četvrtak, 10. siječnja 2019.

A Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) debate on post-war memorialization- invitation and programme

Poziv na tribinu Balkanske istraživačke mreže o poslijeratnom podizanju spomenika / Inv

  • To:acips_alumni@googlegroups.com
    Jun 18, 2013 at 12:16 PM

    Tribina Balkanske istraživačke mreže o poslijeratnom podizanju spomenika
    Zašto su spomenici žrtvama rata stalni uzrok trvenja u Bosni i Hercegovini?
    Zašto je u usponu neregulirana gradnja kipova bivših pripadnika OVK na Kosovu?
    Zašto makedonske vlasti ulažu ogromna sredstva u projekt podizanja spomen-obilježja koji vrijeđa i albansku manjinu i grčku državu?
    Zašto poslijeratni spomenici u Srbiji odaju poštu samo srpskim žrtvama i borcima?
    Da bi odgovorio na ova i mnoga druga pitanja, novinarski tim Balkanske istraživačke mreže (BIRN) je u sedam zemalja regiona sproveo opsežno istraživanje u vezi sa poslijeratnom stihijom podizanja spomenika na Balkanu.
    Od završetka sukoba u zemljama bivše Jugoslavije, u sklopu rasprostranjene i uglavnom neregulirane kulture sjećanja, podignuto je na stotine spomenika i kipova,ponekad produbljujući podjele koje su i dovele do rata, umjesto da promoviraju pomirenje.
    U sklopu BIRN-ovog projekta “Balkanska tranzicijska pravda”, ovo istraživanje otkriva kako različite države i etničke grupe koriste spomenike da bi predstavile svoju verziju događaja iz prošlosti, kako ih vlade koriste da bi manipulirale historijom i osvojile političke poene, i kako se u regionu koriste kao instrument stvaranja nacije.
    Istraživanje se bavi i pitanjem kakvi se to spomenici trebaju graditi da bi promovirali mir, a ne oživljavali sukobe iz prošlosti.
    Tribina u Sarajevu, koja će se održati 27. juna 2013. godine u Historijskom muzeju Bosne i Hercegovine,  okupit će eksperte koji će iscrpno govoriti na ovu temu.
    U prilogu Vam dostavljamo agendu. Molimo Vas da potvrdite Vaše učešće na e-mail adresu: marina.radenkovic@birn.eu.com
    A Balkan Investigative Reporting Network debate on post-war memorialization
    Why are monuments to wartime victims the subject of constant disputes in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
    Why is there an unregulated statue-building boom honouring guerrilla fighters in Kosovo?
    Why are the Macedonian authorities pouring huge sums into a monument-building project that offends both the country’s Albanian minority and Greece?
    Why do post-war memorials in Serbia only commemorate Serb victims and fighters?
    To examine these questions and many more, the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network’s team of journalists in seven countries across the region has put together a wide-ranging investigation into the post-war Balkan monument-building boom.
    Hundreds of monuments and statues have been built since the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia amid a largely unregulated memorialisation spree that has sometimes exacerbated the divisions that led to war in the first place, rather than promoting reconciliation.
    As part of BIRN’s Balkan Transitional Justice project, the investigation examines how different states and ethnic groups use monuments to promote their own versions of past events, how governments use them to manipulate history for political advantage, and how they are used as a tool for nation-building in the region.
    The BIRN investigation also examines the question of what kind of monuments should be built to promote peace rather than reviving past disputes.
    This debate in Sarajevo, which will be held on 27 June, 2013, at Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, will bring together a panel of experts to discuss these issues in depth.
    Please find attached Agenda. We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance at: marina.radenkovic@birn.eu.com.

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