petak, 20. siječnja 2017.

ESI: Ashdownov "europski radž"/ ESI: Ashdown's "European Raj" (Večernji list, 7/7/2005)

Studija o međunarodnoj zajednici u BiH
Evropska inicijativa za stabilnost: Ashdownov "europski radž"

Britanski list The Guardian objavio je dijelove studije koju će ovoga tjedna predstaviti ESI, u kojoj se kritizira uloga visokog predstavnika Paddyja Ashdowna, a njegove ovlasti u BiH uspoređuju s britanskom vladavinom u Indiji u 19. stoljeću.
The Guardian navodi i riječi Ashdownova glasnogovornika Juliana Braithwaita, koji je rekao da BiH nije "europski radž", navodeći da postoji dvojba oko toga.

Study on International Community in BiH
European Stability Initiative: Ashdown's "European Raj"

The Guardian published parts of a study, which is to be presented by ESI this week, criticizing a role of the HighRep Paddy Ashdown and comparing his powers in BiH with the British rule in India in the 19th century.
The Guardian has also cited Ashown's spokesperson, Julian Braithwait stating that BiH is not a "European Raj", although there is a dilemma about this.


Emina Ganić otvoreno za, SAN - Studiranje sam platila 450.000 KM/ Emina Ganic openly, for SAN - I paid 450.000 BAM for my studies (SAN, 16/9/2003

Emina Ganić je 1997. godine upisala Univerzitet Oxford, odsjek modernu historiju. Tada je njen otac bio predsjednik Vlade, potpredsjednik SDA i predsjednik Fonda za mlade talente SDA. Njen četverogodišnji studij je koštao oko 450.000 KM.

Emina: "Platiti ga nije veliki problem, već ga završiti. Rođena sam u SAD-u i moj otac je tamo diplomirao. Sa 30 godina tamo je zaradio prvi milion."

In 1997, Emina Ganic was enrolled in the University of Oxford, Modern History Department. At that time, her father was a prime minister, vice president of SDA and president of the Young Talent Foundation of SDA. Her four-year studies costed roughly BAM 450.000.

Emina:"It is not a big problem to pay for it, but to finish it. I was born in the USA and my father graduated there. He was 30 years old at the time when he made his first million."

četvrtak, 19. siječnja 2017.

Federacija zarađuje 40 milijuna maraka na oružju/ The Federation Earning 40 Million Marks on Weapons (Dnevni List, 26/09/2007)

Ismet Briga, direktor Direkcije za namjensku industriju: "Daytonski sporazum je ovlastio međunarodne vojne snage da upravljaju proizvodnjom vojne opreme u našoj zemlji i to je sve trajalo do 2004. godine kada je donesen državni zakon. Dotad je vojna industrija u Federaciji bila pod okriljem Ministarstva odbrane, koje je tada ukinuto, a ove je nadležnosti preuzelo Federalno ministarstvo energetike, industrije i rudarstva." Piše: G. Mrkić

Never Ending Story - Dnevni List 26/9/2007

Pozivajući se na pouzdane informacije iz međunarodnih krugova, IFIMES tvrdi: Lajčak smjenjuje Dodika i Silajdžića
Međunarodni institut za bliskoistočne i balkanske studije naglasio je kako raspolaže pouzdanim informacijama iz međunarodnih krugova o mogućim smjenama političkih lidera - piše Dragan Bradvica

Stating reliable sources from the international community, IFIMES claims: "Lajcak is replacing Dodik and Silajdzic!"
International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) has pointed out that it is in the possession of reliable information from the international community about the possible replacements of political leaders. Written by Dragan Bradvica

srijeda, 18. siječnja 2017.

Milorad Dodik requested the Foreign Minister of BiH, Igor Crnadak to declare the US Ambassador Maureen Cormack a persona non grata in BiH for the attempts of the leaving US administration to change the Dayton Agreement .

Milorad Dodik requested the Foreign Minister of BiH, Igor Crnadak to declare the US Ambassador Maureen Cormack a persona non grata in BiH for the attempts of the leaving US administration to change the Dayton Agreement .
A president of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, has stated today that he is proud because he opposed to the intentions of the LEAVING US ADMINISTRATION IN BIH to CHANGE the Dayton Agreement. He has also stated that he does not own any property or bank accounts in the US, or anywhere abroad, except in Serbia. He has been aware that he has been under sanctions for a longer period of time, but this has been officially published only now.
Milorad Dodik has also requested the Foreign Minister of BiH, Igor Crnadak to declare the US Ambassador Maureen Cormack a persona non grata in BiH.
Dodik kaže da je ponosan sto se suprostavio namjerama odlazeće administracije u SAD o prekrajanju Dejtona. Rekao je da nema nikakvu imovinu niti računa u Americi, čak ni u inostranstvu, osim u Srbiji. Istakao je da je već dugo pod sankcijama, ali je ovo tek sad zvanično objavljeno. Dodik je zatražio od ministra inostranih poslova BiH Igora Crnatka da ambasadora SAD-a u BiH, Morin Kormak, proglasi personom non grata u BiH.

BANJALUKA – Milorad Dodik, predsjednik Republike Srpske rekao je da se osjeća ponosno i da sankcije SAD-a ne doživljava kao kaznu, te da je važno da su ovo sankcije protiv njega a ne prema RS. Dodik kaže da je ponosan sto se suprostavio namjerama odlazeće administracije u SAD o prekrajanju Dejtona. Rekao je da nema nikakvu imovinu niti računa u Americi, čak ni u inostranstvu, osim u Srbiji. Istakao je da je već dugo pod sankcijama, ali je ovo tek sad zvanično objavljeno. Dodik je zatražio od ministra inostranih poslova BiH Igora Crnatka da ambasadora SAD-a u BiH, Morin Kormak, proglasi personom non grata u BiH. Predsjednik RS je rekao da je uvijek poštovao SAD, ali da je odlazeća administracija frustrirana zato što je on dobio pozivnicu na inauguraciju novog američkog predsjednika Donalda Trampa, te da su zato uvedene sankcije protiv njega. Dodik je u obraćanju novinarima istakao da nastavlja da se bori protiv "monstruma BiH" koju je pravila Kormak i odlazeća američka administracija.

Više detalja na:

utorak, 17. siječnja 2017.

(3) HighRep Paddy Ashdown (May, 2002 - May, 2006) decisions relating (solely) to Republika Srpska, adopted within the period from the 7th of March, 2003 to the 30th of June, 2004 under the title: "Decisions relating to individuals indicted for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia".

HighRep Paddy Ashdown (May, 2002 - May, 2006) decisions relating (solely) to Republika Srpska, adopted within the period from the 7th of March, 2003 to the 30th of June, 2004 under the title: "Decisions relating to individuals indicted for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia".

The above decisions were adopted in one of the following forms:
1) Orders Blocking All Bank Accounts of, held by, and/or in the name of a specified natural or legal person;
2) Decisions Suspending All Disbursements of Budgetary Itemisations for Party Funding to the SDS and Ordering the SDS to submit a Financial Plan, and
3) Decisions removing individuals from specific functions and political party duties.

Decisions on removals of individuals from specific party functions in the SDS are particularly interesting. For instance, Pantelija Curguz, Slobodan Saraba, Cvjetan Nikic and Nedjeljko Djekanovic were removed from the position of a Vice President of the SDS. Vesna Ecim-Zlojutro, Goran Popovic and several others were removed from the position of a member of the SDS Main Board.

It is questionable how many of these persons were actually related in any way to the war crimes in the former Yugoslavia.

(2) HighRep Paddy Ashdown (May, 2002 - May, 2006) decisions relating (solely) to Republika Srpska, adopted within the period from the 7th of March, 2003 to the 30th of June, 2004 under the title: "Decisions relating to individuals indicted for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia".

HighRep Paddy Ashdown (May, 2002 - May, 2006) decisions relating (solely) to Republika Srpska, adopted within the period from the 7th of March, 2003 to the 30th of June, 2004 under the title: "Decisions relating to individuals indicted for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia".

The above decisions were adopted in one of the following forms:
1) Orders Blocking All Bank Accounts of, held by, and/or in the name of a specified natural or legal person;
2) Decisions Suspending All Disbursements of Budgetary Itemisations for Party Funding to the SDS and Ordering the SDS to submit a Financial Plan, and
3) Decisions removing individuals from specific functions and political party duties.

Decisions on removals of individuals from specific party functions in the SDS are particularly interesting. For instance, Pantelija Curguz, Slobodan Saraba, Cvjetan Nikic and Nedjeljko Djekanovic were removed from the position of a Vice President of the SDS. Vesna Ecim-Zlojutro, Goran Popovic and several others were removed from the position of a member of the SDS Main Board.

It is questionable how many of these persons were actually related in any way to the war crimes in the
former Yugoslavia.