utorak, 15. rujna 2020.

Reuf Bajrovic speaks about the decision of the Citizen Alliance to endorse Zeljko Komsic, a candidate for the Croatian member of the BaH Presidency (14 September 2018)

 Reuf Bajrovic speaks about the decision of the Citizen Alliance to endorse Zeljko Komsic, a candidate for the Croatian member of the BaH Presidency: "... Many of you know that I resigned. I didn't want HZ HB Elektroprivreda, Aluminij and everything else to be given up to HDZ... And I considered that handing over this to Covic would be just an introduction to what would happen next..." (...) "The consequences of Covic's victory, in case of Dodik's victory, and there are great chances for that to happen, is a certain fall of the state of BaH." (...) "And this is what is going to happen. In the Rules of Procedure of the Presidency... if two members of the Presidency are missing, if two members of the Presidency resign, there is no Presidency of BaH... If Covic gets in, he will resign, Dodik will also resign... If they resign... folks, there's no Presidency! If there's no Presidency, there's no BaH. That's the plan..."/ Reuf Bajrović govori o odluci #GS-a da podrži Željka Komšića, kandidata za Predsjedništvo BiH iz reda hrvatskog naroda: "...Dosta vas zna o tome da sam ponio ostavku. Nisam htio da #HDZ-u se prepusti HZ HB Elektroprivreda, Aluminij i sve ostalo... I smatrao sam da je predaja toga Čoviću samo uvod u ono što će se dalje dešavati..." (...) "Posljedice Čovićeve pobjede u slučaju da pobijedi #Dodik, a šanse su ogromne, je siguran raspad države BiH." (...) "A sprema se sljedeće. U Poslovniku Predsjedništva... ako nema dva člana Predsjedništva, ako dva člana Predsjedništva podnesu ostavku, nema Predsjedništva BiH... Ako uđe Čović, podnijet će on ostavku, podnijet će Dodik ostavku... Ako podnesu oni ostavku... nema, ljudi, Predsjedništva! Ako nema Predsjedništva, nema BiH. To je plan..."

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