nedjelja, 30. prosinca 2018.

NSA elecronic and cyberspace warfare (January, 2018)

NSA Report on Russia Spearphishing (2016)

Biografija Pero Hrkać (stečajni upravitelj Glumina banka)

(2002) Decision by Wolfgang Petritsch High Representative enacting the Law on Legal Assistnce and Official Cooperation in Criminal Matters

DECISION Enacting the Law on Legal Assistance and Official Co-operation in Criminal Matters between the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and the District of Brcko, which is hereby attached as an integral part of this Decision. The said Law shall enter into force as a law of Bosnia and Herzegovina as provided for in Article 10 thereof on an interim basis, until such time as the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopts this Law in due form, without amendment and with no conditions attached. (...)

Policy on recruitment of citizens of BaH to serve in the police (UN IPTF) drafted by Vladimir Lavrov

This policy outlines framework procedures for recruiting citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina to serve in civilian law enforcement agencies (CLEA) and for the selection of the best candidates. It is applicable to the process of recruiting and selecting authorized sworn personnel of civilian law enforcement agencies at the national, entity and canton level. (Author LAVROV, Vladimir, Human Rights Investigator of the Special Response Unit of the UNMIBH Human Rights Office).

Police Junior College Curriculum MoI RS (full document 171 p.)

The previous Police Junior College Curriculum was in function since 1995, when the School was founded. The Curriculum was taken from Police Junior College in Zemun and certain minor changes and additions were done.

Police Junior College Banja Luka (booklet) - 2000

Police Junior College in Banja Luka provides advanced education, professional training and improvement in accordance with the Law and the Statute. The College also prepares and conducts – realizes the Curriculum, provides lectures, exercises, seminars, consultations and practical training for students, as well as enrolment and education of personnel for the needs of the Ministry. The College closely determines rules of studying and protection of rights and obligations of students in accordance with the Law, keeps registers of advanced education, validates diplomas and exams, creates conditions for its own scientific work and publishing, provides cooperation with other universities and scientific institutions as well as with other organizational units of the Ministry and bodies in charge of education.