utorak, 7. srpnja 2020.

‘Daniel Pearl killers’ did not kill him 21 January, 2011


LAHORE: A fresh investigation into the January 2002 abduction and subsequent beheading of the American journalist Daniel Pearl has revealed that Sheikh Ahmed Omar Saeed and his three co-accomplices, who had been handed down capital punishment by a Karachi court in July same year, did not commit the murder and were not even present at the crime scene.
Sponsored by the Georgetown University, Washington, the findings of the three-and-a-half-year long investigation have concluded that the four militants convicted in the killing, including the prime accused, Sheikh Ahmed Omar Saeed, did help kidnap the journalist but did not kill him.
The findings of the investigation report, titled “The Truth Left Behind: Inside the Kidnapping and Murder of Daniel Pearl,” actually endorse the March 2007 confession of al-Qaeda’s former chief operational commander Khalid Sheikh Mohammad to having slaughtered Pearl. Khalid was arrested from Rawalpindi in March 2003 and handed over to the US.
He told the FBI agents that he had a purpose in the Pearl killing: “I wanted to make sure I got the death penalty” if the US caught him, and so he wanted blood on his hands. One of the more gruesome findings of the investigation report is that the videotaping of Pearl’s beheading was initially bungled and that the killing had to be re-enacted.
Khalid had already slashed Pearl’s neck when the cameraman had to restart the taping. The second time, Khalid fully severed the head.
The 38-year-old American had traveled to Pakistan in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks and was abducted from Karachi on January 23, 2002, before being beheaded by the Islamic militants while working on an investigative story about the alleged intelligence links of some Pakistani militant leaders.
On February 21, 2002, a video of Pearl’s killing was delivered to US officials in Pakistan. His remains were eventually found in a shallow grave on Karachi’s outskirts three months later.
Shortly after Pearl’s disappearance, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, a British national of Pakistani origin, and three accomplices were caught, charged, and convicted of murder and kidnapping.
However, the findings of the fresh probe have raised questions about Pakistan’s flawed criminal justice system, saying the four men were convicted of the Pearl murder primarily because the Pakistani authorities knowingly relied on perjured testimony and ignored other leads.
According to the findings, which have been published by the Washington-based Center for Public Integrity, “Justice was not served; Leads weren’t followed; suspects weren’t interviewed and alleged co-conspirators weren’t prosecuted. The truth was left behind. Pakistan closed the case. The US let the case go dormant, with one FBI agent told by his boss, “Let sleeping dogs lie.”
The report says 14 of 27 people involved in the abduction and subsequent beheading of Pearl are still at large, five are already dead, four have already been convicted and the remaining four are under detention but have not yet been tried by the Pakistani authorities.
The report adds that the four men convicted in the Pearl murder could be released if their appeal is ever heard because of false and contradictory evidence used in the trial. The four convicted men including Sheikh Ahmed Omar Saeed, a London School of Economics’ graduate-turned-Jihadi, and three of his accomplices, Fahad Naseem, Salman Saqib and Sheikh Adeel, were put on trial on April 22, 2002 and were handed down capital punishment almost three months later, in July 2002, after a summary trial by an Anti Terrorism Court.
But almost eight-and-a-half years after being sentenced to death, the Pearl killers are lucky enough to have dodged the gallows during all those years, primarily because the Sindh High Court has yet to decide their appeals against the death sentence.
Both the defence and the prosecution blame each other for stalling tactics. According to the defence attorney Rai Basheer, the prosecution knows it would lose on appeal and is delaying the process, but prosecutor Raja Qureshi dismissed those claims, saying, “I challenge the defence to come and attend the case properly and consistently, and they will themselves know whose case is weak”.
Yet the fresh findings have strengthened the case of Omar Sheikh and his co-accomplices. For instance, it finds significant discrepancies between the Pakistani police reports as well as in the court testimonies, including that of a taxi driver whose account was considered crucial to the conviction.
As per the fresh American findings, “the Pakistani authorities apparently cajoled the driver to change his earlier story and, while testifying, place Omar Sheikh with Daniel Pearl near the restaurant where the American journalist was picked up by his abductors. But as a matter of fact, Sheikh is believed to have left Karachi before other men he had recruited carried out the kidnapping.”
Currently languishing in a Hyderabad jail, the accused had approached the Sindh High Court, challenging the verdict of the Anti Terrorism Court. But their appeals have not yet been decided despite a lapse of over eight years.
Omar Sheikh’s defence lawyer Rai Bashir, who is also the chairman of the Khatam-e-Nabuwwat Lawyers Forum, maintains that Pearl’s case had taken a new twist in the wake of the confessional statement by Khaled Sheikh and the findings of the American journalist, proving his contention that his client was innocent. “What we were saying for so many years is that Omar is innocent and had not committed that murder. We are happy that this version has been verified by none other than the Americans”, adds Rai Bashir who now plans to take up these developments before the Sindh High Court whenever Omar Sheikh’s appeal is heard.
But contrary to his lawyer’s contention, the hard fact remains that at his initial court appearance in April 2002, Sheikh Omar had almost confessed to his crime by stating before the court: “I don’t want to defend myself. I did this... Rightly or wrongly, I had my reasons. I think our country shouldn’t be catering to American needs”.
Courtesy: The News

Daniel Pearl`s widow sues Pakistani bank, Al Qaeda 20 July, 2007


WASHINGTON: The widow of Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter beheaded by terrorists in 2002, has filed suit in US federal court against a Pakistani bank for handling money for a charity involved in funding his murder.
The suit also names Al Qaeda and at least 15 alleged members of the Islamist group, charging the estates of those who are deceased and several charity groups, the Wall Street Journal reported late Wednesday online.
The Habib Bank Limited named in the suit is Pakistan`s largest commercial bank, the Journal reported.
Mariane Pearl, a French woman who was pregnant with their first child at the time of her husband`s murder in Pakistan, is seeking an unspecified amount in damages for the role played by the Habib Bank and several charities, including the Al-Rashid Trust. A trustee of a successor to the trust, Al-Akhtar International, owned the property where Pearl`s body was found, the Journal reported.
Both trusts have been named by the US Treasury Department and the United Nations as fronts for Al Qaeda and its affiliates, the Journal wrote.
The 49-page complaint also names Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the US. In a book published last year, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf identified him as being involved in Pearl`s murder.
Mohammed, now in US custody at the Guantanamo Bay prison, was captured in Peshawar, Pakistan, a month after Pearl`s killing, and has confessed to masterminding the 9/11 attacks in US military hearings.
The Wall Street Journal reporter was researching a story on Al Qaeda when he was kidnapped in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, lured by Islamic militants who promised him an interview with one of their leaders.
Pearl`s abductors videotaped his beheading and dismembered his body. Four militants were convicted of the killing, but Musharraf`s claim could be used against Mohammed if the US puts him on trial as President George W. Bush says he wants to.
Habib Bank, which has 1,500 branches in Pakistan in addition to foreign branches in New York, London and Zurich, denied the charges to the Journal.
"This is an absolute shock to me, because this is something that has no basis at all in fact from our point of view," bank president and chief executive Zakir Mahmood was quoted as saying.

'Nijedan narod u BiH ne upravlja tom zemljom. U zračnoj luci u Sarajevu dočekao me agent CIA-e', (Hassan Haidar Diab, 5.3.2019.)


'Nijedan narod u BiH ne upravlja tom zemljom. U zračnoj luci u Sarajevu dočekao me agent CIA-e'

Šeik Ahmad Salek Kashani jedan je od najbližih suradnika iranskog ajatolaha Homeinija
 05. OŽUJKA 2019. U 16:28  34 KOMENTARA  9371 PRIKAZA 

Šeik Ahmad Salek Kashani i naš novinar Hassan Haidar Diab

Foto: Privatni album
Kad sam stigao u Sarajevo a u zračnoj luci dočekao me tajni agent CIA-e sa psom ovčarom i pitao po što sam došao u Sarajevo, potekle su mi suze. Pomislio sam, Bože moj, taj je narod toliko patio i dao tolike žrtve pa da na kraju bude američka kolonija... – počeo je razgovor za Večernji list 73-godišnji šeik Ahmad Salek Kashani, najmoćniji, najutjecajniji i najdugovječniji zastupnik u iranskom parlamentu, kojem su prije puta u Sarajevo savjetovali da ne putuje u svećeničkom odijelu, ali on ga je baš iz inata odjenuo kako bi vidio reakciju na svoj dolazak.
EKSKLUZIVNO IZ IRANAJedan nepromišljeni potez Irana, Izraela ili SAD-a zapalit će Bliski istok i šire
– Ako sam za vrijeme rata mogao tako putovati kroz Hrvatsku u BiH, zašto ne bih mogao sada u miru – rekao je i nastavio:
– U BiH došao sam za vrijeme rata. Više nije tajna da je Iran pomogao braći muslimanima u BiH. Dali smo im oružje, poslali im instruktore... Čak i naš najveći neprijatelj SAD priznaje da je naše oružje promijenilo vojnu ravnotežu u BiH. Sastao sam se tada s Alijom Izetbegovićem i u lice mu rekao: “Predsjedniče mi zauzvrat ništa ne tražimo niti želimo. Naše je moralno načelo pomoći braći muslimanima.” To je bio slogan i osnivača Islamske Republike ajatolaha Ruhollaha Homeinija koji je uvijek govorio da trebamo pomagati svim muslimanima, ali i nemuslimanima u nevolji te potlačenima. Kako sam obećao predsjedniku Izetbegoviću, tako je i bilo. Mi smo došli na njihov poziv i otišli kad su nam rekli da nas više ne trebaju.
Potom je šeik Kashani povišenim tonom nastavio govoriti da smjer kojim ide BiH nije dobar jer ni jedan narod u toj zemlji ne upravlja svojom državom, već se njome upravlja izvana.
Fateh, projektil (1)DEZFOULIran predstavio novi balistički projektil dometa 1000 km
– Kakva je to država kad Amerikanac odlučuje o svemu? Nažalost, Amerikanci nikada nisu bili prijatelji ni Bošnjacima ni drugim narodima u BiH. BiH može opstati samo ako njezin narod počne odlučivati o svojoj sudbini – uvjerava nas šeik Ahmad Salek Kashani koji je bio blizak prijatelj i suradnik osnivača Islamske Republike ajatolaha Ruhollaha Homeinija kao i jedan od osnivača najmoćnije i najelitnije vojne snage na Bliskom istoku, iranske Revolucionarne garde te njezina pričuvnog sastava Basij.
Sa šeikom Kashanijem razgovarali smo u njegovu stanu u Isfahanu, za koji kažu da je “pola svijeta”. Isfahan je čaroban grad, pun palača i karavansaraja, džamija i starih crkava koje posjetitelje ostavljaju bez daha, stoga nije čudo da ga godišnje posjeti više od pet milijuna stranih turista. Šeik Kashani živi skromno, u stanu u kakvom živi prosječan Iranac i ni po čemu se posebno ne ističe. Ono što ipak odaje da u tom stanu živi važna osoba stroge su sigurnosne mjere i tjelohranitelji koji su stalno uz njega. Koliki je autoritet šeik Kashani dokazuje i to da je jedan od razloga otkazivanja posjeta Iranu francuskom predsjedniku Emmanuelu Macronu bilo protivljenje upravo šeika Kashanija koji je kazao da Macron nije dobrodošao jer je, kako tvrdi, stao na stranu tlačitelja – SAD-a i Donalda Trumpa.
Imam Homeini ostat će zapamćen i među onima koji su ga voljeli i među svojim neprijateljima kao jedna od najkarizmatičnijih i najistaknutijih osoba u povijesti čovječanstva, ističe šeik Khasani | Autor : Privatni album//STRINGER/REUTERS/PIXSELLFoto: Privatni album//STRINGER/REUTERS/PIXSELLImam Homeini ostat će zapamćen i među onima koji su ga voljeli i među svojim neprijateljima kao jedna od najkarizmatičnijih i najistaknutijih osoba u povijesti čovječanstva, ističe šeik Khasani
– Ne može netko osuditi iransko testiranje balističkih raketa srednjeg dometa i smatrati to kršenjem međunarodnog sporazuma o iranskom nuklearnom programu te uputiti prijetnju Iranu i nakon toga doći u Iran tražiti posao za svoje kompanije. Bio sam jasan i rekao da Macron u Iranu nije dobrodošao i to je za mene završena priča. Iran ima pravo na testiranje raketa i na naoružanje. Zašto nas svi kritiziraju i napadaju zbog naoružanja, a mi nikome ništa ne činimo? Istodobno, nitko ništa takva ne govori Izraelu koji tlači i svakodnevno ubija palestinski narod, žene, djecu, naočigled svijeta i ne birajući sredstva? Umjesto osude, oni mu daju potporu i naoružanje. Kako sam vam rekao na početku, mi ćemo uvijek braniti potlačene diljem svijeta, bez obzira na vjeroispovijest, i u tome nas nitko ne može sprečavati – odlučan je šeik Kashani. Glavnu ulogu odigrao je i u dizanju pobune 1979. godine protiv šaha Reze Pahlavija.
IranBLISKI ISTOKIranski razvoj projektila zabrinjava čelnike Europske unije
Osuđen na doživotni zatvor
– Da šah nije svrgnut, danas bih ja još sjedio u zatvoru – govori šeik Kashani pijući čaj i ne obazirući se na mobitel koji mu nije prestao zvoniti otkad smo počeli razgovarati.
– Šah me osudio na doživotni zatvor jer sam, uz mnoge svećenike, pokrenuo pobunu protiv njega koju je izvana organizirao i vodio ajatolah Ruhollah Homeini. Dok sam bio u zatvoru u Shirazu, 18 časnika SAVAK-a izvršavalo je nada mnom svakodnevno 17 vrsta mučenja od devet ujutro do ponoći – prisjeća se i pokazuje nam tragove mučenja i ožiljke koji su mu ostali za cijeli život.
– SAVAK je, uz vojsku, žandarmeriju i policiju, bila najznačajnija poluga šahova sigurnosnog aparata koji je osnovan 1957. i stavljen pod zapovjednišvo njegova bliskog suradnika generala Nematollaha Nasserija. Cilj SAVAK-a bio je spriječiti svaku destabilizaciju i pokušaj rušenja režima, posebno od strane ljevičarskih skupina. Stoga je razvio razgranatu špijunsku mrežu te provodio masovna uhićenja protivnika režima, od kojih su mnogi potom nestali. Ja sam jedan od rijetkih koji je uspio preživjeti. U to vrijeme, podučavao sam filozofiju na fakultetu i imao 25 učenika. Mnogi profesori i zaposlenici u školi bili su tajni agenti SAVAK-a. Tako su pratili i osluškivali svako moje predavanje i nakon što su zaključili da govorim protiv šaha, uhitili su me, odveli na ispitivanje i brzinom munje osudili na doživotnu kaznu – svjedoči šeik Kashani i kaže da je jedva čekao rušenje šaha Reze Pahlavija jer su s njim svi resursi i bogatstvo Irana bili u rukama SAD-a i Izraela.