Paralelno sa postojanjem Socijalističke republike Bosne i Hercegovine, od novembra 1991. postoji i Hrvatska zajednica Herceg-Bosna. Sa osnivanjem se počelo skoro pet mjeseci prije održavanja referenduma za nezavisnost, kada je 12.11. 1991. proglašena Hrvatska zajednica "Bosanska Posavina" u Bosanskom Brodu, da bi 18.11. 1991. u Mostaru bila usvojena Odluka o uspostavi Hrvatske zajednice Herceg-Bosna (HZ H-B). Odluku je potpisao predsjednik HZ H-B mr. Mate Boban.
6. aprila 1992, dakle 2 dana prije proglašenja neposredne ratne opasnosti u BiH, već dobro naoružane i obučene, snage bosanskohercegovačkih Hrvata i dijela Muslimana (broj Muslimana u sastavu HVO-u je varirao od 20- 30%), su zvanično dobile svoju vojsku - Hrvatsko vijeće obrane (HVO). HVO je osnovan kao vojna komponenta HZ H-B i odmah po zvaničnom osnivanju je preuzeo zakonodavnu, izvršnu i vojnu vlast HZ H-B pod vrhovnim zapovjedništvom mr. Mate Bobana. Zapovjednik Glavnog stožera (štaba) Mostar je bio Petar Zelenika.
The Croat Union of Herzeg-Bosnia had been established in November 1991 within the legally functioning Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, almost five months before the Independence Referendum was held. The establishment of the Croat Union of Herzeg-Bosnia started with the proclamation of the Croat Union "Bosnian Posavina" in Bosanski Brod on November 12, 1991, which was followed by the adoption of the Decision on Establishment of Croat Union Herzeg-Bosnia (HZ H-B) on November 18, 1991 in Mostar. The Decision was signed by the President of the HZ H-B Mate Boban.
On April 6, 1992 - two days before the proclamation of the immediate war danger in Bosnia and Herzegovina, well armed and trained forces of BiH Croats and a part of Muslims (a number of Muslims in the HVO composition varied between 20 and 30%) had officially established their army - Croatian Defense Council (HVO). HVO was established as a military component of HZ H-B and immediately after the official establishment took over legislative, executive and military power of HZ H-B, under the supreme command of Mate Boban. The Commander in Chief of the Main HQ Mostar
was Petar Zelenika.
Slika: Autentičan dokument - odobrenje o kretanju tokom policijskog sata koji je potpisao zapovjednik Petar Zelenika.
Picture: Authentic document - permission on freedom of movement during the curfew signed by the commander Petar Zelenika.
6. aprila 1992, dakle 2 dana prije proglašenja neposredne ratne opasnosti u BiH, već dobro naoružane i obučene, snage bosanskohercegovačkih Hrvata i dijela Muslimana (broj Muslimana u sastavu HVO-u je varirao od 20- 30%), su zvanično dobile svoju vojsku - Hrvatsko vijeće obrane (HVO). HVO je osnovan kao vojna komponenta HZ H-B i odmah po zvaničnom osnivanju je preuzeo zakonodavnu, izvršnu i vojnu vlast HZ H-B pod vrhovnim zapovjedništvom mr. Mate Bobana. Zapovjednik Glavnog stožera (štaba) Mostar je bio Petar Zelenika.
The Croat Union of Herzeg-Bosnia had been established in November 1991 within the legally functioning Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, almost five months before the Independence Referendum was held. The establishment of the Croat Union of Herzeg-Bosnia started with the proclamation of the Croat Union "Bosnian Posavina" in Bosanski Brod on November 12, 1991, which was followed by the adoption of the Decision on Establishment of Croat Union Herzeg-Bosnia (HZ H-B) on November 18, 1991 in Mostar. The Decision was signed by the President of the HZ H-B Mate Boban.
On April 6, 1992 - two days before the proclamation of the immediate war danger in Bosnia and Herzegovina, well armed and trained forces of BiH Croats and a part of Muslims (a number of Muslims in the HVO composition varied between 20 and 30%) had officially established their army - Croatian Defense Council (HVO). HVO was established as a military component of HZ H-B and immediately after the official establishment took over legislative, executive and military power of HZ H-B, under the supreme command of Mate Boban. The Commander in Chief of the Main HQ Mostar
was Petar Zelenika.
Slika: Autentičan dokument - odobrenje o kretanju tokom policijskog sata koji je potpisao zapovjednik Petar Zelenika.
Picture: Authentic document - permission on freedom of movement during the curfew signed by the commander Petar Zelenika.
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