Extract from the speech: "And here, I am asking the people at this hall in Bursa if they are in favor of sending the soldiers to Somalia? Yes or no?
(The people: No!) Is there anybody in favor? No!
(The people: The army to #Bosnia, the army to Bosnia!)
Yes, Somalia is the wrong address.
Our army was actually supposed to go to Bosnia and Herzegovina, not Somalia!
(People applauding and chanting)"
I am briefly moving on to foreign policy. What is the situation with our foreign policy?
Bosnia and Herzegovina. Has #Turkey today (1993) done anything regarding this issue? No, unfortunately!
But, the Turkish army went to Somalia. I am addressing the owners of the Hurriyet papers.
For twenty years we have been saying that America will not dream of a good dream for Muslims.
And you stood against us every time, and here we are - 20 years later, and Hurriyet has realized and published on its cover:"UN fell for the American game in Somalia."
And what is that about? Over the span of 25 days, America has sent 26 petroleum exploration machines to Somalia.
Do you now understand why our army is in Somalia?
Can you understand now why Demirel is making such a fuss about it?
Can you understand now why our pure and honest sons have been sent to Somalia?
Now, we are addressing them from here.
Oh Government, you have one task.
We aren't sending our sons to the army so they'd help America exploit oil in Africa.
Our mothers Fatima, Aisha, prepare and send their sons to the army with the following verses and lullabies:
"Sleep my son, sleep, sleep, so you can grow up,
Go, my son, go, a Ghazi or Shahid to become."
Because there are two values for which this people is ready to pay any price.
The first is RELIGION, and the second - HOMELAND!
And one more: To give it all for your fellow Muslim brother and for your people in your country.
Do we have any of this at the moment? No.
Look where they've sent our soldiers now. They've sent them to guard the (petroleum exploration) machines of George Bush in a Muslim country.
Yes, now we are asking for 450 soldiers to come back to their country.
If they don't give them back now, we'll take them back the moment we come to power.
And, who should have decided about this? The people, of course.
Have they asked the people anything? No, because they are liars!
The same way their whole system is forged, they themselves are forged!
They're still repeating that "sovereignty belongs to the people". They are lying! I don't believe in that!
If that was so, they would be doing so. Look at the opinion poll, is there anyone who was in favor of sending the soldiers to Somalia?
Is there anyone? No!
The people is saying: No!
And here, I am asking the people at this hall in Bursa if they are in favor of sending the soldiers to Somalia? Yes or no?
(The people: No!) Is there anybody in favor? No!
(The people: The army to Bosnia, the army to Bosnia!)
Yes, Somalia is the wrong address.
Our army was actually supposed to go to Bosnia and Herzegovina, not Somalia!
(People applauding and chanting)
See, don't be surprised tomorrow if America withdraws from Somalia and leaves us on our own.
Why? Because by doing so, it will cause a war between the Muslims.
That's their dirty game. Why don't they send to Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Because a Turkish soldier there will fight for his Muslim brother!
And he'll say: "If I die, I will be a Shahid and if I live, I will be a Ghazi!"
And that is why, they'll never send them there.