ponedjeljak, 10. siječnja 2022.

RAZOTKRIVAMO: “Novi” Aluminij organizira do sada najveći PRIDE forum na Balkanu u tvornici Aluminija! (Marija Tavelić, Otpor media, 16. 07.2021)


Skrinšotovi relevantnih podataka preuzeti sa zvanične stranice stranice Aluminij Industries doo (www.aluminij.ba) i registra poduzeća BiH (bizreg.pravosudje.ba) 6.januara 2022. (Aleksandra Miletić-Šantić)



Sam naslov izgleda čudan, pomalo bizaran, jer kakve veze ima tvornica aluminija i proizvodnja aluminija sa forumima koji veličaju i podržavaju LGBT zajednicu!

Iz bliskih i pouzdanih izvora Aluminiju d.d., kao i samoj kompaniji Aluminij industries doo (najmoprimac pogona Ljevaonice u Aluminiju d.d.), saznajemo vrlo zanimljivu i pomalo čudnu informaciju da će se u petak 16.07. 2021 sa početkom u 11:30 u Tvornici Aluminija održati veliki regionalni forum o veličanju, propagiranju i podršci LGBT zajednici, te širenju navedene zajednice u BIH i Regiji.

Agenda samog Foruma je u organizaciji gosp Amir Gross Kabirija koji je i vlasnik Aluminij industries doo koja je dijelom iznajmila određene pogone u Aluminiju d.d..

Ovo nije prvi put da gosp Kabiri ne krije pripadnost LGBT zajednici, što je njegovo ljudsko, autonomno i neprikosnoveno pravo kada su u pitanju ljudske slobode pa i seksualne orijentacije, ali para uši i dovodi običnog građanina BiH da se zapita, kakve veze ima proizvodnja aluminija sa navedenim događajem, zašto se Forum održava u prostorima Aluminija d.d., te da li u Ugovoru o najmu prostora Ljevaonice stoji da Najmoprimac može koristiti prostore Aluminija d.d. za bilo kakve skupove koji nisu usko povezani sa osnovnom djelatnošću kompanije. Nadzornom odboru i Vladi F BiH ostaje da pojasne da li je ovo zlouporaba Ugovora o najmu.

Još prije nekoliko tjedana na ulazu same tvornice Aluminij d.d. bila je izvješena zastava duginih boja (simbol LGBT zajednice), a koja je izazvala nervozu i kritike kako javnosti tako i velikog broja radnika koji su zaposleni u tvornici. Radnici su bili spremni pisati i peticiju upravi Aluminij industries doo da se zastava ukloni, jer provocira vjeru, kulturu, tradiciju i osobnost većine radnika, a mjesto joj svakako nije na jarbolu kompanije Aluminij d.d. u kojem je radilo nekada 900 radnika i gdje je Aluminij bio najveći izvoznik u BiH. Inače zastava je izvješena na lokaciji koja nije u najmu Aluminij industries doo.

Zastava je ubrzo i uklonjena.

Međutim, gosp Kabirija prate brojne kontraverze od samog dolaska u BiH i najma dijela pogona Aluminij d.d. gdje je medijima i javnosti predstavljen kao „Investitor“ koji će podignuti „Novi Aluminij“ i riješiti nagomilane decenijske probleme i dugove.

Istina je velikim dijelom potpuno drugačija, a u prilog tome ide i činjenica javne najave ovog foruma koji je objavljen na facebook stranici Aluminija, te na web stranici, a možete ga pronaći na adresi: http://equality.ba . Postavlja se pitanje je li Ugovor o najmu istinski sklopljen da se podigne nekadašnji posrnuli „Div“, ili su namjere Investitora posve drugačije. Ostaje na vama da zaključite.

Na dnevnom redu Foruma koji je najavljen jedan od sudionika je i Marko Mihailović direktor Pride udruženja Srbija, a teme o kojima će se govoriti su:

Prepoznavanje poteškoća sa kojima se suočavaju pripadnici LGBT zajednice na tržištu rada i obrazovanju

Jačanje položaja LGBT zajednice u društvu kroz korporativne politike

Analiza inkluzivnih poslovnih modela: prepoznavanje slabosti i mogućnosti za razvoj LGBT turizma….. itd

Kontraveznost gosp Kabirija se ogleda u mnogostrukim činjenicama, a jedna od ključnih jeste da je prikazujući se kao investitor sa ogromnim kapitalom iskoristio slabosti sustava i politike u FBiH i praktički dobio pravo na korištenje većeg dijela tvornice Aluminij d.d., a u stvari taj kapital gosp Kabiri i Abraham Grupa do sada nisu prikazali, što se dade zaključiti da i ne postoji.

Zatim, gosp Kabiri je pokrenuo proizvodnju bez da je ispunio najvažniji i ključni element iz ugovora o najmu, a to je članak 12. u kojem stoji da proizvodnju ne smije pokrenuti bez konsenzusa i suglasnosti vjerovnika koji potražuju od Aluminija cca 400 mil KM, gdje je navedeno da će dobiti i imati pisane suglasnosti što podrazumijeva da je sa vjerovnicima dogovorio i otkupe dugova. Međutim to se nije dogodilo. Dugovi vjerovnika u iznosu 400 mil KM vise u zraku, te ništa nije poduzeto da se otkupe, reprogramiraju, ili na neki drugi način riješe. Ništa nije poduzeto po pitanju restrukturiranja/promjene vlasničke strukture.

Aluminij d.d.- akumulirani gubitak cca 2 puta veći od upisanog kapitala, obveze vjerovnicima i kreditorima cca 400 mil KM, cjelokupna imovina pod hipotekama vjerovnika i ovrhama na sudovima, proizvodnja ugašena, nema prihoda, nema redovitih i osnovnih aktivnosti. Jedini prihod Aluminija jeste najamnina od 30 000 KM mjesečno za najam pogona ljevaonice. U Aluminij d.d. je cca 5 stalno uposlenih koje nadzire 7 članova Nadzornog odbora. Prihod od najamnine se raspoređuje za isplate članovima NO kojih je više od broja uposlenih te navedenom malom broju uposlenika – To je stanje Aluminija d.d. danas.

Iz pouzdanih izvora iz Aluminija saznajemo da je gosp Kabiri tj Aluminij industries doo iznevjerio očekivanja, nije ispoštovao ugovoreno i dogovoreno, te je lokalna politika, Vlada F BiH zamrznula svaku komunikaciju sa Najmoprimcem, pa čak i Nadzorni odbor izravno ne komunicira sa najmoprimcem već preko posrednika.

Želimo se vratiti u 2019 i 2020 godinu, kada su otpočeti pregovori Vlade F BiH i strateškog investitora.

Investitor se predstavljao kao Konzorcij: Abraham Group i China Machinery Engineering

Corporation i China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign & Construction Co.Ltd.

Stvarna istina jeste:

Navedene dvije kineske firme koje su u državnom kineskom vlasništvu su dovedene kao paravan. Stvarni konzorcij ne postoji, tj ne postoji nikakav pravni ugovor o konzorciju, a Kinezi su se jedanput ili dvaput pojavili kao „Paravan“ radi vizualnog prikaza boniteta investitora. Međutim, nitko u Vladi ili Aluminiju nije provjerio istinitost postojanja konzorcija, kapital, financijske izvještaje, bonitet, snagu itd… a nakon toga perioda Kineza nema niti im se može ući u trag. Mada su navedeni Kinezi uredno navedeni u ugovoru o najmu, a nisu potpisnici ugovora.

MT Abraham Group Izrael iza koje stoji dotični gosp Kabiri – također nitko o navedenoj tvrtki ne zna ništa, kakav joj je bonitet, bilance, poslovanje, prihodi, dobit – nije prikazano nikakvo postojanje kapitala, osim spoznaje koja je curila po medijima da je riječ o firmi koja se bavi umjetninama i galerijama.

Na kraju balade potpisnik ugovora o najmu nisu ni Kinezi, niti Abraham Group, već Aluminij industries doo registriran kao domaća tvrtka sa sjedištem u Mostaru sa osnivačkim kapitalom od 5000 KM. Tako ostaje nesporna činjenica da je Aluminij d.d. iznajmljen novoregistriranoj firmi u Mostaru sa bonitetom, tj kapitalom od 5000 KM. Do sada pod zaštitom i okriljem MT Abraham Grupe te kineskih firmi koje ne postoje u ugovornom i poslovnom smislu, Vlada F BiH je osigurala spas Aluminija davši ga na poklon firmi sa ukupnim kapitalom od 5000 KM.

Vlasnik te domaće kompanije Aluminij industries doo je u 100% iznosu prvotno bio fizička osoba tj Amir Gross Kabiri, a što je i zavedeno u registracijskim dokumentima na općinskom sudu u Mostaru.

Najmoprimac tj Aluminij industries doo pokreće proizvodnju u 11 mjesecu 2020, te se do kraja ožujka 2021. proizvode minorne tj male količine trupaca uglavnom od pretapanja otpadnog aluminija, te kompanija u tom periodu ostvaruje gubitke. Zatim dolazi do promjene vlasničke strukture firme Aluminij industries doo, te se kao vlasnik briše lice A. Gross Kabiri, a 100% vlasnik kompanije postaje MT Abraham Group Panama iz Paname.

Detalje o vlasničkoj strukturi možete provjeriti na web adresi:

https://bizreg.pravosudje.ba navedeno nije slučajnost već strategija i namjera.

Zašto Panama: Panama je u poslovnom i financijskom smislu „Off Shore zona“. Pozitivni zakonski akti F BiH i BiH takve zone/države promatraju sa velikom pažnjom, jer se preko „Off Shore zona“ izbjegava plaćanje poreza i vrši se pranje novca , a što je sukladno zakonima, zabranjeno, (čitaj nezakonito). Zakon Paname kaže, ako matična tvrtka u Panami, a što je MT Abraham Group Panama, ostvari preko svojih poduzeća „kćeri“ prihode i dobit u bilo kojoj trećoj zemlji, oslobođena je plaćanja bilo kakvog poreza na transfer te dobiti u Panamu.

Iz navedenog se dade zaključiti da Aluminij industries doo na čelu sa ovlaštenom osobom A. Gross Kabiri ne ispunjava niti jednu stratešku obvezu koju je dogovarao prilikom najma Aluminija d.d.. Koristio se snagom i reklamom kineskih državnih firmi, prezentirao svoju snagu bez dokaza o postojanju bilo kakvog kapitala MT Abraham Grupe, zanemario je obveze prema vjerovnicima sa kojima je trebao potpisati sporazume i raditi na otkupu dugova pa i vlasničke strukture, te u konačnici podastro je dokaze da će svu zaradu ostvarenu u Aluminiju transferirati u Panamu izbjegavajući plaćanje poreza na dobit. I običan čovjek bi se složio da mu namjere nisu časne. O svemu tome Vlada F BiH i Nadzorni odbor šute.


Ono što sada radi Aluminij industries kao najmoprimac u Aluminiju d.d je proizvodnja trupaca 3000 tona-4000 tona mjesečno. Javnosti, medijima, radnicima, Nadzornom odboru je prikazano da je to dobro tj odlično, jer je pokrenuta proizvodnja i zaposleno je do 200 radnika. Točno za neupućene! I Aluminij d.d. je proizvodio 10 000-12000 tona mjesečno pa je propao.

Aluminij industries je od Travnja 2021. god počeo raditi sa Glencorom Švicarska za kojeg radi ccca 90-95% proizvodnje:

Kao dokaz da je riječ o najmoprimcu, koji nema poslovne sposobnosti u ovoj industriji, nema nikakvog svog kapitala, niti plana da želi i hoće restrukturirati dugove i vlasništvo, jeste činjenica da je od 11/2020 do 04/2021. se financirao isključivo na teret vjerovnika. Poznata Vam je situacija koja je medijski popraćena preko svih medija i portala u BiH, a to je incidentna situacija, kada je jedan od lokalnih dobavljača iz Hercegovine blokirao kamionima i svojim radnicima ulaze u Aluminij d.d., a zbog neplaćenog duga Aluminij industries doo prema toj firmi od 1,1 mil KM.

Kao najveći dokaz da je riječ o firmi Aluminij industries doo koja nema poslovne sposobnosti, nema nikakvog svog kapitala , nema namjere otkupiti niti vraćati dugove Aluminija d.d., već ima isključivu namjeru svu zarađenu dobit (ako je bude) zadržati za sebe i svoj interes (transferirati u Panamu) jeste činjenica da je Aluminij industries doo sklopio Ugovor sa Glencore AG Switzerland od kojih nabavlja sirovinu za pretapanje (ingote) te samo Glencoru prodaje gotov proizvod tj aluminijske trupce.

Ugovor sa Glencore je čudan sa te strane jer Aluminij industries uslijed činjenice da ne posjeduje novčana sredstva (kapital) ne plaća Glencoru ulaznu sirovinu (ingote), već je ugovorio tzv „Lohn“ posao, od Glencora uzima ingote na doradu i preradu, Glencoru isporučuje finalni proizvod (trupce) a Glencore mu plaća samo fiksnu naknadu za obradu.

Upravo ovaj period u kome se nalazimo je povijesni period najvećih cijena LME i premija, te ovaj posao koji radi gosp Kabiri sa Glencorom mogao je bez ikakva ulaganja ili kapitala raditi i Aluminij d.d. Zašto nije, pitajte Vladu F BiH pa i Nadzorni odbor.

Ovakav vid posla sa Glencorom gdje je Aluminij industries praktički pretvoren u pogon koji radi samo i isključivo za Glencore, mogao je raditi i Aluminij d.d. bez da se pogoni daju nekoj trećoj strani u najam. Ovaj posao sa Glencorom je mogao ugovoriti bilo tko u Aluminiju d.d. sa najmanjom naobrazbom tj završenom osnovnom školom. Zašto je Vlada dala Aluminij d.d. u najam nekome tko će raditi samo za svoj sitni interes te dobit transferirati u Panamu ostaje enigma.

Činjenica jeste da Aluminij industries u ovom i prethodnim mjesecima ostvaruje nekakvu dobit, ali gro te dobiti ostvaruje Glencore. Zašto je uveden u Aluminij „Middle man“ kada je posao sa Glencorom na ovakav način mogao ugovoriti i sam Aluminij d.d.??

Stoga smo i svjedoci da se jedan dio zarade koja se ostvaruje u Aluminij industries doo transferira na financiranje i promociju LGBT zajednica u Regionu. Sve to ne bi bilo čudno niti bi oči javnosti bile uprte u promociju bilo koje vrste borbe za ljudska prava, ali u ovom konkretnom slučaju na vrh piramide promocije LGBT zajednica i Pride parada stavlja se strateška odrednica proizvodne kompanije Aluminija, pa bez obzira kome su iznajmljeni pogoni u tradicionalnoj i vjerski orijentiranoj sredini kakva je Hercegovina i cijela BiH, navedene aktivnosti se definiraju kao provokativne i neprimjerene ovom okruženju.

Ovaj posao sa Glencorom koji radi Aluminij industrieas doo bilo bi suludo da ga podržava Vlada u ovome, bez jasne strukture o otkupu , vraćanju dugova i restrukturiranju vlasničke glavnice samog Aluminija d.d

Ostaje nam za vidjeti koje će poteze povući Nadzorni odbor, Vlada F BiH i lokalna politika, jer je činjenica da im je gosp Kabiri nabio „magareće uši“ te se do sada ponaša kao nedodirljiv.

Ono što je ispravan i jedini model za Aluminij d.d., njegovu restrukturu, podizanje proizvodnje i dugoročnu opstojnost jesu istinski i realni svjetski investitori koji će otkupiti i restrukturirati dugove Aluminija d.d. te otkupiti vlasništvo od Vlade F BiH, RH i malih dioničara. Zašto Vlada ne ide u tom smjeru ponovo ostaje „enigma“.

Vrijeme je pred nama, a koje će pokazati da će u narednim mjesecima a možda i godinama jačati promocija i populacija LGBT zajednice u Hercegovini i cijeloj BiH, a sve navedeno kreće na opisani način: pojavi se „spasitelj“ svjetski/zapadni investitor da podigne posrnulu ekonomiju napaćene i ratom razrušene zemlje u razvoju.

Domaći političari koji ga dovedu ispričaju jednu priču da će sve biti med i mlijeko, da ćemo jesti zlatnim kašikama, Vlada ga objeručke prigrli i podrži, a nakraju balade ostat će epilog da je zasijano sjeme jedne nove kulture, ponašanja, tj zajednice (LGBT) u BiH koja će rasti i širiti se kao gljive poslije kiše, a u novinama ćemo pročitati da je taj investitor (spasitelj) nestao, tj kupio avionsku kartu u jednom smjeru, a bankovni račun na Panami je napunio tako da može do kraja života na Baliju ili Bahamima živjeti i piti „pina coladu“.

Nama i dalje ostaje gorčina u grlu, tuga u srcu, prazan novčanik i nezaposlenost, a sve uslijed bjelosvjetskih dušobrižnika a koji su uvijek i vazda imali jedan cilj kada bi dolazili na naše prostore – a to je da su otišli punih džepova nama ostavili neko sjeme kojim su posijali nove muke koje će ostati na ovim prostorima.

Marija Tavelić / OTPOR.Media

nedjelja, 9. siječnja 2022.

Use of Facebook for peer to peer communication, still available on Facebook under hashtag #OpBlackOct. The pages were deleted, but the most of material remained.


Use of Facebook for peer to peer communication, still available on Facebook under hashtag #OpBlackOct. The pages were deleted, but the most of material remained.
18 September 2016 ·
+ Target IP:
+ Target Hostname: clinton.com
+ Target Port: 80
slowhttptest -c 1000 -B -g -o my_body_st

ats -l 9999 -r 200 -s 8192 -w 512 -y 1024 -n 5 -z 32 -k 3 -t FAKEVERB -u http://www.clinton.com -x 10 -p 6
#TangoDown Clinton Equity Strategies/Financial Group #offline Fuck the Clintons! #OpIcarus Phase 4 #OpBlackOct #Killary
Nr. 29 on the list. http://www.clinton.com
Target List: 100 Hedge Funds - http://www.barrons.com/arti…/best-100-hedge-funds-1466223924
[+] Emails found:

Brunch with Sifted: psychedelic investor Christian Angermayer (By Michael Stothard 16 November 2020)



Brunch with Sifted: psychedelic investor Christian Angermayer

Instrumental in the founding of Compass Pathways and chairman of Atai Life Sciences, Christian Angermayer has been leading a global psychedelic renaissance. 

 The art on the 29th floor London penthouse apartment of German tech investor and entrepreneur Christian Angermayer has two themes: psychedelics and gay emperors.

One corner has a 2,300-year-old marble bust of Alexander the Great’s lover Hephaestion. To his right sits a 2,000-year-old bust of the Roman emperor Hadrian next to a picture of his lover Antinous.

But the 42-year-old is most proud of his 2,400-year-old bust of Demeter, the ancient Greek goddess revered in an ancient ritual which, according to Angermayer and a growing body of research, involved dosing figures such as Plato and Socrates with powerful psychedelics.

  “There is more and more evidence that psychedelics were a foundation of western civilisation,” he says.

This excitement makes sense for a man who, over the past five years, has been perhaps the single biggest financial driving force behind shifting psychedelic drugs from a dusty relic of 1960s’ counterculture into the medical mainstream as a legal medicine to treat mental illnesses.

While today there is a growing body of clinical trials and early approvals from regulators, before Angermayer this field was seen as largely the preserve of hippies and dreamers.

In September, the company he helped found in 2017, Compass Pathways, which has developed a synthetic version of psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms) and is conducting the world’s first large-scale therapy clinical trial using the drug, listed in New York. His 28% stake, which cost him around $55m over multiple rounds, became worth more than $400m.

Next spring the biotech company he founded Atai Life Sciences — which is pursuing a large range of treatments for mental-health disorders using other more obscure drugs such as DMT, ar-ketamine and ibogaine — is set to go public as well at an expected $1bn-$2bn valuation, according to bankers familiar with the process.

With these high-profile exits and an increasingly large fortune — his investment company, Apeiron Investment Group, manages around $750m of his own money and $600m of others’ and invests in longevity research, biotech, fintech, spacetech, crypto and entertainment  — Angermayer is becoming one of Europe’s most powerful and influential tech investors.

He has also won the ear of political leaders — his sideboard has pictures of him with German chancellor Angela Merkel and Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz and European Central Bank head Christine Lagarde — and now regularly co-invests with renowned US investors such as Peter Thiel, cofounder of PayPal and an early investor in Facebook, Steve Jurvetson, an early investor and board member of Tesla and SpaceX and Michael Novogratz from Galaxy Investment Partners.

 “Christian is successful because he is curious,“ Thiel told Sifted in an email exchange. “He finds because he seeks — both ideas and people. That sounds simple, but it’s rare.”


The first trip

The rule of Brunch with Sifted is that the interviewee picks the restaurant and Sifted picks up the bill. But as London is in the midst of a pandemic, restaurants feel a bit risky, so I turn up at his apartment cum office near Old Street in east London where he has prepared a business brunch of smoked salmon, ham, croissant, coffee, cheese, melon and strawberries. 

His cousin, Stephan — not the only handsome young family member hanging around his apartment on a Saturday — is making some scrambled eggs with just the right hint of pepper. 

Angermayer is wearing a grey jumper with the chemical symbol for psilocybin on the chest (he has the same symbol tattooed on his arm). He starts with a tour of the art, pointing out the psychedelic pieces, the gay emperors and their lovers as well as a golden triptych made by his friend Landon Ross which — he says with a flourish —  “contains only elements created in the last three seconds of a dying star… that’s basically where we all come from and end up.”

When we sit down it becomes apparent that this luxurious spread isn’t his usual Saturday morning fare: he chooses delicately to avoid any carbs — which is part of a regime to help extend his life — while I pile bread and ham onto my plate.

I start by asking him about Compass Pathways and how he got involved with psychedelics. Or more importantly: when was his first trip?


It started, he says, with friends on the Caribbean island of Canouan (where, he notes, it’s legal) back in 2014. He had resisted pressure for years: he had never drunk, smoked or done any drugs before so he was reluctant to try psilocybin. But when he finally tried he found it such a profound experience he became a “die-hard convert” to its positive benefits to mental health. 

“All my trips together now make some of the most meaningful experiences of my entire life,” he says.

He began searching for a way to turn this into a business, when his friend Michael Novogratz in 2017 introduced him to George Goldsmith and Ekaterina Malievskaia (who now lead Compass Pathways) and who had similar ideas about the benefits of psilocybin for mental health. 

A few weeks later Angermayer had promised the couple the £3m of investment they needed to start a real business. “They had spent years in meetings getting nowhere, but I stopped them after 10 minutes and said, ‘I am in’.” (The £3m was split between Novogratz, Thiel and him.)

Just a few years later Compass Pathways is doing psilocybin therapy clinical trials in 20 sites across nine countries in Europe and North America and is now getting so big in this field that it’s faced criticism for trying to create a magic mushroom monopoly by patenting an artificial form of psilocybin, a critique Angermayer rejects. 

“We are not coming after the hippies growing this organically at home,” he says. “We are patenting this so we can bring the synthetic version of this natural drug to the hundreds of millions of people who need it for medical conditions and can only get it if it’s prescribed by doctors and paid by their health insurance.”


A Chaga mushroom coffee and the first few startups

Angermayer at this point wants a coffee so walks over to the kitchen. “I am having a mushroom coffee, would you like one?” I looked startled, but only for a moment as he assured me it’s just coffee with Chaga mushroom (a popular “wellness” supplement) with some extra Lion’s Mane mushroom extract pipetted in. All non-psychedelic. 

Now sipping our pleasant and slightly earthy coffee, he tells me that he didn’t grow up in a world of drug research and billionaires. He was born in a small town in northern Bavaria to a mother who is a secretary and father who was an engineer. “If you had asked my parents what I should be, they would have said teacher or doctor.” 

But by the age of 20 he was dropping out of university to found his first biotech company, Ribopharma, with two of his professors which eventually merged with Alnylam Pharmaceuticals and listed on the stock exchange (now worth $15bn). Ever since then he has been starting tech companies and investing, initially with four friends and now alone through Alpiron.

One of his big breaks came during the European sovereign debt crisis where, thanks to some political connections, he became known among elite investor circles worldwide as someone who understood the problem and — more importantly — how Germany saw it. This made him friends and eventually coinvestors.

Living forever

Today, on top of psychedelic research, Angermayer is one of the most prominent investors in the field of longevity, where he is heavily involved in two companies, Rejuveron Life Sciences in Switzerland and Cambrian Biopharma in the US.

The science behind longevity — pioneered by figures such as Aubrey de Grey and Ray Kurzweil — is today centred around finding specific treatments around the nine “hallmarks of ageing” to help to halt or even reverse the ageing process. 

Angermayer is also part of a movement pushing for ageing to be classified as a disease so it would be easier to do clinical trials on anti-ageing drugs. 

“People say that dying is natural, but it’s really things going wrong in your body,” he says. “For thousands of years, we have merely devoted ourselves to the conviction that ageing and death are inevitable and ‘natural’, and have integrated this narrative into our culture and all religions. Science is just beginning to better understand the reasons for ageing and dying, and a disease that we understand will eventually be cured.”

But do we want to live forever? “I don’t think people will want to live forever, but I think they would like it to be their choice to die after say 150 or 200 years rather than getting killed by the ageing disease.” He adds: “Some people will find it hard to cope with an ever quicker changing world, but psychedelics could help with that as well. They could help us keep the lust for life alive.”


The future

Angermayer has a lot on beyond psychedelics and living forever. One of his investments at the moment, AbCellera, an antibody therapy company he is closely involved with which has been part of the fight to develop a treatment for coronavirus, has hired bankers and is set to IPO within the next months for several billion dollars, according to people close to the company.

He is an investor in Deposit Solutions, the German fintech unicorn, and two European space leaders Mynaric and Isar Aerospace, to name a few others. He says he has raised $500m for his portfolio companies in the past six months and is hands-on operationally with most of them. He connects people: it was him who last year put Japan’s SoftBank in touch with now-collapsed German fintech Wirecard about an investment. He has made films such as Filth, Aspern Papers and Hector and the Search for Happiness.

Oh, and he is on the advisory council of Rwandan president Paul Kagame. This came after, in 2009, he bought a bank in Rwanda after being impressed by meeting the leader at dinner in Germany. It was “the only thing that was being privatised at that moment”, he says. He expanded the lender and later sold it to Bob Diamond, the former Barclays CEO.

But what does the future hold, I ask? By this point we’ve been talking for three hours, the afternoon is marching on, and Angermayer is even breaking his no-carbs rule nibbling on the corner of a croissant.

Pausing for a moment, leaning back in his chair, he says that beyond tech investments and dealmaking he has a long-term vision that somewhen down the road, psychedelics could shape global politics for the better. 

He is, for instance, funding a study by Robin Carhart-Harris, head of psychedelic research at Imperial College in London, to study the effect of Palestinians and Israelis drinking the psychedelic drug Ayahuasca together.

 He is also spreading the message more widely in his powerful circles. “I am a partner of the Munich Security Conference, [a high profile event in international relations], and at one dinner, I joked with them that I was going to spike their drink with psilocybin…”

He adds quickly: “I mean, I was completely joking, of course. But I also told them that there had been times in history when world leaders used the power of psychedelics to become better leaders, especially for conflict resolution purposes. Looking at a world which, despite best intentions, becomes increasingly divided, maybe we have to think radically differently.”

He also has a European agenda, believing that his investment focus on biotech and deeptech are areas where Europe, after losing out to the US over the past decade in creating the big ecommerce and social platforms, has a chance of catching up. “We have some of the best engineers and researchers in the world,” he says.

Governments he is less enamoured of, criticising the German government’s latest change in the law to make it easier for startups to offer stock options as not going far enough, saying that after years of efforts from business it was only a tiny change to the rules. “It’s like having sex once after 10 years, and not even good sex, and then expecting your partner to be satisfied… No, it is still far too little, and far from perfect. We have to do better.”

And on that note, it’s time to leave, saying a socially-distanced goodbye, walking into his private lobby (where there is an 18th-century bronze statue of the Roman gladiator called Retiarius), taking the lift down and getting on my bike back home.






The Facebook Papers consortium is growing, and reporters are gaining access to more documents (Analysis by Brian Stelter, CNN Business Updated 1452 GMT (2252 HKT) October 26, 2021)



New York (CNN Business)A version of this article first appeared in the "Reliable Sources" newsletter. You can sign up for free right here.

The Facebook Papers consortium is growing.
Last week the number of American news outlets with access to internal Facebook documents supplied to the SEC by Frances Haugen stood at 17. Those outlets -- from CNN to Politico, Washington Post to WIRED -- agreed to a Monday morning embargo, which is why more than 50 stories all came out on the same day.
There are many more stories in the works -- and there are more newsrooms joining the consortium. Platformer's Casey Newton wrote Monday night that "a host of new publications joined the consortium today, ensuring another volley of coverage designed to squeeze more juice from the rind."
One of the new participants, Shoshana Wodinsky of Gizmodo, posted a tweet alluding to her "suddenly" becoming part of the group. I also hear that The Guardian, which was missing last week, is now on board, along with CNBC and The New York Post. As Ben Smith of The New York Times reported, the competing-yet-coordinating newsrooms are keeping in touch via Slack.
Another one of the members, The Associated Press, has a handy explainer of the arrangement here. "Each member of the consortium pursued its own independent reporting on the document contents and their significance," the wire said. "Every member also had the opportunity to attend group briefings to gain information and context about the documents."

The documents will keep flowing for weeks

The "Facebook Papers" are not just a one- or two-day story. Reporters and editors are expecting to receive additional documents for at least the next couple of weeks.
Remember, this is all based on what Haugen submitted to the SEC. Redacted versions of the documents are being shared with members of Congress and members of the news media on an ongoing basis. "That process continues as Haugen's legal team goes through the process of redacting the SEC filings," for instance by removing names of Facebook users, The AP explained.
Newton said in his Monday night newsletter that "I continue to receive new documents every week day," adding, "The documents arrive with no particular eye toward organization or theme." He said "it's extraordinary to be able to read these documents and learn more about the company," but also acknowledged that the drip-drip-drip serves Haugen's interests.
Whether there will be sustained public interest in the drip-drip-drip is an open question. During a live audio chat with Newton and other reporters on Twitter Monday night, veteran tech journalist Steven Levy predicted that assignment editors and readers would tire of the stories before long.
Laura McGann, a former editor at Vox and Politico, commented in a tweet that "the Facebook revelations are a good example of how exposes will always be more enticing to media and audience than the same story that was observably true all along: We saw with our own eyes that Facebook pushes content that riles people up."

Eight recommended reads

Katie Harbath is keeping a Google Doc with a list of every "Facebook Papers" story. Protocol has a list going, too. At the risk of leaving out lots of impressive journalism, I want to highlight a handful of stories that are worth spending time with:
-- "How Facebook Fails 90 Percent of its Users:" That's the provocative title of an article by The Atlantic's projects editor Ellen Cushing. "These documents show that the Facebook we have in the United States is actually the platform at its best," she writes. "In the most vulnerable parts of the world — places with limited internet access, where smaller user numbers mean bad actors have undue influence — the trade-offs and mistakes that Facebook makes can have deadly consequences."
-- Here's an example via CNN's Eliza Mackintosh: "Facebook knew it was being used to incite violence in Ethiopia. It did little to stop the spread, documents show."
-- "Facebook has known it has a human trafficking problem for years," and still hasn't fully fixed it, CNN's Clare Duffy writes. Duffy used search terms listed in FB's internal research to find active Instagram accounts purporting to offer domestic workers for sale, and the company removed the accounts and posts due to her inquiry.
-- In the internal documents supplied by Haugen, showing conversations among rank and file FB employees, "a common theme is anger." John Hendel's piece for Politico highlights some of the most striking comments.
-- Steven Levy's WIRED headline hitting on a similar theme: "Facebook failed the people who tried to improve it."
-- One of USA Today's headlines: FB "says it's winning the fight against hate speech targeting Black Americans. Its own research says otherwise."
-- Get acquainted with the "Single User Multiple Accounts" problem: "How Facebook users wield multiple accounts to spread toxic politics."
-- Bloomberg's story about a business quandary that Mark Zuckerberg is determined to address: "Facebook, alarmed by teen usage drop, left investors in the dark."

What we've lost

On Tuesday the New York Times Book Review editor Pamela Paul is coming out with a rather timely book titled "100 Things We've Lost to the Internet." It's a thoughtful tour of the pre-Internet age, and it inspired me to ask for her read of this present moment.
"I think the Facebook revelations are really just confirmations of what many people have long suspected or been through personally. It's just that now we know that the effects of social media that we've perceived or felt on a gut (read: sucker punch) level were well known and even deliberate on the part of the company," Paul wrote to me.
"Take, for example, the known effects of 'likes' or the absence thereof, on teens' self-esteem," she wrote. "When you think back to the Before Times, teenagers *always* worried about what their peers thought. The problem now is that they *know* — and their worst fears are often confirmed in easily quantifiable and public ways. In the book, I write about how some of those formerly common human experiences and emotions — uninhibitedness, secrets, unpopular opinions, ignoring people, private observances— are now gone, or severely compromised. Think about how Instagram alone changes teenage life. What would high school have been like for Romy and Michelle if they'd been on Instagram?"


Here are all the Facebook Papers stories (by David Pierce and Anna Kramer, published October 25, 2021 on protocol.com)




Monday morning's news drop was a doozy. There was story after story about the goings-on inside Facebook, thanks to thousands of leaked documents from Frances Haugen, the whistleblower who wants the information within those files to spread far and wide. Haugen is also set to speak in front of the British Parliament on Monday, continuing the story that is becoming known as The Facebook Papers.

Before it was The Facebook Papers, of course, it was The Facebook Files, a Wall Street Journal series that included the first looks at many of Haugen's documents. (You can read the backstory of that name change, along with more details on the consortium of journalists that worked together on the Papers stories, from The New York Times.)

The stories started to publish last Friday night, but landed with a bang Monday morning and have been coming out ever since. Since they're spread across lots of publications, we've rounded them all up in one place (in no particular order), to make them easier to find and read. We've tried to focus on the stories about the documents themselves, rather than about the fallout or the PR spin or any of the other Facebook issues from this week. And we'll keep adding stories here as new ones publish. 


Facebook's internal chat boards show politics often at center of decision making — The Wall Street Journal

Facebook's hiring crisis: Engineers are turning down offers, internal docs show — Protocol

Facebook wrestles with the features it used to define social networking — The New York Times

Internal alarm, public shrugs: Facebook's employees dissect its election role — The New York Times

In India, Facebook grapples with an amplified version of its problems — The New York Times

In Poland's politics, a 'social civil war' brewed as Facebook rewarded online anger — The Washington Post

The case against Mark Zuckerberg: Insiders say Facebook's CEO chose growth over safety — The Washington Post

How Facebook neglected the rest of the world, fueling hate speech and violence in India — The Washington Post

Five points for anger, one for a 'like': How Facebook's formula fostered rage and misinformation — The Washington Post

Inside Facebook, Jan. 6 violence fueled anger, regret over missed warning signs — The Washington Post

How Facebook shapes your feed — The Washington Post

Facebook documents offer a treasure trove for Washington's antitrust war — POLITICO

'This is NOT normal': Facebook employees vent their anguish — POLITICO

 Facebook's Jan. 6 problem: A thin playbook for false election claims — POLITICO

How Facebook users wield multiple accounts to spread toxic politics — POLITICO

Facebook's 'fatal flaw': Staff spar over the sway of their lobbyists — POLITICO

Facebook did little to moderate posts in the world's most violent countries — POLITICO

The Facebook Papers: Documents reveal internal fury and dissent over site's policies — NBC News

'Carol's Journey': What Facebook knew about how it radicalized users — NBC News

The Facebook Papers: Documents reveal internal fury and dissent over site's policies — CNBC

The Facebook Papers may be the biggest crisis in the company's history — CNN

Facebook knew it was being used to incite violence in Ethiopia. It did little to stop the spread, documents show — CNN

Facebook has known it has a human trafficking problem for years. It still hasn't fully fixed it — CNN

Facebook has language blind spots around the world that allow hate speech to flourish — CNN

Not stopping 'Stop the Steal:' Facebook Papers paint damning picture of company's role in insurrection — CNN

Facebook is having a tougher time managing vaccine misinformation than it is letting on, leaks suggest — CNN

Inside Facebook's struggle to keep young people — The Verge

Facebook's leaked tier list: how the company decides which countries need protection — The Verge

Hey, kid, wanna see some leaked Facebook docs? — Gizmodo

The Climate Denial Is Coming From Inside Facebook's House — Gizmodo


Facebook Has No Clue How to Solve Its Image Problem, Leaked Doc Shows — Gizmodo

How the 2019 Christchurch Massacre Changed Facebook Forever — Gizmodo

Facebook is everywhere; its moderation is nowhere close — Wired

How to fix Facebook, according to Facebook employees — Wired

Facebook failed the people who tried to improve it — Wired

Facebook's language gaps weaken screening of hate, terrorism — Associated Press

America 'on fire': Facebook watched as Trump ignited hate — Associated Press

Facebook dithered in curbing divisive user content in India — Associated Press

Apple once threatened Facebook ban over Mideast maid abuse — Associated Press

People or profit? Facebook papers show deep conflict within — Associated Press

Facebook froze as anti-vaccine comments swarmed users – Associated Press

The Facebook Papers: What you need to know — NPR

Employees pleaded with Facebook to stop letting politicians bend rules — The Financial Times

Facebook bungled efforts to curb explosion of hate speech ahead of Capitol attack — The Financial Times

The Facebook Papers: social network shaken by content, user woe — Bloomberg

Facebook, alarmed by teen usage drop, left investors in the dark — Bloomberg

Facebook Privately Worried About Hate Speech Spawning Violence — Bloomberg

Facebook staff say core products make misinformation worse — Bloomberg

Facebook hobbled team tasked with stemming harmful content — Bloomberg

Facebook Papers: 'history will not judge us kindly' — The Atlantic

How Facebook failed the world — The Atlantic

What happened when Facebook became boomerbook — The Atlantic

 Facebook knew about, failed to police, abusive content globally — Reuters

Mostar "Integra" Cultural and Sports Centre




CSC #integra #mostar will have a total of 46,000 m² of useful space, out of which 24,000 m² will be an underground parking area. The building will offer 4,000 seats and garage facilities for 600 parking places. CEB is waiting to receive a formal loan application from BiH authorities. In addition to WBIF technical assistance in the preparation phase, funding was provided by the Embassy of Netherlands and CEB-managed Norway Trust Account. This project was the subject of assessment by the International commission COWI-IPF in 2013 – 2014 led by the Croatian architect BORIS KORUŽNJAK.
"Although Mostar is home to a large number of cultural societies and sporting clubs, it lacks sufficient capacity for cultural and sporting events, as present facilities are almost non-existent or are inappropriately small for the city of its size. This project relates to the construction of a cultural and sports facility, CSC Integra, in the city of Mostar with the aim of helping with the integration of three ethnic communities following the 1990’s war, while also providing quality sports and cultural assembly and exhibition facilities.
The planned CSC Integra will have a total of 46,000 m² of useful space, out of which 24,000 m² will be an underground parking area and 12,000 m² cultural and sports facility space that will include office and entertainment provision. The building will offer 4,000 seats and garage facilities for 600 parking places. The project is challenged by a small land plot and its central city location, thus making traffic management difficult.
The project is carried out in three components that included:
1) the completion of the revisions to the main design and drafting of operational and sustainability plans;
2) amending the main construction design and completing relevant related documents;
3) completing the feasibility report;
4) reporting on savings in investment and operational costs directly attributed to the revisions of the tender dossier.
The facilities will benefit the population of the City of Mostar and its surrounding area, especially the youth and amongst them the disadvantaged and disabled population. The direct beneficiaries include some 18,000, including 3,500 members from approximately 50 cultural societies and 15,000 members of 105 sporting clubs.
Social benefits include a decrease in delinquencies, and drug and alcohol abuse that is widespread due to the lack of recreational facilities Mostar. Moreover, the centre will extend to the wider community allowing educational and civic use, as schools and universities are expected to utilise this facility for cultural, sport, and other events together with 40 cultural civic groups and 120 sporting clubs. The ultimate benefit of the project is the development of a social infrastructure platform that will facilitate the integration of divergent ethnic and social groups. The project should fill the gap in the provision of cultural, sports and assembly capacity, strengthen social integration by improving living conditions and quality of life in the urban area of Mostar and contribute further to the creation of conditions for sustainable development of this highly important city for the whole southern region of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The technical assistance for project preparation phase is now completed and CEB is waiting to receive a formal loan application from BiH authorities. However, given the political situation in the country, and the Mostar constitutional deadlock, in particular, it is unlikely that the City Council would be in place to submit a request for a loan anytime soon.
In addition to WBIF technical assistance in the preparation phase, funding was provided by the Embassy of Netherlands and CEB-managed Norway Trust Account."


Grad Mostar - Odjel za urbanizam i građenje, služba za građenje infrastrukturnih objekata - 09/01/2022. (kolektori i pročistači - otpadne vode)



Prema riječima gradonačelnika Mostara, gosp. Marija Kordića, "kolektori su završeni" (...) "Kada je u pitanju pročistač, moram reći da smo sa zadovoljstvom završili spor sa grčkom kompanijom Actor. Izašli smo iz arbitražnog procesa u Haagu i našli smo zajednički dogovor" (...) "To je dvogodišnji sporazum u kojemu će Grad Mostar isplatiti svoje obaveze prema Actoru koji je u najvećem dijelu završio svoje obaveze prema Mostaru."(novogodišnje izdanje Večernjeg lista 2021.)
Ključni dokumenti vezani za prikupljanje i tretman otpadnih voda u Mostaru :
2004 - Studija poboljšanja kvalitete voda rijeke Neretve u Mostaru (MWH HARZA Engineering Co.., INC iz Chicaga (USA) uz domaćeg podkonsultanta INTEGRA d.o.o. Mostar )
Idejni i glavni projekt centralnih kolektora Grada Mostara („General Water Consult Corp.“ (GWCC) Austrija i „Zavod za vodoprivredu Sarajevo“)
Idejni projekt postrojenja za tretman otpadnih voda (HOLINGER LTD, Liestal, Švicarska uz domaćeg podkonsultanta UNA-SANA Bihać)
Glavni projekat i izgradnja postrojenja za tretman otpadnih voda (ACTOR Grčka)
Izvedbeni projekt centralnih kolektora Grada Mostara („Zavod za vodoprivredu Sarajevo“)