A summary of events in Bosnia and Herzegovina following the signing of the Geneva truce agreement on the 8th of June, 1994 (effective as of the 10th of June) providing for a month suspension of offensive military operations and provocative actions between the Bosnian Serb Army (BSA) and Presidency (BiH) Forces in BiH (UNPROFOR News, no. 9)
- Fighting and heavy shelling continued between the rival Muslim parties in the Bihac pocket over entire June and July (on the 14th of June more than 1300 detonations were reported).
- Breaches of the Truce Agreement and casualties: Brcko (civilian casualties) , Gorazde (presence of the BSA in the exclusion zone), Maglaj (Britbat -1 Warriors engaged in fire with the BSA), Sarajevo (two civilians hit by sniper fire - one fatally - from unidentified side and one Serb civilian killed by sniper fire from the BiH Army side), Velebit mountains (a Jordanian Battalion 3 soldier - seriously injured in a mine explosion), Gorazde (a Britbat soldier injured in a mine explosion and one British soldier killed on the 26th of June as the result of the attack of the BSA and BiH forces directed at Ukrainian and British observation posts), Sector South (a Canadian soldier killed and two injured in a mine explosion), Sector North (two Polish soldiers killed and two injured in a mine explosion and one Croat civilian killed and three injured as a result of the collision between an UNPROFOR vehicle and a motorcycle), near Tesanj (a Britbat armored vehicle seriously damaged in a mine explosion leaving unidentified number of injured soldiers), Kiseljak (a Canadian soldier wounded by BiH forces).
- Intensification of work of the five-nation Contact Group on the former Yugoslavia resulting in the completion of the proposed map of BiH. On the 5th of July they met in Geneva to approve a peace plan for BiH proposing a 51 (Serb side) - 49 (Muslim-Croat Federation) percent division of territory.
- Sarajevo meeting of donors and international agencies chaired by William Eagleton, Special Coordinator for the restoration of essential public services, which was followed by a pledging conference for the restoration of services in Sarajevo in New York, where ca $68 million was pledged by 20 Governments and the Soros Foundation.
- On the 24th June, Lord Owen and Thorvald Stoltenberg (Co-chairmen of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia) met in Corfu with the European Union Ministers, that was followed by the meeting with the Special Representative of the Secretary- General, Yasushi Akashi in Zagreb
- A 1,450-strong Turkish Battalion joined UNPROFOR.
- Planning for the arrival of additional UNPROFOR personnel from Pakistan and Bangladesh.
- Over two years a daily average of 163 tonnes of food and aid was delivered to Sarajevo.