srijeda, 27. rujna 2017.

Triland Development owned by Texan Tie Sosnowski started to build ALTA (2007) and other articles on Sosnowski

Izvor: Dnevni avaz | Četvrtak, 26.04.2007.| 09:22

Triland Development počela izgradnju Alta centra u Sarajevu - investicija vrijedna 70 mil KM

Američki ambasador u BiH Daglas Meklheni (Douglas McElhaney) jučer je ( 25.04.2007.) u prisustvu brojnih zvanica položio kamen-temeljac budućeg šoping centra "Alta" na Marindvoru u Sarajevu.
Centar na 23.000 kvadratnih metara gradi "Triland Development", grupa u kojoj su četiri sarajevske kompanije u američkom vlasništvu.
Prema riječima ambasadora Meklhenija, centar "Alta" je do sada najveća američka investicija u BiH. "Alta" neće biti nešto američko, već će omogućiti američkim biznismenima da daju značajan doprinos bh. ekonomiji - kaže Meklheni.
Direktor "Triland Developmenta" Taj Sosnovski (Tie Sosnowski) govorio je o planovima kompanije koja će, kako je rekao, u naredne tri godine uposliti stotine građevinskih radnika i otvoriti 360 novih radnih mjesta.
"Danas počinjemo gradnju "Alte", a uskoro ćemo proslaviti početak radova na novom projektu, 300 metara od ovog mjesta. Obećavam da ćemo za dvadesetak mjeseci imati najljepši i najmoderniji trgovinski centar u ovom dijelu Evrope" naglasio je Sosnovski.
Podrška razvoju grada
"Već smo izgradili objekt Koševska Hills i adaptirali zgradu Grčke ambasade, što je samo početak. U centar Sarajeva namjeravamo uložiti više od 70 miliona KM, a posredno, kroz sedam miliona KM poreza godišnje, pomoći ćemo da grad postane još ljepši i da posao dobije što više ljudi" ističe Sosnovski.

Board of directors

The FIC is managed by the Board of Directors that sets the course of activities FIC, operates the current affairs, promotes its aims, approves programs and development plans, decides on the organization and participation of the FIC in relevant public events in accordance with its objectives.
Members of the Board of Directors are elected by the General Assembly. Board meetings are held every three months. The Board of Directors elects the following: the President, the Treasurer. Specialized Implementations Teams are established by the decision of the Board of Directors.
For the full list of powers of the Board of Directors please check the Statute.
Members of the FIC Board of Directors are: CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz, Carmeuse, EBRD, Fabrika cementa Lukavac, HeidelbergCement Group, Japan Tobacco International, Karanovic & Nikolic, Marić & Co Law firm, Messer, m:tel, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Wolf Theiss.

President of the Board of Directors

The President of the Board of Directors provides general leadership of the FIC. The President is authorized to represent and to organize the activities of the Council.

Tie Sosnowski founded Triland Development in 1995. Mr. Sosnowski serves as a Founding Member and President of FIC (Foreign Investors Council) and is also a founding member and currently serves as the 2nd Vice-President of AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce) in BiH. Mr. Sosnowski serves as a Director of Triland Development. He is a founding member of BREA, the Bosnian Real Estate Association. He graduated with a B.A. in European History from Washington and Lee University. ...

Novi predsjednik Vijeća ino-investitora BiH Tie Sasnowski

 Objavljeno u PRIVREDA
SARAJEVO, Na svom redovnom zasjedanju Upravnog odbora Foreign Investors Council (Vijeća stranih investitora) BiH izabran je novi predsjednik Tie Sosnowski, te je formirano nekoliko radnih grupa, saopšteno je iz Vijeća.

Sosnowski, državljanin SAD, je generalni direktor firme čija je glavna djelatnost gradnja nekretnina “Triland Development”, a koja djeluje u SAD-u i Bosni i Hercegovini. “Triland Development” trenutno gradi Alta Shopping Centar na Marin Dvoru u Sarajevu. Sosnowski je diplomirao na Washington and Lee University i živi već nekoliko godina u BiH.
Pored toga, Odbor je kao blagajnika Vijeća stranih investitora imenovao Alexander Paine-a, koji je direktor pri Horizonte Venture Management-a, d.d. regionalne kompanije za investicije. Paine je prethodno bio generalni menadžer IFC-a (Medjunarodna korporacija za financije, ogranak Svjetske banke) pri projektu za razvoj privatnog sektora u jugoistočnoj Europi (SEED), te takodje živi u Sarajevu već nekoliko godina.
Prvi predsjednik FIC-a, Mark Davidson, prešao je na novu poziciju unutar PriceWaterhouseCoopers u Zagreb, Hrvatska.
Odbor se takodje saglasio da formira savjetodavnu grupu, kao i nekoliko grupa za implementaciju koje će biti fokusirane na pitanja istaknuta u FIC Bijeloj knjizi za BiH u 2007.godini. Grupe za implementaciju će raditi na specifičnim ekonomskim problemima koji su proizašli iz Bijele knjige za BiH u 2007. te će biti usmjerene kao pomoć vladama i drugim odgovarajućim agencijama u pronalaženju konkretnih rješenja u BiH poslovnom okruženju.
Foreign Investors Council / Vijeće stranih investitora BiH je udruženje koje predstavlja interese stranih kompanija u BiH. Ciljevi Vijeća uključuju poboljšanje uslova investiranja i poslovne klime u Bosni i Hercegovini, te promociju komunikacije, kooperacije i dijaloga koji je u toku izmedju Udruženja i odgovarajucih predstavnika vlasti Bosne i Hercegovine.

KK Triland was founded by Tie Sosnowski, the owner of Triland Development, in June of 2007. Mr. Sosnowski’s goals for forming a professional basketball team in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) was to provide another opportunity for Triland Development to become involved in the local community and “make a difference” in the future of BiH. Sosnowski feels that “sports are a great equalizer and have served to break down barriers across social and racial lines in America,” and hopes KK Triland can provide the same platform in BiH.

Triland Development - News Archive [cached]

World Investment News, Interview with Tie Sosnowski
WORLD INVESTMENT NEWS, INTERVIEW WITH TIE SOSNOWSKI Tie Sosnowski discusses the Foreign Investors Council and doing business in BiH SARAJEVO - Triland Development Chief Executive and Foreign Investors Council President of the Board, Mr. Tie Sosnowski, spoke with World Investment News recently about the Foreign Investors Council and doing business in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tie Sosnowski, FIC President of the Board of Directors and CEO of Triland Development stated that "BiH has been affected in many ways by the economic and financial crisis; the economic downturn hit exports and imports, inflow of foreign investment and public spending. Tie Sosnowski the team owner on the season, our goal was to play hard, win games and help our community as much as possible. Tie Sosnowski, a US businessman working in BiH, is without doubt the most interesting individual among the numerous community of foreign businessmen. Sosnowski is the founder and owner of Triland Development, a company that built a residential villa in Koševo a few years ago, probably the most luxurious building in the entire BiH. In the very center of the city, next to the two UNITIC skyscrapers, Sosnowski has just started constructing a large retail building of 23,000 square meters. Through his company, Sosnowski is present in some other countries in Europe and America, but the main ambitions of this US businessman are related to BiH and Sarajevo, where he had taken up residence as early as five years ago. As a veteran in the foreign business community in BiH, Sosnowski was appointed the President of the Foreign Investors Council last year, and is also the current Vice-President of the American Chamber of Commerce in BiH. Sosnowski has demonstrated his high level of integration into the social life of the city in a rather unusual way: in the summer of last year, he formed the professional basketball team "KK Triland" in Sarajevo and has brought a few promising players from other teams. Sosnowski himself used to play basketball while studying at the Washington and Lee University. SOSNOWSKI WELCOMES AMCHAM PARTNERSHIP WITH US EMBASSY US Embassy Sarajevo website - December 13, 2007 SOSNOWSKI WELCOMES AMCHAM PARTNERSHIP WITH US EMBASSY Sosnowski stressed that AmCham would continue to contribute to the development of a healthy business climate and to improving conditions not only for its members, but also for other businesses operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina. SOSNOWSKI ELECTED PRESIDENT OF FIC Dnevni Avaz - October 26, 2007 SOSNOWSKI ELECTED PRESIDENT OF FIC SARAJEVO -- The Steering Board of the Foreign Investment Council B&H elected as its new president Mr. Tie Sosnowski, the general director of Triland Development, which operates in USA and B&H. At this moment, Triland Development is constructing the "ALTA" Shopping Centre in Marijin Dvor in Sarajevo. "I haven't built anything in the RS, but it's the next target," said Tie Sosnowski, over a coffee at an upscale cafe in Sarajevo's Holiday Inn. Mr. Sosnowski, a Texan who broke ground in April on a 23,000-square-meter, almost $30 million shopping center in Sarajevo, said the entity's lower taxes are appealing, as is its relatively streamlined bureaucracy. The Federation's "permitting process is a labyrinth," he said. Tie Sosnowski, who represents Mr. Crow in the region, says it has taken more than two years to wade through about 50 procedures required for getting a building permit, including changing the property title, getting architectural drawings approved and extending utilities to the site. "When I try to get the permits, there are Serbs, Croats and Muslims who are so fractured that no one wants to take a decision," says Mr. Sosnowski, who says he has completed all but a few steps for obtaining the permit. Mr. Crow shifted to Bosnia after deciding that Moscow was too "risky and corrupt," according to Mr. Sosnowski, his regional representative. But Russian bureaucrats levied new taxes that, unless paid, would have prevented the Dallas investor from moving his money out of the country, Mr. Sosnowski says. "We ended up with profits in the mid-teens," he says. [cached]
Triland Development was founded by Mr. Tie Sosnowski and is a group of companies which owns, develops, and manages real estate assets including office, residential and retail properties in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Triland Development is affiliated with Crow Holdings, one of America's leading real estate development companies.

Izvor: eKapija | Utorak, 11.03.2008.| 16:09

Novi Upravni odbor FIPA - e

Prva, konstitutivna, sjednica novog Upravnog odbora Agencije za unapređenje stranih investicija u BiH (FIPA) održana je u Sarajevu, 6.3.2008. godine.
Nakon što je mandat ranijim članovima istekao 31.12.2007.godine FIPA je zatražila od nadležnih institucija i asocijacija da imenuje svoje članove u Upravni odbor FIPA-e. Dva člana imenuje Vijeće ministara BiH, po jednog člana imenuju Vlada Federacije BiH i Vlada Republike Srpske, jednog člana imenuje Vanjskotrgovinska komora BiH, dva člana predstavljaju poslovnu zajednicu u Bosni i Hercegovini, na način da po jednog člana imenuju Asocijacija poslodavaca Federacije BiH i Savez poslodavaca Republike Srpske, dva člana predstavljaju zajednicu stranih investitora u Bosni i Hercegovini a imenuju se od Udruženja stranih investitora u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Novoimenovani članovi Upravnog odbora FIPA-e su Tarik Đođić, Tie Sosnowski, Giulio Moreno, Zoran Stjepanović, Anđelko Šobot i Eduard Jahjaefendić. Nakon što je konstituiran Upravni odbor pristupilo se izboru predsjedavajućeg, kojeg biraju imenovani članovi Upravnog odbora između sebe. Gospodin Anđelko Šobot je izabran za predsjednika. Vlada Federacije BiH i Vijeće ministara BiH nisu još imenovali svoje predstavnike. Poslove sekretara Upravnog odbora obavljat će Vesko Drljača, sekretar FIPA-e.

PALACE GROUP d.o.o. za razvoj nekretnina Sarajevo
Zmaja od Bosne br. 4, 71000 Sarajevo
Sosnowski Tie Davis, direktor

Važnu ulogu u pronalasku partnera i uspješnom zaključenju ugovora imala je regionalna konsultantska kuća Ascendant Capital Advisors, specijalizovana za upravljanje projektima akvizicija i spajanja na tržištu Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske i Srbije. Alexander Paine, direktor Ascendantovog ureda u Sarajevu, istakao je da Securitasova akvizicija AWG-a predstavlja prvo strano ulaganje u sektoru privatnih usluga zaštite ljudi i imovine te jedan od do sada najvećih i najznačajnijih ugovora te vrste u zemlji.
Nermina Voloder
The final chapter of BiH’s privatization story remains to be written, and its outcome may do much to determine whether as Tie Sosnowski, wrote in the FIC White Paper “mark the beginning of a new era in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that government officials will accelerate reforms in order to ensure that the business environment is predictable and transparent

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