nedjelja, 25. ožujka 2018.

Prize Draw: Return Arms - Win Devices/ Nagradna igra: Vrati oružje - osvoji oruđe! - UNDP BaH, 2006.

Prize Draw: "Return Arms - Win Devices" was organized by UNDP Office in Sarajevo in partnership with Robot Komerc, Tom Shopping Center and Europlakat in 2006.

The eligible participants were nationals of BaH who handed over one or more small arms at the designated drop-off points within the period November, 5 - December, 5. 

The first prize was a scooter, and the other prizes included: 3 refrigerators, 3 washing machines, 3 kitchen stoves, 3 TV sets, 3 home cinema systems, 3 stereos, 3 microwave ovens, 3 filter coffee makers, 6 vacuum cleaners, 6 toasters, 6 mixers, 3 steam irons, 3 electric grills, 3 blenders and 9 kettles.  

četvrtak, 8. ožujka 2018.

Concesions for oil and gas questionable once again/ Koncesije za naftu i plin u FBiH ponovo upitne

Iako se u medijima još uvijek spekulira o tome ko bi mogao dobiti posao na tenderu vrijednom 1.282.051,00 KM Federalnog ministarstva energetike, rudarstva i industrije, te se kao glavni favorit navodi britanska firma IHS, sudeći prema odluci od 23.01. o.g., postupak je ponovo obustavljen. Naime, Vlada je poništila postupak za javne nabavke usluga za  izbor stručnog konsultanta koji bi joj pomogao u pripremi, provodenju javnog nadmetanja i izradi tenderske dokumentacije za raspisivanje međunarodnog javnog poziva za dodjelu koncesije za istraživanje i eksploataciju nafte iplina na prostoru Federacije
Bosne i Hercegovine. U odluci Vlade se navodi da nije zaprimljena nijedna ponuda koja bi bila prihvatljiva.
Although it has been still speculated in the local media, who could win 1.282.051,00 BAM worth tender of the Federal Ministry of Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry, and as the main candidate the British company IHS has been nominated, given the decision from the 23rd of January of this year, it seems that the procedure has been suspended once again. Namely, the Government has annulled the procedure of public procurement of services for the selection of the expert consultant that would assist the Government in the preparation and implementation of tender procedure and drafting of tender documentation for the announcement of international public call for concession award for exploration and exploitation of oil and gas in the Federation. The decision states that the received offers were not acceptable.