ponedjeljak, 25. rujna 2017.

CIA: Zagreb osnovao HVO, a Tuđman u Mostar poslao 3 hiljade vojnika/ CIA: Zagreb established HVO and Tudjman sent 3 thousand soldiers to Mostar (portal starmo.ba - 24/09/2013)


CIA: Zagreb osnovao HVO, a Tuđman u Mostar poslao 3 hiljade vojnika

  • Napisao  
  • Utorak, 24 Septembar 2013 

Mostar -- U upravo objavljenim i deklasifikovanim dokumentima američke obavještajne agencije CIA, između opstalog stoji i kako je predsjednik RH, Franjo Tuđman u Mostar poslao tri hiljade vojnika regularne Hrvatske vojske.
U izvještaju se navodi da su hiljade vojnika poslane u Mostar u toku "izbijanja jakih sukoba između HVO-a i Armije BiH u maju 1993. godine". Podatak je objavljen u okviru analize sposobnosti i mogućnosti svih oružanih snaga u ratu u BiH, pa tako i HVO-a.
Za ovu vojnu formaciju CIA tvrdi da je osnovana uz pomoć Zagreba, te da su je činili pripadnici HDZ-a, Teritorijalne odbrane i lokalno građanstvo. Službenici tvrde u nekada strogo povjerljivom dokumentu, kako HVO ima 28 brigada, podjeljenih u 4 područja sa ukupnim brojem vojnika između 40 i 50 hiljada.
Komandni sastav je, tvrdi se, dijelom iz bivše JNA, ali i regularnih jedinica HV-a. U dokumentu se iznosi procjena kako HVO ipak ne može izvoditi ozbiljnije operacije protiv vojske bosanskih Srba zbog vojno-tehničke superiornosti druge strane, a velike šanse im se ne daju niti u mogućem pokretanju velike ofanzive protiv Armije BiH, iako ima prednost u artiljeriji.
Zbog problema na ratištu, Zagreb je morao intervenirati sa pojačanjima iz Hrvatske - stoji između ostalog u izvještaju američke CIE. Iako je podređen Zagrebu, HVO je ipak zadržao određenu dozu nezavisnosti - piše u strogo povjerljivom američkom dokumentu.
Mostar - In just released and declassified documents of the US intelligence agency CIA, it is published inter alia that the President of Republic of Croatia, Franjo Tudjman, had sent three thousand soldiers of the regular Croatian Army (HV) to Mostar.
The report reads that thousands of soldiers were sent to Mostar during "the outbreak of the heavy conflicts between HVO and Army of BiH in May, 1993." This information was released as a part of the assessment of capacities of all armed forces during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
CIA claims that this military formation was established with the aid of Zagreb, and that it was made from the members of the HDZ, Territorial Defense and local citizens. The officials claim in this formerly highly confidential report that HVO is comprised of 28 brigades in 4 areas with the total number of soldiers between 40 and 50 thousands.
The chain of command includes also JNA (Yugoslav National Army) staff and staff of the regular units of HV (Army of Republic of Croatia). The document includes the assessment that HVO (Army of Croats from Bosnia and Herzegovina) is not capable of performing serious operations against the Army of Bosnian Serbs due to military and technical superiority of the other side, but also that it would not have big chances in the possible major offensive against the Army of BiH in spite of its advantage in artillery.
Due to the problems in the battlefield, Zagreb had to intervene with the backup from Croatia - reads the report of the US CIA. Although subordinated to Zagreb, HVO had kept a certain amount of independence - reads this highly confidential US document.

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