nedjelja, 12. srpnja 2020.

Ljekari su bili šokirani smrtnim povredama (20.07.2009, avaz, prenio

Policija i Tužilaštvo Hercegovačko-neretvanskog kantona intenzivno tragaju za ubicom 35-godišnjeg Magdija Dizdarevića (Magdy) iz Mostara. On je u srijedu navečer, 15. jula, brutalno pretučen ispred Šarića džamije, a dva dana kasnije podlegao je u RMC "Dr. Safet Mujić".

Čime je udaren

Osoblje ove bolnice koje se te noći nalazilo na dežuri, kako "Avaz" saznaje, ostalo je šokirano stanjem u kojem se nalazio rahmetli Dizdarevića. Iako je cijela ekipa predvođena dr. Hafidom Konjhodžićem, koji je izveo operativni zahvat, učinila sve da spasi Dizdarevića, pomoći ovom mirnom i nadasve pristojnom mladiću, kako su nam kazale njegove nekadašnje kolege iz Mostarske Gimnazije, nije bilo.

Dežurna kantonalna tužiteljica Gordana Knezović kazala nam je da je do jučer, u svojstvu osumnjičenih, ali i svjedoka, saslušano više od trideset osoba.

- Policija intenzivno nastavlja sa saslušanjima, a imamo i neke materijalne dokaze. Interesantno je kako se u ovoj situaciji svi sjećaju da je nesretni mladić ležao na zemlji, ali se niko ne sjeća čime je udaran. Također, njihovi iskazi su kontradiktorni te se tako mijenja status i jednih i drugih. Jednostavno, u toku je obimna policijska istraga koja će, zasigurno, duže trajati, jer moramo cijeli predmet kompletirati - kazala je Knezović.

Tačan uzrok

Istakla je da će Tužilaštvo izuzeti i dokumentaciju iz bolnice kako bi uz nalaz obdukcije i ostale materijalne dokaze utvrdilo tačan uzrok smrti. Knezović je ponovila da su određene osobe nakon 24-satnog pritvora puštene na slobodu, jer, kako je kazala, Tužilaštvo na temelju iskaza i dosadašnje istrage nije imalo elemenata za zahtjev za određivanje mjere pritvora.

Snimak ubistva na internetu

Na videoservisu YouTube jučer se pojavio, kako to tvrdi osoba koja ga je postavila,  snimak ubistva Magdija Dizdarevića. U opisu snimka navodi se da ga je snimio jedan od svjedoka napada. Pri kraju incidenta čuje se muški glas koji konstatira da je "mrtav čovjek". Kvalitet snimka je vrlo loš.

Policiji i Tužilaštvu ranije su predati mobiteli čijim je kamerama snimljen napad, ali još nema informacija o tome radi li se o istom snimku ili ih ima više. Na portalima su se jučer oglašavali prijatelji rahmetli Magdija Dizdarevića. Niko od njih nije pozivao na osvetu zbog smrti nedužnog čovjeka, ali su tražili da policija, Tužilaštvo i Sud otkriju počinioce brutalnog ubistva i kazne ih.


Magdi Dizdarević je izgubio bitku za život - Jul 17, 2009.ć-je-izgubio-bitku-za-život.58330/

Kako smo obavješteni iz izvora bliskih Magdiu Dizdareviću, ovaj mladić je na žalost izgubio bitku za svoj život. Prognoze ljekara su se obistinile i nije preživio fatalni udarac koji je zadobio u fizičkom napadu alkoholiziranih i po svemu sudeći drogiranih mladića.

Mi smo pisali o onome što je se desilo za vrijeme sukoba kao i o licemjernom ponašanju pojedinih medija, među kojima izdvajamo posebno Federalnu Televiziju.

Isto tako, nedavno smo pisali i o stravičnom ubistvu Merve Eš-Šerbini, Egipćanke koja je ubijena sa 18 uboda nožem u sred drezdenske sudnice. Povod za njeno ubistvo jeste rasistička mržnja prema islamu i muslimanima a koja je inicirana bez ikakve sumnje huškačkim medijima.

Ni u slučaju šehida Magdija Dizdarevića mediji nisu nimalo nevini. Raspirivanje mržnje na vjerskoj osnovi je prisutno i u BiH i ono je već duži period specijalitet pojedinih medija jasne lijevičarske orijentacije i neprikosnovene podrške lijevičarskim strankama.

Iako je vrhovni poglavar Islamske Zajednice, Mustafa ef. Cerić izjavio da u Bosni ne postoje nikakve "vehabije" već je riječ o tome da postoje ljudi koji bolje ili slabije praktikuju vjeru, lokalni mediji predvođeni FTV-om nikada nisu prestali sa tom huškačkom retorikom.

Zbog toga, ovi mediji snose veliku odgovornost u divljanju pijanica i razuzdanih mladića, kao što nose i smrt šehida Magdija Dizdarevića na svojoj duši.

Kada uzmemo u obzir ovu huškačku medijsku retoriku gdje su takozvane "vehabije" prestavljeni u svjetlu vještica koje treba nemilosrdno loviti, nije ni čudo kada naiđemo na internetskim forumima na komentare poput slijedećih:

- vehabije su g***a i treba ih sve pobit

- ime pokreta:UDRI VE.HABIJU
zdruzena lista:sefke,mito,sema,ramo,ljigo,nino...
cilj:koristenje opijuma na javnim mjestima i alkoholnih sredstava.
Podrska za lucane

...šljegli s brda zamotani...svaka čast momci..brz oporavak želim..sve ih pobiti treba..

Da napomenemo, Magdi Dizdarević je u cijeloj gužvi ostao po strani i pokušao je da smiri tenzije smirujući učesnike u tuči, nakon čega je dobio udarac iz mase tupim predmetom pri čemu je došlo do pucanja lobanje. Magdji je pao na tlo, a ubice su se odmah razišli i kako saznajemo, izlijev krvi u mozak je bio uzrokom njegove smrti.

Nadamo se daće počinioci biti adekvatno kažnjeni i da ovaj slučaj neće izazvati veće napetosti koje Bosni i Hercegovini nisu potrebne, posebno ne u ovim teškim ekonomskim trenutcima te izvjesnom izolacijom Bošnjaka u getou, nakon što je ostalim narodima omogućeno putovanje u zemlje EU.

subota, 11. srpnja 2020.

French Journalists and their arrest in Pakistan 12 January, 2004

Police in Pakistan arrested two French Journalists, Mr. Marc Epstein and Mr. Jean Paul who work for L'Express magazine in France. Later on court suspended arrest orders and accepted their bail petition filed by the defense attorney. They were arrested for illegally visiting a sensitive border town of Quetta near Pak-Afghan border. A local journalist Syed Khawar Mehdi aiding the two men was also arrested and is still in custody. The maximum punishment under respective charge is a 3-year rigorous imprisonment, besides fine.

They are also allegedly involved in making a video showing fake Taliban guerillas getting arms training within Pakistan�s territory. Pakistan Television (PTV) also ran a story showing clips from the making of their documentary, and how the local tribesmen were paid to wear turbans and act like Taliban.

1- If found guilty, would a severe Punishment stop such journalists in future to malign Pakistan with fake documentaries ?

2- Is western media, in general, bias towards projection of Pakistan ?

petak, 10. srpnja 2020.

Bosnian Croat Leader Plans to Create, Protect His Own State (The Tech, Volume 113, No 28 May, 1993, p. 3)

Bosnian Croat Leader Plans to Create, Protect His Own State

By Carol J. Williams
Los Angeles Times
GRUDE, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Encouraged by the Bosnian Serbs' purported independence and Western reluctance to preserve the republic, the Bosnian Croat leader said Thursday that he has no choice but to create and protect his own separate state.
Self-styled Croat president Mate Boban has adopted a ruthless pragmatism in laying claim to most Bosnian territory not yet under Serbian rebel control and abandoning the Muslim allies he blames for losing the rest of the republic.
Although Boban denied in an interview any formal deal with the Serbs to divide Bosnia, he acknowledged that the original adversaries in the bloody Balkans conflict have lately refrained from fighting each other and have more in common in their visions of the future than with the Muslims they are both now fighting.
"Everyone now has his own government, temporarily, on the freed territory he controls," Boban said of the Bosnian Serb, Muslim and Croat leaders. "Otherwise, there would be chaos. If you are left alone, you have to take care of yourself."
Boban and virtually all of the 750,000 Bosnian Croats he claims to represent insist that the government in Sarajevo now speaks only for Bosnia's Muslims, who are the largest of the republic's three major ethnic groups but have been herded into a handful of shell-shattered urban ghettos covering far less than 10 percent of republic land.
Boban's scathing remarks toward Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic and other Muslim officials seemed to confirm a thorough collapse of the Croat-Muslim alliance formed at the start of the war, when Serbian rebels trained their guns on the other two ethnic groups in defiance of their vote for independence.
Top Serbian and Croatian officials have met periodically for the past two years in what Western diplomats believe has been a series of attempts to resolve their disputes by dividing Bosnia between them so that each would have an expanded, enriched and more easily defended new state. Boban a year ago traveled to the Austrian city of Graz for a clandestine meeting with Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, and the presidents of Serbia and Croatia are reported by their advisers to have discussed a Bosnian carve-up as long as two years ago.
A top aide to Karadzic effectively confirmed a Serb-Croat division plan when asked about it earlier this month."The Croats wanted it this way," said Slavisa Rakovic, the Bosnian Serb publicity chief in the rebel stronghold of Pale.
Rakovic described the Croats as more suitable partners in negotiations to restore peace to Bosnia because, he said, they hold the "balance of power."
Boban's chief media adviser, Slobodan Lovrenovic, likewise described the Serbs as a more credible force to contend with.
"Serb forces are there and they are going to stay there," he said of the vast Bosnian territory the rebels occupy. "You have to be realistic .... Serbs are ready to make a peace plan based on the situation on the ground." Suspicions of a Serb-Croat plot to carve up Bosnia were rekindled just last week when the Bosnian Serb commander, Gen. Ratko Mladic, and Boban's military chieftain, Gen. Milivoje Petkovic, signed a cease-fire that effectively accepted the territorial status quo.

utorak, 7. srpnja 2020.

Marc Epstein, Jean-Paul Guilloteau and Khawar Mehdi Rizvi begin second week in jail (December 23, 2003 - Updated on January 20, 2016) - Reporters without Borders

December 23, 2003 - Updated on January 20, 2016

Marc Epstein, Jean-Paul Guilloteau and Khawar Mehdi Rizvi begin second week in jail

The Pakistani television has broadcasted a report alleging that the three journalists had paid Afghan stooges to pose as Taliban under training. On the other hand, several French journalists have testified to the professional qualities of Rizvi before the Pakistani authorities.
French journalists working for L'Express, Marc Epstein and Jean-Paul Guilloteau and their Pakistani colleague, journalist/interpreter Khawar Mehdi Rizvi, have begun a second week of detention in Karachi. The Pakistani journalist is still being held in secret by the security forces. French journalists have rallied to the support of Rizvi after a fabricated report was broadcast on government television PTV. Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans frontières) called on the Pakistani government to respect its commitments to press freedom and to release the three journalists. The international press freedom organisation has expressed its amazement at the outbursts of some Pakistani journalists and editorialists who have questioned the integrity of the three journalists. Reporters Without Borders can only urge the Pakistani press to investigate this case in an independent manner and to defend press freedom for Pakistani and foreign journalists. It now looks as if the authorities are holding Rizvi without charge to prevent him from giving his version of the events. Pakistani television on December 20 and 21 broadcast a report alleging that Rizvi had paid Afghan stooges to pose as Taliban under training. The journalist is seen in the report but is not given any chance to defend himself. According to several sources, the PTV report clumsily cuts in footage shot by the journalists with reconstructions and false testimonies. The authorities arranged a press trip to Quetta in the west of the country before 20 December to organise the defamatory campaign against the three journalists. On the other hand, several newspapers, leading journalists and journalists' organisations have called for the release of the three. The French diplomatic press association and Asia Presse, that groups French journalists who are Asia specialists, have all asked for the experienced professionals to be freed. Top journalists on the French dailies Le Monde and Libération and TV channels TF1 and France 2 have testified to the professional qualities of Rizvi before the Pakistani authorities. Reporters Without Borders insists on pointing out that Rizvi is an independent journalist who works with a number of foreign media, particularly French. He is known for having refused to have anything to do with the sensationalism of some western media. In an interview with the French magazine Médias, he said: "I turn down some proposals and money has nothing to do with it." Moreover Rizvi, one of the co-ordinators of the Journalists Resource Center, recently organised a training seminar in Islamabad for members of the Tribal Union of Journalists with the FATA Development Network. His work with Afghanistan's poor people also led him to carry out a successful project at Peshawar, the Aziza Health Center. For their part, Marc Epstein and Jean-Paul Guilloteau held a brief hunger strike to protest against their treatment. In a letter made public by their lawyer, the journalists said they had "only been doing their job" and did not understand why they were being "treated like criminals". They are being held in a special wing of Karachi central prison where their lawyer and French diplomats can visit them regularly. The lawyer for Marc Epstein and Jean-Paul Guilloteau, Nafees Siddiqi, appealed to the Sind High Court on 22 December against the decision to refuse them bail. The verdict has not yet been given. The journalists are accused of violating the 1946 Foreigners Act, that lays down a maximum sentence of three years in prison. The authorities accuse them of travelling through the Quetta region without special permission.

‘Daniel Pearl killers’ did not kill him 21 January, 2011‘Daniel-Pearl-killers’-did-not-kill-him-235654.html

LAHORE: A fresh investigation into the January 2002 abduction and subsequent beheading of the American journalist Daniel Pearl has revealed that Sheikh Ahmed Omar Saeed and his three co-accomplices, who had been handed down capital punishment by a Karachi court in July same year, did not commit the murder and were not even present at the crime scene.
Sponsored by the Georgetown University, Washington, the findings of the three-and-a-half-year long investigation have concluded that the four militants convicted in the killing, including the prime accused, Sheikh Ahmed Omar Saeed, did help kidnap the journalist but did not kill him.
The findings of the investigation report, titled “The Truth Left Behind: Inside the Kidnapping and Murder of Daniel Pearl,” actually endorse the March 2007 confession of al-Qaeda’s former chief operational commander Khalid Sheikh Mohammad to having slaughtered Pearl. Khalid was arrested from Rawalpindi in March 2003 and handed over to the US.
He told the FBI agents that he had a purpose in the Pearl killing: “I wanted to make sure I got the death penalty” if the US caught him, and so he wanted blood on his hands. One of the more gruesome findings of the investigation report is that the videotaping of Pearl’s beheading was initially bungled and that the killing had to be re-enacted.
Khalid had already slashed Pearl’s neck when the cameraman had to restart the taping. The second time, Khalid fully severed the head.
The 38-year-old American had traveled to Pakistan in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks and was abducted from Karachi on January 23, 2002, before being beheaded by the Islamic militants while working on an investigative story about the alleged intelligence links of some Pakistani militant leaders.
On February 21, 2002, a video of Pearl’s killing was delivered to US officials in Pakistan. His remains were eventually found in a shallow grave on Karachi’s outskirts three months later.
Shortly after Pearl’s disappearance, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, a British national of Pakistani origin, and three accomplices were caught, charged, and convicted of murder and kidnapping.
However, the findings of the fresh probe have raised questions about Pakistan’s flawed criminal justice system, saying the four men were convicted of the Pearl murder primarily because the Pakistani authorities knowingly relied on perjured testimony and ignored other leads.
According to the findings, which have been published by the Washington-based Center for Public Integrity, “Justice was not served; Leads weren’t followed; suspects weren’t interviewed and alleged co-conspirators weren’t prosecuted. The truth was left behind. Pakistan closed the case. The US let the case go dormant, with one FBI agent told by his boss, “Let sleeping dogs lie.”
The report says 14 of 27 people involved in the abduction and subsequent beheading of Pearl are still at large, five are already dead, four have already been convicted and the remaining four are under detention but have not yet been tried by the Pakistani authorities.
The report adds that the four men convicted in the Pearl murder could be released if their appeal is ever heard because of false and contradictory evidence used in the trial. The four convicted men including Sheikh Ahmed Omar Saeed, a London School of Economics’ graduate-turned-Jihadi, and three of his accomplices, Fahad Naseem, Salman Saqib and Sheikh Adeel, were put on trial on April 22, 2002 and were handed down capital punishment almost three months later, in July 2002, after a summary trial by an Anti Terrorism Court.
But almost eight-and-a-half years after being sentenced to death, the Pearl killers are lucky enough to have dodged the gallows during all those years, primarily because the Sindh High Court has yet to decide their appeals against the death sentence.
Both the defence and the prosecution blame each other for stalling tactics. According to the defence attorney Rai Basheer, the prosecution knows it would lose on appeal and is delaying the process, but prosecutor Raja Qureshi dismissed those claims, saying, “I challenge the defence to come and attend the case properly and consistently, and they will themselves know whose case is weak”.
Yet the fresh findings have strengthened the case of Omar Sheikh and his co-accomplices. For instance, it finds significant discrepancies between the Pakistani police reports as well as in the court testimonies, including that of a taxi driver whose account was considered crucial to the conviction.
As per the fresh American findings, “the Pakistani authorities apparently cajoled the driver to change his earlier story and, while testifying, place Omar Sheikh with Daniel Pearl near the restaurant where the American journalist was picked up by his abductors. But as a matter of fact, Sheikh is believed to have left Karachi before other men he had recruited carried out the kidnapping.”
Currently languishing in a Hyderabad jail, the accused had approached the Sindh High Court, challenging the verdict of the Anti Terrorism Court. But their appeals have not yet been decided despite a lapse of over eight years.
Omar Sheikh’s defence lawyer Rai Bashir, who is also the chairman of the Khatam-e-Nabuwwat Lawyers Forum, maintains that Pearl’s case had taken a new twist in the wake of the confessional statement by Khaled Sheikh and the findings of the American journalist, proving his contention that his client was innocent. “What we were saying for so many years is that Omar is innocent and had not committed that murder. We are happy that this version has been verified by none other than the Americans”, adds Rai Bashir who now plans to take up these developments before the Sindh High Court whenever Omar Sheikh’s appeal is heard.
But contrary to his lawyer’s contention, the hard fact remains that at his initial court appearance in April 2002, Sheikh Omar had almost confessed to his crime by stating before the court: “I don’t want to defend myself. I did this... Rightly or wrongly, I had my reasons. I think our country shouldn’t be catering to American needs”.
Courtesy: The News

Daniel Pearl`s widow sues Pakistani bank, Al Qaeda 20 July, 2007

WASHINGTON: The widow of Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter beheaded by terrorists in 2002, has filed suit in US federal court against a Pakistani bank for handling money for a charity involved in funding his murder.
The suit also names Al Qaeda and at least 15 alleged members of the Islamist group, charging the estates of those who are deceased and several charity groups, the Wall Street Journal reported late Wednesday online.
The Habib Bank Limited named in the suit is Pakistan`s largest commercial bank, the Journal reported.
Mariane Pearl, a French woman who was pregnant with their first child at the time of her husband`s murder in Pakistan, is seeking an unspecified amount in damages for the role played by the Habib Bank and several charities, including the Al-Rashid Trust. A trustee of a successor to the trust, Al-Akhtar International, owned the property where Pearl`s body was found, the Journal reported.
Both trusts have been named by the US Treasury Department and the United Nations as fronts for Al Qaeda and its affiliates, the Journal wrote.
The 49-page complaint also names Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the US. In a book published last year, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf identified him as being involved in Pearl`s murder.
Mohammed, now in US custody at the Guantanamo Bay prison, was captured in Peshawar, Pakistan, a month after Pearl`s killing, and has confessed to masterminding the 9/11 attacks in US military hearings.
The Wall Street Journal reporter was researching a story on Al Qaeda when he was kidnapped in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, lured by Islamic militants who promised him an interview with one of their leaders.
Pearl`s abductors videotaped his beheading and dismembered his body. Four militants were convicted of the killing, but Musharraf`s claim could be used against Mohammed if the US puts him on trial as President George W. Bush says he wants to.
Habib Bank, which has 1,500 branches in Pakistan in addition to foreign branches in New York, London and Zurich, denied the charges to the Journal.
"This is an absolute shock to me, because this is something that has no basis at all in fact from our point of view," bank president and chief executive Zakir Mahmood was quoted as saying.