subota, 19. rujna 2020.

Advokat Ademović: Da, počeo je lov na "gulenovce"!/ Lawyer Ademovic: Yes, the hunt for the gulenists has started! (Radio Sarajevo, 03. 12. 2019)

#Gulen #gulenist #SEMA #Bihać #Keskin The lawyer from Sarajevo, Nedim Ademovic, confirms for that the arrest of Fatih Keskin, the principal of the Una-Sana College from Bihać (a Turkish national), has marked the beginning of the "Gulenist hunt" in Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to, Keskin has been moved to the Immigration Centre in Lukavica./ Sarajevski advokat Nedim Ademović potvrdio je za da se nakon današnjeg hapšenja direktora "Una Sana" koledža iz Bihaća, Fatiha Keskina, inače turskog državljanina, može reći da je započeo lov na "gulenovce" u Bosni i Hercegovini. Kako saznaje, Keskin je u međuvremenu smješten u Imigracioni centar u Lukavici.

Sarajevski advokat Nedim Ademović potvrdio je za da se nakon današnjeg hapšenja direktora "Una Sana" koledža iz Bihaća, Fatiha Keskina, inače turskog državljanina, može reći da je započeo lov na "gulenovce" u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Piše: F. V.

Ranije upozoravali 

To je situacija na koju su on i njegova kolegica Senka Nožica upozorili bh. javnost još u julu ove godine.

"Da, ovo je ta situacija. Zato što su bh. vlasti svjesne kakva je sudska praksa koja u principu u dosadašnjim slučajevima potvrdila zabranu oduzimanja prava takozvanim "gulenovcima" u BiH  zbog toga što su protivne Evropskoj konvenciji. Da li je ovo način da se zaobilazi sudska vlast, da se udovolji zahtjevima vlasti Republike Turske, mi to ne znamo. Ali postoji bojazan od takvog scenarija, pošto je poznato da BiH, nažalost, nije pravna država", rekao je Ademović za naš portal. 

Kao saznaje, Keskin je u međuvremenu smejšten u Imigracioni centar u Lukavici. 

Inače, "Dnevni avaz" je nedavno pisao kako je vlast u Ankari, zvanično, putem Ministarstva pravde BiH, do sada zatražila izručenje četiri državljana Turske koje ta zemlja traži zbog sumnje da su članovi „naoružane terorističke grupe FETO“, a „čiji je osnivač Fethullah Gulen“. 

Prema podacima „Avaza“, riječ je o državljanima Turske koji su od 2016. godine nalaze u BiH, a to su Humejra Gokčen, Ozer Ozsaraj, Sedat Tozluk i Etem Erdomuš. 

"Po našim informacijama, po spisku do kojeg smo mi došli, tamo nije bilo ime gospodina Keskina", rekao je Ademović. 

Prema neslužbenim informacijama, očekuje se da bi Keskin mogao ubrzano biti deportiran u Tursku. 

Oduzeta sloboda 

Advokati nemaju informacija da je protiv Keskina vođen bilo kakav postupak, niti je obaviješten da postoji bilo kakav zahtjev bilo koga, zbog bilo čega.

"Jednostavno, nakon što se javio na poziv, oduzeta mu je sloboda i odveden je, za sada u nepoznatom pravcu", tvrde naši sagovrnici bliski Keskinu. 

Šta ova situacija znači za pravosuđe naše zemlje? 

"Da li je ovo prvi slučaj de facto otmice turskog državljanina za zahtjevu vlasti u Republici Turskoj? Da li će se BiH pridružiti državama koje je Evropski sud za ljudska prava osudio zbog faktičke otmice stranih državljana i deportacije bez mogućnosti vođenja sudskog postupka", pitaju se ugledni bh. pravici.  

Inače, u zadnjih nekoliko godina, a posebno poslije posljednje posjete turskog predsjednika Recepa Tayyipa Erdogana Bosni i Hercegovini, Republika Turska je tražila izručenje određenog broja turskih državljana zbog navodnog učestvovanja u puču 2016. godini i pripadništvu Gulenovom pokretu. 

Međutim, bh. sudovi su u svim slučajevima zabranili izručenje ili uskraćivanje prava turskim državljanima. 

"Porodica direktora Keskina, učenici, nastavnici i roditelji djece zabrinuti su zbog ovih dešavanja i očekuju brzu reakciju i objašnjenje zašto je g. Keskin lišen slobode, gdje je sprovoden i gdje se nalazi? Unsko-sanski koledž djeluje preko dvadeset godina i uvjerljivo je najusjpešnija obrazovna institucija u Kantonu čiji su učenici na brojnim međunarodnim i državnim takmičenjima proslavili Bosnu u Hercegovinu i afirmirali njen naučni i stvaralački potencijal", kažu sagovornici portala

Translation of the extracts from the book: "Hrvatska republika HB, agresija i zločin (Croat Republic Herzeg-Bosnia, aggression and crime " Mesud Hero andi Fuad Kovač):

According to the information of #SIS (Croatian Information Service Mostar, number 02-4/1-436, 9.3.1993 (published in article "#Goranci, the pit for #Serbs" by Asaf Bećirović, published in the daily Oslobođenje on 18.2.2012), "the first liquidations and disappearances of the persons of Serb ethnicity were registered at the beginning of July 1992, if the liquidations of the persons liquidated under the accusations of being snipers were not counted - who were killed without trial in the course and immediately after the military operation The Dawns of June"... "In relation to the existence of the pit in Goranci, where the persons of Serb ethnicity are thrown, we have the information that so far 60 persons were thrown into it." (From the book HRVATSKA REPUBLIKA HERCEG-BOSNA: AGRESIJA I ZLOČIN by Mesud Hero and Fuad Kovač, Sarajevo: Futur art, 2016)

 "Hrvatska republika HB, agresija i zločin (Croat Republic Herzeg-Bosnia, aggression and crime " Mesud Hero andi Fuad Kovač: "Within this campaign, on the 9th of May, 1992, they targeted the Church of St. Peter and Paul at the Podhum settlement, as a result of which the Church was burned down. In spite of the fact that the majority of the civilian population of Serb ethnicity were not by any means related to this event, Croatian Defense Council (#HVO) and Croatian Defense Forces (#HOS) initiated a fierce retaliation in the area of #Mostar and its surrounding. At that time, at this area, there were about 25 000 Serbs. From then on, the hunt was initiated with the HVO and HOS military police patrols circulating through the town; they started to get in the people's apartments and with no further explanation, they threw people out of their apartments and houses and the persons found in the streets knew that they would be liquidated at the spot, or arrested and taken to the camps, from which many of them never returned.

In the growing tensions, the members of #HOS attacked the Northern Barracks on the 2nd of April 1992, when several military staff members were wounded. The Commander of the Mostar garrison replied with repressive measures and retaliation.According to the information of the Croatian Intelligence Service #SIS, the first liquidations, i.e. disappearances of the persons of Serb ethnicity were registered at the beginning of July, 1992, if the liquidations of persons "under accusations that they were snipers", who were killed with no trial in the course and shortly after the military operation "Dawns of June" - are not taken into account. According to this information, on the 12th of July, just by the Bristol Hotel, HOS killed Dragan Đuranović, nicknamed Đuro, born in 1956. On the 25th of July, 1992 Ljubomir Paši, born in 1950 (Sthepana Radića Street 72) was taken to the unknown location. He was arrested and taken to the unknown location by the members of security of Jadran Topić, the prime minister of the HVO Government Mostar. "Under unfortunate circumstances" on the 8th of October, Vasilija Hamović, doctor Konstantin Repović's aunt was killed. Three unidentified persons, according to SIS, robbed and then set on fire the leisure house belonging to doctor Repović in #Blagaj, then went to his apartment "probably to commit a robbery again, when the murder occurred". Regarding the disappearance of Dragomir Ilić, born in 1927 (Splitska Street 71), it was clearly established, according to the information, that he was taken on the 1st of March at 21:30 by Tihomir Burić, nicknamed Splićo, and two other persons wearing uniforms. On the 21st February Vladimir Pavić and Goran Zurovac went missing after around 00:30 they were taken from the Liska Street by Tihomir Burić and three other persons. This information states about the "#Goranci pit where the persons of Serb ethnicity were thrown" that they have the information that "about 60 persons were thrown to the pit so far". The first persons thrown to the pit were allegedly "snipers and arrested Chetniks", and as of recently most probably This document also mentions disappearance of 15 persons from Ante Zuanić Street 15. Military police officers were led by Tihomir Burić, and according to the information, this group also included Braco Zelenika, a younger son of Petar Zelenika. At that time, they were convinced that all arrested persons were of Croat ethnicity, but the group included also two Croat women, one Bosniak woman and one Jewish woman. The information mentions the data about vehicles and the registration plates of the vehicles, which were used during the expelling of these people. The list of persons who should have been expelled was prepared by Petar Zelenika and Rade Bošnjak, and it was delivered to Željko Džidić "to execute it through his men... With regard to the above, we have additional operational data and documentation".... During the operation "Dawns of June", on the 15th of June 1992, the Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity was burned down. Before that on the 2nd and 3rd of June 1992, the Church was shelled by HV (Croatian Army) and HVO. Following that, the Church was totally destroyed with explosives... With the concentration camps for Serbs, established at that time at Ćelovina (Šantić Street), the building of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Heliodrom at Rodoč, this was a clear message to Serbs that there was no place for them in Mostar and that they were sentenced to death by politics.

petak, 18. rujna 2020.

This is the man who lobbies for Albanians at Trump's Office (Telegraf, 5 April, 2017)

Corey #Lewandowski is the main Albanian lobbyist in the administration of the new President Donald Trump, through whom the leaders of Albania, but also Kosovo, are attempting to achieve their interests and influence decisions of Washington in relation to them and even the entire Balkan region. Lewandowski, who was a chief Trump campaign manager last year, is the owner and one of the managers of the lobbying company "Avenue Strategies" recently hired by the Albanian leaders from Tirana and Prishtina. "We are getting close to negotiating minor agreements with the governments for which we will be lobbying in the Office of the US President" - says Lewandowski, who together with his colleague Barry Bennett met with Albanian and Kosovo officials last week. They will be quite well paid for their services, earning 25.000 USD per month to bring the issues related to Prishtina and Tirana closer to Trump. The company has also hired Ed Brookover and Jason Osborne, who were also engaged as senior consultants for Trump's campaign.

On je NAJVEĆI ALBANSKI LOBISTA u Beloj kući: Menadžer Trampove kampanje sada lobira za Kosovo

Mi smo otvoreni za obavljanje različitih poslova za strane vlade. Naš fokus je na tome kako možemo da pomognemo ovim malim vladama da uspeju - rekao je bivši menadžer Trampove kampanje

Poznato je da kosovski Albanci od sredine devedestih godina prošlog veka koriste usluge lobističkih agencija za ostvarivanje svojih separatističkih ciljeva. Kako je došlo do promene na čelu administracije SAD, i sada glavnu reč vode republikanci, lideri Albanaca iz Prištine i Tirane, sreli su se prošle nedelje sa Korijem Levandonskim i Berijem Benetom, direktorima lobističke kompanije "Avenue strategies". Levandovski je bivši menadžer Trampove kampanje.

Kompanija "Avenue strategies" u vlasništvu bivšeg menadžera kampanje Donalda Trampa - Korija Levandovskog - koji je otišao sa tog radnog mesta nakon što je ovaj milioner pobedio na izborima i postao predsednik Amerike, pronašao je novo tržište u oblasti lobiranja.

Levandovski i Beri Benet - dvojica lidera kompanije - rekli su za američki list "Politiko" da su blizu postizanja manjih sporazuma sa vladama za koje će obavljati usluge lobiranja u kancelariji američkog predsednika, Donalda Trampa.

Čak je tim njihove kompanije već održao važne sastanke sa raznim zvaničnicima vlada u svetu. Tokom prošle nedelje su se sastali sa zvaničnicima iz Albanije i Kosova, prenosi Insajderi.

Razgovarali smo sa velikim brojem zvaničnika - rekao je Benet.

To je veliko tržište, to je sigurno - dodao je on, komenatarišući svoje nedavne posete Balkanu.

Oni će biti plaćeni 25.000 mesečno kako bi pitanje Prištine i Tirane približili američkom predsedniku.

Firma je angažovala i Eda Brukovera i Džajsona Ozborna, koji su radili kao viši savetnici u Trampovoj kampanji, sa Mikom Rubinom, koji je nadgledao Trampovu kampanju u nekim državama, kao što je Virdžinija.

Ozborn je potvrdio da se firma, za koju radi već tri meseca, sastala sa visokim zvaničnicima iz Albanije i Kosova, prenosi Insajderi.

Mi smo otvoreni za obavljanje različitih poslova za strane vlade. Naš fokus je na tome kako možemo da pomognemo ovim malim vladama da uspeju - dodao je on.

Kompanija nije saopštila ko su zvaničnici sa Kosova i iz Albanije sa kojima su se sastali, prenosi Insajderi.

Predsjednik Napretka na Ekonomskom forumu/ President of Napredak at the Economic Forum (portal of the Catholic weekly - Nedelja, 12 September 2018)

Predsjednik HKD Napredak mons. prof. dr. Franjo Topić sudjelovao je na Ekonomskom forumu u Krynici u Poljskoj, a koji je održan pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Parlamenta Republike Poljske.

Godišnji gospodarski forum u Krynici, kojeg još zovu i „Istočni Davos“ održan je od 5. do 7. rujna, počeo je raspravom o mogućim scenarijima razvoja Europe. Predsjednik Napretka mons. dr. Franjo Topić govorio je na panelu Europa Karpata – baština mnogih kultura – uloga kršćanstva u oblikovanju suvremenog lica Europe.

U uvodu svojeg izlaganja kratko je podsjetio kako je Europa naprosto nezamisliva bez kršćanskih korijena, što se vidi u svemu životu. Naglasio je kako je obilježje današnje Europe pretjerani individualizam – kroz ideologiju ljudskih prava uzdiže pojedinac do mjere svega, često i mimo ostalih ljudi i često kao takmac samome Bogu.

„Često izgleda da se danas zaboravljaju kršćanski korijeni Europe, od toga da se u njezinu ustavu nije spomenuo Bog ni kršćanstvo, rekao bi poznati slovenski književnik Ivan Cankar, 'zastidjeli se majke'. Jedna od karakteristika Europe je indiferentnost. Danas, otprilike jedna trećina Europljana su kulturološki religiozni, ali ne prihvaćaju vjeru kao smjernicu za bitna životna pitanja, posebno ne za moralna pitanja“, rekao je Topić dodavši kako je druga karakteristika današnjeg Europljanina je veliki konzumerizam i neprestana trka za većim životnim standardom i materijalnim statusom. „Kada čovjek ima puno materijalnih dobara čini mu se kako mu duhovna dobra i ne trebaju. I religije ne nalaze pravi odgovor pretjeranom konzumerizmu“, istaknuo je dr. Topić.

Na upit prof. Topiću čime se bavi HKD Napredak, posebno je istaknuo da Napredak uz veliki rad i brojne kulturne manifestacije realizira ekumenizam i dijalog života. Spomenuo je i da u mnogim Napretkovim organizacijama i manifestacijama sudjeluju i pripadnici drugih naroda koji žive u BiH. Naglasio je činjenicu kako se nije dogodilo da netko od pripadnika drugih naroda i vjerskih zajednica neće nastupati za Napredak, bilo na koncertima, izložbama, šahu ili nogometu.

Na kraju svog obraćanja prof. Topić se nadovezao na geslo ove godine koja je proglašena godinom kulturnog nasljeđa Gdje prošlost susreće budućnost rekavši da bez poznavanja i uvažanja prošlosti pojedinac ni zajednica ne mogu graditi ni dobru budućnost.

Mons. Topić govorio je i na panelu Europa Karpata - Uloga kršćanstva u oblikovanju suvremenog lica Europe, a sudjelovali su i Csaba Kiss (Mađarska), izvanredni profesor na Odsjeku za Mađarske studije Sveučilišta u Varšavi; Zbigniew Krysiak (Poljska), predsjednik Instituta Schuman’s Thought iz Poljske; Zbigniew Stankiewicz (Latvija), nadbiskup Rimokatoličke nadbiskupije u Rigi; Lorinc Nacsa (Mađarska), član Narodne skupštine Mađarske; Matyas Zrno (Češka Republika), programski direktor Civilnog instituta iz Češke; te Pavol Macala (Slovačka), član upravnog odbora znanstvene udruge Personalism iz Slovačke. Moderator ovog panela bio je Maciej Szymanowski, savjetnik predsjednika Parlamenta Poljske.

Inače na Forumu je sudjelovao više od 4100 sudionika i 700 akreditiranih novinara. Sudionici su pristigli iz 60 zemalja, a program je bio raspoređen u 24 tematske skupine i obuhvatio je više od 200 rasprava. Svake godine na Ekonomskom forumu dodjeljuje se i nagrada Osoba godine Ekonomskog foruma, a osoba 2018. postao je predsjednik vlade Litve Saulius Skvernelis. Na Forumu u Krynici sudjelovali su i Stanisław Karczewski, predsjednik Poljskog senata, Tibor Navracsics, povjerenik za obrazovanje, kulturu, mladež i sport u Europskoj komisiji, Edgars Rinkēvičs, ministar vanjskih poslova Latvije, Virginijus Sinkevičius, ministar gospodarstva Litve, Calin Popescu Tăriceanu, predsjedatelj rumunjskog senata, Valeri Simeonov, potpredsjednik vlade za ekonomsku i demografsku politiku Bugarske, Stepan Kubiw, prvi zamjenik premijera i ministar gospodarskog razvoja i trgovine Ukrajine i mnogi drugi.

Od poznatijih osoba iz Bosne i Hercegovine i regije na Forumu su bili Ognjen Tadić, zamjenik predsjedavajućeg Doma naroda Parlamenta BiH, Miro Kovač, zastupnik u Saboru RH, Dalibor Miloš, predsjednik Nadzornog odbora Aluminija Mostar, Jasmin Mahmuzić, direktor Agencije za bankarstvo BiH i drugi.


četvrtak, 17. rujna 2020.

European Commission requested from BaH to appoint the EUROPOL liaison officer by the end of September (Vecernji List, 16 September, 2018)

Bosna i Hercegovina još uvijek bez časnika za vezu sa Europolom - Europska komisija upozorila ministra sigurnosti Dragana Mektića da ovo predstavlja kršenje sporazuma između Europola i BiH./ Bosnia and Herzegovina still without a liaison officer with Europol - the European Commission warns Minister of Security Dragan Mektic that this is a violation of the agreement between Europol and BaH.

‘It is going to become worse’: ISIS prisoner predicts attack on Europe after al-Baghdadi death" (ABC news ByIan Pannell,Angus Hines, andGuy Davies 29 October 2019)

The leader of the Islamic State may be dead, but the world is not a safer place according to Muhamed Hasic, a former #ISIS member.

Offering no remorse for his actions, Hasic said that he believed an attack on mainland #Europe was forthcoming, and dismissed the significance of the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. "When one dies another pops up," he warned. Hasic was born in 1994 near #Srebrenica, Bosnia, where he said he lost 20 family members during the devastating civil war in the 1990s. He was imprisoned there as a child with his mother and escaped to Germany at the age of 6 as a refugee. After spending a few years in the United States, he returned to Germany, where he began abusing drugs and was imprisoned for a petty crime at 19. He became aware of ISIS at the age of 21, and joined the group with friends he met in jail, arriving in Syria in August 2014.

"The leader of the Islamic State may be dead, but the world is not a safer place according to one former ISIS member.

Offering no remorse for his actions, Hasik said that he believed an attack on mainland Europe was forthcoming, and dismissed the significance of the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

"When one dies another pops up," he warned.

Hasik was born in 1994 near Srebrenica, Bosnia, where he said he lost 20 family members during the devastating civil war in the 1990s. From the 1992 campaign of ethnic cleansing in eastern Bosnia to the three-year siege of Sarajevo, this was the theatre of some of the worst violence in mainland Europe since World War II.

He was imprisoned there as a child with his mother and escaped to Germany at the age of 6 as a refugee. After spending a few years in the United States, he returned to Germany, where he began abusing drugs and was imprisoned for a petty crime at 19. He became aware of ISIS at the age of 21, and joined the group with friends he met in jail, arriving in Syria in August 2014.

Six months after joining, he returned to Germany but fearing another spell in jail went back to Syria.

“The process [of joining] was easy,” Hasik told ABC News.

In the same month he joined, ISIS captured the town of Sinjar during their surge through much of northern Iraq and Syria. There, they began a comprehensive attack on the Yazidis, slaughtering many and capturing women and girls as sex slaves.

When asked to answer for ISIS’ innumerable atrocities and crimes, Hasik, who now wants to return to Germany, proclaims his innocence.

“I was just a policeman,” he said. “We just caught people doing drugs and things like that. I was just doing a job. This war is dirty. And I'm fed up with war. I want to live a normal life with my family and kids.”

The prisoner, who is married and has two children in Germany, said he is “finished with Islamic State.”

Does he expect to be released?

“Yes, of course,” he said. “Because I didn't break no law in my eyes.”

Yet Hasik, who was stationed in the former ISIS strongholds of Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa during the two years he spent with the extremist group, showed no remorse for their crimes in the Middle East or the attacks they inspired in the U.S., Sri Lanka and around the world.

Asked several times how he felt about ISIS victims -- some of whom Pannell named, including Kayla Mueller -- the Bosnian national was both frightening and unflinching.

“I didn't write their destiny,” he said. “This is their destiny.”

In 2017, Hasik surrendered to American forces. He is now in the highest-level security prison in northern Iraq, which is estimated to hold thousands of terror suspects.

But with more than a hundred ISIS prisoners reportedly on the loose having escaped from Syrian jails, the group is down, but not out. Security analysts are concerned they have become emboldened since Turkish forces launched a military incursion into Kurdish-held territory earlier this month.

The death of al-Baghdadi, hailed as a major victory for the Trump administration in the region, is unlikely to deter them, according to Hasik.

The prisoner’s take on the significance of the ISIS founder's death, as part of a U.S. special forces raid, was damning. Asked if he thought people were safer after his death, Hasik said, “I think now maybe in Europe something is going to happen because many people may be upset about this thing.”

"The people exist. The people are there.” According to Hasik, al-Baghdadi's death makes "no difference."

“Maybe it is going to become worse,” he said. “It’s more dangerous than before.”

The first freedom of movement agreement in #Mostar signed in August 1994

The first freedom of movement agreement in #Mostar was signed in August 1994 between #Croats, #Bosniaks, #SPABAT and the #EU. It permitted 200 people to cross over from each bank of the Neretva river. The agreement includes a list of accredited international organisations working in Mostar.