Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) - Annexes to the Country Strategy for Bosnia and Herzegovina (2003–2005)
"The Office of the High Representative is responsible for the civilian
implementation of the GFAP, and is thus the final authority in theatre regarding its interpretation. The HR is authorised to impose legislation and
dismiss obstructive officials, and is tasked with co-ordinating the activities of other international civilian organisations. The current (and last?) HR,
Lord Paddy Ashdown, has taken a very proactive, attitude to his work,
already passing some eighty laws in less than six months in office."
"Malaysia has a coherent and visible return reconstruction programme
in, for example, Srebrenica. Malaysian private capital is also responsible
for the largest speculative construction project at present in Sarajevo. A
large high-rise building complex is being built for the sale of housing and
office space.
The largest foreign direct investment in BiH is the Kuwait Government investment in the Zenica steelworks. Part of this investment has
been used to set up a separate company with a Kuwaiti director, BiH
Steel. Donated money from the Arab world has also been used to set up
loan funds for enterprises through a local Sarajevo bank. In the NGO
world the Egyptian Igasa and the London-based Islamic Relief have been
serious actors with funding from various sources."
Blog containing a database of articles, reports, blogger's notes and photos of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Balkans region. The compilation and material was created by Aleksandra Miletić-Šantić, a lawyer, social scientist, human rights activist, journalist and interpreter.
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