utorak, 6. listopada 2020.

Projekat za oporavak od poplava: Javni poziv za odabir korisnica i korisnika pomoći (UNDP, Mon Oct 09 00:00:00 UTC 2017)


#UNDP #Poplave #Bosna i Hercegovina #EU
Prema informacijama sa FB stranice EU Programa za oporavak od poplava koji je pokrenut 2014, a završio 29.02.2016., sa (vrlo diskutabilnim) rezultatima koji uključuju - povratak u domove, porast zaposlenosti, povratak djece u škole i obdaništa, i ponovno uspostavljanje zdravstvene i socijalne zaštite, čime je ostvaren pozitivan uticaj na živote više od 610.000 ljudi u BiH!
Ipak - čini se da se BiH još uvijek oporavlja od poplava iz maja 2014., jer je UNDP koji provodi ovaj program, početkom oktobra objavio javni poziv za odabir korisnica i korisnika iz socijalno ugroženih kategorija stanovništva, za izgradnju i sanaciju stambenih jedinica uništenih ili oštećenih u poplavama 2014. godine. Poziv koji je otvoren do 9. novembra, možete preuzeti na linku u prilogu.


Projekat za oporavak od poplava objavio je Javni poziv za odabir korisnica i korisnika iz socijalno ugroženih kategorija stanovništva, za izgradnju i sanaciju stambenih jedinica uništenih ili oštećenih u poplavama 2014. godine. Na Javni poziv se mogu prijaviti fizička lica, odnosno nosioci domaćinstva za porodice, iz sljedećih opština i gradova u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH): Cazin, Doboj Istok, Domaljevac-Šamac, Goražde, Gračanica, Kakanj, Kalesija, Maglaj, Odžak, Orašje, Sapna, Srebrenik, Tešanj, Travnik, Tuzla, Vareš, Vogošća, Zavidovići, Zenica, Žepče, Banja Luka, Bijeljina, Bratunac, Brod, Doboj, Donji Žabar, Gradiška, Jezero, Kostajnica, Laktaši, Lopare, Modriča, Novi Grad, Petrovo, Prijedor, Prnjavor, Šamac, Šekovići, Šipovo, Srbac, Teslić, Ugljevik, Vlasenica i Zvornik.

Javni poziv je otvoren od 9. oktobra 2017. do 9. novembra 2017. godine.

Projekat za oporavak od poplava finansira Evropska unija, u saradnji sa vladama entiteta, a implementira Razvojni program Ujedinjenih nacija (UNDP) u BiH, u partnerstvu sa Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB), Hilfswerk International Austria (HWA), Međunarodnom organizacijom za migracije (IOM) i partnerskim opštinama i gradovima. Projekat predstavlja nastavak aktivnosti sanacije šteta uzrokovanih elementarnim nepogodama koje su BiH pogodile 2014. godine. Projekat pomaže trajno stambeno zbrinjavanje i ekonomsko osnaživanje socijalno ugroženih kategorija stanovništva u poplavljenim područjima, kroz izgradnju i sanaciju individualnih stambenih objekata, pomoć maloj poljoprivredi, te kreiranje novih radnih mjesta u privatnom sektoru.

Opšti kriteriji za odabir korisnica i korisnika (detaljni kriteriji u formularu za prijavu):

  • Stambena jedinica je oštećena ili uništena usljed poplava ili klizišta 2014. godine i nije uslovna za stanovanje, a porodica, odnosno osoba je tu prebivala 2014. godine;
  • Osoba koja se prijavljuje na javni poziv, kao i članovi domaćinstva, ne posjeduju drugi stambeni objekat uslovan za stanovanje;
  • Oštećeni ili uništeni objekat je u vlasništvu osobe koja se prijavljuje na javni poziv ili člana domaćinstva;
  • Stambena jedinica nije bila predmetom sanacije kroz neki od ranijih projekata oporavka od poplava.

Dopunski kriteriji:

  • Domaćinstvo je u stanju socijalne potrebe.
  • Domaćinstvo je u nepovoljnoj socijalnoj/ekonomskoj situaciji.

Formulari za prijavu se mogu preuzeti na sljedećim lokacijama: prostorije opština i gradskih uprava; prostorije centara za socijalni rad; prostorije mjesnih zajednica; web stranicama opština i gradskih uprava i na ovoj web stranici UNDP-a u BiH. Prijave se mogu predati u prostorijama opština, odnosno gradskih uprava.

Konačne liste odabranih korisnica i korisnika će biti objavljene na oglasnim pločama opština i gradskih uprava, centara za socijalni rad, mjesnih zajednica, te na web stranicama opština i gradskih uprava i  na web stranici UNDP-a u BiH.

Statement by EU Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, following the HJPC conclusions of 26 October 2017 on the dismissal of judges and prosecutors (27/10/2017)

Statement by EU Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, following the HJPC conclusions of 26 October 2017 on the dismissal of judges and prosecutors

The European Union takes note of the conclusions adopted by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) on 26 October 2017 in connection to the information submitted by the Centre for Investigating War and War Crime and Search for Missing Persons from Republika Srpska.

Certain of the conclusions adopted by the HJPC raise concerns and could directly affect the independence of judges and prosecutors as well as the respect of the fundamental rights.

Fair trial is prerequisite for public trust in the judicial system. The presumption of innocence is at the core of the fundamental rights protected by the European Union.

No public official, including judges and prosecutors, should be dismissed without a proper independent investigation and disciplinary procedures first being applied. The appropriate sanction should only be decided after such procedures have been conducted and the allegations against the officials found to be grounded in the law. Circumventing such procedures will limit the independence and impartiality of the judiciary and is not in line with EU standards.

As recently proposed by the EU experts, there is a need to improve the criteria for appointment and dismissal of officials, in line with EU standards.

And any such improvements need to take full account of the need to maintain the independence of judiciary as well as the respect of fundamental rights.


The blog author: The statement is the reaction to
 the conclusions adopted by the BaH High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council HJPC in relation to the Information filed by Republika Srpska Center for Investigation of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons. The information included the names of 9 judges and 6 prosecutors reported on the grounds of discrimination of Serbs in the war crime proceedings, as well as the documentation about their war past making them biased or discreditable for performing independent judicial or prosecutorial function.

After discussing this Information a multi-ethnic HJPC as a body in charge of appointment of judges and prosecutors in BaH decided to undertake several urgent steps including the submission of the Information and documentation to the Office of Disciplinary Prosecutor and BaH Prosecutor's Office, requesting urgent proceedings. One of the most important conclusions is related to the initiation of the procedure of amendments of the Law on HJPC to introduce an exceptional, extraordinary measure for dismissal of a judge or prosecutor without a prior disciplinary procedure. The HJPC is to prepare the contents of this provision in line with the legal standards and requirements of the European Convention on Human Rights that will be submitted as a proposal to the relevant national institutions.

Petnaest sudija i tužilaca prijavljeno za diskriminaciju Srba/ Fifteen judges and prosecutors reported for the discrimination against Serbs (Nezavisne Novine and Glas Srpske 25.10.2017)


BANJALUKA - Devet sudija Suda BiH i šest tužilaca Tužilaštva BiH prijavljeno je za diskriminaciju Srba u procesima za ratne zločine, a u informaciji Republičkog centra za istraživanje rata, ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica navedeno je da su oni i u ratu obavljali razne funkcije u vojnim sudovima.

U informaciji su navedene sudije Suda BiH - Davorin Jukić, Šaban Maksumić, Mirsad Strika, Mira Smajlović, Hilmo Vučinić, Radžib Bagić, Mirza Jusufović, Halil Lagumdžija i Džemila Begović, piše "Glas Srpske".

"Za pristrasnost i diskriminaciju Srba u procesima ratnih zločina prijavljeni su i tužioci Tužilaštva BiH - Dževad Muratbegović, Ibro Bulić, Remzija Smailagić, Seid Marušić, Miroslav Marković i Sena Uzunović", navedeno je u informaciji.

Većina imena sa liste prijavljenih i ranije je dovođena u vezu sa nečovječnim postupanjem u ratu i podrškom zločinima, o čemu su svjedočili srpski logoraši i zarobljenici.

Ova informacija naći će se danas pred članovima Visokog sudskog i tužilačkog savjeta.

Banjaluka, 25/10/ (Glas Srpske) Devet sudija Suda BiH i šest tužilaca Tužilaštva BiH prijavljeno je za diskriminaciju Srba u procesima za ratne zločine, a u informaciji Republičkog centra za istraživanje rata, ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica navedeno je da su oni i u ratu obavljali razne funkcije u vojnim sudovima. U informaciji su navedene sudije Suda BiH - Davorin Jukić, Šaban Maksumić, Mirsad Strika, Mira Smajlović, Hilmo Vučinić, Radžib Bagić, Mirza Jusufović, Halil Lagumdžija i Džemila Begović.
Za pristrasnost i diskriminaciju Srba u procesima ratnih zločina prijavljeni su i tužioci Tužilaštva BiH - Dževad Muratbegović, Ibro Bulić, Remzija Smailagić, Seid Marušić, Miroslav Marković i Sena Uzunović, navedeno je u informaciji/Nine judges of the Court of BiH and six prosecutors of the Prosecutor's Office BiH reported for the discrimination of Serbs in the war crime proceedings in the Information of the RS Center for Investigation of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons (submitted to the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council). The Information stated additionally that during the 1992-95 war, they performed various functions at the military courts. The Information includes the names of the following judges: Davorin Jukic, Saban Maksumic, Mirsad Strika, Mira Smajlovic, Hilmo Vucinic, Radzib Bagic, Mirza Jusufovic, Halil Lagumdzija and Dzemila Begovic.
In addition, the following prosecutors were reported for bias and discrimination against Serbs in the war crimes proceedings: Dzevad Muratbegovic, Ibro Bulic, Remzija Smailagic, Seid Marusic, Miroslav Markovic and Sena Uzunovic.
More on the RS Center for Investigation of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons on: http://www.rcirz.org/

The information initially published at the site of the RS Center for investigation of War, War Crimes and Serach for Missing Persons https://www.rcirz.org/lat/informisanje/vijesti/item/621-vsts-sudije-i-tuzioci-i-u-ratu-necovjecno-postupali?fbclid=IwAR3QISUELyvlzBAPXDY-U1cvODDGo0LPdZYy9K1KLJUKoeJUZiII184a1aU (removed)

Zaključci VSTV-a BiH povodom „Informacije Centra za istraživanje rata i ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica Republike Srpske“ 26.10.2017.


Zaključci VSTV-a BiH povodom „Informacije Centra za istraživanje rata i ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica Republike Srpske“


Tokom sjednice Visokog sudskog i tužilačkog vijeća Bosne i Hercegovine (VSTV BiH/Vijeće), koja se održava 25. i 26. oktobra 2017. godine, VSTV BiH je povodom 3. tačke Dnevnog reda sjednice pod nazivom „Informacija Centra za istraživanje rata i ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica Republike Srpske“, usvojilo sljedeće zaključke: 

1. Vijeće je usvojilo zaključak da se „Informacija Centra za istraživanje rata i ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica Republike Srpske“, zajedno sa prilozima, dostavi na nadležno postupanje Uredu disciplinskog tužioca VSTV-a BiH te od njega zahtjeva prioritetno postupanje po istoj.

2. Vijeće je usvojilo zaključak da se „Informacija Centra za istraživanje rata i ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica Republike Srpske“, zajedno sa prilozima, dostavi Tužilaštvu BiH na nadležno postupanje.

3. Vijeće je usvojilo zaključak da se od tužilaštava u BiH zatraže sljedeći podaci:

  • da li se protiv bilo kojeg sudije ili tužioca navedenog u „Informaciji Centra za istraživanje rata i ratnih zločina i traženje nestalih lica Republike Srpske“ ili bilo kojeg          drugog sudije ili tužioca u BiH, vodi istraga, odnosno krivični postupak; 
  • zatražiti podatke o licima optuženim za ratne zločine, njihovoj nacionalnosti i pravnim kvalifikacijama koje su im stavljene na teret, sa posebnim osvrtom na zločin protiv čovječnosti.

4. Vijeće je usvojilo zaključak da se od sudova u BiH koji su nadležni za postupanje u predmetima ratnih zločina zatraže podaci o nacionalnosti lica pravosnažno oslobođenih i osuđenih za ratne zločine, pravnoj kvalifikaciji za koje su osuđeni, te visinama kazne.

5. Vijeće je usvojilo zaključak: 

a) VSTV će zatražiti od Ministarstva pravde BiH, Savjeta ministara BiH i Parlamentarne skupštine BiH da, po hitnoj proceduri, izvrše dopunu člana 44. Zakona o VSTV-u BiH u smislu uvođenja izuzetne mogućnosti za razrješenje sudije ili tužioca bez provedenog disciplinskog postupka.

b) Stalna komisija za legislativu VSTV-a BiH, uz podršku Odjela za pravna pitanja VSTV-a BiH, će pripremiti sadržaj odredbe koji će biti dostavljen kao prijedlog Ministarstvu pravde BiH, Savjetu ministara BiH i Parlamentarnoj skupštini BiH, a koji će zadovoljiti sve neophodne pravne standarde i zahtjeve Evropske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava.


nedjelja, 4. listopada 2020.

US Global Invest LLC acquires Bosnia's Bosna Sema Educational Institutions (SEE News, Business Intelligence for Southeast Europe, 11 November 2016)


Author: Maja Garaca 

SARAJEVO (Bosnia and Herzegovina), November 11 (SeeNews) - Investment fund US Global Invest LLC is taking over all ownership rights in Bosnia's Bosna Sema Educational Institutions, Bosna Sema has announced.

The representatives of the US Global Invest LLC and Bosna Sema had successfully completed negotiations regarding the transfer of all ownership rights to the US fund, Bosna Sema said in a press release late on Thursday.

Financial details were not disclosed.

The US fund has also initiated the process for obtaining accreditation in the US and plans to establish double degree arrangements with some prominent academic institutions in the US.

"We are impressed with what we saw in the campus, and we are now very confident that we as foreign investors we made a good decision. We know that investing in this project is important and beneficial for Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens, but also for the company I represent as the advisor", professor Samuel Henry, advisor for educational affairs in US Global Invest LLC, is quoted as saying in the release.

Bosna Sema Educational Institutions are privately owned institutions covering the area of upbringing and education, based in Sarajevo. It was established in 1998, with the aim to assist and support the educational system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosna Sema owns 14 educational institutions including the International Burch University.

New ownership engagement will not affect the flow of education processes at schools and at Burch University, Bosna Sema added in the press release.

Earlier this year, local media reported that Bosna Sema will gift its entire assets, worth some 120 million marka ($66.8 million/61.4 million euro), to the Islamic Community in Bosnia, however it was later reported that the transaction will not take place.

US Global Investment LLC is an investment company established in 1999.

(1 euro=1.95583 marka)

subota, 3. listopada 2020.

The video published on Facebook on the cooperation of the NGO Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting (OCCRP) with hackers at its seat in Sarajevo

The People's NSA #OCCRP At an undisclosed location in Sarajevo, a group of sophisticated hackers are working with investigative journalists to expose organized crime and corruption by some of the world’s most sinister governments https://www.facebook.com/freethinkcoded/videos/1444878742274622 The donors of this organization as listed on its page: https://www.occrp.org/en/aboutus/who-supports-our-work# NED https://www.ned.org/ SIDA https://www.sida.se/English/ Foreign and Commonwealth Office https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/foreign-commonwealth-office USAID https://www.usaid.gov/ US Department of State https://www.state.gov/bureaus-offices/under-secretary-for-civilian-security-democracy-and-human-rights/bureau-of-democracy-human-rights-and-labor/ Google News Initiative Fund https://newsinitiative.withgoogle.com/dnifund/ Open Society Foundations https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/ Rockefeller Brother's Fund https://www.rbf.org/ MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK https://um.dk/en/ European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights International Center for Journalists Catherine Hawkins Foundation The Bay and Paul Foundations https://www.bayandpaulfoundations.org/index.html Luminate https://www.omidyargroup.com/the-omidyar-group/ Sigfrid Ruasing Trust The Skoll Foundation https://skoll.org/ Vital Strategies https://www.vitalstrategies.org/

utorak, 29. rujna 2020.

November 14, 2016 - the message from Anonymous re Assange and Wikileaks (sent via mail, posted on blog and in Facebook Intelgroup)

From my mailbox, but was also available on: http://www.anonintelgroup.com/?p=108
Please note that I was not subscribed to the blog where the message was posted.

Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 2:36 AM Subject: [New post] 108-2
108-2 by XadminX
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect on #IntelGroup. We have a responsibility to present information to our readers regardless of personal opinions. The following post was released by @YouAnonCentral Greetings world, We are Anonymous. It is with great concern that we find ourselves still associated in the eyes of the public with Julian Assange and what has become Wikiileaks. We do not support nor do we endorse Julian Assange, Vladimir Putin, or Donald Trump. We reject fascism and all who promote it. Wikileaks under Julian Assange is a front for several corrupt state actors like Russia and the Assad regime in Syria which the majority of Anonymous have always opposed. Some people didn’t seem to notice that Assange’s Wikileaks party backed the right wing and visited Assad in 2012. We did. Wikileaks under Julian Assange is celebrated by all we oppose. In 2010, Wikileaks was helped by a lot of very good people who all left or were arrested long ago. Julian Assange has managed to drive out everyone good, who were of service to the people and a better world. He has used their efforts and the previous support from Anonymous to further an agenda in complete opposition to their and our beliefs. He and an army of bots promote Russia, Assad, Wikileaks and Trump in the name of Anonymous and ride off a humanitarian reputation that was not created by Assange or anyone currently with the organization. We have tried to bring the public as much information as possible during the recent US election and every election. We tried to expose Trump’s very real links to child trafficking and mafia circles and had our work drowned out by an asinine story about ‘spirit cooking’ pushed by Assange onto our hashtags. He used the megaphone we all built to promote a man who will normalize fascism and hate across the globe. He suppressed information in the Syria files about 2 billion dollars in payments from Russia to Syria. He vilified Panama Papers for being ‘biased’ against Russia (after stealing credit for their work). He jeered at Parisians under attack as he is now jeering at women and minorities in the US fearing for their safety Julian Assange and his current band of sycophants and handlers have turned Wikileaks into a symbol of fascism and disillusionment to those who worked hard and risked their very lives to create and protect it. They work to discredit and silence all who oppose Julian Assange but supported the 2010 Wikileaks. They scream asylum for “Assange and Snowden” who are not in prison but ignore refugees and our Anonymous comrades and other brave fighters actually in prison. Jeremy Hammond and Chelesea Manning are frequently in solitary confinement (torture) and have their human rights taken from them constantly. They and others gave Wikileaks their lives with the idea that it would help reveal the truth and spark steps towards justice. Julian Assange has taken every opportunity to destroy their work, smear their credbility, and rewrite a history where those who did the work do not exist, only a cult hero named Julian Assange does. We reject tyrant coups, including the one Julian Assange has attempted to conduct over Wikileaks and Anonymous. We reject Julian Assange and everything he stands for. We strongly discourage anyone from leaking to him, listening to him or giving him money. Free Jeremy Hammond. Free Chelsea Manning. We are Anonymous. We are everywhere. We are legion. We are those you have left without a home. We are those you have tortured. We are those you have murdered. We are voiceless no more. The world will change. We will change it. Tyrants of the World, Expect Us! 

XadminX | November 14, 2016 at 12:33 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p71yR0-1K