Blog containing a database of articles, reports, blogger's notes and photos of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Balkans region. The compilation and material was created by Aleksandra Miletić-Šantić, a lawyer, social scientist, human rights activist, journalist and interpreter.
utorak, 24. siječnja 2017.
ponedjeljak, 23. siječnja 2017.
(2) Dr. Ismet Hadžiosmanović "Bošnjačko-hrvatski politički obračun" str. 248-249/ Ismet Hadziosmanovic, PhD. "Political Clash between Bosniaks and Croats", p. 248-249
On islamization of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Army of R Bosnia and Herzegovina
"Islamization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and by that also its army, was the biggest problem that Alija Izetbegovic had to defend before the international institutions and the enemies of the Muslim people deeply infiltrated in many international organizations. At the beginning of the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina, foreign nationals from Islamic countries were coming to help in defense to their brothers by faith, Muslims in BiH. They were coming without any obstacles in small groups via Republic of Croatia, went through Mostar and then continued to the Central Bosnia, where they organized special military formations under command of the Army of RBiH. They were mostly engaged in military operations against the HVO troops in the Central Bosnia. In the beginning, those were smaller groups of foreign soldiers calling themselves Mujahideens. The official title of these military troops was:"Muslim Armed Forces" (MOS), under command of the Army of R BiH. MOS had its own organization, management and chain of command, which was not in line with the Law on Armed Forces BiH. The HQ of MOS was in Zenica. Its commander in chief was called "EMIR". They had own insignia, flags and symbols written in Arabic. Their battle marches were also in Arabic, which all together confirmed islamization of the Army RBiH..."
"The processes of islamization of BiH as a state became an issue immediately upon the start of the aggression in 1992. Alija Izetbegovic was directly criticized that he worked intensively on the establishment of the Islamic State in the heart of Europe. Numerous political events were in favour of this accusation, but factual effects of the islamization of BiH did not reach even the initial phase of establishment of such state. In the midst of 1993, when a model of constitutional solution as a Union of three republics had been offered, theoretical preconditions were created that through the Muslim Republic advocated under this constitutional model, in the future, the Islamic Republic could be created at the territory allocated to it within the Union of three states BiH. As this proposed model of the Union of three republics in BiH failed, the idea of potential Islamic Republic at the territory of BiH failed, too."
Extract from the author's bio, p 469:
Ismet Hadziosmanovic was a member of a dissident highly-religious Muslim family that was fighting against communism and remained a key family in the struggle for identity of Bosniak-Muslim people. As founders and actors of political organization "Young Muslims", his father and brothers were sentenced to imprisonment. In the late 80s, the entire family worked together on the establishment of the first Muslim party - Party of Democratic Action (SDA), whose first president was Alija Izetbegovic. At the SDA convention in Mostar in 1990, he was elected for the first president of the Main Board of the SDA Mostar. During this year, he was elected in the top party body - Executive Board of the SDA BiH. Following that, he was elected for the first SDA president for Herzegovina. He successfully organized the 1991 census, when Mostar for the first time became a town with a relative majority of Muslim population. He is one of the founders of the Patriotic League in Mostar and BiH and one of the most deserving for organization and preparation of the Muslim people in Herzegovina for the fight against aggressor.
"Islamization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and by that also its army, was the biggest problem that Alija Izetbegovic had to defend before the international institutions and the enemies of the Muslim people deeply infiltrated in many international organizations. At the beginning of the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina, foreign nationals from Islamic countries were coming to help in defense to their brothers by faith, Muslims in BiH. They were coming without any obstacles in small groups via Republic of Croatia, went through Mostar and then continued to the Central Bosnia, where they organized special military formations under command of the Army of RBiH. They were mostly engaged in military operations against the HVO troops in the Central Bosnia. In the beginning, those were smaller groups of foreign soldiers calling themselves Mujahideens. The official title of these military troops was:"Muslim Armed Forces" (MOS), under command of the Army of R BiH. MOS had its own organization, management and chain of command, which was not in line with the Law on Armed Forces BiH. The HQ of MOS was in Zenica. Its commander in chief was called "EMIR". They had own insignia, flags and symbols written in Arabic. Their battle marches were also in Arabic, which all together confirmed islamization of the Army RBiH..."
"The processes of islamization of BiH as a state became an issue immediately upon the start of the aggression in 1992. Alija Izetbegovic was directly criticized that he worked intensively on the establishment of the Islamic State in the heart of Europe. Numerous political events were in favour of this accusation, but factual effects of the islamization of BiH did not reach even the initial phase of establishment of such state. In the midst of 1993, when a model of constitutional solution as a Union of three republics had been offered, theoretical preconditions were created that through the Muslim Republic advocated under this constitutional model, in the future, the Islamic Republic could be created at the territory allocated to it within the Union of three states BiH. As this proposed model of the Union of three republics in BiH failed, the idea of potential Islamic Republic at the territory of BiH failed, too."
Extract from the author's bio, p 469:
Ismet Hadziosmanovic was a member of a dissident highly-religious Muslim family that was fighting against communism and remained a key family in the struggle for identity of Bosniak-Muslim people. As founders and actors of political organization "Young Muslims", his father and brothers were sentenced to imprisonment. In the late 80s, the entire family worked together on the establishment of the first Muslim party - Party of Democratic Action (SDA), whose first president was Alija Izetbegovic. At the SDA convention in Mostar in 1990, he was elected for the first president of the Main Board of the SDA Mostar. During this year, he was elected in the top party body - Executive Board of the SDA BiH. Following that, he was elected for the first SDA president for Herzegovina. He successfully organized the 1991 census, when Mostar for the first time became a town with a relative majority of Muslim population. He is one of the founders of the Patriotic League in Mostar and BiH and one of the most deserving for organization and preparation of the Muslim people in Herzegovina for the fight against aggressor.
(1) Dr. Ismet Hadžiosmanović "Bošnjačko-hrvatski politički obračun" str. 248-249/ Ismet Hadziosmanovic, PhD. "Political Clash between Bosniaks and Croats", p. 248-249
O islamizaciji Bosne i Hercegovine i Armije RBiH
"Islamizacija Bosne i Hercegovine, a time i vojske, bio je najveći problem koji je morao Alija Izetbegović braniti kod međunarodnih institucija i kod neprijatelja muslimanskog naroda koji su se ukorijenili u mnogim međunarodnim organizacijama. Početkom agresije na Bosnu i Hercegovinu, dolazili su strani državljani iz islamskih zemalja sa ciljem da pomognu u obrani svojoj braći po vjeri, muslimanima u BiH. Oni su nesmetano dolazili u manjim grupama preko Republike Hrvatske, prolazili kroz Mostar i putovali u srednju Bosnu, gdje su organizirali posebne vojne formacije koje su bile pod komandom Armije RBiH. Većinom su izvodili borbena dejstva prema postrojbama HVO-a u srednjoj Bosni. U početku su to bile manje skupine stranih boraca koji su se nazivali mudžahedini. Službeni naziv ovih vojnih jedinica je glasio:"Muslimanske oružane snage"(MOS), koje su bile pod komandom Armije RBiH. MOS je imao svoju zasebnu organizaciju, rukovođenje i komandovanje, koje nije bilo prema Zakonu o oružanim snagama Armije BiH. Sjedište MOS-a je bilo u Zenici. Glavni zapovjednik MOS-a u BiH zvao se "EMIR". Imali su svoje posebne oznake, zastave i simbole koje su bile ispisane na arapskom jeziku. Borbene koračnice izgovarane su također na arapskom jeziku, što je sve potvrdilo islamizaciju Armije RBiH..."
"Procesi islamizacije BiH kao države počeli su se aktualizirati odmah po izbijanju agresije 1992. godine. Aliji Izetbegoviću se direktno prigovaralo da radi intenzivno na stvaranju islamske države u srcu Europe. Brojni su politički događaji tu optužbu potvrđivali, ali stvarni efekti islamizacije BiH nisu došli ni do početne faze stvaranja takve države. Polovinom 1993. godine, kada je ponuđen model ustavnog rješenja kao Unije tri republike, stvorene su teorijske pretpostavke da se kroz muslimansku republiku koja je zagovorana po tom ustavnom modelu, može nastati u budućnosti islamska republika, na prostorima koji bi bili dodijeljeni u Uniji tri republike države BiH. Kako se zna da je ponuđeni model Unije tri republike u BiH propao, sa tim je propala i ideja o eventualnoj islamskoj republici na prostorima BiH."
Iz autorove biografije, str. 469:
Ismet Hadžiosmanović je pripadao disidentskoj visoko-religioznoj muslimanskoj obitelji koja je rušila komunizam i ostala stožerna obitelj u borbi za identitet bošnjačko-muslimanskog naroda. Kao osnivači i nositelji aktivnosti političke organizacije "Mladi Muslimani", njegov otac i braća bili su osuđeni na zatvorsku kaznu. Krajem osammdesetih godina, cijela je obitelj bila angažirana na osnivanju prve muslimanske partije - Stranke demokratske akcije, čiji je prvi predsjednik bio Alija Izetbegović. Na konvenciji SDA u Mostaru 1990. godine izabran je za prvog predsjednika Gradskog odbora SDA Mostar. Iste godine biran je i u najviši stranački organ - Izvršni organ SDA BiH. Potom biva izabran za prvog predsjednika SDA za Hercegovinu. Uspješno organizira popis stanovništva 1991. godine kada Mostar po prvi put postaje grad sa relativno većinskim muslimanskim stanovništvom. Jedan je od osnivača Patriotske lige u Mostaru i BiH i među najzaslužnijim za organizaciju i pripremu muslimanskog naroda u Hercegovini za borbu protiv agresora.
"Islamizacija Bosne i Hercegovine, a time i vojske, bio je najveći problem koji je morao Alija Izetbegović braniti kod međunarodnih institucija i kod neprijatelja muslimanskog naroda koji su se ukorijenili u mnogim međunarodnim organizacijama. Početkom agresije na Bosnu i Hercegovinu, dolazili su strani državljani iz islamskih zemalja sa ciljem da pomognu u obrani svojoj braći po vjeri, muslimanima u BiH. Oni su nesmetano dolazili u manjim grupama preko Republike Hrvatske, prolazili kroz Mostar i putovali u srednju Bosnu, gdje su organizirali posebne vojne formacije koje su bile pod komandom Armije RBiH. Većinom su izvodili borbena dejstva prema postrojbama HVO-a u srednjoj Bosni. U početku su to bile manje skupine stranih boraca koji su se nazivali mudžahedini. Službeni naziv ovih vojnih jedinica je glasio:"Muslimanske oružane snage"(MOS), koje su bile pod komandom Armije RBiH. MOS je imao svoju zasebnu organizaciju, rukovođenje i komandovanje, koje nije bilo prema Zakonu o oružanim snagama Armije BiH. Sjedište MOS-a je bilo u Zenici. Glavni zapovjednik MOS-a u BiH zvao se "EMIR". Imali su svoje posebne oznake, zastave i simbole koje su bile ispisane na arapskom jeziku. Borbene koračnice izgovarane su također na arapskom jeziku, što je sve potvrdilo islamizaciju Armije RBiH..."
"Procesi islamizacije BiH kao države počeli su se aktualizirati odmah po izbijanju agresije 1992. godine. Aliji Izetbegoviću se direktno prigovaralo da radi intenzivno na stvaranju islamske države u srcu Europe. Brojni su politički događaji tu optužbu potvrđivali, ali stvarni efekti islamizacije BiH nisu došli ni do početne faze stvaranja takve države. Polovinom 1993. godine, kada je ponuđen model ustavnog rješenja kao Unije tri republike, stvorene su teorijske pretpostavke da se kroz muslimansku republiku koja je zagovorana po tom ustavnom modelu, može nastati u budućnosti islamska republika, na prostorima koji bi bili dodijeljeni u Uniji tri republike države BiH. Kako se zna da je ponuđeni model Unije tri republike u BiH propao, sa tim je propala i ideja o eventualnoj islamskoj republici na prostorima BiH."
Iz autorove biografije, str. 469:
Ismet Hadžiosmanović je pripadao disidentskoj visoko-religioznoj muslimanskoj obitelji koja je rušila komunizam i ostala stožerna obitelj u borbi za identitet bošnjačko-muslimanskog naroda. Kao osnivači i nositelji aktivnosti političke organizacije "Mladi Muslimani", njegov otac i braća bili su osuđeni na zatvorsku kaznu. Krajem osammdesetih godina, cijela je obitelj bila angažirana na osnivanju prve muslimanske partije - Stranke demokratske akcije, čiji je prvi predsjednik bio Alija Izetbegović. Na konvenciji SDA u Mostaru 1990. godine izabran je za prvog predsjednika Gradskog odbora SDA Mostar. Iste godine biran je i u najviši stranački organ - Izvršni organ SDA BiH. Potom biva izabran za prvog predsjednika SDA za Hercegovinu. Uspješno organizira popis stanovništva 1991. godine kada Mostar po prvi put postaje grad sa relativno većinskim muslimanskim stanovništvom. Jedan je od osnivača Patriotske lige u Mostaru i BiH i među najzaslužnijim za organizaciju i pripremu muslimanskog naroda u Hercegovini za borbu protiv agresora.
nedjelja, 22. siječnja 2017.
#NeverEndingStory #UvijekIstaPriča (DANAS, 30/06/2005) Mapa Evropske komisije iz 2005/ A map from the European Commission from 2005
Novinarski tim tjednika Danas (30/06/2005)
"Službeni predstavnici Europske komisije koji će umjesto OHR-a uskoro otvoriti Ured EU-a u Sarajevu, po svaku cijenu tražit će da se administrativno-politički preustroj BiH riješi uspostavom pet regija. Zamišljeni koncept novog regionalnog ustroja BiH, službeni Bruxelles spreman je provesti svim političkim i diplomatskim sredstvima, pa čak i svojevrsnim pritiscima koji će biti usmjereni protiv onih političkih struktura koje mu se budu protivile... Projekat pod radnim nazivom "BiH u Europu s pet regija" osmišljen je u Bruxellesu prije četiri godine."
A team of journalists of The Danas (30/06/2005)
"Official representatives of the European Commission replacing OHR soon by opening the EU Office in Sarajevo, are going to request by all means that the administrative and political setup of BiH is resolved through establishment of five separate regions. The projected concept of the new regional setup of BiH, the official Brussels is prepared to implement by all political and diplomatic means, even using the pressure aimed at those political structures opposing it... The Project under the working title :"BiH to Europe with Five Regions" was drafted in Brussels four years ago."
"Službeni predstavnici Europske komisije koji će umjesto OHR-a uskoro otvoriti Ured EU-a u Sarajevu, po svaku cijenu tražit će da se administrativno-politički preustroj BiH riješi uspostavom pet regija. Zamišljeni koncept novog regionalnog ustroja BiH, službeni Bruxelles spreman je provesti svim političkim i diplomatskim sredstvima, pa čak i svojevrsnim pritiscima koji će biti usmjereni protiv onih političkih struktura koje mu se budu protivile... Projekat pod radnim nazivom "BiH u Europu s pet regija" osmišljen je u Bruxellesu prije četiri godine."
A team of journalists of The Danas (30/06/2005)
"Official representatives of the European Commission replacing OHR soon by opening the EU Office in Sarajevo, are going to request by all means that the administrative and political setup of BiH is resolved through establishment of five separate regions. The projected concept of the new regional setup of BiH, the official Brussels is prepared to implement by all political and diplomatic means, even using the pressure aimed at those political structures opposing it... The Project under the working title :"BiH to Europe with Five Regions" was drafted in Brussels four years ago."
#NeverEndingStory #UvijekIstaPriča (DANAS, 30/06/2005) Mapa Evropske komisije iz 2005/ A map from the European Commission from 2005
Piše: Novinarski tim tjednika Danas
Vlada RS-a protiv preustroja BiH u pet regija
Kako je projekt Europske komisije o pet ekonomskih regija zabrinuo Republiku Srpsku koja je odbila svaku pomoć te komisije
Written by a team of journalists of The Danas
Government of Republika Srpska against division of BiH into five regions
How the European Commission Project of Five Economic Regions worried Republika Srpska, which declined any assistance from the Commission
subota, 21. siječnja 2017.
(2) Mudžahedini i Blaškić na proračunu FBiH/ Mujahideens and Blaskic at the Budget of the Federation BiH (DANAS 30/06/2005)
In the article: "Mujahideens and Blaskic at the Budget of the Federation BiH", The Danas (30.06.2005) published a part of the list of individuals awarded Golden Lilly (Zlatni Ljjiljan), the most prestigious military recognition awarded by the Army of RBiH for contribution in defense of the "state territory" of the Republic of BiH.
Among the others, the individuals awarded Golden Lilly, and as such attributed to the financial allowance, are the former members of El-Mujahideen:
Mohamed Momdonja
Jafar Hussein dar Khalifah
Mohd Salem Hnaitya
Abdeallial Dandi Karrade
Ashraf Ghrani Hassan
Elan Talal Muhamed Oman
Mohammed Abdurahman Movahdi
Sherif Mahamed Hassan
Zeinedine Rede Gasal
Reda Abdulaziz Sah
Edu Sulejman.
A particularly interesting in the light of the later events is the fact that one of those awarded the Golden Lilly, was also the HVO general, Tihomir Blaskic, who was decorated in 1994 by a then-member of Presidency Ejup Ganic for his contribution in the defense of territorial integrity.
This data can be verified in the Official Gazette of R BiH, where it is stated that a general Tihomir Blaskic was decorated "for his contribution in the armed resistance to aggressor, expending the liberated parts of BiH".
Nevertheless, general Blasic ended before the ICTY, where after years of detention, he was sentenced to nine years of imprisonment for commission of war crimes.
Among the others, the individuals awarded Golden Lilly, and as such attributed to the financial allowance, are the former members of El-Mujahideen:
Mohamed Momdonja
Jafar Hussein dar Khalifah
Mohd Salem Hnaitya
Abdeallial Dandi Karrade
Ashraf Ghrani Hassan
Elan Talal Muhamed Oman
Mohammed Abdurahman Movahdi
Sherif Mahamed Hassan
Zeinedine Rede Gasal
Reda Abdulaziz Sah
Edu Sulejman.
A particularly interesting in the light of the later events is the fact that one of those awarded the Golden Lilly, was also the HVO general, Tihomir Blaskic, who was decorated in 1994 by a then-member of Presidency Ejup Ganic for his contribution in the defense of territorial integrity.
This data can be verified in the Official Gazette of R BiH, where it is stated that a general Tihomir Blaskic was decorated "for his contribution in the armed resistance to aggressor, expending the liberated parts of BiH".
Nevertheless, general Blasic ended before the ICTY, where after years of detention, he was sentenced to nine years of imprisonment for commission of war crimes.
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