The People's NSA #OCCRP At an undisclosed location in Sarajevo, a group of sophisticated hackers are working with investigative journalists to expose organized crime and corruption by some of the world’s most sinister governments The donors of this organization as listed on its page: NED SIDA Foreign and Commonwealth Office USAID US Department of State Google News Initiative Fund Open Society Foundations Rockefeller Brother's Fund MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights International Center for Journalists Catherine Hawkins Foundation The Bay and Paul Foundations Luminate Sigfrid Ruasing Trust The Skoll Foundation Vital Strategies
Blog containing a database of articles, reports, blogger's notes and photos of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Balkans region. The compilation and material was created by Aleksandra Miletić-Šantić, a lawyer, social scientist, human rights activist, journalist and interpreter.
Prikazani su postovi s oznakom cyber crime. Prikaži sve postove
Prikazani su postovi s oznakom cyber crime. Prikaži sve postove
subota, 3. listopada 2020.
The video published on Facebook on the cooperation of the NGO Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting (OCCRP) with hackers at its seat in Sarajevo
The People's NSA #OCCRP At an undisclosed location in Sarajevo, a group of sophisticated hackers are working with investigative journalists to expose organized crime and corruption by some of the world’s most sinister governments The donors of this organization as listed on its page: NED SIDA Foreign and Commonwealth Office USAID US Department of State Google News Initiative Fund Open Society Foundations Rockefeller Brother's Fund MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights International Center for Journalists Catherine Hawkins Foundation The Bay and Paul Foundations Luminate Sigfrid Ruasing Trust The Skoll Foundation Vital Strategies
utorak, 29. rujna 2020.
November 14, 2016 - the message from Anonymous re Assange and Wikileaks (sent via mail, posted on blog and in Facebook Intelgroup)
From my mailbox, but was also available on:
Please note that I was not subscribed to the blog where the message was posted.
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 2:36 AM
Subject: [New post] 108-2
by XadminX
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect on #IntelGroup. We have a responsibility to present information to our readers regardless of personal opinions. The following post was released by @YouAnonCentral
Greetings world,
We are Anonymous.
It is with great concern that we find ourselves still associated in the eyes of the public with Julian Assange and what has become Wikiileaks.
We do not support nor do we endorse Julian Assange, Vladimir Putin, or Donald Trump. We reject fascism and all who promote it. Wikileaks under Julian Assange is a front for several corrupt state actors like Russia and the Assad regime in Syria which the majority of Anonymous have always opposed. Some people didn’t seem to notice that Assange’s Wikileaks party backed the right wing and visited Assad in 2012. We did. Wikileaks under Julian Assange is celebrated by all we oppose.
In 2010, Wikileaks was helped by a lot of very good people who all left or were arrested long ago. Julian Assange has managed to drive out everyone good, who were of service to the people and a better world. He has used their efforts and the previous support from Anonymous to further an agenda in complete opposition to their and our beliefs. He and an army of bots promote Russia, Assad, Wikileaks and Trump in the name of Anonymous and ride off a humanitarian reputation that was not created by Assange or anyone currently with the organization.
We have tried to bring the public as much information as possible during the recent US election and every election. We tried to expose Trump’s very real links to child trafficking and mafia circles and had our work drowned out by an asinine story about ‘spirit cooking’ pushed by Assange onto our hashtags. He used the megaphone we all built to promote a man who will normalize fascism and hate across the globe.
He suppressed information in the Syria files about 2 billion dollars in payments from Russia to Syria.
He vilified Panama Papers for being ‘biased’ against Russia (after stealing credit for their work).
He jeered at Parisians under attack as he is now jeering at women and minorities in the US fearing for their safety
Julian Assange and his current band of sycophants and handlers have turned Wikileaks into a symbol of fascism and disillusionment to those who worked hard and risked their very lives to create and protect it.
They work to discredit and silence all who oppose Julian Assange but supported the 2010 Wikileaks. They scream asylum for “Assange and Snowden” who are not in prison but ignore refugees and our Anonymous comrades and other brave fighters actually in prison. Jeremy Hammond and Chelesea Manning are frequently in solitary confinement (torture) and have their human rights taken from them constantly. They and others gave Wikileaks their lives with the idea that it would help reveal the truth and spark steps towards justice. Julian Assange has taken every opportunity to destroy their work, smear their credbility, and rewrite a history where those who did the work do not exist, only a cult hero named Julian Assange does.
We reject tyrant coups, including the one Julian Assange has attempted to conduct over
Wikileaks and Anonymous.
We reject Julian Assange and everything he stands for. We strongly discourage anyone from leaking to him, listening to him or giving him money.
Free Jeremy Hammond.
Free Chelsea Manning.
We are Anonymous.
We are everywhere.
We are legion.
We are those you have left without a home.
We are those you have tortured.
We are those you have murdered.
We are voiceless no more.
The world will change. We will change it.
Tyrants of the World,
Expect Us!
XadminX | November 14, 2016 at 12:33 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
srijeda, 22. srpnja 2020.
Take back the Tech (2011.)
10. decembar 2011.
Završava kampanja Vratimo kontrolu nad tehnologijom 2011, aktivnosti se nastavljaju
Danas završava kampanja Vratimo kontrolu nad tehnologijom! (Take back the Tech!) koja se održava svake godine tokom 16 dana aktivizma protiv rodno uslovljenog nasilja (od 25. novembra do 10. decembra).
Pozivamo Vas da nam se danas pridružite, u periodu od 17h 00 do 18h 00, u prostorima Art Kina Kriterion na prezentaciji platoforme „Mapirajte nasilje! Zaustavite ga!
Svi su dobrodošli!
Fondacija jedan svijet – platforma za jugoistočnu Evropu (OneWorldSEE) učestvovala je u kampanji već četvrtu godinu zaredom, ove godine uz podršku nekoliko drugih bh. organizacija: Media centar Abrašević, Antifašistička akcija (ANTIFA), Oštra nula, Okvir, Forum žena Bratunac, Žene ženama, Infoteka, Udruženje mladih Ilovača, Akcija građana i Viktorija 99.
Kampanja je i ove godine uključila dnevne akcije, kako u fizičkim, tako i u online prostorima. Kao najznačajniju aktivnost izdvajamo i prevođenje i adaptiranje globalne mape nasilja nad ženama za naše govorno područje. Desetine izvještaja iz Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i stotine izvještaja iz cijelog svijeta, mogu se naći na slijedećoj internet adresi: Ovi izvještaji uključuju priče o kulturološki „opravdanom” nasilju, online uznemiravanju i cyberstalkingu, nasilju u partnerskim vezama, seksualnom uznemiravanju i silovanju, o zajednicama nad kojima se vrši nasilje zbig njihovom seksualnog opredjeljenja, itd.
Kako bi osigurali kontinuitet u dokumentovanju lokalnih slučajeva nasilja nad ženama, Fondacija jedan svijet – platforma za jugoistočnu Evropu organizovala je i jednodnevni program edukacije za mlade aktivistkinje i aktivistkinje s ciljm boljeg upoznavanja sa komunikacijskim pravima i platformama za online kativizam usmjeren ka zaustavljanju nasilja nad ženama. Ovaj trening održan je uz podršku Association for Progresive Communications, Programa Volontera Ujedinjenih naroda u BiH i ureda UN Women u BiH.
Vjerujemo da je moguće stati u kraj nasilju nad ženama ako svaka djevojka, žena, muškarac i osoba pristupi IKT-u s ciljem da promjeni nejednake odnose moći, poduzme akciju i posveti se transformisanju načina na koje su svi naši prostori definisani i razvijeni, bilo online ili ne.
Više informacija o kampanji možete pročitati ovdje:, a tu je i priručnik sa praktičnim savjetima kako sigurno koristiti IKT alatke:
Završava kampanja Vratimo kontrolu nad tehnologijom 2011, aktivnosti se nastavljaju
Danas završava kampanja Vratimo kontrolu nad tehnologijom! (Take back the Tech!) koja se održava svake godine tokom 16 dana aktivizma protiv rodno uslovljenog nasilja (od 25. novembra do 10. decembra).
Pozivamo Vas da nam se danas pridružite, u periodu od 17h 00 do 18h 00, u prostorima Art Kina Kriterion na prezentaciji platoforme „Mapirajte nasilje! Zaustavite ga!
Svi su dobrodošli!
Fondacija jedan svijet – platforma za jugoistočnu Evropu (OneWorldSEE) učestvovala je u kampanji već četvrtu godinu zaredom, ove godine uz podršku nekoliko drugih bh. organizacija: Media centar Abrašević, Antifašistička akcija (ANTIFA), Oštra nula, Okvir, Forum žena Bratunac, Žene ženama, Infoteka, Udruženje mladih Ilovača, Akcija građana i Viktorija 99.
Kampanja je i ove godine uključila dnevne akcije, kako u fizičkim, tako i u online prostorima. Kao najznačajniju aktivnost izdvajamo i prevođenje i adaptiranje globalne mape nasilja nad ženama za naše govorno područje. Desetine izvještaja iz Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i stotine izvještaja iz cijelog svijeta, mogu se naći na slijedećoj internet adresi: Ovi izvještaji uključuju priče o kulturološki „opravdanom” nasilju, online uznemiravanju i cyberstalkingu, nasilju u partnerskim vezama, seksualnom uznemiravanju i silovanju, o zajednicama nad kojima se vrši nasilje zbig njihovom seksualnog opredjeljenja, itd.
Kako bi osigurali kontinuitet u dokumentovanju lokalnih slučajeva nasilja nad ženama, Fondacija jedan svijet – platforma za jugoistočnu Evropu organizovala je i jednodnevni program edukacije za mlade aktivistkinje i aktivistkinje s ciljm boljeg upoznavanja sa komunikacijskim pravima i platformama za online kativizam usmjeren ka zaustavljanju nasilja nad ženama. Ovaj trening održan je uz podršku Association for Progresive Communications, Programa Volontera Ujedinjenih naroda u BiH i ureda UN Women u BiH.
Vjerujemo da je moguće stati u kraj nasilju nad ženama ako svaka djevojka, žena, muškarac i osoba pristupi IKT-u s ciljem da promjeni nejednake odnose moći, poduzme akciju i posveti se transformisanju načina na koje su svi naši prostori definisani i razvijeni, bilo online ili ne.
Više informacija o kampanji možete pročitati ovdje:, a tu je i priručnik sa praktičnim savjetima kako sigurno koristiti IKT alatke:
ponedjeljak, 4. studenoga 2019.
Sebastian Bay, Nora Biteniece
This article is published as a part of a study "Responding to Cognitive Security Challenges".
Full report is also available online:
ISBN: 978-9934-564-39-0
Authors: Sebastian Bay, Giorgio Bertolin, Nora Biteniece, Edward H. Christie, Anton Dek, Rolf
E. Fredheim, John D. Gallacher, Kateryna Kononova, Tetiana Marchenko
Project manager: Giorgio Bertolin
Text editor: Anna Reynolds, Mike Collier
Design: Kārlis Ulmanis
Riga, January 2019
11b Kalciema Iela
Riga LV1048, Latvia
Twitter: @stratcomcoe
This publication does not represent the opinions or policies of NATO.
© All rights reserved by the NATO StratCom COE. Reports may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or publicly displayed
without reference to the NATO StratCom COE. The views expressed here are solely those of the author in his private capacity
and do not in any way represent the views of NATO StratCom COE. NATO StratCom COE does not take responsibility for the
views of authors expressed in their articles.
"Cambridge Analytica allegedly analysed
thousands of data points on hundreds of
millions of Americans to generate effective
microtargeting and behaviour-prediction
algorithms during the 2016 US presidential
election campaign. In light of these
events, it is imperative that we increase
our understanding of the possibilities for
malicious use of data. Much of the data
used by Cambridge Analytica was collected using the Facebook app ‘This is Your Digital
Life’. Roughly 270,000 people used this app
and unwittingly shared their personal data,
and that of their friends, with Cambridge
Analytica. It has been estimated that the
personal information of roughly 50 million
Americans was harvested this way. And Cambridge Analytica is not the only
company collecting data on private citizens.
Data has become an important component
of our digital existence because people now
expect customised search results and an
online experience tailored to their personal
needs, wants, and desires. This kind of
customisation is not possible without
extensive data collection."
Spear Phishing A Law Enforcement and Cross-Industry Perspective (EUROPOL, EC3 report, November, 2019)
This report is the result of the joint Advisory Group Meeting from March 26 – 27 2019, gathering over 70
representatives from private industry at Europol to discuss the threat of spear phishing. It contains the
meeting’s main conclusions and recommendations for organisations on how to combat this threat effectively
on a technical, educational, as well as operational level. It concludes that spear phishing is still the main
attack vector for cybercriminals to target their victims and shows that there are a number of readily
available solutions that can help minimise the risk of a successful attack. At the same time, this report
highlights some of the challenges related to information sharing and the investigation of spear phishing
attacks, as well as what can be done collectively to improve the situation.
"Phishing can be the vector for fraud, extortion, espionage or other malicious
cyberattacks. It is an attack with a variety of sophistication and purpose used by
malicious actors ranging from script kiddies and fraudsters to serious organised
criminal groups and nation states."
It is often trivial to gather extensive knowledge about an organisation’s
staff. LinkedIn, for instance, is an online professional networking platform and
counts over 610 million users in over 200 countries worldwide11. Websites such as
these (in addition to other, country-specific equivalents) provide large amounts of
information about individuals and organisations of interest to potential attackers.
Through connections to other members, role descriptions and publicly available CVs, it is possible to gain a detailed understanding not only about an organisation’s
staff structure, but also identify potential interests of staff employees, which may
subsequently be exploited. LinkedIn, in combination with tools such as,
additionally provides a significant resource for identifying corporate email
addresses, which can then be targeted by spear phishing emails.
Finally, data leaks of email addresses and passwords which are offered in
batches on the dark web can provide an easy access for the criminal if basic
cybersecurity hygiene practices are not followed. As will be shown in the following
section, getting the target to trust the sender of the email is key to carrying out a
successful spear phishing attack. And what sender is more trustworthy for
employees than their own company’s CEO?
nedjelja, 30. prosinca 2018.
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