ponedjeljak, 13. studenoga 2017.

Efikasnost sistema deminiranja u BiH, oktobar, 2016./ Efficacy of the system of demining in BaH, October, 2016

The goal of the Report of the Audit Office of the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BaH) was to assess the established system of demining and capacities of BaH to fulfill its international obligations and own strategic commitments. The Report has established that the system of demining at the level of BaH is not efficacious. Moreover, the process of demining itself has not been either analysed or improved over the last 15 years. During the period 2002-2015, the total of 530 million BAM was spent, out of which two thirds were provided by donors. Over the last three years (2012-16), the total of 113.5 million BAM was spent (58 million provided by BaH and 55 million of donor funds).
Even 20 years after the end of the war, the Mine Action Center (http://www.bhmac.org/?lang=en) does not have all the information about the exact locations of the mines. Initially, BaH had committed itself to fulfill international obligations and strategic goals from the Ottawa Convention by 2009. This deadline has been prolonged to 2019. The latest strategy proposal is the vision of BaH without mines by 2024.
There is a number of demining projects, which resulted in identification of only one mine, or even no mines were identified after the project completion.For 385 projects subjected to this analysis, the percentage of the successfully assessed number of mines in comparison to the expected number of mines is 2.5%.
Over the period 2005-2016, 25 persons were killed and 24 injured in demining accidents or were victims of mines. In addition, 23 irregularities were recorded. This resulted in the obligation of BaH to compensate 850 000 BAM on the basis of the enforceable court decisions.
According to the assessments, 545.000 of BaH citizens currently live in immediate danger of minefields and BaH has been categorized accordingly among the countries at highest risk in the world.            
Izvještaj Ureda za reviziju institucija BiH je urađen sa ciljem da se izvrši procjena uspostavljenog sistema deminiranja i spremnosti BiH da ispuni međunarodno preuzete obaveze i vlastita strateška opredjeljenja. U Izvještaju je utvrđeno da sistem deminiranja na nivou BiH nije efikasan. Proces deminiranja nije analiziran, niti unaprijeđen tokom posljednjih 15 godina. U periodu od 2002-2015. godine utrošeno je ukupno 530 miliona KM, od čega su 2/3 osigurali donatori. U posljednje tri godine (2012-16) utrošeno je oko 113,5 miliona KM sredstava, i to 58 miliona koje je osigurala BiH i 55 miliona donatorskih sredstava.
Ni 20 godina nakon završetka rata, Centar za uklanjanje mina nema sve informacije gdje se mine nalaze. BiH se prvobitno bila obavezala da će međunarodne obaveze i strateške ciljeve iz Otavske konvencije ispuniti do 2009. godine. Nakon toga je rok prolongiran do 2019. godine. Novi prijedlog vizije jeste BiH bez mina do 2024.
Nije mali broj projekata deminiranja koji nakon završetka aktivnosti rezultira pronalaskom jedne ili nijedne mine. Za 384 projekta koji su bili predmet analize, procenat uspješno procijenjenog broja mina spram očekivanih mina je 2.5%.
U periodu od 2005-2016. godine, rezultat minskih i deminerskih nesreća jeste da je 25 ljudi izgubilo život i 24 osobe su povrijeđene. Pored navedenog desile su se 23 nepravilnosti. Posljedica dosadašnjih nesreća je da BiH, prema pravosnažnim presudama, treba isplatiti 850 000 KM.
Procjene ukazuju da danas u BiH približno 545.000 građana živi u neposrednoj opasnosti od minskih polja, te se, prema tome, BiH svrstava među najugroženije zemlje u svijetu.

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