Mr. Zlatko Lagumdžija, Mr. Zdravko Grebo, Mr. Frane Maroević, Mr. Ranko Markuš, Mr. Damir Ahmetović and Emir Hadžikadunić


Public debate The role of the military forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the process of Euro Atlantic integration
March 12, 2005
Building of the ACCESS Centre

Key speakers were:

-          Matija Dobrinić, Ministry of defense FBiH 
-          Raffi Gregorian, Commission for Reform of Defense BiH
-          Denis Hadžović  , Center for Security Studies 
-          Emir Suljagić,  BH DANI , ACIPS 


-          Aida Hodžić, ACIPS

Some of the questions raised at the debate were:

  • How important is reform of the military as part of the integration process and which steps should be taken in order for reform to be successful?

  • Defining the role and the future of the Entity Ministries in this process.

  • When will BiH have a unified army?

  • What is happening with the Partnership for Peace?

  • Until when will membership in Partnership for Peace depend on full cooperation with the ICTY (compared to Croatia)?

  • What is the role of EUFOR and how big is its responsibility for arresting war criminals?


PROJECT “ Developing the Optimal Regional Incubating Policy for the Sarajevo Macro Region”

This project is supported by the Delegation of the European Commission in BiH.

The aim of the study is to identify and propose an optimal business incubating policy for the region. The study identifies and analyzes size, structure and needs of the SME sector and potential start-ups in the Sarajevo Macro Region. Furthermore, it will focus on activities and capacities of local and regional governments to support SME development. Finally, based on this research and analysis of existing models of business incubators in European Countries, the study will propose a policy concerning the optimal model of incubating centers in the Sarajevo Macro Region


PROJECT “Crossroad”

This is an initiative for improving the economic situation in Sarajevo Canton region, targeting the student population as the future source of economic growth, aimed at encouraging and training students to establish their own enterprises and enable them to integrate more easily within existing companies. This is to be done through a number of seminars, workshops, consulting activities, case studies, job fairs, internships, scholarships and a web platform. CROSSROAD is supposed to be a human resources incubator (for members of Sarajevo University’s student population) for starting up new SME's, as well as serving as a contact point between students and the businesses they will be integrated into after finishing their studies. CROSSROAD has been conceived of as educational, information and consulting centre and a place for ongoing encounters and cooperation between companies in  Sarajevo Canton and the students of Sarajevo Uni.
NOTE: To participate in the project's activities (seminars, workshops, consulting activities or other) please send CVs to the project coordinator. Currently we are looking to hire lecturers who are experienced in various fields related to SMEs.


PROJECT “ICTY Internship Program”

Started in June 2004
The ICTY Internship Program is designed for graduate and postgraduate students from BiH.
To date seven students have completed their internships in ICTY and an additional two are now in Den Haag doing their internships. They will stay there until June 2005.
The project will end in June 2005 and by then 9 interns will have gained new knowledge in international humanitarian law, international  criminal law, and human rights law and will have acquired an insight into the procedures of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Students who completed their internship in January 2005 continued in the same direction and undertook internships in the Registry of War Crimes and Organized Crime, the Court of BiH and one of the interns who just returned from Den Haag got a job at ICTY as a legal assistant


PROJECT “Novi Pogledi” (New Perspectives)

The fourth issue of the magazine New Perspectives (Novi pogledi) is available on,  link ACIPS (Newsletters and New Perspectives).
We highly recommend that you read this issue and if you have any comments, ideas or questions please do not hesitate to contact New Perspectives editorial staff or write to

The topic of a fifth issue is yet to be decided so we encourage you to contact the editor and send you articles for this issue

took place on
Friday, March 25, 2005. at 17:30
in CIPS/ACIPS building


PROJECT “Center for Policy Research”

ACIPS is a co-founder of an independent Center for Policy Research together with UNDP (project to begin in May 2005)

Think Thank

The main objective of this project is to strengthen democratic reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina by providing evidence-based policy analysis and monitoring of the reform process. Establishment of an independent Centre for Policy Research (the Centre) that will provide recommendations directed at supporting sustainable reform policies that will enhance democratic values and practices, and will contribute to positive changes in the overall development of the country.

By making its research findings widely available, the Center will contribute to the development of an open discourse on important issues of public interest. 

It is expected that the Center will:

·         Improve the policy environment through informed public debate and contribute towards enhancing public participation in policy issues,

·         Increase options available to the government in making public policy decisions,

·         Contribute towards the development of an informed, responsible and dynamic civil society,

·         Stimulate an active approach of citizens to issues of public interest

·         Provide a platform for experts in various areas of public policy, and create conditions for their effective and fruitful cooperation


11 February 2005

ACIPS organized a party for our members and friends in ACCESS.
We celebrated our new location Blue House.  For the opening, more than 100 people gathered and danced into the early hours. The party was a great success. J

15 February 2005

ACIPS together with The Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies of the University of Sarajevo organized Public Discussion Evening with Prof. Will Kymlicka, Queens University, Canada
Time:   18:oo, Tuesday, 15th February 2004
Place:  Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo, Obala Kulina bana 7/2

Prof. Kymlicka, head of the Canada Research Chair inPolitical Philosophy at Queens University, is one of the most prominent contemporary scholars on political philosophy, multiculturalism and minority rights. His publications are an integral part of today’s state of the art human rights training and have been translated into  various languages including BCS (Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian) and Slovenian.Furthermore, his work has been distinguished by exclusive awards such as the Killam Prize (2004, Canada Council), Award of the Royal Society of Canada (2003) or the Guiseppe Acerbi Prize (2001).
NB! Unfortunatlely the event was cancelled due to poor weather conditions and flight cancellation!

8 April 2005

ACIPS together with The Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies of the University of Sarajevo organized Public Discussion « Regional approach to European Integration: Case study Croatia.
with Prof. Vesna Pusić, vice president of the Croatian National Parliament and professor of sociology at Zagreb Univesity and Prof. Ivo Banac, historian, teaching at Yale University
Time:   18:15, Friday
Place:  Zmaja od Bosne 8, blue building



We highly recommend you to subscribe to our mailing list BH front. It brings together more than 400 members who share news, information and job offers between each other. This is also a great way to stay in touch with your alumni colleagues and to join a professional network. To become a member just send an email to


Suggested web sites


Association Alumni of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies
Zmaja od Bosne 8
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel/Fax: + 387 33 205 416, +387 33 205 383
Web site: