četvrtak, 15. listopada 2020.


Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity (MEASURE-BiH) Total Funding: $8.9 million Duration: September 2014 – September 2019 Implementing Partner: IMPAQ International, LLC The Challenge USAID is committed to key principles and practices that foster a results-oriented culture within the Agency, and makes every effort to ensure strong oversight of its assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Rigorous monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is a major focus of USAID reforms to improve transparency, accountability and learning as a part of the Agency’s USAID/Forward effort. Instilling these values into USAID interventions in BiH requires a dedicated team of M&E experts. Local researchers and organizations, however, lack the capacity to fill this role. They, too, need to learn and integrate such values and functions to conduct independent analysis of economic and political challenges and policies in BiH. Our Program The USAID Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity in BiH (MEASURE-BiH) has two primary objectives. Building USAID capacity to evaluate the impact of development interventions in BiH is the proximal purpose of this activity. MEASURE-BiH will strengthen USAID/BiH’s results-oriented culture, using M&E to inform current program management and the longer-term strategic direction of our programs in BiH. Development projects in BiH, however, will not go on indefinitely. The skills to evaluate development interventions lend themselves to be transferred into skills to evaluate the impact of public policy, proposed legislation, and organic solutions to the challenges facing the country. Therefore, MEASURE-BiH will also develop capacity to conduct independent, high-quality evaluations and other studies for local organizations, government institutions, USAID and other donors in BiH. The local capacity to conduct objective analysis will be strengthened in order to achieve a culture of results-based and data-driven public policy decision making. Implementation and Expected Results Through the following activities, MEASURE-BiH will address inefficiencies in resource management to enable USAID/BiH to make decisions based on cutting-edge evidence, and will also develop local M&E capacity: Strengthen USAID performance management and project/activity M&E by improving its ability to identify, collect and analyze performance data and information; Conduct evaluations, surveys, studies and sector assessments of our activities to help USAID deliver results on a meaningful scale; Develop a Geographic Information System to map where we work and what we do there; Provide M&E training and technical assistance for USAID/BiH staff and implementing partners; Develop a comprehensive Research Fellows Program in social science and program evaluation for independent local researchers, including both targeted training courses and learn-by-doing capacity building; and Provide demand-driven M&E capacity building of BiH government/public institutions. For more information, please visit www.usaid.gov/bosnia  HOMEABOUT USM&E RESOURCESEVALUATIONSASSESMENTS, SURVEYS AND OTHER STUDIESM&E CAPACITY BUILDINGDATAThis web site is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of the page are the sole responsibility of the editor and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.”Copyright© 2016 - USAID/BiH - MEASURE-BiH • All rights reserved

petak, 9. listopada 2020.

David King (establisher of Foreign Investors Council - FIC) - biography Linkedin


David King

Chief of Party, USAID Financial Reform Agenda Project, Bosnia & Herzegovina



  • Chief of Party

    FInancial Markets International - USAID FINRA Project

     - Present 

    3 years 1 month

    Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

  • Cardno International Development

    Cardno International Development

    10 years 11 months

    • Chief of Party, USAID EMPOWER Private Sector Project

       - 2 years 1 month

      Pristina, Kosovo

    • Director Economic Growth

       - 8 years 10 months

      Arlington VA and Sarajevo, BiH

  • Chief of Party

    Cardno International Development - USAID-Sida FIRMA Project

     - 2 years 3 months

  • Managing Consultant


     - 1 year 11 months

    Economic development consulting

  • Managing Consultant

    PwC Consulting

     - 2 years

    Serbia, Montenegro, Bethesda MD

  • Chief of Party; Director Central Europe

    The Recovery Group

     - 5 years

utorak, 6. listopada 2020.

Alkalaj: BiH u NATO-u 2009. godine (Klix, Fena 21.1.2007. u 15:42)


Ambasador Bosne i Hercegovine u Belgiji Sven Alkalaj izjavio je u nedjelju u intervjuu Radiju Federacije BiH da mu predstavlja izuzetnu čast to što ga je Stranka za BiH kandidovala za novog ministra vanjskih poslova naše zemlje.

Smatra da ga je na ovu dužnost preporučila njegova dosadašnja biografija u kojoj, uz ostalo, piše da je u bh. diplomatiji od 1993. godine. Alkalaj ima 58 godina, po narodnosti je Jevrej, završio je Mašinski fakultet i dugo je radio u Energoinvestu. Odlično govori engleski jezik.

"Imao sam čast i zadovoljstvo da BiH predstavljam u Washingtonu i Bruxellesu, i to u nekim presudnim godinama za našu zemlju. Tu sam stekao neka poznanstva koja su mi, pored ostalog, pomogla i da lobiram za BiH, pogotovo u procesu našeg prijema u Partnerstvo za mir NATO-a", rekao je Alkalaj.

Govoreći o tome kada bi BiH mogla ući u punopravno članstvo NATO-a ambasador Alkalaj je rekao da bi se to moglo dogoditi 2009. godine. Te godine ovaj vojni savez proslavlja 60 godina svog djelovanja i on smatra da bi se taj jubilej, uz ostalo, mogao obilježiti i prijemom blakanskih zemalja u NATO.

"Lopta je u našem dvorištu i od nas samih najviše zavisi kada ćemo biti primljeni u Sjevernoatlantski savez. To znači da moramo ispuniti određene uvjete koje traže u Bruxellesu", istaknuo je bh. ambasador.

Jedan od th uvjeta sastoji se u tome da naša zemlja ne samo dobija pomoć od partnera nego i da njima pruža svoj doprinos. Da li to znači da bi naša vojska uskoro mogla ići u misiju u Afganistan?

"Moguće je i da se poveća naše učešće u operacijama NATO-a, pa i da naši vojnici idu u Afganistan, ali o tome odluku donosi Predsjedništvo BiH kao vrhovna komanda. Smatram da bi naš doprinos u toj zemlji bio odlično primljen u NATO-u, na isti način kao što se odlično vrednuje učešće naših deminera u Iraku", naglasio je ambasador bh. u Belgiji Sven Alkalaj u intervjuu Radiju Federacije BiH.

Dužnosnik UN-a iz BiH Alkalaj optužen za protuzakonitu isplatu novčane nagrade (Index, Hina 14.4.2015.)


SUD BOSNE i Hercegovine objavio je u utorak kako je potvrdio optužnicu protiv bivšeg ministra vanjskih poslova BiH Svena Alkalaja, kojega se tereti za nesavjestan rad u u službi.

Alkalaj je optužen da je u svojstvu ministra vanjskih poslova protuzakonito odobrio isplatu novčane nagrade svojoj zamjenici Ani Trišić-Babić.

Naknadu joj je odobrio na temelju njezina angažiranja za rad u koordinacijskom timu za NATO pri Vijeću ministara BiH.

Nevedeno je kako je Alkalaj ovime svjesno prekršio odluku Vijeća ministara BiH po kojoj novčana naknada ne pripada voditelju i zamjeniku voditelja tijela vlasti u BiH.

Time je ujedno prouzročio štetu proračunu Bosne i Hercegovine u iznosu od oko 13,5 tisuća konvertibilnih maraka (6.900 eura).

Alkalaj je dužnost ministra vanjskih poslova BiH obnašao od 2007. do 2012. godine kao kadar kojega je postavio tadašnji član Predsjedništva BiH Haris Silajdžić.

Nakon isteka ministarskog mandata glavni tajnik Ujedinjenih naroda Ban Ki-Moon imenovao ga je izvršnim tajnikom Ekonomskog povjerenstva UN-a za Europu (UNECE), a tu dužnost i sada obnaša.


BiH do kraja godine predaje kandidaturu za članstvo u Europskoj uniji (Index, 12.8.2010.)


BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA do kraja će se godine kandidirati za članstvo u Europskoj uniji, rekao je ministar vanjskih poslova BiH Sven Alkalaj i dodao kako BiH u svojoj namjeri da se kandidira za članstvo ima veliku podršku EU-a.

"U rujnu ili najkasnije u listopadu ove godine očekuje se definiranje vanjske politike EU-a prema zapadnom Balkanu, što podrazumijeva i postavljanje posebnog predstavnika za ovu regiju. Usuglašavanja unutar EU-a i dalje traju, ali kad konačna odluka bude donesena, trebala bi se stvoriti mogućnost da naša zemlja preda aplikaciju", rekao je Alkalaj u telefonskom razgovoru za sarajevsko Oslobođenje.

EU maintains support for ICMP, helps Bosnia and Herzegovina find missing persons 18.10.2017.


Blog author: "The #EU has granted 3 million euros to the International Commission on Missing Persons (#ICMP) under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) 2016, for a two-year project to continue helping the Bosnia and Herzegovina (#BiH) authorities to locate and identify the estimated 7,000 persons who are still missing from the 1992-95 conflict./ Evropska unija odobrila je tri miliona eura Međunarodnoj komisiji za nestale osobe (ICMP) u okviru Instrumenta za pretpristupnu pomoć (IPA) za 2016. godinu za dvogodišnji projekat kojim nastavlja pružati pomoć vlastima Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH) pri lociranju i identificiranju oko 7,000 osoba koje se još uvijek vode kao nestale u ratu od 1992 do 1995.
Under the EU-funded project, ICMP, a treaty-based International organization headquartered in the Hague, will continue to help the authorities in BIH address the interrelated issues of unidentified remains held in BiH mortuaries and misidentifications that occurred before ICMP introduced DNA testing in 2001. ICMP will also seek to ensure increased use of its Online Inquiry Center (OIC) by individuals and organizations in BiH available on: https://www.icmp.int/?resources=online-inquiry-center-how-to-report-a-missing-person-to-icmp / U okviru projekta koji finansira EU, ICMP, nezavisna međunarodna organizacija sa sjedištem u Hagu, nastaviće pomagati vlastima u BiH da rade na međusobno povezanim pitanjima neidentificiranih ostataka, koji se čuvaju u mrtvačnicama BiH i slučajeva pogrešne identifikacije, koji su se desili prije nego što je 2001. godine ICMP uveo DNK analizu. Također će se poduzeti nephodne aktivnosti kako bi pojedinci i organizacije u BiH više koristili njen Online centar za upite dostupan na https://www.icmp.int/?resources=online-inquiry-center-how-to-report-a-missing-person-to-icmp"

EU maintains support for ICMP, helps Bosnia and Herzegovina find missing persons

The European Union has granted three million euros to the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) 2016, for a two-year project to continue helping the Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) authorities to locate and identify the estimated 7,000 persons who are still missing from the 1992-95 conflict.

Under the EU-funded project, ICMP, a treaty-based International organization headquartered in the Hague,  will continue to help the authorities in BIH address the interrelated issues of unidentified remains held in BiH mortuaries and misidentifications that occurred before ICMP introduced DNA testing in 2001. ICMP will maintain Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology activities and will continue to deliver DNA matching and identification. It will also seek to ensure increased use of its Online Inquiry Center (OIC) by individuals and organizations in BiH.

Previous EU funds have been a significant factor in enabling ICMP to help the authorities in BIH account for more 23,000 persons – more than 75 percent of all those who went missing during the conflict,” said the Head of ICMP’s Western Balkans program, Matthew Holliday . “However, at least 7,000 are still missing – and that’s why it is critical that continued financial support is made available so that ICMP can maintain its assistance to BiH to search for and identify the missing and fulfill the rights of the families of the missing, Holliday added”

The Head of the EU Delegation to BIH and EU Special Representative in BIH Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, said that helping the authorities to fulfil their obligations to families of the missing is our common moral duty. It will also contribute to efforts to strengthen the rule of law, and support peace and stability in the country. “From an enlargement perspective, the ICMP project will help to address concerns that were raised in the European Commission’s 2016 BiH Country Report, which characterized the unresolved fate of missing persons as an issue of concern,” Ambassador Wigemark said.

Minister Osmić Visited Glamoč and Military Polygon “Barbara” (Sarajevo Times, MARCH 23, 2013)


The BiH Minister of Defense Zekerijah Osmić and the Chief of the Joint Staff of the BIH Armed Forces (OSBiH) General Major Anto Jeleč visited Glamoč and the military polygon “Barbara” yesterday.

They were informed in the barracks about the project obligations for applying different models of resolutions for ammunition and mining-explosive surplus, and the accompanying effects on locations in the Armed Forces.

After the briefing in the polygon there was a demonstration on how to destroy ammunition in a special furnace.

Osmić visited the mayor of municipality Glamoč Radovan Marković with Generals Anto Jeleč and Mirko Tepšić.

During the meeting, an agreement was reached that the experts should confirm what are the effects of destroying ammunition and other explosives at the polygon “Barbara” on the environment, and after expert analysis appropriate eco-measures will be taken, announced the Office for Public Relations of the BiH Ministry of Defense.