petak, 17. ožujka 2017.

Obavijest o distribuciji humanitarne pomoći/ Notification on Distribution of Humanitarian Aid (mostar, 19.09.1992)

Jedan od neizbježnih pratilaca svakog rata je glad. Glad najviše pogađa civilno stanovništvo, koje je ovisno o humanitarnoj pomoći. U najvećem broju slučajeva mjesečna pomoć koja se distribuira stanovništvu ne zadovoljava dnevne potrebe organizma normalnog čovjeka.
U prilogu je obavještenje povjerenika Ratne vlade u jednoj od mjesnih zajednica u Mostaru o podjeli humanitarne pomoći u septembru, 1992.
Hrana se mogla izdavati isključivo onima koji su posjedovali određenu dokumentaciju: ličnu kartu (odrasli), zdravstvenu knjižicu (djeca) i kartone (porodične i lične).
Famozni paket Z-3 je sadržavao:
1.5 kg brašna po osobi;
1 kg mlijeka za 1/2 osobe; 2 kg mlijeka za 3/4 osobe; 3 kg mlijeka za 5/6 osoba i 4 kg mlijeka preko 7 osoba
0.5 kg riže po osobi
0.5 l ulja po osobi
0.5 šećera po osobi
1 kg tjestenine po porodici
1 komad sapuna po porodici.
Građani su bili dužni da ponesu kese i flaše za preuzimanje hrane.
U isto vrijeme je u splitskoj luci bilo uskladišteno 500 tona humanitarne pomoći koju je poslala IGASA (International Islamic Relief) iz Saudijske Arabije i Kuvajta, adresirane na predstavništvo IGASA-e u Mostaru. Kako Mostar nije imao predstavništvo IGASA-e, to je prouzrokovalo komplikacije za dopremanje humanitarne pomoći u Mostar.

One of the undeniable followers of every war is hunger. Hunger hits the hardest when it comes to civilians, who are dependent on humanitarian aid. In most cases the monthly aid distributed to the civilian population does not satisfy the daily nutrition needs of a normal human being's organism.
Attached is the notice of a representative of the War Government  in one of the local communities in Mostar on distribution of humanitarian aid in September, 1992.
The food was distributed only to the citizens in possession of specific documentation: ID (adults), health booklet (children) and record cards (family and personal).
The infamous package Z-3 was consisted of the following ingredients:
1.5 kg flour per person;
1 kg milk for 1/2 persons; 2 kg milk for 3/4 persons; 3 kg milk for 5/6 persons and 4 kg milk for 7 and more persons
0.5 rice per person
0.5 l oil per person
0.5 kg sugar per person
1 kg pasta per family
1 pcs of soap per family.  
The citizens were required to bring bags and bottles in order to pick up the food.
At the same time 500 tons of humanitarian aid sent by IGASA (International Islamic Relief) from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, addressed to the IGASA office in Mostar, was stored at the Split Harbour (Croatia).  The fact that Mostar did not have the representation office of IGASA caused complications for transfer of humanitarian aid to Mostar.

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