četvrtak, 2. srpnja 2020.

Linkedin biography (Alexander Paine, Associate Director of EBRD) https://uk.linkedin.com/in/alexander-paine-36a560b

Alexander Paine

Alexander Paine

Associate Director at EBRD

London, United Kingdom500+ connections


Private sector investments in Transition and Developing Economies

Private Equity in Central and Eastern Europe

M&A in Central and Eastern Europe

Advisory/consulting to Small and Medium Sized Companies

Specialties: Speak: Italian, French, Russian, some Serbo Croatian


  • Associate Director


     – Present 6 years
    London, United Kingdom
  • Vice President

    British Slovenian Chamber of Commerce

     – 2 years 1 month
    The British Slovenian Chamber of Commerce (BSCC) is a non-governmental, bi-lateral British - Slovenian chamber, established to build trade between the two countries, while also including all members from all countries and focusing helping our members increase their business in Europe. To date we have 67 members ranging from some of the largest Corporates to individual entrepreneurs.
  • Partner

    Ascendant Capital Advisors - Ascendant d.o.o.

     – 6 years 3 months
    Ljubljana but covering the region of Southeast Europe
    Ascendant Capital Advisors ("Ascendant") is an investment bank based in Southeast Europe with operations in Zagreb, Sarajevo, Belgrade and most recently Ljubljana. Ascendant specializes in Mergers and Acquisition advisory services. We provide our Clients with access to investment capital as well as related financial consulting services.

    We have closed 32 transactions to date including playing lead roles in acquisitions of regional companies to Deutsche Telekom, Securitas and ABB. In 2012...
  • Partner


     – 2 years
    IMAP, incorporates close to 500 M&A professionals in over 40 countries. In the Thompson Reuters rankings for 2012 IMAP ranked 3rd in the world, 2nd in CEE and 1st in Croatia for number of M&A transactions up to €500 million.
  • Investment Officer, Manager Advisory Services

    International Finance Corporation

     – 8 years 7 months
    Investment Officer: in the International Finance Corporation, a leading investor in emerging markets working in Moscow, Washington DC. There he focused on General Manufacturing and Oil and Gas - closing over $300m in projects for IFC. In Southeast Europe, he managed IFC’s largest programme working with over 200 mid-cap companies, both in investment banking and management consulting.
  • Major

    British Army

     – 10 years 2 months
    Company Commander and Trainer



  • English

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • Italian

    Professional working proficiency

  • French

    Professional working proficiency

  • Russian

    Limited working proficiency

  • Croatian

    Limited working proficiency


  • British Army


Alta Shopping centar još uvijek u mraku, vrata zaključana (27.10.2011.)


Foto: Sarajevo-x.comFoto: Sarajevo-x.com

Ispred ulaza smo zatekli nekoliko radnika prodavnica koje se nalaze u Alti. Na posao su, kažu, došli jer su očekivali da će problem biti riješen.

"Nemamo nikakvih informacija. Nadali smo se da je struja već uključena, ali nije. Inače je komunikacija sa upravom Alte veoma loša tako da ne znamo ni kad će, ni hoće li struja doći", kažu naši sagovornici.

Informaciju o tome kada će struja biti uključena smo pokušali dobiti i od menadžmenta Alta centra, ali na naše pozive niko nije odgovarao. Kako Sarajevo-x.com saznaje, vlasnik Alta Shopping centra Tie Sosnowski pobjegao je iz BiH prije 15 dana zbog velikih dugovanja.

Foto: Sarajevo-x.comFoto: Sarajevo-x.com

Kako smo već pisali, prostorije Alta Shopping centra jučer su u poslijepodnevnim satima ostale u mraku.

Našem portalu je u Elektrodistribuciji potvrđeno da je struja isključena zbog neplaćenih računa za nekoliko mjeseci, te da dug iznosi 126.000 KM.

Kako su se u Alti oglušili na upozorenja Elektrodistribucije da izmire dugovanja, struja im je isključena.