Association Alumni of the Centre for Interdisciplinary
Postgraduate Studies
ACIPS Newsletter
January – May 2005 | Issue
We kindly invite you to share your recommendations
and ideas for upcoming new projects, round tables or publications. In addition,
please do not hesitate to advise us on how to create better communication
between members and how to administrate our activities more efficiently.
to this newsletter
Integration- Opportunity for
development of BiH
project is supported by the Open
Society Fund BiH (OSF) and consists of two major activities that relate
to one another. The first is the Conference entitled European Integration – Opportunity
for development of BiH and the second is the publishing and promotion of the
book “From Dayton to Brussels”
of February- beginning of April 2005)
Project “Novi Pogledi” (New
This project is supported by the Open Society Fund BiH (OSF)
“Novi Pogledi” (New Perspectives)
An article
about the public debate in the
“Dnevni avaz”
PROJECT “ Developing the Optimal
Regional Incubating Policy for the Sarajevo Macro Region”
The delegation
of the European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The first draft
of the study will be completed during the month of May 2005
If you have any questions about this project please email
PROJECT “ Crossroad”
The delegation
of the European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
ACIPS http://www.cps.edu.ba
BiH http://www.sus.ba//
To find out more about CROSSROAD project please email
PROJECT “ICTY Internship Program”
Society Institute NY
Swiss Embassy
For all additional information please
contact project coordinator at
“Novi Pogledi” (New Perspectives)”
Supported by
Society Fund BiH
Ivan Barbalić
for Policy Research”
Society Fund
Ivan Barbalić
Lejla Đurbuzović
Haris Abaspahić
Sanel Huskić
Emir Suljagić
Dear ACIPS members and readers,
Welcome to the new issue of ACIPS Newsletter. We are pleased to
update you on our ongoing activities, projects, and events.
We have developed a detailed summary of events, initiatives and
activities of ACIPS from the past several months. Our goal is to keep you
informed, updated, and involved in ACIPS’s activities and to maintain a close
relationship with ACIPS’s supporters.
We hope you find the newsletter informative and its content
Thank you for your continued interest in ACIPS!
Conference on European Integration- Opportunity for development of BiH and
promotion of the book “From Dayton to Brussels”,
April 1, 2005
The aim of this conference was to generate a public discussion about
the current stage of the European Integration Process of BiH. The main
questions raised were: “What are the necessary political measures that need
to be adopted and implemented in order to obtain the PAF aid (to come to the
status of an EU member candidate) and which measures can be immediately taken
in order to enable local actors so that they can respond to complex policies
and procedures included in this process?”
The first book from the
ACIPS Edition, “From Dayton to Brussels”, by Emir Hadžikadunić, ACIPS member,
was promoted at the above mentioned conference.
More than one hundred
participants, representing governmental organizations, international
organizations and embassies, media, as well as NGO’s and the business sector,
actively participated in the discussions and showed a great interest in what
our speakers had to say. Speakers were respected individuals and experts in
various fields, among which were: Ms. Minna Järvenpää, Ms. Daria Duilović,
Ms. Dunja Mijatović, Mr. Renzo Daviddi, Mr. Orhan Pašalić, Mr. Zlatko
Lagumdžija, Mr. Zdravko Grebo, Mr. Frane Maroević, Mr. Ranko Markuš, Mr.
Damir Ahmetović and Emir Hadžikadunić
Public debate The role of the military forces of
Bosnia and Herzegovina in the process of Euro Atlantic integration
March 12,
of the ACCESS Centre
Key speakers were:
Matija Dobrinić, Ministry
of defense FBiH
Raffi Gregorian, Commission
for Reform of Defense BiH
Denis Hadžović , Center
for Security Studies
Suljagić, BH DANI , ACIPS
Hodžić, ACIPS
of the questions raised at the debate were:
Developing the Optimal Regional Incubating Policy for the Sarajevo Macro Region”
This project is supported by the Delegation of the European Commission in BiH.
The aim of the study is to
identify and propose an optimal business incubating policy for the region.
The study identifies and analyzes size, structure and needs of the SME sector
and potential start-ups in the Sarajevo Macro Region. Furthermore, it will
focus on activities and capacities of local and regional governments to
support SME development. Finally, based on this research and analysis of
existing models of business incubators in European Countries, the study will
propose a policy concerning the optimal model of incubating centers in the
Sarajevo Macro Region
PROJECT “Crossroad”
This is an initiative for
improving the economic situation in Sarajevo Canton region, targeting the
student population as the future source of economic growth, aimed at
encouraging and training students to establish their own enterprises and
enable them to integrate more easily within existing companies. This is to be
done through a number of seminars, workshops, consulting activities, case
studies, job fairs, internships, scholarships and a web platform. CROSSROAD
is supposed to be a human resources incubator (for members of Sarajevo
University’s student population) for starting up new SME's, as well as
serving as a contact point between students and the businesses they will be
integrated into after finishing their studies. CROSSROAD has been conceived
of as educational, information and consulting centre and a place for ongoing
encounters and cooperation between companies in Sarajevo Canton and the students of
Sarajevo Uni.
NOTE: To participate in the project's activities (seminars, workshops,
consulting activities or other) please send CVs to the project coordinator.
Currently we are looking to hire lecturers who are experienced in various
fields related to SMEs.
PROJECT “ICTY Internship Program”
in June 2004
The ICTY Internship Program
is designed for graduate and postgraduate students from BiH.
To date seven students have
completed their internships in ICTY and an additional two are now in Den Haag
doing their internships. They will stay there until June 2005.
The project will end in June 2005 and by
then 9 interns will have gained new knowledge in international humanitarian
law, international criminal law, and human
rights law and will have acquired an insight into the procedures of the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
who completed their internship in January 2005 continued in the same
direction and undertook internships in the Registry of War Crimes and
Organized Crime, the Court of BiH and one of the interns who just returned
from Den Haag got a job at ICTY as a legal assistant
Pogledi” (New Perspectives)
The fourth issue of the
magazine New Perspectives (Novi pogledi) is available on www.cps.edu.ba,
link ACIPS (Newsletters and New
We highly recommend that you
read this issue and if you have any comments, ideas or questions please do
not hesitate to contact New Perspectives editorial staff or write to law@cps.edu.ba.
topic of a fifth issue is yet to be decided so we encourage you to contact
the editor and send you articles for this issue
took place on
Friday, March 25,
2005. at 17:30
PROJECT “Center for
Policy Research”
ACIPS is a co-founder of
an independent Center for Policy Research together with UNDP (project to
begin in May 2005)
Think Thank
The main objective
of this project is to strengthen democratic reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by providing evidence-based policy analysis and monitoring of the reform
process. Establishment of an independent Centre for Policy Research (the
Centre) that will provide recommendations directed at supporting sustainable reform policies that
will enhance democratic values and practices, and will contribute to positive
changes in the overall development of the country.
By making its research findings widely
available, the Center will contribute to the development of an open
discourse on important issues of public interest.
It is expected that the Center will:
Improve the policy environment through
informed public debate and contribute towards enhancing public participation
in policy issues,
Increase options available to the government
in making public policy decisions,
Contribute towards the development of an
informed, responsible and dynamic civil society,
Stimulate an active approach of citizens to issues of public interest
Provide a platform for experts in various areas of public policy, and
create conditions for their effective and fruitful cooperation
11 February 2005
ACIPS organized a party for our members and
friends in ACCESS.
We celebrated our new location Blue
House. For the opening, more than 100
people gathered and danced into the early hours. The party was a great
success. J
15 February 2005
ACIPS together with
Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies of the
University of Sarajevo organized Public Discussion Evening with Prof. Will
Kymlicka, Queens University, Canada
Time: 18:oo, Tuesday, 15th February 2004
Place: Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo,
Obala Kulina bana 7/2
Prof. Kymlicka, head
of the Canada Research Chair inPolitical Philosophy at Queens University, is
one of the most prominent contemporary scholars on political philosophy,
multiculturalism and minority rights. His publications are an integral part
of today’s state of the
art human rights training and have been translated into various languages including BCS
(Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian) and Slovenian.Furthermore, his work has been
distinguished by exclusive awards such as the Killam Prize (2004, Canada
Council), Award of the Royal Society of Canada (2003) or the Guiseppe Acerbi
Prize (2001).
NB! Unfortunatlely the event was cancelled due
to poor weather conditions and flight cancellation!
8 April 2005
ACIPS together with
Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies of the
University of Sarajevo organized Public Discussion « Regional approach to
European Integration: Case study Croatia.
with Prof. Vesna
Pusić, vice president of the Croatian National Parliament and professor of
sociology at Zagreb Univesity and Prof. Ivo Banac, historian, teaching at Yale University
Time: 18:15, Friday
Place: Zmaja od Bosne 8, blue building
We highly recommend you to subscribe to our mailing
list BH front. It brings together more than 400 members who share news,
information and job offers between each other. This is also a great way to
stay in touch with your alumni colleagues and to join a professional network.
To become a member just send an email to law@cps.edu.ba
web sites
Alumni of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies
Zmaja od Bosne 8 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel/Fax: +
387 33 205 416, +387 33 205 383
Email; law@cps.edu.ba
Web site: www.cps.edu.ba
Blog containing a database of articles, reports, blogger's notes and photos of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Balkans region. The compilation and material was created by Aleksandra Miletić-Šantić, a lawyer, social scientist, human rights activist, journalist and interpreter.
ponedjeljak, 7. siječnja 2019.
ACIPS - newsletter no 3
IFC - poziv za program obuke: Korporativno upravljanje - okvir za ostvarivanje ciljeva organizacije (04/2005)
-----Original Message-----
From: Eso Gacanin [mailto:EGacanin@ifc.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 9:25 AM
To: law@cps.edu.ba
Subject: Poziv za ucesce na obuci
From: Eso Gacanin [mailto:EGacanin@ifc.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 9:25 AM
To: law@cps.edu.ba
Subject: Poziv za ucesce na obuci
Tragom Vaseg interesa za ucesce u programu izgradnje sposobnosti konsultanata i davaoca usluga privatnom sektoru koji SEED sprovodi u Bosni i Hercegovini, zelimo Vas pozvati da ucestvujete u dvodnevnom programu obuke na temu: «Korporativno upravljanje – okvir za ostvarivanje ciljeva organizacije». Program izgradnje sposobnosti konsultanata i davaoca usluga je proistekao iz potrebe privatnog sektora u BiH za kvalitetnim uslugama koje ce pomoci u rastu i razvoju preduzeca. Jedna od oblasti u kojoj postoji znacajna traznja je i oblast korporativnog upravljanja.
U proteklih nekoliko godina uspostavljen je zakonski i institucionalni okvir koji predstavlja polazni osnov za razvoj korporativnog upravljanja i trzista kapitala u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ovaj okvir u mnogim svojim aspektima prati savremena rjesenja koja se primjenjuju i u zemljama sa razvijenim trzistima kapitala i dobrim praksama korporativnog upravljanja. Unatoc uspostavljenom okviru, menadzeri, clanovi odbora, dionicari i drugi akteri nisu u potpunosti svjesni svojih uloga, prava i odgovornosti unutar sistema korporativnog upravljanja. Program obuke koji smo pripremili ce upoznati ucesnike sa ovim i drugim problemima, te ponuditi rjesenja kroz siroki spektar tema koji ukljucuju:
· uvod u koncept korporativnog upravljanja;
· dionice i prava dionicara;
· struktura upravljanja korporacijom;
· struktura kapitala, objavljivanja i izvjestavanja;
· spajanje, pripajanje i prezimanje korporacija;
· prevare obmane i upravljanje krizom; i
· standardi korporativnog upravljanja u BiH.
Cilj obuke je upoznati ucesnike sa sveobuhvatnom problematikom korporativnog upravljanja u BiH, ponuditi primjenjiva rjesenja, te prenijeti prakticna znanja koje ucesnici mogu koristiti u direktnim kontaktima sa klijentima. Takoder, polaznici koji uspjesno zavrse program obuke biti ce ukljuceni i u listu davaoca usluga, uz mogucnost angazmana od strane SEED-a kako bi pomogli u izvodenju nasih daljnjih programa usmjerenih na pruzanje podrske privatnom sektoru.
Dvodnevni program obuke ce se odrzati u Sarajevu, 14. i 15. aprila/travnja 2005. godine u prostorijama Privredne komore Kantona Sarajevo sa pocetkom u 9:00 sati. Materijali, prezentacije i primjeri su pripremljeni od strane eksperata International Finance Corporation (IFC) i domacih strucnjaka sa znacajnim prakticnim iskustvom u oblasti korporativnog upravljanja. Ucesce na obuci je besplatno, a ucesnicima ce biti obezbijedeni materijali za obuku, kao i osvjezenja i rucak u pauzama tokom dvodnevnog treninga. Napominjemo da ce polaznicima po svrsetku obuke biti uruceni certifikati o obavljenoj obuci.
U prilogu dostavljamo oglas za navedeni program, raspored obuke i prijavu za ucesce. Molimo Vas da prijave uputite na fax br: 033 217 762 ili putem e-maila: egacanin@ifc.org. Zbog efikasnosti obuke, broj ucesnika je ogranicen, pa Vas molimo da prijave saljete blagovremeno, a najkasnije do utorka 12. aprila / travnja 2005. godine. Za sve dodatne informacije, molimo Vas da pozovete nas ured u Sarajevu na broj 033 251 555 (Eso Gacanin ili Sanjin Arifagic).
Nadamo se da cete biti u mogucnosti da ucestvujete u navedenoj obuci. Stojimo Vam na raspolaganju za sva dodatna pojasnjenja.
S postovanjem,
Eso Gacanin
Business Development Officer
The World Bank Group - International Finance Corporation
SEED - Southeast Europe Enterprise DevelopmentSarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Phone: 387 33 251 555
Fax: 387 33 217 762
Email egacanin@ifc.org
OSCE mission report (July, 2003) on the first application of the witness protection legislation RS
Mission Monitors First Application of RS Law on Witness Protection
On 1 July, the Mission monitored a rape case before the Vlasenica Basic Court involving a 16-year-old victim. On the date of the trial, the RS Law on Protection of Witnesses in Criminal Proceedings also officially entered into force. The court applied ex officio Article 10(1) of the Law on Protection of Witnesses and removed the accused from the courtroom while the victim was questioned. In accordance with the law, the defence counsel remained in the courtroom.
Mission monitors observed that the Court was not technically prepared for the application of the Law on Protection of Witnesses. While the Law states the accused shall be permitted to follow the testimony simultaneously through audio-video means or be presented with a recording, the Court did not have any equipment with which to record the examination of the victim. Instead, the Presiding Judge in the case provided the accused with a summary of the victim’s testimony.
The European Court of Human Rights has found that, in cases involving testimony from protected witnesses, fair trial guarantees under Article 6 of the ECHR require that there be adequate safeguards in place to ensure a fair procedure. By not having sufficient technical capacity, the procedural protections provided for defendants in the relevant Witness Protection Laws are undermined thereby jeopardising successful prosecutions. This will be in particular relevance in relation to War Crimes and Organised Crime cases where the effective and correct application of witness protection provisions will be vital for securing witness testimony.
OSCE weekly mission report re new criminal legislation (7 - 13 July, 2003)
BiH Federation (FBiH) Parliament Adopts New Criminal Legislation
On 9 July, the FBiH Parliament adopted the FBiH Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code. The adoption of these two laws, which are harmonized withBiH and Republika Srpska (RS) criminal legislation, brings the country closer to a common BiH criminal policy aimed at protecting society against corruption and crime. The reform of BiH criminal legislation represents a critical element of the High Representative’s “Jobs and Justice” agenda, adopted at the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board meeting on 23 September 2002.
The newly adopted laws create a new relationship between prosecutors and defendants and allow for more efficient investigations. Along with the criminal codes, the FBiH House of Peoples accepted two conclusions: 1) FBiH Parliament should instruct the team monitoring the enforcement of criminal justice about the necessity of reassessing the authority of prosecutors in giving immunity to witnesses; and 2) FBiH Government must involve parliamentarians in the preparation of legal reforms, in order to ensure that long and unnecessary procedures are avoided. Implementation of these laws in FBiH will begin on the 1st of August, whilst in the RS, the Codes entered into force on 1 July.
BiH Courts Express Concern Regarding the Implementation of New Criminal Procedure Codes
The Mission held a number of meetings with judges and prosecutors in Široki Brijeg (FBiH) and Trebinje (RS) this week in order to discuss court readiness to implement the new Entity Criminal Procedure Codes and Criminal Codes. The new codes are set to come into force on 1 August in the Federation. In the RS, they entered into force on 1 July. Judges and prosecutors said that the judiciary and prosecutors are currently ill-equipped to deal with the substantial changes being brought about by the introduction of the new Codes, and opined that have received insufficient training.
The Mission has already noted problems with the technical capacity of the courts to implement the new changes (Mission Weekly Report No 27/2003). In the light of the need to remedy these problems, the Mission will raise them at the next meeting of the Rule of Law Task Force and of the Criminal Codes Implementation Assessment Team (CCIAT). The CCIAT, established by the State Ministry of Justice and composed of local and international actors including OSCE, is intended to act as the chief co-ordination body for assessing the implementation process and for formulating policy and recommendations on legal amendments and implementation practices.
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