petak, 3. studenoga 2017.

Ejup Ganić kritikuje američku šutnju u njegovom slučaju/ Ejup Ganic Criticises US Silence in His Case - 21.4.201 klix0
(English translation below)

Ejup Ganić kritikuje američku šutnju u njegovom slučaju

Član ratnog Predsjedništva RBiH Ejup Ganić, koji se suočava sa mogućnošću da ga Velika Britanija izruči u Srbiju zbog optužbi za ratne zločine, kritikovao je danas administraciju američkog predsjednika Baracka Obame, jer se nije oglasila o njegovom slučaju. Ganić je američkom dnevniku "Miami Herald" rekao da "Amerikanci ne treba da šute o ovom slučaju, jer šutnja znači odobravanje". Ganić je podsjetio da je on 1996. godine dočekao tadašnju prvu damu SAD-a, a sada šefa diplomatije Hillary Clinton tokom njene posjete BiH, kao i da se sastao sa specijalnim predstavnikom američkog predsjednika za Balkan Richardom Holbrookeom.
Kontroverza je izbila 2008. godine kada je tokom svoje predsjedničke kapmapnje Clinton rekla da je po njenom dolasku na aerodrom u Tuzli 1996. godine otvorena snajperska vatra, što su osporili novinari koji su tada bili sa njom. Prema Ganićevim riječima, on je "pokušao da umanji nastalu štetu, ističući da je tada i on bio zabrinut zbog bezbjednosti u BiH".

On je izrazio zaprepaštenost i zbog neoglašavanja Holbrookea, koji je sada specijalni predstavnik SAD za Afganistan i Pakistan."Svi šute, pa čak i američki ambasador u Sarajevu. State Department treba da reaguje i da pošalje svog posmatrača. Treba da ukažu na rezultate istrage Tribunala u Hagu", rekao je Ganić. State Department je do sada odbijao da komentariše ovaj slučaj, ali je portparol američkog MIP-a P.J. Crowley danas rekao da je "Washington upoznat o slučaju koji je u procesu pred britanskim pravosuđem".

Ganić je naglasio da je njegov slučaj u BiH izazvao "veliku paniku" i da joj nanosi štetu kao i reputaciji tribunala za ratne zločine. Vlasti u Beogradu traže od Velike Britanije da im izruči Ganića na osnovu optužnice podignute u Srbiji, koja ga tereti za ubistvo i ratne zločine 3. maja 1992. godine u Dobrovoljačkoj ulici u Sarajevu.

Sud u Londonu odlučio je juče da će 5. jula u cjelosti razmatrati zahtjev Srbije za Ganićevim izručenjem. On će do tada u Londonu ostati u kućnom pritvoru.

Ejup Ganic Criticises US Silence on His Case
Ejup Ganic has criticised the U.S. over its silence on his case.

A member of the wartime Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ejup Ganić, facing the possibility of being extradited by the UK to Serbia in relation to the war crimes charges, has criticized today the Administration of the US President Barack Obama, for their silence in his case. "The Americans shouldn't be silent on this case. Silence implies approval," Ganic told "Miami Herald" .

He also reminded that in 1996, it was him who welcomed the then US First Lady and current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, during her visit to BaH, as well as that he had a meeting with the special envoy of the US President to the Balkans, Richard Holbrooke.

A controversy was started in 2008 when during her election campaign, Clinton said that at her arrival to the Tuzla airport in 1996, the snipers opened fire, which was denied by the reporters who accompanied her. According to Ganic, "he tried to minimize the damages by pointing out that at that time, he was also worried about security in BaH".

He expressed his shock also because Holbrooke, currently US envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan failed to react. "Everyone is silent, even the American ambassador in Sarajevo," Ganic said in the interview. "The State Department should react and send their observer. They should point to the findings of the Hague Tribunal." 

Up until now, the State Department has sustained from commenting on this case. However, the United States Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs P.J. Crowley has stated today that “Washington is aware of the case, and it is proceeding through the British legal system".

Ganic emphasized that his case is causing "big panic" in his country, as well as damage to it, but also to the reputation of the war crimes tribunal. The authorities in Belgrade requested from the UK to extradite Ganic on the basis of the indictment filed in Serbia, including charges for homicide and war crimes committed on the 3rd of May, 1992 in Dobrovoljacka Street in Sarajevo.

The Magistrates Court in London set the 5th of July as the date for the hearing of Serbia's request for the extradition of Ganic. Until then he is staying in London under house arrest.

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