srijeda, 27. rujna 2017.

Triland Development owned by Texan Tie Sosnowski started to build ALTA (2007) and other articles on Sosnowski

Izvor: Dnevni avaz | Četvrtak, 26.04.2007.| 09:22

Triland Development počela izgradnju Alta centra u Sarajevu - investicija vrijedna 70 mil KM

Američki ambasador u BiH Daglas Meklheni (Douglas McElhaney) jučer je ( 25.04.2007.) u prisustvu brojnih zvanica položio kamen-temeljac budućeg šoping centra "Alta" na Marindvoru u Sarajevu.
Centar na 23.000 kvadratnih metara gradi "Triland Development", grupa u kojoj su četiri sarajevske kompanije u američkom vlasništvu.
Prema riječima ambasadora Meklhenija, centar "Alta" je do sada najveća američka investicija u BiH. "Alta" neće biti nešto američko, već će omogućiti američkim biznismenima da daju značajan doprinos bh. ekonomiji - kaže Meklheni.
Direktor "Triland Developmenta" Taj Sosnovski (Tie Sosnowski) govorio je o planovima kompanije koja će, kako je rekao, u naredne tri godine uposliti stotine građevinskih radnika i otvoriti 360 novih radnih mjesta.
"Danas počinjemo gradnju "Alte", a uskoro ćemo proslaviti početak radova na novom projektu, 300 metara od ovog mjesta. Obećavam da ćemo za dvadesetak mjeseci imati najljepši i najmoderniji trgovinski centar u ovom dijelu Evrope" naglasio je Sosnovski.
Podrška razvoju grada
"Već smo izgradili objekt Koševska Hills i adaptirali zgradu Grčke ambasade, što je samo početak. U centar Sarajeva namjeravamo uložiti više od 70 miliona KM, a posredno, kroz sedam miliona KM poreza godišnje, pomoći ćemo da grad postane još ljepši i da posao dobije što više ljudi" ističe Sosnovski.

Board of directors

The FIC is managed by the Board of Directors that sets the course of activities FIC, operates the current affairs, promotes its aims, approves programs and development plans, decides on the organization and participation of the FIC in relevant public events in accordance with its objectives.
Members of the Board of Directors are elected by the General Assembly. Board meetings are held every three months. The Board of Directors elects the following: the President, the Treasurer. Specialized Implementations Teams are established by the decision of the Board of Directors.
For the full list of powers of the Board of Directors please check the Statute.
Members of the FIC Board of Directors are: CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz, Carmeuse, EBRD, Fabrika cementa Lukavac, HeidelbergCement Group, Japan Tobacco International, Karanovic & Nikolic, Marić & Co Law firm, Messer, m:tel, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Wolf Theiss.

President of the Board of Directors

The President of the Board of Directors provides general leadership of the FIC. The President is authorized to represent and to organize the activities of the Council.

Tie Sosnowski founded Triland Development in 1995. Mr. Sosnowski serves as a Founding Member and President of FIC (Foreign Investors Council) and is also a founding member and currently serves as the 2nd Vice-President of AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce) in BiH. Mr. Sosnowski serves as a Director of Triland Development. He is a founding member of BREA, the Bosnian Real Estate Association. He graduated with a B.A. in European History from Washington and Lee University. ...

Novi predsjednik Vijeća ino-investitora BiH Tie Sasnowski

 Objavljeno u PRIVREDA
SARAJEVO, Na svom redovnom zasjedanju Upravnog odbora Foreign Investors Council (Vijeća stranih investitora) BiH izabran je novi predsjednik Tie Sosnowski, te je formirano nekoliko radnih grupa, saopšteno je iz Vijeća.

Sosnowski, državljanin SAD, je generalni direktor firme čija je glavna djelatnost gradnja nekretnina “Triland Development”, a koja djeluje u SAD-u i Bosni i Hercegovini. “Triland Development” trenutno gradi Alta Shopping Centar na Marin Dvoru u Sarajevu. Sosnowski je diplomirao na Washington and Lee University i živi već nekoliko godina u BiH.
Pored toga, Odbor je kao blagajnika Vijeća stranih investitora imenovao Alexander Paine-a, koji je direktor pri Horizonte Venture Management-a, d.d. regionalne kompanije za investicije. Paine je prethodno bio generalni menadžer IFC-a (Medjunarodna korporacija za financije, ogranak Svjetske banke) pri projektu za razvoj privatnog sektora u jugoistočnoj Europi (SEED), te takodje živi u Sarajevu već nekoliko godina.
Prvi predsjednik FIC-a, Mark Davidson, prešao je na novu poziciju unutar PriceWaterhouseCoopers u Zagreb, Hrvatska.
Odbor se takodje saglasio da formira savjetodavnu grupu, kao i nekoliko grupa za implementaciju koje će biti fokusirane na pitanja istaknuta u FIC Bijeloj knjizi za BiH u 2007.godini. Grupe za implementaciju će raditi na specifičnim ekonomskim problemima koji su proizašli iz Bijele knjige za BiH u 2007. te će biti usmjerene kao pomoć vladama i drugim odgovarajućim agencijama u pronalaženju konkretnih rješenja u BiH poslovnom okruženju.
Foreign Investors Council / Vijeće stranih investitora BiH je udruženje koje predstavlja interese stranih kompanija u BiH. Ciljevi Vijeća uključuju poboljšanje uslova investiranja i poslovne klime u Bosni i Hercegovini, te promociju komunikacije, kooperacije i dijaloga koji je u toku izmedju Udruženja i odgovarajucih predstavnika vlasti Bosne i Hercegovine.

KK Triland was founded by Tie Sosnowski, the owner of Triland Development, in June of 2007. Mr. Sosnowski’s goals for forming a professional basketball team in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) was to provide another opportunity for Triland Development to become involved in the local community and “make a difference” in the future of BiH. Sosnowski feels that “sports are a great equalizer and have served to break down barriers across social and racial lines in America,” and hopes KK Triland can provide the same platform in BiH.

Triland Development - News Archive [cached]

World Investment News, Interview with Tie Sosnowski
WORLD INVESTMENT NEWS, INTERVIEW WITH TIE SOSNOWSKI Tie Sosnowski discusses the Foreign Investors Council and doing business in BiH SARAJEVO - Triland Development Chief Executive and Foreign Investors Council President of the Board, Mr. Tie Sosnowski, spoke with World Investment News recently about the Foreign Investors Council and doing business in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tie Sosnowski, FIC President of the Board of Directors and CEO of Triland Development stated that "BiH has been affected in many ways by the economic and financial crisis; the economic downturn hit exports and imports, inflow of foreign investment and public spending. Tie Sosnowski the team owner on the season, our goal was to play hard, win games and help our community as much as possible. Tie Sosnowski, a US businessman working in BiH, is without doubt the most interesting individual among the numerous community of foreign businessmen. Sosnowski is the founder and owner of Triland Development, a company that built a residential villa in Koševo a few years ago, probably the most luxurious building in the entire BiH. In the very center of the city, next to the two UNITIC skyscrapers, Sosnowski has just started constructing a large retail building of 23,000 square meters. Through his company, Sosnowski is present in some other countries in Europe and America, but the main ambitions of this US businessman are related to BiH and Sarajevo, where he had taken up residence as early as five years ago. As a veteran in the foreign business community in BiH, Sosnowski was appointed the President of the Foreign Investors Council last year, and is also the current Vice-President of the American Chamber of Commerce in BiH. Sosnowski has demonstrated his high level of integration into the social life of the city in a rather unusual way: in the summer of last year, he formed the professional basketball team "KK Triland" in Sarajevo and has brought a few promising players from other teams. Sosnowski himself used to play basketball while studying at the Washington and Lee University. SOSNOWSKI WELCOMES AMCHAM PARTNERSHIP WITH US EMBASSY US Embassy Sarajevo website - December 13, 2007 SOSNOWSKI WELCOMES AMCHAM PARTNERSHIP WITH US EMBASSY Sosnowski stressed that AmCham would continue to contribute to the development of a healthy business climate and to improving conditions not only for its members, but also for other businesses operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina. SOSNOWSKI ELECTED PRESIDENT OF FIC Dnevni Avaz - October 26, 2007 SOSNOWSKI ELECTED PRESIDENT OF FIC SARAJEVO -- The Steering Board of the Foreign Investment Council B&H elected as its new president Mr. Tie Sosnowski, the general director of Triland Development, which operates in USA and B&H. At this moment, Triland Development is constructing the "ALTA" Shopping Centre in Marijin Dvor in Sarajevo. "I haven't built anything in the RS, but it's the next target," said Tie Sosnowski, over a coffee at an upscale cafe in Sarajevo's Holiday Inn. Mr. Sosnowski, a Texan who broke ground in April on a 23,000-square-meter, almost $30 million shopping center in Sarajevo, said the entity's lower taxes are appealing, as is its relatively streamlined bureaucracy. The Federation's "permitting process is a labyrinth," he said. Tie Sosnowski, who represents Mr. Crow in the region, says it has taken more than two years to wade through about 50 procedures required for getting a building permit, including changing the property title, getting architectural drawings approved and extending utilities to the site. "When I try to get the permits, there are Serbs, Croats and Muslims who are so fractured that no one wants to take a decision," says Mr. Sosnowski, who says he has completed all but a few steps for obtaining the permit. Mr. Crow shifted to Bosnia after deciding that Moscow was too "risky and corrupt," according to Mr. Sosnowski, his regional representative. But Russian bureaucrats levied new taxes that, unless paid, would have prevented the Dallas investor from moving his money out of the country, Mr. Sosnowski says. "We ended up with profits in the mid-teens," he says. [cached]
Triland Development was founded by Mr. Tie Sosnowski and is a group of companies which owns, develops, and manages real estate assets including office, residential and retail properties in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Triland Development is affiliated with Crow Holdings, one of America's leading real estate development companies.

Izvor: eKapija | Utorak, 11.03.2008.| 16:09

Novi Upravni odbor FIPA - e

Prva, konstitutivna, sjednica novog Upravnog odbora Agencije za unapređenje stranih investicija u BiH (FIPA) održana je u Sarajevu, 6.3.2008. godine.
Nakon što je mandat ranijim članovima istekao 31.12.2007.godine FIPA je zatražila od nadležnih institucija i asocijacija da imenuje svoje članove u Upravni odbor FIPA-e. Dva člana imenuje Vijeće ministara BiH, po jednog člana imenuju Vlada Federacije BiH i Vlada Republike Srpske, jednog člana imenuje Vanjskotrgovinska komora BiH, dva člana predstavljaju poslovnu zajednicu u Bosni i Hercegovini, na način da po jednog člana imenuju Asocijacija poslodavaca Federacije BiH i Savez poslodavaca Republike Srpske, dva člana predstavljaju zajednicu stranih investitora u Bosni i Hercegovini a imenuju se od Udruženja stranih investitora u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Novoimenovani članovi Upravnog odbora FIPA-e su Tarik Đođić, Tie Sosnowski, Giulio Moreno, Zoran Stjepanović, Anđelko Šobot i Eduard Jahjaefendić. Nakon što je konstituiran Upravni odbor pristupilo se izboru predsjedavajućeg, kojeg biraju imenovani članovi Upravnog odbora između sebe. Gospodin Anđelko Šobot je izabran za predsjednika. Vlada Federacije BiH i Vijeće ministara BiH nisu još imenovali svoje predstavnike. Poslove sekretara Upravnog odbora obavljat će Vesko Drljača, sekretar FIPA-e.

PALACE GROUP d.o.o. za razvoj nekretnina Sarajevo
Zmaja od Bosne br. 4, 71000 Sarajevo
Sosnowski Tie Davis, direktor

Važnu ulogu u pronalasku partnera i uspješnom zaključenju ugovora imala je regionalna konsultantska kuća Ascendant Capital Advisors, specijalizovana za upravljanje projektima akvizicija i spajanja na tržištu Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske i Srbije. Alexander Paine, direktor Ascendantovog ureda u Sarajevu, istakao je da Securitasova akvizicija AWG-a predstavlja prvo strano ulaganje u sektoru privatnih usluga zaštite ljudi i imovine te jedan od do sada najvećih i najznačajnijih ugovora te vrste u zemlji.
Nermina Voloder
The final chapter of BiH’s privatization story remains to be written, and its outcome may do much to determine whether as Tie Sosnowski, wrote in the FIC White Paper “mark the beginning of a new era in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that government officials will accelerate reforms in order to ensure that the business environment is predictable and transparent

January 15, 2010 Investigations into the nationalized Hypo Alpe Adria banking group (HAA) are likely to have significant legal and political implications in Austria and beyond - WikiLeaks Files

2010 January 15, 14:49 (Friday)
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TE - Telegram (cable)
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VIENNA 00000063 001.2 OF 003 Sensitive but unclassified -- protect accordingly. 1. (SBU) SUMMARY: Investigations into the nationalized Hypo Alpe Adria banking group (HAA) are likely to have significant legal and political implications in Austria and beyond. Following the December 14 GoA takeover of HAA (Austria's sixth largest banking group with pre-crisis assets of about EUR 43 billion), criminal investigations are underway and media revelations abound concerning insider profiteering, widespread leasing fraud, illegal party financing, poor risk management, and offshore speculative losses. The role of Austrian insider and later HAA CEO Tilo Berlin -- who helped prominent investors make a fast buck in the weeks leading to BayernLB's takeover in 2007 -- is under criminal investigation in Germany. The GoA downplays BayernLB's legal prospects of recovering funds from the 2007 takeover. Recent reports suggest the HAA faces significant problems in southeast Europe. Austria's Ministry of Finance/MoF will likely downsize HAA radically by selling some foreign divisions and closing others. END SUMMARY. 2. (SBU) This cable overviews the myriad allegations against HAA and the status of investigations in Austria (NOTE: we understand German prosecutors are hot on the case as well). Since the GoA nationalized HAA in December (to avert a potential run on the bank), media reports have described insider trading in the course of HAA's sale to BayernLB in 2007, leasing fraud, offshore losses, and a variety of issues in southeast Europe including poor risk management, and questionable political ties. Criminal Investigation Progressing Slowly? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3. (SBU) Criminal investigations in Austria began with the December 14 nationalization of HAA, but (unlike in Germany) appear to be proceeding slowly. Austrian business leaders including Claus Raidl (a steelmaker who also serves as President of Austria's central bank, the OeNB) and Hannes Androsch (co-head of FIMBAG, which leads the GoA's bank rescue effort) have criticized the slow handling of the case and called on the GoA to put more resources into the investigation. Apparently the case is being led by a single prosecutor in Klagenfurt (HAA's "home base"): both Raidl and Androsch called on the GoA to move the investigation out of Carinthia, given that state's close ties to HAA leadership. 4. (SBU) On January 14, an investigative committee in Carinthia's provincial parliament began looking into HAA's sale to BayernLB. Austria's coalition parties SPOe and OeVP have agreed to rely on that committee's findings and have no plans to establish a fact-finding committee in the federal Parliament. So far, none of the major players in HAA management, the Carinthian government, or the Carinthian Provincial Holding Company (which held HAA shares on behalf of the province) has resigned. FinMin Josef Proell is expected to announce personnel changes at HAA sometime after January 18. Leasing Fraud, Alleged Party Financing - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. (U) Austrian prosecutors are reportedly also investigating fraud in HAA leasing transactions. Media reports say hundreds of luxury yachts and cars "disappeared" from HAA's leasing business in the Balkans; reportedly, 100 leased cars were stolen even before HAA acquired them (i.e. their registration papers were forged prior to HAA acquiring them). HAA's loan business in the Balkans (see below) had similar gaps: country managers allegedly provided loans without evaluating risks or requiring appropriate collateral. Other press reports point out that HAA lost several hundred million Euros in Lehman, Iceland, and other toxic paper invested via offshore funds on Jersey Island (however, those losses were publicly known prior to HAA's takeover). 6. (U) A leading Austrian weekly has alleged that two political parties (the BZO and OVP) got large kickbacks from the 2007 sale to BayernLB, a charge that both parties flatly deny. Insider Trading On Behalf of Prominent Industrialists? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7. (SBU) The role of prominent investors led by Austrian financier Tilo Berlin (reportedly a close associate of BayernLB CEO Werner Schmidt since the mid-1990s) is also under investigation for insider trading. Mr. Berlin led a group of prominent Austrians VIENNA 00000063 002.2 OF 003 industrialists -- reportedly including paper magnates Veit Sorger and Michael Groeller, furniture retailing CEO Herbert Koch, and representatives of the Flick, Tilly, and Senger-Weiss family fortunes -- who from December 2006 to March 2007 subscribed to an HAA equity increase, obtaining a 9.1% share in the bank. In March 2007, BayernLB CEO Schmidt was authorized to make a takeover offer for HAA; then-HAA CEO Wolfgang Kulterer was in contact with BayernLB regarding the takeover, but Kulterer was also on the board of a private trust belonging to one of Berlin's investors. Thus, Tilo Berlin may have had inside information on BayernLB's plans when he negotiated with HAA stakeholder GRAWE to raise his investors' stake to 25% plus one share. In April, BayernLB loaned Mr. Berlin EUR 300 million to buy a 16.5% stake in HAA from GRAWE (when BayernLB took over 50% plus one share in May 2007, it bought the Berlin group's 25% stake). Berlin's group ended up with a profit of EUR 150 million from a six-month investment, much of which was leveraged by BayernLB. In June 2007, Tilo Berlin was appointed CEO of HAA. Bavarian Attempts to Claw Back BayernLB Losses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8. (SBU) BayernLB's engagement in HAA cost the bank (and now the state of Bavaria) at least EUR 4 billion, including the EUR 1.63 billion it paid for a 50% plus one share in May 2007 (NOTE: at the time, BayernLB valued HAA at EUR 3.3 billion, while many experts pegged HAA's worth at only EUR 1.8-2.5 billion). BayernLB and the Bavarian state government (its current majority owner) are considering legal action to recover money from HAA's former owners, claiming fraud. Absent a detailed legal analysis, BayernLB's chances are difficult to assess, but Austrians point to several factors weighing against damage claims: -- a 2006 OeNB report cited problems at HAA; -- the Austrian press frequently cited governance problems at HAA; -- Ernst & Young's due diligence report, although positive overall, was critical of HAA's problematic loan portfolio in Bosnia and Croatia and the unclear risks in its leasing portfolio; -- the 2007 purchase contract reportedly stipulated that BayernLB took over HAA with all risks. An Austrian MoF contact opined to us that Bavarian efforts to recover money (either from the state of Carinthia or the GoA) have no chance. Problems in Southeast Europe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9. (U) Media reports suggest the bank has extensive problems in southeast Europe, on top of the leasing fraud detailed above. In Croatia, the bank is alleged to have cultivated high-level favor through loans to political figures including former defense official Vladimir Zagorec (later convicted of corruption) and Zagreb mayor Milan Bandic; Austrian media have also linked the Hypo group to scandal-ridden ex-prime minister Ivo Sanader. Hypo's business in Slovenia (with a balance sheet of EUR 2.3 billion in 2008, not including some leasing assets) is reportedly beset with similar issues. GoA Likely to Sell Foreign Subsidiaries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10. (SBU) Austria's MoF is working on a restructuring plan for Hypo Alpe Adria, with details to be announced sometime in March. MoF contacts say the government is still assessing HAA's situation, but is likely downsize HAA radically into a local Austrian bank by selling its (relatively) profitable businesses in Croatia, Slovenia and Northern Italy and by liquidating its operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia. HAA's leasing business will be wound down as quickly as practicable. COMMENT - - - - 11. (SBU) In retrospect, the rapid rise of Hypo Alpe Adria from a mid-sized Carinthian bank to a Balkan mini-empire appears rooted in highly risky business practices and aggressive pursuit of political favor. The case speaks to regulatory forbearance in Austria, where regulators reportedly knew of HAA's weaknesses but did not want to rock the boat. While the HAA scandal remains a central European story -- with few ties to the broader financial crisis -- the unraveling of Hypo Alpe Adria could tarnish a number of prominent economic and political figures in Austria and elsewhere. END COMMENT. 12. (U) This cable was coordinated with ConGen Munich/Embassy Berlin VIENNA 00000063 003.2 OF 003 and Embassy Zagreb. EACHO
References to this document in other cablesReferences in this document to other cables
If the reference is ambiguous all possibilities are listed.

4 projects selected for Women's small grant project proposal by the US Embassy (23 February 2010) WikiLeaks Database

2010 February 23, 13:32 (Tuesday)
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TE - Telegram (cable)
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SUMMARY ------- 1. Embassy Sarajevo submits the following four proposals in priority order for S/GWI's small grant initiative to promote women's political, economic, and social advancement. Post received 64 proposals, which were reviewed by representatives of the economic, public affairs (OPA), and USAID offices, with input from the POL. The following projects were selected based on conformity with Mission Strategic Plan goals, potential for greatest impact on women's advancement in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), and geographic reach. ECON in coordination with OPA and USAID will monitor the selected projects and explore ways to integrate them into other USG initiatives. End Summary. NOMINATED PROJECT CAPSULES -------------------------- 2. First priority: "Women's Side of Politics" proposed by the Helsinki Citizen's Assembly (HCA) of Banja Luka. This project addresses the political advancement of women by a) establishing an "academy" to augment women's political skills and experience through internships, and form networks to increase women's political party leadership and elected positions; b) establishing a recognized, vocal group of women commentators on a variety of BiH political, social, and economic issues; and c) forming student forums to promote gender issues among university students to cultivate BiH's next generation of politicians. Although BiH has gender-based quotas to increase women's political participation, the quotas fall far short from being filled. The project fits with USAID democracy and governance programs particularly with election programming and civic advocacy efforts in this critical election year. We will explore ways for OPA and USAID cooperation with HCA when possible. 3. Second priority: "Response to Violence in Families" combating gender-based violence. The project will expand the implementer's successful work linking NGOs with the government. Although a legislative framework and government action plans exist for protection against gender based violence, this does not often translate to government action and coordination with NGOs. The project will expand the NGO's successful model of uniting government, NGOs, and relevant stakeholders through establishing protocols for coordinated work and public campaigns for prevention of violence and protection of victims. It will also directly support and protect victims through the provision of safe houses and related services. 4. Third priority: "Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative" targeting community and police outreach across BiH and rehabilitation of perpetrators. The outreach portion will advocate against gender-based violence in communities and form networks with police to create and/or strengthen community-based advocates. The rehabilitation component will offer a specialized program for perpetrators on both a voluntarily and court referral program to provide necessary assistance to promote non- violent and non-abusive behavior. 5. Fourth priority: "Schools in Action Against Trafficking" initiative to educate parents and students in prevention of trafficking in persons. The project aims to train 640 students and 640 parents in 32 schools and 16 local communities, and to establish networks between parents, teachers, NGOs, and the government to prevent trafficking. The project complements USAID's Trafficking in Persons (TIP) program. The NGO is receiving funding through USAID's implementer, Catholic Relief Services, to develop TIP curricula. It is an excellent link to those efforts by bringing in parents as a key component to preventing TIP. Below are Embassy Sarajevo's four nominated project proposals in priority order. ----------------------------------- PROJECT 1: WOMEN'S SIDE OF POLITICS ----------------------------------- Project Contact Information and Duration ---------------------------------------- Name of Project: Women's Side of Politics Name of Organization: Helsinki Citizen's Assembly, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Contact Person: Lidija Zivanovic Address: Krfska 84, 78000 Banja Luka, BiH Phone: +387 51 432 750 Email:; Website: Amount Requested: USD 87,100 Project Dates: June 01, 2010 - December 31, 2011 Previous U.S. Funding: National Endowment for Democracy: "Youth Network in BiH,"(4/2000-3/2001), USD 43,000; Women's Network BiH, "Be Seen, Be Heard" (4/2004- 3/2005) USD 39,989. Executive Summary ----------------- The project will establish three components: a) a political academy to strengthen women's position and influence within political parties and their management structures; b) a cadre of women experts from various fields known as "Women's Alternative Government" to provide commentary on current issues, such as constitutional and health reform; and c) student forums to discuss gender and political issues comprised of political science students in universities in Banja Luka, Sarajevo, and Mostar to target the next generation of political leaders. The project will mobilize target groups to initiate joint actions to improve women's political profile and incorporate gender issues within BiH's political and education systems. The goal is to transfer responsibilities to universities and members of the Women's Alternative Government. Organization Background ----------------------- Helsinki Citizens' Assembly (HCA) is a local NGO established in 1996 and located in Banja Luka in the entity of Republika Srpska (RS) within BiH. HCA has worked locally and regionally on civic initiatives, reconciliation and empowerment of marginalized groups. HCA has implemented over 50 projects including advocacy for the introduction of quotas within BiH electoral law; guidelines for gender-sensitive language in print media, establishment of a safe house, and strengthened capacity of local women's organizations throughout BiH. HCA is a member of several women's issue networks, and cooperates with many local and regional NGOs, international organizations and government institutions. Projects are managed by an Executive Director, Program Manager, and Financial Manager. HCA staff includes three project coordinators and two assistants. Dragana Dardic, Program Manager, will be responsible for this project. She was a journalist with Radio Free Europe and Reuters prior to joining HCA in 2004, and is the author of several gender- equality publications. Statement of Problem -------------------- Despite a solid legislative framework which guarantees gender equality in BiH, the status of women has only slightly improved. Although quotas mandating a 30 percent participation of women on electoral lists resulted in women's increased participation in legislative bodies, women only comprise 14.29 percent of the BiH House of Representatives and 13.33 percent of the BiH House of Peoples. Men hold all nine State-level minister positions, the presidency of the BiH Council of Ministers, and all three BiH Presidency positions. Key decisions on BiH's future are passed not within legislative and executive bodies, but rather in political party organizations where women's participation is negligible. For example, only 12 out of 107 members of the Main Board of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) are women, and one out of five vice-presidents of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats is a woman. Their influence on political parties and decision-making is marginal. Since the end of the war in BiH in 1995, few to no women were involved in the many negotiations related to social and legal organization of the country, from the Dayton Peace Agreement to recent negotiations constitutional reform. Women who are performing certain public functions are also relatively invisible on the public scene. Research shows that women's presence in printing and electronic media in BiH is below 20 percent, which drops even lower during the pre-electoral period. BiH lacks a visible cadre of women commentators. Project Goal and Objectives --------------------------- Goal: To strengthen the position of women within political parties, especially within managing structures, to enable equal participation in political decision- making processes. Project objectives: To support and empower women politicians as advocates for gender equality through education and training; to initiate the establishment of a group of recognized and respected commentators representing and promoting gender issues and women's perspective on BiH's political scene; to sensitize students to the need for gender equality in BiH political and public spheres. Project Outcomes and Performance Measures ----------------------------------------- a) Political Academy for Women - Leaders, Members and Activists of Political Parties in BiH -- The Academy will be an informal education for women politicians to acquire knowledge and skills needed for increased political participation. Topics will employ a theoretical, feminist approach and include: BiH political systems, European integration, and human rights. Workshops will include advocacy, leadership, negotiations, and media. Participants will write research papers incorporating gender perspectives and activist approaches to these topics, and will participate in internships in offices of established women politicians to link the two groups. Performance measures: Thirty political activists complete the Academy; Number of participants appointed to party managing structures or other public positions, or selected as candidates on electoral lists; Number of follow-on initiatives started by trainees; Trainee public visibility and engagement; Number of trainees placed in internships. b) Women's Alternative Government -- A series of meetings will be organized to establish a "Women's Alternative Government," a cadre of commentators comprised of women, to offer alternative solutions to BiH problems based on principles of tolerance and non-violence. These meetings will assemble stakeholders, and support, identify, and recruit potential members. Working meetings would outline and work to implement the group's strategic goals. Desired outcomes: Identification of members of the Women's Alternative Government; Establishment of the Women's Alternative Government; The Women's Alternative Government makes comments about current events and becomes a recognizable political subject at the BiH political scene. Performance measures: Number of women involved in the Women's Alternative Government; Number of women who support the Women's Alternative Government; Strategic goals of the group established; Frequency of members' public appearances; Number of media reports on group and commentary. c) Student Forums -- The project will establish reading forums within departments of political science at universities in Banja Luka, Sarajevo, and potentially Mostar to target future political leaders and to sensitize students to BiH gender issues and politics and offer different political views. The groups will discuss selected texts dealing with gender policies, politics of multiculturalism, and other topics to supplement the existing curriculum with the most up-to-date literature, and to stimulate debate. Two of the most promising students will receive a small scholarship to write their graduate or postgraduate papers on gender issues in BiH. The project will organize study visits from Banja Luka and Sarajevo to target prejudices, establish communication, and link students, which is at the moment almost non-existent. Students will also have the Women's Alternative Government as a resource. Performance measures: Number of students participating in reading forums; Students' level of satisfaction with the topics; Number of professors involved with forums and the level of readiness to incorporate topics within their lectures; Number of follow-up activities related to forum issues. Public Relation Component: All project information will be available on the organization's website and will be distributed through the BiH established networks targeting gender issues. HCA will regularly inform the media about the project's activities, building on HCA's established cooperation with the media. Detailed Budget --------------- Expenses - Unit # of units Unit rate (USD) Costs (USD) A Salaries 1 Project Coordinator (incl. tax and benefits) - months 18 1120 20160 2 Exec Director (part of salary, incl. tax and benefits) - months 18 182 3276 3 Program Mgr (part of salary, incl. tax and benefits) - months 18 170 3060 4 Admin Asst (50 pct of salary, incl. tax and benefits) - months 18 308 5544 5 Finance Mgr (part of salary, incl. tax and benefits) - months 18 150 2700 - Subtotal Salaries 34740 B Local Office 1 Vehicle costs: Registration, Repair - months 18 40 720 2 Office Rent and Equipment ? Provided in kind from HCA - months 18 0 0 3 Consumable Office Supplies - months 18 50 900 4 Other Services (tel/fax, electr./heat, maintenance - month 18 150 2700 - Subtotal Local Office 4320 C Other costs, services 1 Translation of Documents - pages 25 15 375 2 External Financial Service - months 18 100 1800 3 Bank Charges and Fees (approx. 0.5 pct of budget) - years 2 300 600 - Subtotal Other Costs, Services 2775 D Academy modules (3 modules x 3 days x 30 persons) 1 Moderator's Fee (1 moderator x 3 modules x 2 day) - days 6 150 900 2 Lecturers Fee (6 lecturers x 3 modules) - person-module 18 250 4500 3 Trainers Fee (2 trainers x 3 modules x 1 day) - days 6 200 1200 4 Material for participants (25 people x 3 modules) - person-module 75 3 225 5 Accommodation, Meals and Refreshment (3 days) - people 90 210 18900 6 Travel costs (30 people in each of 3 modules) - people 90 25 2250 - Subtotal Academy Modules 27975 E Establishment of Women's Alternative Government 1 Preparatory Meetings (catering for 10 participants) - meetings 10 150 1500 2 Travel Costs for Meeting Organizers - meetings 7 60 420 3 Rent for Room for Roundtable - days 1 200 200 4 Lunch and Refreshments at Roundtable - people 20 30 600 5 Travel costs for Roundtable - people 15 40 600 6 Meetings of Women's Alternative Government - meetings 2 700 1400 - Subtotal Establishment of Women's Alt Govt 4720 F Reading Forums (14 Sessions in Sarajevo and Banja Luka) 1 Education material (copying, books, etc.) - sessions 14 100 1400 2 Lecturers fee - sessions 14 200 2800 3 Local organizer fee in Sarajevo - sessions 7 150 1050 4 Refreshments - sessions 14 100 1400 5 Accommodation, meals and refreshment for study tours - people 20 110 2200 6 Travel cost for Study tours - people 20 25 500 7 Travel cost for lecturer - meetings 7 60 420 8 Scholarships - people 2 500 1000 - Subtotal Reading Forums 10770 G Public and media promotion -Web masters' fee (tax incl.) - months 18 100 1800 Total Salaries and Other Admin Expenses (A+B+C) 41835 Total Activities Expenses (D+E+F+G) 45265 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS 87100 --------------------------------------------- ---------- PROJECT 2: INSTITUTIONALIZED RESPONSE TO VIOLENCE IN FAMILY --------------------------------------------- ---------- Project Contact Information and Duration ---------------------------------------- Name of Project: Institutionalized Response to Violence in Family Name of Organization: Citizens' Association Medica Zenica DUNS Number: 360185467 Contact Person: Sabiha Husic, Executive Director Address: Krivace, 40, 72000 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 32 463 920 Fax: +387 32 463 924 Email: [medica followed by numeral 1] Amount Requested: USD 91,220 Project Dates: March 2010 - August 2011 Previous U.S. Funding: "Education for Youth on Gender- Based Violence," (4/1/06 ? 12/31/06), USD 19,380; "Gender-Based and Gender-Focused Education for Youth," (8/07 ? 8/08), USD 19,900; "Cross-Border Cooperation in Combating Violence against Women," 7/1/08 ? 12/31/08, USD 12,500 Executive Summary ----------------- The project "Institutionalized Response to Violence in Family" aims to create an educated, informed and sensitized community to gender-based violence. 2009 had an increase of recorded cases of domestic violence, and despite laws in effect there is still no consistency in their implementation and no adequate support for victims of violence. Medica Zenica will act to establish institutional cooperation with organizations in four cantons of the Federation of BiH that focus on protection of victims of violence. Project activities will be implemented in Zenica-Doboj Canton, Central Bosnia Canton, Una-Sana Canton and Bosnian Podrinje Canton. For prevention of violence, the program will take part in awareness-raising activities by creating activities to mark the campaign "16 Days of Activism against Gender- Based Violence," creating and distributing educational- promotional materials in four cantons, and organizing a state-level conference on "Positive Examples of Institutional Cooperation between the Governmental and Non-Governmental Sector in Protection from Violence." With the purpose of direct assistance and empowerment of victims of violence in the safe house and psychological counseling center, Medica Zenica will provide direct protection and assistance to victims of violence (women, children, and men), secure individual- and group- therapy work with women and children in the safe house and psychological counseling center, as well as with men, victims of violence, and violent persons in the psychological counseling center. Activities are designed for women of different ages and nationalities, victims of violence in the family and community (approximately 220 women), children who are direct or indirect victims of some kind of violence in the family or community (100 children a year, 70% girls and 30 % boys), men of different ages (approximately 45) namely victims of violence in the family and community (approximately 15 men), violent persons (mostly men, approximately 30). Participants in the activities will also include representatives of cantonal ministries of labor, social policy, and refugees; social service centers; police departments; health centers; prosecutor's offices; courts; and local NGOs that deal with violence in the family (approximately 15 persons of different ages, professions, and genders per canton which is in total 60 persons from 4 cantons). Monitoring of the project activities and implementation of the protocols would be done through meetings organized every three months. Background of the Organization ------------------------------ Medica Zenica is an expert women's non-governmental organization that continuously offers psycho-social and medical support to women and juvenile victims of war and also post-war violence. Medica was established in 1993 upon the initiative of German gynecologist Dr. Monika Hauser. The approach to clients -- women and children -- is based on humanistic values. The services that Medica provides include: a shelter/safe house, a psychological counseling office, medical and psychological support during the period of recovery from trauma and consequences of violence, and a day-care center for children. We also have a component of economic empowerment for women and girls implemented through a vocational training project. Medica's clients are women and children but we also work with men within family therapy. Medica Zenica also implements a line of educational, research, advocacy, and publishing projects focused on promotion and protection of human rights, prevention, and rehabilitation from sexual and domestic violence, and combating trafficking in human beings. The organization is managed by the Executive Director, Mrs. Sabiha Husic. The Executive Director relies on an Operational Consultative Team which is comprised of five members. Authorities of the Operational Consultative Team are defined by the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure. The staff numbers 31 female and male employees out of which: 2 with MA degree, 13 with university degree, 3 with two-year degree and 13 employees who finished high school education. CV of the Responsible Person ---------------------------- Mrs. Sabiha Husic was born on July 1, 1971 in Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has worked in Medica Zenica for 16 years as a psychotherapist/theologian, and she has been the Executive Director since 2007. Education: Master's Degree- State Management and Humanitarian Affairs, University of Sarajevo, University of Belgrade and University of La Sapienza in Sarajevo, 2006. Certificate of Psychosocial Conflict Transformation, School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vermont, 2003. Mrs. Husic has considerable experience in running education programs and therapy group work for women and children (trauma consequences and healing, violence, sexual violence (rape, incest), communication, conflict transformation, upbringing and children?s education), running workshops in psychosocial education and anti- trafficking issues, and educating about understanding of cross-cultural, interreligious, and interethnic differences. She has been a member of the academic team and the Bosnian national coordinator of the European Project for Interreligious Learning (EPIL) -- whose members include Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Lebanon, and Bosnia and Herzegovina -- since 2001. Project Goal and Objectives --------------------------- Project goal: Educate, inform and sensitize communities of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Central Bosnia Canton, Una-Sana Canton, and Bosnian Podrinje Canton about gender-based violence. Project objectives: 1) Establish institutional cooperation for protection of victims of violence and prevention in target cantons, and 2) Care for victims of violence in safe house and psychological counseling center as well as counseling for violent persons. Performance measures: Eight working meetings organized with representatives of institutions and organizations in target cantons; Four three-day educational seminars organized; Sixty participants at educational seminars, 15 participants per canton; Four protocols on mutual cooperation in protection of victims of violence and prevention of gender-based violence developed and signed; Three hundred copies printed and distributed; Four press conferences presenting protocols on mutual cooperation on domestic violence issues; Approximately 100 persons involved in protection of victims of violence and prevention of violence participate in marking the campaign "Sixteen Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence"; One half-day state level conference; 30-50 victims of violence cared for in the safe house Medica Zenica; 80-100 persons received psychological support through 720-900 individual and group therapy sessions. Detailed Budget --------------- Expenses - Unit # of units Unit rate (USD) Costs (USD) A Management Salaries 1 Project manager - months 18 600 10800 2 Project Assistant - months 18 400 7200 3 Accountant/Cashier - months 18 200 3600 4 Public Relations Assistant - months 18 200 3600 - Subtotal Management Salaries 25200 B Training/Seminar 1 Education of Institution and NGO Representatives - people 60 240 14400 2 Materials for Education in Four Cantons - people 60 75 300 3 Compensation for Trainers - days 12 300 3600 4 Travel Expenses - people 60 20 1200 5 Meetings in Four Cantons (Two Meetings per Canton) - days 8 500 4000 6 Designing and Printing Specimen Copy of Protocol - copies 300 8 2400 7 Press Conference to Present the Protocol - days 4 500 2000 - Subtotal Training/Seminar 27900 C Global Campaign "16 Days against Gender-Based Violence" 1 Leaflet during 16 Days of Activism against GBV - copies 500 3 1500 2 Conference for 30 Participants in Sarajevo - days 30 200 6000 3 Travel Expenses - people 30 30 900 4 Compensations for Moderators - days 2 400 800 5 Working materials - people 30 4 120 - Subtotal Global Campaign Participation 9320 D Direct Assistance to Victims of Violence 1 Individual and Group Therapy in Safe House - months 18 700 12600 2 Materials for Therapy at Safe House - months 18 90 1620 3 Individual and Group Therapy at Counseling Center - months 18 700 12600 4 Materials for Therapy Sessions at Counseling Center - months 18 90 1620 - Subtotal Direct Assistance to Victims - of Violence 28440 E Office Costs 1 Office materials - months 18 60 1080 2 Electricity - months 18 80 1440 3 Water - months 18 30 540 4 Maintenance - months 18 80 1440 5 Telephone/Internet - months 18 100 1800 - Subtotal Office Costs 6300 F Unexpected Costs ? Bank Fees and Others - months 18 20 360 - Subtotal Unexpected Costs 360 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS 91220 --------------------------------------------- ------- PROJECT 3: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION INITIATIVE: COMMUNITY/POLICE OUTREACH AND REHABILITATION OF MALE PERPETRATORS --------------------------------------------- ------- Project Contact Information and Duration ---------------------------------------- Name of Project: Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative: Community/Police Outreach and Rehabilitation of Male Perpetrators Name of Organization: Association "Women from Una" (Udruzenje "Zene sa Une") DUNS Number: Contact Person: Ms. Hatidza Pecenkovic Address: Krupska 26, 77 000 Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 37 220 855 Email: Amount Requested: USD 92,190 Project Dates: March 2010 to September 2011 Previous U.S. Funding: "Democratic Cycle", financed by U.S. Embassy, 01/05 to 01/06; 13,980 euros Executive Summary ----------------- The association "Women from Una" is committed to the elimination of domestic violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since its inception, the primary focus of the organization has been on providing services to meet the urgent needs of women and children. However, "Women from Una" recognizes that effective community response to the abuse of women must include early intervention in order to avoid further abuse over time. This project therefore consists of two components - community outreach and perpetrator rehabilitation. Component 1 ? Community Outreach: The community outreach activities will be designed to spread the awareness of domestic violence as the most serious form of violence against women and children. The goal of this part of the project is to raise awareness at the community level by sharing the knowledge and transferring some of the skills needed to provide the early interventions to women and men in abusive relationships through awareness. "Women from Una" proposes to network with the other CBOs to develop their capacity to advocate against domestic violence. "Women from Una" proposes to extend its community outreach activities to the following areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina: in the Federation of BiH, Canton 1 (municipalities of Bihac, Bosanska Krupa, Velika Kladusa, Buzim, Cazin, Bosanski Petrovac, Kljuc and Sanski Most and Canton 10 (municipalities of Drvar and Bosansko Grahovo). In the Republika Srpska, the municipalities of Bosanski Novi/Novi Grad and Prijedor. In addition, "Women from Una" would like to build its relationships with the police stations in these communities. Component 2 ? Rehabilitation of Perpetrators: The importance of rehabilitation programmes for male perpetrators has been underscored in many domestic violence intervention models. In addition, given the risks to women's emotional, physical and mental health, these programmes must provide quality interventions that promote women's safety. Using women's safety as the highest priority, "Women from Una" proposes to develop specific specialized intervention programmes for men who abuse their partners. Rehabilitation of the abuser will be a coordinated response, linking together the justice system when possible, advocacy work, and the education of batterers. This approach facilitates accountability for the violence committed and reward for non-abusive behavior. This education programme for batterers will emphasize accepting responsibility for abusive behavior without blaming their partners; changing attitudes so that they no longer see violence as an acceptable response in any situation; addressing power and control issues; and the connection between abusing and our patriarchal culture. The intervention programme would be available to men from the Una-Sana canton and surrounding areas. Men could enter the programme voluntarily, or be referred by the court, or other agencies such as the Welfare Department. We believe that holding the batterer accountable is one of the most crucial factors in stopping abuse. Background of the Organization ------------------------------ The association "Women from Una" is a nongovernmental organization that supports Bosnian-Herzegovinian women in re-integration into family life and community in a way that successfully and equally participate in economic, public and political life of the community and region. The association "Women from Una" was initiated in 1992 and first registered on April 28, 1993. The present name of the association was registered on September 6, 1994 in Bihac. The mission of the association is open to society regardless of gender, profession, nationality, or religious affiliation, contributes to economic and political empowerment of women and youth. One of the objectives of the association is to educate citizens about democracy, education, support and care for vulnerable populations of people, a corrective to the executive and legislative authorities as well as protection of natural resources. The local response of "Women from Una" to socio-economic problems in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina sees empowered women as the foundation of healthy families and society. Working in the area around the Una-Sana Canton and the region, the Women from Una have acquired the confidence of local communities and have built good relations and cooperation with other local and international non- governmental organizations, not only in Bosnia but also in the countries of Central and Southeast Europe. CV of the Responsible Person: Name and surname: Aida Behrem Date of birth: 10/10/1970 Nationality: Bosnia and Herzegovina Education: B.A. Economist Key Qualifications: Over 10 years experience as team member of projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia in the framework of EU technical assistance programmes, in the field of social, private, and public sector; Good understanding of the functioning of the public administration system, economic and social transition processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina; at least eight years professional experience, related to the financial management and reporting of foreign funded projects and strong experience in co-operating with NGO and governmental organizations; acquaintance with general methodological approach and criteria for project identification, development, monitoring and assessment as well as extensive implementation of PCM, LFM approach; experience as a trainer for workshops on women's issues. Project Goal and Objectives --------------------------- Increase the safety and protection of women and children by working with the abusers. Increase the ability of female partners to address their safety and protection needs. Develop ways of working with men who abuse in order to eliminate violence against women. Enable men to work through attitudes and values, and to develop skills that promote non-abusive behavior and gender equality. Objectives: - To provide community based advocates - teachers, church workers, health workers, peer educators and other advocates with the skills, knowledge resources, and some educational materials which would enable them to advocate for prevention of violence against women and children in their communities. "Women from Una" does not believe that any person should be abused, and implicit in all our work is that male victims of abuse deserve the same level of support as female victims. - To produce a manual which could be used as a resource by domestic violence advocates in Bosnia and Herzegovina. - To deliver specialized training for "Women from Una" staff working with abusive men. - To establish the infrastructure for educational groups for abusive men -- either voluntary or legally-mandated participants -- with the aim of stopping abusive behavior in their relationships with women and in their families. Expected Results: - To remove double standards between violence within families and violence outside families. - To demystify abuse as a criminal act. - That the judiciary system would embrace this programme in order to: (a) send a strong message that domestic violence will not be tolerated; and (b) enforce treatment orders (that may be handed down by the courts). - Reduce the recidivism rate of domestic violence offenders by 75 per cent. - Increase support and empowerment of women, and consistent and vigorous enforcement of legal sanctions against the abuse of women. - Enhance the economic, political, social, and cultural equality of women. - The primary result is that this will be another tool in the goal towards zero tolerance for violence against women. Detailed Budget --------------- - Unit # of units Unit rate (USD) Costs (USD) A Salaries (including tax and benfits) 1 Director (10 pct of salary allocated to budget) - months A:rKQWQts - participants 100 12 1200 1.3 Follow up costs - cumulative 1900 1900 1.4 Printing of flyers - units 2000 1 2000 1.5 Police stations visits (travel, materials) - visits 12 200 2400 2 Component 2 - Rehabilitation of Perpetrators 2.1 Trainer Fee ? One Facilitator - days 45 250 11250 2.2 Public Relations, Promotional Literature - cumulative 2000 2000 2.3 Media and Advertising (TV, Radio, Posters) - cumulative 2500 2500 2.4 Course Materials (Manuals, Handouts, Videotapes) - participants 100 20 2000 2.5 Hospitality Costs - cumulative 2500 2500 2.6 Impact Assessment - cumulative 1500 1500 - Subtotal Operating Costs 46750 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS 92190 ---------------------------------------- PROJECT 4: SCHOOLS IN ACTION AGAINST TIP ---------------------------------------- Project Contact Information and Duration ---------------------------------------- Name of Project: Schools in Action against Trafficking in Human Beings Name of Organization: Association for the Cooperation of Parents and Schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina (APSCBIH) DUNS Number: Contact Person: Samir Haljeta Address: Zagrebacka 18, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 61-449-823 Email: Amount Requested: USD 91,606 Project Dates: April 2010 - April 2011 Previous U.S. Funding: Executive Summary ----------------- The project would be implemented in twelve months with the aim of building the capacity of students and parents to combat child trafficking through the education system, and developing mechanisms that would reinforce the fight against trafficking in children in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project is designed to educate 1280 students and parents throughout the country on identifying child trafficking and on the importance of combating trafficking in children. Activities would be conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Instrument of Universal Human Rights. The project promotes knowledge and advocacy skills of participants for the implementation of public advocacy for the development of instruments to protect children. Knowledge and skills gained in this way would be included into the action plans of schools for prevention of child trafficking. The project will positively affect the empowerment of schools and the existing partnership of schools with local communities, government, and the NGO sector. It would also serve as a tool of exchange of experiences and promotion of good practices, all of which would directly improve the position of children in BiH. Background of the Organization ------------------------------ The Association for the Cooperation of Parents and Schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina (APSCBIH) is a national parental association founded in 2005. It promotes active participation of all stakeholders in democratization of schools and of the society in general, as well as the rights of parents, students, and teachers. APSCBIH has developed a network of activists and established cooperation with partners within the government, civil society, schools, and parents. The Association supports parents' initiatives and has actively participated in a large number of actions in which parents worked toward institutionalization of their associations. More importantly, the Association uses positive and innovative approaches in promotion of school communities. As an example, it has a website ( which serves as a promotional tool for good practices in schools. Previous projects implemented by the Association have included sensitive focus groups in the area of education (parents and students) and have worked on equally sensitive subjects of human rights, tolerance, and nonviolence. The Association has developed collaboration and cooperation with the Ministry of Education and is currently partnering with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on education reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was selected as a partner in this effort because of its extensive network of local councils of parents and schools. APSCBIH has spent many years building capacity in the field of education and knowledge, management, and advocacy, and has implemented a large number of national projects aimed at improving the living conditions of children and protecting the rights of children and parents. It has developed human resources for capacity building with a base coach in the field of child rights, non-violent communication and peace education. It also has capacity in the field of education, organizing conferences, publishing manuals, and other informational and promotional materials. CV of the Responsible Person ---------------------------- Name of responsible person: Samir Haljeta Date of birth: 10/14/1971. Samir Haljeta is a professor of physical education at the University of Sarajevo. He has been certified in project management, teamwork, supplying resources, public advocacy, anti-trafficking, public research, facilitation, and active participation. He is a manager and participant in different projects, campaigns, and conferences for the rights of students, parents, and youth, as well as an active participant in the educational forum, and a consultant in education reform with the OSCE in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has experience in project planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. He has a long experience in reporting to donors and possesses facilitation and presentation skills. Statement of Problem ----------------------- Bosnia and Herzegovina is a destination, transit country, and increasingly a source country for victims of trafficking. Until recently, victims identified in Bosnia and Herzegovina were of foreign origin. However, more and more victims identified are local nationals, nearly half of whom are minors. Cross-sector efforts to protect children have not been sufficient, so the ability of parents and youth to prevent human trafficking should be increased. The issue of child trafficking is a complex one and contributes to making the environment unsafe for children and young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Children of school age belong to an especially vulnerable group. Therefore, parents and the community as a whole should be involved in the fight against child trafficking. Parent and school partnership methodology is therefore ideal for a mechanism to raise awareness about the problem and reduce the risk of trafficking. Numerous awareness-raising campaigns conducted throughout the country showed that the public knew little about this problem and that it would be necessary to disseminate the knowledge on this topic, reduce the number of young people who might fall victims to this dangerous crime. Project Goal and Objectives --------------------------- - Train 640 student (girls) and 640 parents in 32 schools and 16 local communities on the rights of children and dangers of child trafficking. This will motivate them to launch initiatives for better prevention of child trafficking in the education system in BiH. - To motivate school activists (1280 of them) to establish a broad alliance between schools and relevant structures in the fight against trafficking in BiH in local communities between the Government and NGO sector, in order to develop activities that will provide better prevention of trafficking in BiH. - Raise awareness of the wider society about the importance of better protection of children and identification of a sustainable system of instruments for protection against trafficking in schools. - Campaign in schools and communities and development of school action plans. Duration of the activity will be 3 months. - Competition for students - Within these activities, APSCBIH will announce a public invitation to all schools for students to create art works on the topic of human trafficking with the aim of further affirmation of students to combat human trafficking. Duration of activity: 2 months. - Publications for the prevention of trafficking in children in schools developed as a result of project activities of students and parents to combat child trafficking and the establishment of the electronic versions of publications on Detailed Budget --------------- - Unit # of units Unit rate (USD) Costs (USD) A Salaries, Technical 1 Project manager ( and benefits) - months 12 672 8064 2 Project coordinators ( and benefits) - months 12 168 16128 3 Communication and transportation manager (part of salary, and benefits) - months 12 148 1176 4 Communication costs coodinators - months 12 37 3552 - Subtotal Salaries 28920 B Meeting and consultations 1 Meetings - 3 738 2214 2 Research consultant - 1 420 420 - Subtotal meetings and consultants 2634 C Promotional Materials 1 Posters 320 4 1280 2 Badges 1000 4 4000 3 Pencils 2000 0.50 1000 4 Film production 3690 3690 - Subtotal promotional materials 9970 D Workshops 1 Training facilitation - events 64 168 10752 2 Trainer's transportation - events 64 60 3840 3 Participants - 1280 4 5120 - Subtotal workshops 19712 E Roundtables - events 16 74 1184 F Campaigns and Action Plans - schools 32 738 23616 G Prizes for students' works of at - 3 222,33(ave.) 445 H Publications 1 Design and production (author award) - 1 420 420 2 Printing - copes 100 19 1900 - Subtotal Publications 2320 I School Conferences 1 Meals 75 15 1125 2 Mileage 23 60 1380 3 Refreshm'ts 75 4 300 - Subtotal School Conferences 2805 Total Salaries 28920 Total Other Activities 62686 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS USD 91606 ENGLISH