Hercegovački vojnik je bio glasilo 4. korpusa Armije Republike BiH koje se štampalo u Mostaru od februara 1993. Glavni i odgovorni urednik Hercegovačkog vojnika bio je novinar Alija Lizde. Cijena Hercegovačkog vojnika iznosila je 300 HRD.
Kao aktuelna politička tema, u prvom broju objavljen je razgovor sa Šefkijom Džihom, pomoćnikom načelnika za bezbjednost 4. korpusa Armije RBiH. U ovom intervjuu, gosp. Džiho govori o značaju zajedničke borbe Muslimana i Hrvata, citirajući Petra Zrinskog, kojem se pripisuje rečenica iz 17. stoljeća: "Najsrećniji ću biti kada se izmiješaju hrvatski kalpaci i bosanske čalme." U razgovoru se Džiho posebno osvrnuo na značaj uspostavljanja službe bezbjednosti, opisavši je kao "oči i uši države i Armije". U okviru ove službe osnovana je i služba o ispitivanju genocida nad muslimanskim narodom. Govoreći o radu ove službe, on je detaljno objasnio čitaocima šta sve spada u "genocid kao element", sa posebnim fokusom na paljenje, ubojstvo, silovanje, odvođenje u logore i raseljavanje.
Herzegovinian Soldier was the magazine of the 4th Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina printed in Mostar as of February, 1993. The editor in charge was the journalist Alija Lizde. The price of the magazine was 300 Croatian Dinars (HRD).
The first issue features the interview with Sefkija Dziho, assistant to the Head of Security of the 4th Corps - as the current political topic. In this interview, Mr. Dziho speaks about the importance of the joint struggle of Muslims and Croats, citing the sentence attributed to Petar Zrinski (17th century): "The happiest I shall ever be, when Croat kalpaks and Bosnian turbans are being mixed together."
In this interview, Dziho particularly reflects on the significance of the establishment of the security service, describing it as "the ears and eyes of the State and Army". A special service on investigation of genocide against the Muslim people was established within this service. Speaking about the operation of this service, he explains in detail what is understood as "the genocide as the element", particularly focusing on the arson, murder, rape, concentration camps and displacement.
Kao aktuelna politička tema, u prvom broju objavljen je razgovor sa Šefkijom Džihom, pomoćnikom načelnika za bezbjednost 4. korpusa Armije RBiH. U ovom intervjuu, gosp. Džiho govori o značaju zajedničke borbe Muslimana i Hrvata, citirajući Petra Zrinskog, kojem se pripisuje rečenica iz 17. stoljeća: "Najsrećniji ću biti kada se izmiješaju hrvatski kalpaci i bosanske čalme." U razgovoru se Džiho posebno osvrnuo na značaj uspostavljanja službe bezbjednosti, opisavši je kao "oči i uši države i Armije". U okviru ove službe osnovana je i služba o ispitivanju genocida nad muslimanskim narodom. Govoreći o radu ove službe, on je detaljno objasnio čitaocima šta sve spada u "genocid kao element", sa posebnim fokusom na paljenje, ubojstvo, silovanje, odvođenje u logore i raseljavanje.
Herzegovinian Soldier was the magazine of the 4th Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina printed in Mostar as of February, 1993. The editor in charge was the journalist Alija Lizde. The price of the magazine was 300 Croatian Dinars (HRD).
The first issue features the interview with Sefkija Dziho, assistant to the Head of Security of the 4th Corps - as the current political topic. In this interview, Mr. Dziho speaks about the importance of the joint struggle of Muslims and Croats, citing the sentence attributed to Petar Zrinski (17th century): "The happiest I shall ever be, when Croat kalpaks and Bosnian turbans are being mixed together."
In this interview, Dziho particularly reflects on the significance of the establishment of the security service, describing it as "the ears and eyes of the State and Army". A special service on investigation of genocide against the Muslim people was established within this service. Speaking about the operation of this service, he explains in detail what is understood as "the genocide as the element", particularly focusing on the arson, murder, rape, concentration camps and displacement.