četvrtak, 27. lipnja 2019.

EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report 2018 (europol)

New EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report describes terrorist incidents and activities on European soil
Published on: 27 Jun 2019
In 2018, terrorism continued to represent a major security threat in EU Member States. Horrific attacks killed thirteen people and injured many more. A stark increase in the number of arrests linked to right-wing extremism, although still relatively low, indicates that extremists of diverging orientation increasingly consider violence as a justified means of confrontation. Compared to 2017, the number of attacks and victims in the EU dropped significantly. However, the number of disrupted jihadist terrorist plots increased substantially. The level of threat from terrorism has therefore not diminished; if anything it has become more complex.
Europol’s 2019 EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT), a product requested by the European Parliament and published today, provides a concise overview of the nature of the terrorist threat the EU faced in 2018.
“Terrorists not only aim to kill but also to divide our societies and spread hatred. That feeling of insecurity that terrorists try to create must be of the greatest concern to us. Increasing polarisation and the rise of extremist views is a concern for EU Member States and Europol”, said Catherine De Bolle, Europol’s Executive Director. “I am confident that the efforts of law enforcement, security services, public authorities, private companies and civil society have substantially contributed to the decrease in terrorist violence in the EU. Terrorism affects real people and that is why we will never stop our efforts to fight terrorism and to prevent victims.”
Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, added: “While Member States together with Europol have become increasingly effective in preventing terrorist attacks on European soil over the past years, the terrorist threat is still there. Today’s report shows that the threat of violent extremism, from whichever ideology, is heterogeneous and nimble, and continues to thrive off the internet. More than ever, the EU needs to continue its counter-terrorist measures, information sharing and law enforcement cooperation both on the ground and online, with the crucial support of Europol.”
Julian King, EU Commissioner for the Security Union, concluded: “Europol’s report underlines that terrorism still poses a real and present danger to the EU. While our joint work to disrupt and prevent attacks seems to be having a positive effect, the enduring threat posed by Islamist groups like Da’esh, along with the rise of far right-wing extremist violence, clearly shows that there is still much to be done – notably in tackling the scourge of terrorist content online.”

Main trends

  • Thirteen people lost their lives as a result of terrorist attacks in the EU in 2018. All the attacks were jihadist in nature and committed by individuals acting alone, targeting civilians and symbols of authority. Often, the motivation of the perpetrator and the links to other radicalised individuals or terrorist groups remained unclear. Mental health issues contributed to the complexity of the phenomenon. Completed jihadist attacks were carried out using firearms and unsophisticated, readily available weapons (e.g.. knives).
  • In addition to the completed attacks, EU Member States reported 16 foiled jihadist terrorist plots, illustrating the effectiveness of counter-terrorism efforts. The significant number of thwarted attacks and the so-called Islamic State’s continued intent to perpetrate attacks outside conflict zones indicate that the threat level across the EU remains high.
  • Three disrupted terrorist plots in the EU in 2018 included the attempted production and use of explosives and chemical or biological materials. There was also an increase in the use of pyrotechnic mixtures to produce explosive devices in jihadist plots. A general increase of CBRN terrorist propaganda, tutorials and threats was observed and the barrier for gaining knowledge on the use of CBRN weapons has decreased. Closed forums proposed possible modi operandi, shared instructions to produce and disperse various agents and identify high-profile targets.
  • In total, EU Member States reported 129 foiled, failed and completed terrorist attacks in 2018. The total number of attacks decreased after a sharp spike in 2017 (205), primarily because of the decrease in the reported ethno-nationalist and separatist-related incidents. Still, ethno-nationalist and separatist terrorist attacks continue to greatly outnumber other types of terrorist attacks (83 out of 129).
  • In total 1 056 individuals were arrested in the EU in 2018 on suspicion of terrorism-related offences (2017: 1 219). One fifth of them were women. The number of arrests linked to right-wing terrorism remained relatively low (44 in 2018) and was limited to a small number of countries but increased for the third time in a row, effectively doubling for the second year in a row (2016: 12, 2017: 20). Right-wing extremists prey on fears of perceived attempts to Islamicise society and loss of national identity. The violent right-wing extremist scene is very heterogeneous across EU Member States.
  • The number of European foreign terrorist fighters travelling, or attempting to travel to conflict zones was very low in 2018. The focus of jihadist networks has shifted towards carrying out activities inside the EU. The number of individuals returning to the EU also remained very low. Hundreds of European citizens – including women and minors, mainly of very young age- remain in detention in the Iraqi and Syrian conflict zone. All men and some women are believed to have received weapons training, with men also acquiring combat experience. While minors are essentially victims, there are concerns among EU Member States that they may have been exposed to indoctrination and training in former IS territories and may pose a potential future threat.
  • There is continued concern that individuals with a criminal background, including those currently imprisoned, are vulnerable to indoctrination and might engage in terrorist activities.
  • Despite the shrinking of its physical footprint, IS succeeded in maintaining an online presence largely thanks to unofficial supporter networks and pro-IS media outlets. Pro-IS and pro-al-Qaeda channels promoted the use of alternative platforms and open source technologies. While IS online propaganda remained technologically advanced, and hackers appeared to be knowledgeable in encrypted communication tools, the groups’ cyber-attack capabilities and techniques were rudimentary. In addition, no other terrorist group with a demonstrated capacity to carry out effective cyber-attacks emerged in 2018.
  • EU Member States assess that the diminishing territorial control of IS is likely to be replaced by increased al-Qaeda efforts to reclaim power and influence in some areas. Al-Qaeda affiliates exploited political grievances on the local and international level, including in messages directed at European audiences.
  • The report also provides an overview of the terrorist situation outside the EU, including in conflict zones like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria but also the Americas, Australia, Russia and Central Asia, West Africa, South Asia etc.
 More details and context can be found in the Europol’s 2019 EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT)

utorak, 7. svibnja 2019.

Šemsudin Hasić (Hercegovinalijek) - translation of the paragraphs from the book: Bošnjačko-hrvatski politički obračun (I.H., 2004.) and relevant links to slobodanpraljak.com

Izvod iz registra poslovnih subjekata - Hercegovinalijek (do aprila 2013.)

Dvije odluke objavljene u službenom glasilu FBiH, kao i izvod iz registra poslovnih subjekata prema kojem su 2013. Hasić i Mušija vlasnici pola-pola. Osobe koje su navedene u rjesenju pored njih dvojice su bivsi (predratni) radnici Hercegovinalijeka koji su dobili certifikate i prodali ih. 
U prilogu i dva linka za služena glasila FBiH u kojima se nalaze obrazlozene odluke o dodjeli ugovora Hercegovinalijeku d.o.d. Mostar u postupcima javnih nabavki. Ove dvije odluke su navedene primjera radi, jer ih ima jos puno. 
1994. je bila Administracija EU u Mostaru (EUAM) i formirali su distributivne centre u Istocnom i Zapadnom Mostaru. Distribucija se obavljala pod strogom kontrolom EUAM.

utorak, 30. travnja 2019.

UNDP Rejects False Accusations About Surplus Salw And Ammunition Stock Destruction (28/04/2010)


UNDP Rejects False Accusations About Surplus Salw And Ammunition Stock Destruction

28/04/2010 - Following several false accusations and the incorrect and misleading information on the alleged abuse of the role of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP BIH) in the surplus weapons and ammunication destruction process, which were carried by some media outlets in BIH, and after UNDP asked Ms. Majkic to explain her groundless accusations, UNDP decided to send an open letter to all the media to clarify all the procedures taken within the Arms Control Project in BiH.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched in 2003 the Small Arms Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina to assist BiH authorities at all levels in reducing the immediate threat posed to human life by SALW. In 2005, the Project was endorsed by the Council of Ministers of BIH, and later reviewed and endorsed one more time on December 3, 2008.
The Project activities are taken within three Project components: Development of Institutional Capacity for SALW Control; SALW and Weapon Systems Destruction; and Ammunition Demilitarization.
Within the Development of Institutional Capacity Component, activities are taken toward enhancing the SALW and ammunition control and management expertise and practical knowledge of institutions. UNDP supports the Coordination Board and the relevant institutions helping them prepare for taking over and performing the arms control functions in the future. Moreover, UNDP provides support through the Project to all relevant institutions in harmonizing the legislation with the EU directives and regulations for civilian possession of firearms, as well as the EU Code of Conduct on exports and imports of arms, military equipment and dual-use items.
Furthermore, UNDP provided support to the former entity Defense Ministries and the Defense Ministry of BIH in building capacity for the destruction of small-caliber ammunition and arms. In this regard, in 2005-2006, over 86,000 pieces of SALW from military stocks were destroyed in cooperation with the Defense Ministry of Republika Srpska and the Defense Ministry of the Federation of BIH. The small arms owned by the RS Defense Ministry were smelted at the Banja Luka Jelsingrad Steel Mill, and the small arms owned by the Defense Ministry of the Federation of BIH were smelted at the Zenica Steel Works. In 2006, with UK Government support, UNDP procured and installed a rotary kiln burner for small caliber ammunition, less than 14.7 mm in caliber, at the Doboj Military Workshop. The value of the environmental protection machine, manufactured in accordance with the EU standards, was US$ 400,000.
Together with all relevant institutions, and BIH Defense Ministry in particular, UNDP coordinated its activities toward improving potential defense and industrial capacities necessary for the destruction of ammunition. UNDP chose industrial demilitarization of ammunition, instead of destruction of ammunition by open detonation, primarily for the protection of people and environment, and encouragement of local economies.
In view of the amounts and surpluses of unstable ammunition, international institutions and ministries in BiH jointly proposed that the ammunition destruction capacities should be expanded, and new sites were selected in conformity with a specialized assessment: TROM Doboj, Pretis, Vitezit and Binas.
With the European Union support in the amount of EUR 2,7 million, UNDP procured sophisticated equipment for the destruction of ammunition of different calibers, and personal protective equipment for the workers who were trained in UK.
In addition to the agreed 3,000 tons, under the contract signed with Pretis, UNDP has so far destroyed 1,300 tons of ammunition, and over 3,600 tons of ammunition have been destroyed at TROM Doboj. Accordingly, UNDP and the Defense Ministry of BIH have signed a Memorandum of Understanding which regulates details of transportation, loading, unloading and manipulation of ammunition from storage sites to Pretis and TROM Doboj.
In the end, we want to emphasize that control and supervision over the destruction of ammunition and arms, which is the subject of the contract between UNDP and Pretis, were done by a combined team of UNDP, EUFOR, OSCE and NATO representatives. Moreover, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations carries out quarterly inspections at the Pretis, under the Law on the Manufacture of Firearms and Military Equipment. The inspection teams supervise the ammunition destruction and storage, as well as secondary materials.

Hypo banka u BiH nastavlja stabilno poslovanje (Izvor: eKapija | Četvrtak, 05.09.2013.)


Hypo banka u BiH nastavlja stabilno poslovanje

Nakon što je Evropska komisija zvanično odobrila plan restruktuiranja Hipo grupe u Hipo Alpe Adria banci BiH, podružnice ove banke na Balkanu nastavljaju stabilno sa svojim poslovanjem, rečeno je Srni u Hypo banci u Banjaluci.
U Hypo banci kažu da to znači da će u naredne dvije godine moći da procijene ko je najbolji novi vlasnik za njihovu mrežu.
- Klijenti Hypo banke u BiH dobijaće iste usluge i širok asortiman proizvoda na koji su navikli, tak da i dalje nastavljamo sa svojim stabilnim poslovanjem - rekli su ovoj banci.
Odluka Evropske komisije o restruktuiranju Hipo Alpe Adria grupacije, koji podrazumijeva, između ostalog, i prodaju poslovne mreže u jugoistočnoj Evropi do 2015. godine, odražava ono što se očekivalo i što se uzimalo u obzir u toku posljednjih nekoliko mjeseci.
- Za Hypo podružnice u jugoistočnoj Evropi, prije svega u BiH, to znači da nema više opasnosti od bilo kakvih brzinskih prodaja ili postepenih gašenja poslovanja. Imamo jasne izglede, a koje odobrava Evropska unija, za razvijanje poslovanja i nastavljanje sa struktuisanim i dobrim procesom privatizacije, što upravo i činimo do 2015. godine - navode u Hipo Alpe Adria banci u Banjaluci.

Na escrow-računu od 1,5 milijardi ostalo 12 miliona (capital.ba 05. sep. 2013.)


Na escrow-računu od 1,5 milijardi ostalo 12 miliona

BANJALUKA, Na posebnom escrow računu na koji se prikupljaju prihodi od privatizacije i sukcesije Republike Srpske, sa 30. junom ove godine nalazilo se samo 12,8 miliona KM, saznaje poslovni portal CAPITALescrow.
Na escrow račun Vlada mora da vrati pozajmljenih 122,2 miliona KM.
Najveći iznos je 70 miliona KM uzetih odlukama Vlade za izmirenje tekućih budžetskih obaveza.
Zatim 17 miliona KM za rekonstrukciju nove bolnice u Bijeljini, 14,5 miliona zajma za Fond zdravstvenog sistema, 14,5 miliona pozajmljenih Robnim rezervama RS, te 4,5 miliona za izmirenje preostalih obaveza Rafinerije nafte Brod.
Vlada nema obavezu da vrati sav uzeti novac sa escrow računa.
Na primjer, samo ove godine uzetih tri miliona KM za dokapitalizaciju preduzeća „Nikola Tesla“ , kao i 9,4  miliona KM po projektima iz Razvojnog programa RS.
Na escrow računu 2007. godine uplaćeno je 646 miliona evra od prodaje Telekoma Srpske, kao i prihod od prodaje Rafinerije nafte Brod, ali i ostalih državnih preduzeća.

Siniša Vukelić