ponedjeljak, 20. ožujka 2017.

Tenzije između mostarskih Muslimana i Hrvata počele već u ljeto 1992/ Tensions between Muslims and Croats of Mostar surfaced already in the summer 1992

Tenzije između Hrvata i Muslimana u Mostaru otpočele su neposredno nakon zauzimanja lijeve obale Neretve. Već u avgustu 1992. godine ugledni Muslimani Hercegovine potpisuju Rezoluciju Muslimana Hercegovine u kojoj ističu da se zalažu za cjelovitu i nedjeljivu državu BiH, što je u bitnoj kontradikciji sa hrvatskim ciljevima etabliranja Herceg-Bosne, koja bi u konačnici postala sastavnim dijelom Hrvatske. Prema riječima tadašnjeg hercegovačkog muftije Hadži Seida ef. Smajkića, ova rezolucija je početno inspirisana istorijskom Rezolucijom Muslimana grada Mostara iz 1941. Rezolucija je masovno distribuirana. Također je distribuirana i kao prilog novinama Muslimana, kao što su "Ljiljani" koji izlazi u Zagrebu i "Republika Bosna i Hercegovina" koja se štampa u Splitu. Rezoluciju je do septembra 1992. godine potpisalo više od 10 000 Muslimana Hercegovine.
27.08. u Međugorju se održava sastanak između SDA i HDZ-a radi kvalitativnog poboljšanja odnosa i usvajaju se određeni zaključci. U zaključcima je utvrđeno je da je neophodno nastaviti demokratski dijalog i izražena je zahvalnost Hrvatskoj za sve ono što je učinila u BiH.

Tensions between Croats and Muslims in Mostar started soon after the left bank of the Neretva river was taken over. Already in August, 1992 respectable Muslims of Herzegovina signed the Resolution of Muslims of Herzegovina, pointing out their striving for a unitary, indivisible and single state of BiH, that was in major contradiction with the Croatian goals of further affirmation of Herzeg-Bosnia, that would eventually become a part of Croatia. According to a then Herzegovinian mufti, Hadži Seid ef. Smajkić, this Resolution was initially inspired by a historical Resolution of Muslims of the City of Mostar from 1941. The Resolution was massively distributed. It was also distributed as an addendum to the Muslim magazines and newspapers, such as "Ljiljani" printed in Zagreb and "Republika Bosna i Hercegovina" printed in Split. By September 1992, the Resolution was signed by over 10 000 Muslims of Herzegovina.
On 27.08. a meeting was held in Međugorje between the Croat political party HDZ (The Croat Democratic Union) and Muslim SDA (The Party of Democratic Action) with a purpose of qualitative improvement of mutual relations and specific conclusions were adopted. The conclusions expressed a necessity to continue a democratic dialogue and gratitude to Croatia for everything it did in BiH.


petak, 17. ožujka 2017.

Obavijest o distribuciji humanitarne pomoći/ Notification on Distribution of Humanitarian Aid (mostar, 19.09.1992)

Jedan od neizbježnih pratilaca svakog rata je glad. Glad najviše pogađa civilno stanovništvo, koje je ovisno o humanitarnoj pomoći. U najvećem broju slučajeva mjesečna pomoć koja se distribuira stanovništvu ne zadovoljava dnevne potrebe organizma normalnog čovjeka.
U prilogu je obavještenje povjerenika Ratne vlade u jednoj od mjesnih zajednica u Mostaru o podjeli humanitarne pomoći u septembru, 1992.
Hrana se mogla izdavati isključivo onima koji su posjedovali određenu dokumentaciju: ličnu kartu (odrasli), zdravstvenu knjižicu (djeca) i kartone (porodične i lične).
Famozni paket Z-3 je sadržavao:
1.5 kg brašna po osobi;
1 kg mlijeka za 1/2 osobe; 2 kg mlijeka za 3/4 osobe; 3 kg mlijeka za 5/6 osoba i 4 kg mlijeka preko 7 osoba
0.5 kg riže po osobi
0.5 l ulja po osobi
0.5 šećera po osobi
1 kg tjestenine po porodici
1 komad sapuna po porodici.
Građani su bili dužni da ponesu kese i flaše za preuzimanje hrane.
U isto vrijeme je u splitskoj luci bilo uskladišteno 500 tona humanitarne pomoći koju je poslala IGASA (International Islamic Relief) iz Saudijske Arabije i Kuvajta, adresirane na predstavništvo IGASA-e u Mostaru. Kako Mostar nije imao predstavništvo IGASA-e, to je prouzrokovalo komplikacije za dopremanje humanitarne pomoći u Mostar.

One of the undeniable followers of every war is hunger. Hunger hits the hardest when it comes to civilians, who are dependent on humanitarian aid. In most cases the monthly aid distributed to the civilian population does not satisfy the daily nutrition needs of a normal human being's organism.
Attached is the notice of a representative of the War Government  in one of the local communities in Mostar on distribution of humanitarian aid in September, 1992.
The food was distributed only to the citizens in possession of specific documentation: ID (adults), health booklet (children) and record cards (family and personal).
The infamous package Z-3 was consisted of the following ingredients:
1.5 kg flour per person;
1 kg milk for 1/2 persons; 2 kg milk for 3/4 persons; 3 kg milk for 5/6 persons and 4 kg milk for 7 and more persons
0.5 rice per person
0.5 l oil per person
0.5 kg sugar per person
1 kg pasta per family
1 pcs of soap per family.  
The citizens were required to bring bags and bottles in order to pick up the food.
At the same time 500 tons of humanitarian aid sent by IGASA (International Islamic Relief) from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, addressed to the IGASA office in Mostar, was stored at the Split Harbour (Croatia).  The fact that Mostar did not have the representation office of IGASA caused complications for transfer of humanitarian aid to Mostar.

srijeda, 15. ožujka 2017.

Ex files - Stolac i Sud/Tužilaštvo BiH

Danas, preko dvadeset godina nakon rata u BiH, više no ikad se govori o kolektivnoj odgovornosti naroda, umjesto da se utvrdi odgovornost i kazne individualni počinitelji krivičnih djela.

Sud i Tužilaštvo BiH su formirani primarno radi preuzimanja uloge procesuiranja ratnih zločina od haškog tribunala, koji je trebao prestati sa radom. Sama reforma krivičnog zakonodavsta u BiH išla je u tom pravcu i veliki dio odredaba pravila haškog tribunala je prenesen u krivične propise BiH.

Navedene institucije trebale su imati glavnu ulogu u procesu pomirenja i stvaranja i održavanja mira i stabilnosti u zemlji. Međutim, najnovija događanja u BiH i regiji Zapadnog Balkana generalno, više nego ikad, ukazuju na to da su one podbacile, da su prevaziđene, te da su zapravo postale same sebi svrha. Da bi osigurale enormna sredstva za održavanje vlastitih birokratskih aparata, počele su se ponašati kao ekonomski subjekti i prilagođavati tržištu, što je u krajnjoj liniji dovelo do politizacije njihovog rada i potpunog gubitka povjerenja javnosti u njihovu nezavisnost i kompetentnost. Jedan od najočitijih pokazatelja potpune pasivnosti i indiferentnosti Suda i Tužilaštva BiH je recentni skandal u Stocu, gdje su glasali mrtvi ljudi.

Danas, preko dvadeset godina nakon rata u BiH, više no ikad se govori o kolektivnoj odgovornosti naroda, umjesto da se utvrdi odgovornost i kazne individualni počinitelji krivičnih djela.

Na fotografijama prizori iz Stoca prije i poslije 1993. godine.


Ex Files - Cases of Stolac and BiH Court/Prosecutor's Office

Today, twenty and so years after the war in BiH, more than ever, collective responsibility of ethnic groups is being discussed, instead of having established individual guilt and punished actual perpetrators of crimes.

BiH Court and Prosecutor's Office were established primarily to take over the role of processing war crimes from the Hague Tribunal, which was about to close. The BiH criminal legislation reform itself was headed in the same direction and a part of the provisions of the Hague Tribunal Rules was incorporated in the BiH regulations.

The said institutions should have had a major role in the process of reconciliation and creating and keeping peace and stability in the country. Nevertheless, the latest happenings in BiH and the Western Balkans in general, more than ever, indicate that they have failed; they have been overcome, and that in reality they have become their own purpose. In order to secure enormous resources for maintenance of their own bureaucratic apparatus, they started to act as economic subjects and adapt themselves to the market, eventually leading up to the politicization of their work and total loss of public trust in their independence and competence. One of the most obvious indicators of complete passiveness and indifference of the BiH Court and Prosecutor's Office is the recent scandal that took place in Stolac, where the dead men voted.

Today, twenty and so years after the war in BiH, more than ever, collective responsibility of ethnic groups is being discussed, instead of having established individual guilt and punished actual
perpetrators of crimes.

Photos of parts of Stolac before and after 1993 (marketplace and mosque)

četvrtak, 2. ožujka 2017.

Španjolac Rodrigo Rato, šef Međunarodnog monetarnog fonda (MMF) u periodu od 2004 – 2007. godine, nepravomoćno je osuđen na zatvorsku kaznu u trajanju od četiri i po godine.
Naime, prošlog četvrtka prvostepeni sud u Španiji izrekao je bivšem šefu MMF-a zatvorsku kaznu u trajanju od četiri i po godine zbog pronevjere sredstava banaka Caja Madrid i Bankia, kojima je upravljao u periodu od 2010. do 2012. godine.
Sud je proglasio Rodriga Rata krivim za zloupotrebu poslovnih kreditnih kartica banaka kojima je upravljao. Utvrđeno je da je poslovne kartice banaka koristio za plaćanje svojih ličnih troškova.

A Spanish national, Rodrigo Rato, the chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 2004 to 2007, was sentenced by the first instance court to imprisonment in duration of four and a half years.
Last Thursday, the first instance Spain's National Court, sentenced a former IMF chief to four and a half years in prison for embezzling of funds from Caja Madrid and Bankia, two banks which he ran between 2010 and 2012.
Rodrigo Rato was found guilty by the court for misusing company credit cards of the banks managed by him. It was established that he used the company credit cards for the payment of his personal expenses.

Source: Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)

utorak, 21. veljače 2017.

Ko želi raditi za EUFOR mora biti "dobro održavan"/ The one who wants to work with the EUFOR must be "well-kept"

Jučer sam sasvim slučajno u birou za zapošljavanje na oglasnoj ploči pronašla ovaj biser, kojem je nažalost istekao rok, pa se ne mogu više prijaviti, iako nisam sigurna da bih ispunila stroge minimalne uslove navedene u konkursu.

Radi se o konkursu za prevodioca koji je objavio EUFOR u BiH, tačnije njihov austrijski kontigent. Ono što mi je odmah privuklo pažnju bila su dva minimalna uslova, formulisana kao:
"DOBRO ODRŽAVAN/LIJEP IZGLED" i "DOBRO ZNANJE LATINIČNIH SLOVA". Također, od kandidata se traži da bude sposoban za "konsekutivnu komunikaciju na lingvističkim i kulturnim osnovama".
Ko utvrdi i tačno prebroji sve greške u ovom konkursu, neka se javi na adresu: eufor.cimic@bmlvs.gv.at. Sretnom pronalazaču navodno slijedi nagrada! :)

Yesterday I found this pearl of wisdom at the notice board of the employment office in Sarajevo. Unfortunately, the offer has expired, although I am not sure if I would meet the strict minimum requirements from the advertisement.

The EUFOR in BiH, its Austrian Contingent has issued the vacancy for an interpreter/  "TRANSLATER". The two minimum requirements that immediately drew my attention were formulated as:
If you find all the mistakes in this advertisement, please contact:eufor.cimic@bmlvs.gv.at.
Apparently, a lucky winner will get a prize! :)