ponedjeljak, 3. kolovoza 2020.

(PDF) John Marks - The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate": The CIA and Mind Control



Muslim officials who rose to prominence in Bosnia because of their association with the Third World Relief Agency are part of a group of hard-liners who appear committed to maintaining close relations with radical Islamic states and individuals with links to terrorists, Western sources say.
U.S. officials say they worry that these men could use their high positions to provide foreign Islamic terrorists with Bosnian passports and otherwise aid their movement into and out of Europe.
Western officials say these men form the core of a faction within President Alija Izetbegovic's Party of Democratic Action that is seeking the creation of an ethnically homogeneous Muslim state inside Bosnia.
Officials who worked with the Third World Relief Agency now hold high positions in Bosnia's military, defense, diplomatic and executive branches.
"The men who worked for TWRA formed a cell that is dedicated to pushing Bosnia toward the more radical movements of the Middle East," said the head of a Western intelligence agency. "We do not believe that all of Bosnia's Muslims want that. But TWRA gave these men money, influence and power. It brought them and their ideas a long, long way."
U.S. officials said they have identified two men who are of particular concern.
The first is Hasan Cengic, whom Slovenian officials identified as the man who arranged a multimillion dollar deal to bring arms from Sudan to Bosnia via Slovenia in 1992.
An Austrian police official said Cengic was on the relief agency's supervisory board, a fact confirmed by its Sudanese director, Elfatih Hassanein, in a 1994 interview with Gazi Husrev Beg, an Islamic affairs magazine. Cengic later became the key Bosnian official involved in setting up a weapons pipeline from Iran. Today he is deputy defense minister, the highest-ranking Muslim in that ministry.
Cengic, an Islamic cleric, is a longtime associate of Izetbegovic's. He was one of the co-defendants in Izetbegovic's 1983 trial for fomenting Muslim nationalism in what was then Yugoslavia. Cengic was given a 10-year prison term, most of which he did not serve. In trial testimony Cengic was said to have been traveling to Iran since 1983.
Cengic lived in Tehran and Istanbul during much of the war, arranging for weapons to be smuggled into Bosnia. U.S. officials said they suspect Cengic's political beliefs lean toward Iran. In public statements, he has praised Tehran, opposed marriage between Muslims and non-Muslims and backed the idea of a Muslim army -- an idea that clashes with a U.S. program to create a joint force of Croats and Muslims.
A senior U.S. official identified Cengic as the major obstacle to implementing the U.S.-led program to equip Bosnia with more than $100 million worth of weapons and train the joint army. Cengic has refused to create a company that would work with the Alexandria, Va.-based Military Professionals Resources Inc., which has signed a contract to train the joint army, and he has attempted to force the U.S. government to pay large fees in addition to its training and equipment costs, the officials said.
In recent days, U.S. officials have asked Izetbegovic to remove Cengic from his post. But the Bosnians do not appear to be complying.
U.S. officials say a second former Third World Relief Agency official who causes concern is Irfan Ljevakovic.
Ljevakovic, one of the founders of Izetbegovic's political party, was also on the agency's supervisory board, according to Austrian officials and the 1994 interview with Hassanein. Ljevakovic is now a senior official in the Agency for Investigation and Documentation, a Bosnian Muslim secret service that is responsible only to Izetbegovic and to top officials in his Party of Democratic Action.
Ljevakovic is wanted for questioning by the Austrian government for soliciting its citizens to fight as mercenaries in Bosnia, a senior Austrian police officer said. He is also believed to have been one of the main backers of a project to bring foreign Islamic "freedom fighters" to Bosnia under the guise of working for the relief agency.
Suspicions that the organization was used as a front for the Islamic fighters were apparently confirmed last Dec. 14 when Croat gunmen killed five foreign soldiers in a shootout outside the central Bosnian town of Zepce. One of the dead soldiers held an identity card from the Third World Relief Agency, Bosnian sources said.
Bosnian sources said Ljevakovic is one of several influential officials protecting the Islamic fighters who remain in Bosnia in violation of the Dayton peace accord. Last month, Izetbegovic appointed Ljevakovic as the Bosnian representative to a key committee monitoring whether Bosnia has rid itself of all such fighters. The Committee on Foreign Forces in Bosnia includes officials from the Bosnian government, NATO, the United States and other Western powers.
Cengic and Ljevakovic are not the only senior Bosnians involved with the relief agency. Huso Zivalj, Bosnia's ambassador to Austria, was also on its supervisory board, Austrian officials said. Faris Nanic, a senior adviser to Izetbegovic, ran the agency's office in Croatia during the war. CAPTION: BOSNIA'S ISLAMIC CONNECTION Elfatih Hassanein A Sudanese national and co-founder of the Third World Relief Agency (TWRA) in Vienna. He is a member of Sudan's ruling National Islamic Front, a fundamentalist organization. While studying medicine in Yugoslavia in the 1970s, he established a friendship with Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic and other Muslim activists. He later became Sudanese cultural attache. He left Austria in 1994. Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman Radical Egyptian cleric, convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center terrorist attack. U.S. law enforcement officials have found documents linking him to TWRA. Osama Binladen Wealthy Saudi Arabian emigre, suspected of sponsoring militant Islamic groups in the Middle East, is believed to have contributed money for arms through TWRA. He is now in Afghanistan, where he has called for attacks on U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf. Irfan Ljevakovic A co-founder of Bosnia's Muslim Party of Democratic Action. Believed to be involved with a project to bring Islamic mercenaries to Bosnia under TWRA's guise. Alija Izetbegovic As president of Bosnia, Izetbegovic backed TWRA to obtain arms for his struggle against separatist Serbs. He also vouched for Hassanein's activities in a 1993 letter to the First Austrian Bank. Hassan Cengic A member of TWRA's supervisory board. He is a trained Islamic cleric and now Bosnia's deputy defense minister. He has been identified as the man who arranged a major 1992 arms deal for Bosnia via Slovenia. CAPTION: Elfatih Hassanein CAPTION: Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman CAPTION: Hassan Cengic

nedjelja, 2. kolovoza 2020.

The European New Right — A Shi'a Response: A Radical Critique of Alexander Dugin, E. Michael Jones, and Alain de Benoist - Arash Najaf-Zadeh

The important insight which arises from our perspective is that as the various poles of the world (be it Russian Orthodoxy and the Third Rome, the emergent political Islam and of the Axis of Resistance, or the Middle Kingdom of Confucian China, or whatever else, such as a Pagan revival in Europe) – as these various poles emerge in opposition to the hegemonic ambitions of the dying zombie empire (or the Empire of Chaos, as my buddy the brilliant Postmodern Nomad Pepe Escobar has characterized it), the tendency is not going to be their ineluctable emergence as such (as assumed by Brother Alexander), but rather, their inability to emerge, and their repeated frustrations at their
repeated attempts at doing so; and more importantly, the obviation of the phenomenon which is the attenuation and dissipation of the very cores of all these poles, (including that of the Shi'a Citadel). In
other words, what is happening, in our estimation, is not a process of coagulation or crystallization and emanation and emergence of new poles against a unitary or dominant one, but a process of the
dissolution and disintegration of all of the existing poles, be they that of the dominant paradigm of liberal capitalism, that of Catholicism, of Russian Orthodoxy and the Third Rome, of Sunnite Islam, and not least and certainly including that of Shi'a Islam.   

srijeda, 29. srpnja 2020.

Computational propaganda – the use of algorithms, automation, and big data to shape public life – is becoming a pervasive and ubiquitous part of everyday life.

nedjelja, 26. srpnja 2020.

Call for Constitutional Reform in Bosnia by Chris Smith (Congressional Record, MAY 12, 2009)

"Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H. Res. 171, a powerful statement calling for meaningful constitutional reform and strengthened U.S. engagement in Bosnia. I want to thank Chairman Berman for authoring this legislation, and I am very proud to be one of the cosponsors (...) Mr. Speaker, efficient and rational arrangements to unite the multiethnic country and enable it to be fully incorporated into NATO and the EU can only mean a major reform that abolishes the “entity” voting system so that the vote of every Bosnian citizen will be of equal weight (...)
Mr. Speaker, as chairman or Co-Chairman for 12 years of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, known around here as the Helsinki Commission, and CoChairman of the Bosnia Caucus with my friend and colleague from Missouri, and chairman of the House Human Rights Committee for 8 years, I've had the opportunity to chair numerous Bosnia hearings and author congressional resolutions on Bosnia, including H. Res. 199 on the Srebrenica genocide (...) 
My most recent trip to Bosnia was in July of 2007, and I joined relatives of those killed, murdered--massacred--in the Srebrenica genocide in a ceremony interring hundreds of the approximately 8,000 Bosnian Muslims who were killed in what the U.N. euphemistically designated to be a “safe haven.'' It wasn't. The ceremony was solemn, it was holy, and it was numbing. Reis Ceric, the Grand Mufti, gave a very powerful talk, a sermon, to all of those who had gathered. Reis Ceric is a great man of peace and faith, and, I'm honored to say, a good friend. Dr. Haris Silajdzic, the President of Bosnia, is likewise a good friend, and spoke very eloquently about the huge loss of life, the importance of justice as well as about the future. Seeing hundreds of caskets with exhumed victims left an indelible impression on me."

petak, 24. srpnja 2020.

Gdje je završilo 40 milijardi KM doniranih BiH? 9/8/2015 - NEON Televizija


Gdje je završilo 40 milijardi KM doniranih BiH?

... |9. Avgusta 2015.
Kalesija Online
Niko u Bosni i Hercegovini ne zna koliko je tačno donatorskog novca stiglo u zemlju od kraja rata do danas. Precizno se ne zna ni koliko je tog novca utrošeno nenamjenski i završilo u privatnim džepovima. Neki predstavnici nevladinih organizacija tvrdili su i da je riječ o više od 20 milijardi eura.
Da su strani donatori izgubili povjerenje u domaće institucije, posredstvom kojih su godinama unazad slali pomoć, najbolje pokazuje primjer vrijeme poslije poplava. Tada su donatori iz inostranstva uplaćivali novac na privatne račune oštećenih, zaobilazeći odgovorne institucije
Podaci o tome gdje je završilo oko 40 milijardi maraka pomoći koja je u BiH stizala tokom rata i kasnije i dalje ostaju velika tajna.
Prema podacima Biroa za humanitarna pitanja, u BiH je od 1996. do 2003. godine došlo najviše donacija po glavi stanovništva. Preciznu evidenciju i cifre nema niko, pa sve ostaje na pretpostavkama. U Udruženju izbjeglih i raseljenih lica kažu da je samo za porušene objekate u BiH došlo oko 16 milijardi maraka.
Komisije BiH na parlamentarnom nivou koje istražuju ko je i kako trošio donatorska sredstva koja su stizala u BiH godinama su se smjenjivale. Koliko je poznato, nijedna nije došla do podatka o tačnoj cifri.
I da se u milijardu maraka moglo pogriješiti u utvrđivanju utroška donatorskih sredstava, podatak koji šokira zapravo je pokazatelj da, ako se u ovoliko novca može pogriješiti, koliko je zapravo para potrošeno i pronevjereno, ali i u čiji džep je otišlo.
-Nema na šta to nije išlo, tu je bilo čak i to `ja tebi donaciju – ti meni procenat`“ – tvrdi ekonomista Svetlana Cenić.
Utvrđivanje donacija je posao za istražne organe, smatraju u Transparensi internešnelu, navodeći da se na tome trebalo raditi od samog početka.
-Sada se bojim da je kasno i da nakon 20 godina bit će nemoguće utvrditi ko je bio odgovoran u tom trenutku i na kraju krajeva gdje je novac završio – kaže Ivana Korajlić iz Transparensi internešnela.
Da su strani donatori izgubili povjerenje u domaće institucije, posredstvom kojih su godinama unazad slali pomoć, najbolje pokazuje primjer vrijeme poslije poplava. Tada su donatori iz inostranstva uplaćivali novac na privatne račune oštećenih, zaobilazeći odgovorne institucije, javila je BNTV.
Portal ntv.ba 
NEON Televizija

srijeda, 22. srpnja 2020.

Take back the Tech (2011.)

10. decembar 2011.

Završava kampanja Vratimo kontrolu nad tehnologijom 2011, aktivnosti se nastavljaju

Danas završava kampanja Vratimo kontrolu nad tehnologijom! (Take back the Tech!) koja se održava svake godine tokom 16 dana aktivizma protiv rodno uslovljenog nasilja (od 25. novembra do 10. decembra).

Pozivamo Vas da nam se danas pridružite, u periodu od 17h 00 do 18h 00, u prostorima Art Kina Kriterion na prezentaciji platoforme „Mapirajte nasilje! Zaustavite ga!

Svi su dobrodošli!

Fondacija jedan svijet – platforma za jugoistočnu Evropu (OneWorldSEE) učestvovala je u kampanji već četvrtu godinu zaredom, ove godine uz podršku nekoliko drugih bh. organizacija: Media centar Abrašević, Antifašistička akcija (ANTIFA), Oštra nula, Okvir, Forum žena Bratunac, Žene ženama, Infoteka, Udruženje mladih Ilovača, Akcija građana i Viktorija 99.

Kampanja je i ove godine uključila dnevne akcije, kako u fizičkim, tako i u online prostorima. Kao najznačajniju aktivnost izdvajamo i prevođenje i adaptiranje globalne mape nasilja nad ženama za naše govorno područje. Desetine izvještaja iz Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i stotine izvještaja iz cijelog svijeta, mogu se naći na slijedećoj internet adresi: www.apc.org/ushahidi/?l=bs_BA Ovi izvještaji uključuju priče o kulturološki „opravdanom” nasilju, online uznemiravanju i cyberstalkingu, nasilju u partnerskim vezama, seksualnom uznemiravanju i silovanju, o zajednicama nad kojima se vrši nasilje zbig njihovom seksualnog opredjeljenja, itd.

Kako bi osigurali kontinuitet u dokumentovanju lokalnih slučajeva nasilja nad ženama, Fondacija jedan svijet – platforma za jugoistočnu Evropu organizovala je i jednodnevni program edukacije za mlade aktivistkinje i aktivistkinje s ciljm boljeg upoznavanja sa komunikacijskim pravima i platformama za online kativizam usmjeren ka zaustavljanju nasilja nad ženama. Ovaj trening održan je uz podršku Association for Progresive Communications, Programa Volontera Ujedinjenih naroda u BiH i ureda UN Women u BiH.

Vjerujemo da je moguće stati u kraj nasilju nad ženama ako svaka djevojka, žena, muškarac i osoba pristupi IKT-u s ciljem da promjeni nejednake odnose moći, poduzme akciju i posveti se transformisanju načina na koje su svi naši prostori definisani i razvijeni, bilo online ili ne.

Više informacija o kampanji možete pročitati ovdje: http://www.oneworldsee.org/node/22761, a tu je i priručnik sa praktičnim savjetima kako sigurno koristiti IKT alatke: http://www.oneworldsee.org/js/budi-sigurna